
American Government 2nd Semester: Semester Test Study Guide:The Semester test will be in two parts.? The first part will be an Identification Test.? You will need to know the people pictured in the following section by sight (who are they, name.? and what did they do).? This test will be taken first.? 10265211824300477521210560022865115059700-31241741170025275524490600141656141859003294632105920021419817429400186952383030042621273761002384301612390020485114980900178917169698002520951715260042291318796001268732643630022888023675300949703293370012550197892008704524749800117653166954002649319273500125044151765002794019621500Mike Pence, Pope Francis, John Thune, Donald Trump, Kristi Noem, Niel GorsuchChip Sundberg, Milania Trump, Dusty Johnson, Larry Rhoden, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Wuttke,Kim Jong-Un, Wendy Smith, Curtis Hamburger, Spencer Gosch, , David Mogard, John RobertsJohn Lake, Joseph Biden, Brian Robbennolt, Mike Rounds, Steven Haugaard, Bryon NoemAmerican Government Study Guide:Know These:The first words of the Constitution:How many Amendments are there to the Const?What the first Ten amendments are:Separation of Powers:Exclusive, Concurrent, Expressed and Implied powers:Full Faith and Credit:U.S. Congress: how big is each house, what is the Term of office for both, who are our senators and representative:When is Election Day?How does a bill become a law?What is a committee?Different types of committees:Presidency:Formal requirements:Pardon:Reprieve:Commute:Federal Courts:Original and Appellate Jurisdiction:Supreme Court:How Long do they serve?3 Types of decisions that can accompany a case.Who appoints, and who has to approve? Judicial Review:Plessey vs. Fergusen, Brown vs. the Board of EducationState Legislatures:South Dakota’s:Term:How many in each house:Bicameral: Referendum: Initiative:BureaucracyCabinetHow Many Federal district courts are there? How many U.S. courts of Appeal?Grand Jury: Petit Juryheterogeneous4 restrictions on taxing:Income Tax: Sales Tax: Property Tax:Progressive tax, Regressive Tax:County:Town:Municipality:Special District:jus sanguinis: jus soli.Police Power:Plessey vs. Ferguson: Separate but Equal:When is Election Day:How old must you be to vote.How many are in the house and senate of SD and USConscription: Electoral Votes (SD): Maubury vs. Madison: Sales tax in SD: Income Tax in SD: Property Tax in SD: County, Township, City, Special District:Mike Pence, Dennis Daugaard, Pope Francis, John Thune, Donald Trump, Michael Pompeo,Mitch McConnel, Charles Grassley, Mike Rounds, Kristi Noem, David Cameron PM England, Niel Gorsuch, John Lake, Justin Cronin, Km Jong-Un, John Kennedy, Bill Wuttke, Thomas Jefferson,Nancy Pelosi, Larry Rhoden, Dusty Johnson, Milania Trump, Chip Sundberg, Wendy Smith, Curtis Hamburger, Fidel Castro, Matt Cronin, Brett Kavanaugh, David Mogard, John Roberts ................

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