HSB4M: Social Change Assignment – Reliability of Source

HSP3U CCA Step 2

APS In the News: Reliability and Relevance of an Article

Part 1: Reliability

❑ Choose two sources (a news article from a newspaper from the last three months attained via a database, not from Google, not from a website or blog), give detailed answers to these questions:

1. How do you know it’s not a column, letter, or editorial? Give proof.

2. What date was it published (in its original source) on?

3. Who is the author? If there’s no author, who is the source of the article?

4. Where (what source) is it originally from?

5. What database did you search in order to retrieve it?

6. How did you limit/narrow your search?

7. Describe the search terms (e.g., conformity) you tried but that were not successful or partially successful.

8. How did you finally end up being successful with a search strategy (search term plus limiting)?

9. Write a full APA citation for this source.

10. Does the information contain any emotionally charged words or phrases? Give examples and justify their use. If no, state an example that characterizes the non-biased nature of the source. (Note: emotion is an undesirable trait in this kind of sources. There are conditions where it is acceptable.)

11. Are sufficient facts used to support any opinions/positions offered? Explain and give an example. You must directly state which opinion the facts are supporting.(Note: every article has a position.)

12. What evidence is there in the article of the source of information or data (interviews, references, etc.)?

Part 2: Relevance

Write two typed, double-spaced paragraphs detailing the following:

13. What concepts, key words, APS terms does this article relate to? (at least five)

14. How does the information in your article relate to two of the social science disciplines (A, P, S). Explain and make sure you show the connection in a deep way.

Length for part 2: Maximum one page. Evaluation of Parts 1 and 2 – see rubric.

Name: ________________________________

HSP 3U I aps Step 2

| |Levels of Achievement |

|Criteria |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |S |

| | | | | |CORE |

|Thinking/Inquiry (T) |Article meets all criteria |Article meets most criteria |Article meets some criteria |Article meets few criteria | |

| |under parts 1 and 2; proof is|under parts 1 and 2; mostly |under parts 1 and 2; limited |under parts 1 and 2; answers | |

| |given |proved |proof |don’t justify choice of | |

|Appropriate selection of | | | |article | |

|article | | | | | |

|Application |Explains connections between |Explains connections between |Makes connections between the|Makes connections between the | |

|(A) |the article and chapter 2 |the article and chapter 2 |article and chapter 2 with |article and chapter 2 with | |

| |with a high degree of |with considerable |moderate effectiveness: |limited effectiveness: | |

| |effectiveness: |effectiveness: |Somewhat unclear connection |Unclear how this article | |

|Precise and detailed |Clearly shows relation |Generally shows relation |between article and concept |relates to chapter 2 or the | |

|connection between the |between article and concept |between article and concept |and APS; stated more than |chosen concept and APS; weak, | |

|article and chapter 2 and |and APS – uses very specific |and APS |explained |little use of terminology | |

|social science discipline |terminology | | | | |

|(A, P, or S) | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Communication |Clear evidence of |Considerable evidence of |Some evidence of proofreading|Little evidence of | |

|(C) |proofreading with few errors |proofreading with some errors|with many errors in |proofreading with significant| |

| |in spelling/grammar (0-3) |in spelling/grammar (4-6) |spelling/grammar (7-9) |errors in spelling/grammar | |

| |Sentence structure is |Sentence structure is mostly |Sentence structure errors |(10+) | |

|Effective and correct |consistently clear and errors|clear and errors rarely |sometimes interfere with |Sentence structure errors | |

|spelling, grammar, |rarely interfere with meaning|interfere with meaning (4-6) |meaning (7-9) |often interfere with meaning | |

|proofreading, sentence |(0-3) |APA citation mostly correct; |APA citation has many errors |(10+) | |

|structure |APA citation correct |only small errors | |Unfamiliar with APA citation | |

| | | | |format | |

| | | | | | |

|Accurate APA citation | | | | | |

|format | | | | | |

|SCORE |4++ (100%) 4+ (95%), 4 (88%), 4- (82%), 3+ (78%), 3 (75%), 3- (72%), 2+ (68%), 2 (65%), 2- (62%), 1+ (58%), 1 (55%), 1- (52%),|

| |Below 1 (0 - 49%) |

Note: Below level 1 does not meet the expectations of this assignment.

Curriculum Expectations:

- define and correctly use the terminology of anthropology, psychology, and sociology;

- describe and apply to real-life contexts the theories that are central to anthropology, psychology, and sociology;

- effectively communicate the results of their inquiries, using a variety of methods and forms (e.g., written reports);

- explain conclusions made as a result of an inquiry, using appropriate structure, argument, and documentation;

- communicate the results of their inquiries effectively;

- use recognized style guidelines (e.g., those of the American Psychological Association [APA]).

- demonstrate an ability to select, organize, summarize, and interpret information from a variety of print, media, and electronic sources;

- analyse for bias, accuracy, and relevance articles or programs on issues related to anthropology, psychology, and sociology;


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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