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PrepUS History2015 Final ExamStudy GuideFormat of your final exam:Your final exam will includes matching, true or false, fill-in, document-based, essay questions, and a map of the US (it will look like our regular exams).Suggestions for studying for your exam:1.Find a quiet place to study without distractions.2.Assemble the homework, handouts, and notes you completed during the second semester.3.Go through the list of information below and identify the items you know and the items you don’t know.>Check off the items you know in the list – you don’t need to study them again!>Highlight the items in the list you DON’T know – these are the ones you need to look up!4.Write out identifications for the items you don’t know. Use flashcards, write them out, type them, use an online study aide like “Quizlet” – whatever works best for you!5.Quiz yourself or have someone else quiz you on the items you didn’t initially know at least once the night before the exam.6.The schedule of Mrs. Wagner’s PrepUS History Final Exams are as follows:Orange 1-2: Thursday, June 18th from 8:00-9:30Black 5-6: Friday, June 19th from 8:00-9:30Unit 5 – The Civil Warthe map of the Union and ConfederacyMissouri/Maine Compromisepopular sovereigntyFugitive Slave LawKansas-Nebraska Acttranscontinental railroadBleeding KansasJohn BrownDred ScottHarper’s FerryBorder StatesGen. Robert E. LeeBattle of Antietam CreekabolitionistWilliam Lloyd GarrisonFrederick DouglassUnderground RailroadHarriet TubmanHarriet Beecher StoweUncle Tom’s CabinEmancipation ProclamationJoshua ChamberlainGettysburg AddressUlysses S. GrantAppomattox Court HouseFreedmen’s BureauLincoln’s AssassinationJohn Wilkes Boothblack codes & Jim Crow lawssharecropping & tenant farming13th, 14th, 15th AmendmentsScalawags & CarpetbaggersCompromise of 1877Plessy v. FergusonUnit 6 – America ExpandsManifest Destinytranscontinental railroadtelegraph, time zonesBattle of Little Bighorn/Custer's Last Standrailroads/buffaloimperialism“yellow journalism”the Hawaiian Islands, Queen LiliuokalaniSpanish-American WarU.S.S. Maine/“Remember the Maine!”TR “Rough Riders”“Speak softly and carry a big stick”Panama CanalAlexander Graham Bell, telephoneThomas Edison, light bulb, etc.mass productionAndrew Carnegie & John D. Rockefellervertical integration, horizontal consolidationcompany townChinese Exclusion Act of 1882urbanization, tenements16th, 17th, 18th AmendmentsBooker T. Washington, Tuskegee InstituteW.E.B. DuBois, NAACP, Atlanta UniversityUpton Sinclair’s The JungleMeat Inspection & Pure Food and Drug ActsUnit 7 – Changing Americathe WWI map we used in classWWI & MAINArchduke Francis FerdinandGavrilo Princip/the Black HandCentral Powers v. Allied Powers“The Great War”/“The War to End All Wars”German U-boats & the LusitaniaZimmerman TelegramEastern Front/Western FrontSelective Service Act“doughboys”armistice/11/11/18War Industries BoardFuel AdministrationFood Administrationvictory gardensCommittee on Public Information“Big Four”Wilson’s Fourteen Points & League of NationsParis Peace Conference/Treaty of Versailleswar guilt clause, reparationsWashington Conferenceprohibition, speakeasiesmobs, Chicago, “Scarface” Al CaponeImmigration Act of 1924Harlem RenaissanceKu Klux Klan of the 1920sHenry Ford’s assembly line“Flappers” & “bobbed” hairFranklin Delano Roosevelt, polioThe Hundred DaysBank Holiday“the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. . . .”the New DealSecurities and Exchange Commission (SEC)Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC)Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)National Recovery Administration (NRA)Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)Unit 8 – WWIIBenito Mussolini: Il DuceAdolf Hitler: Der FührerNazi PartyMein Kampfanti-Semitismmaster race: “Aryans”Soviet Union: Joseph StalinAxis powersRhinelandSudetenlandCzechoslovakiaMunich Agreementappeasementnon-aggression pactPoland: blitzkriegAllied powersthe Battle of BritainWinston ChurchillUS withholds oilDecember 7, 1941attack on Pearl HarborWar Production Boardwar bonds, rationingdouble “V”Navajo code talkersBracero programJapanese-American internmentbattle of Stalingradunconditional surrendersecond frontOperation OverlordJune 6, 1944: “D-Day”Normandy, FranceBattle of the BulgeRoosevelt: April 12, 1945Harry S. TrumanHitler: April 30, 1945Holocaust: genocidethe “final solution”6 milliondeath camps: Auschwitzisland hoppingIwo Jima, Okinawakamikazes“Manhattan Project:” atomic bombAugust 6, 1945: HiroshimaAugust 9, 1945: NagasakiAugust 15, 1945: “V-J Day” ................

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