Student answers will vary greatly. Scoring should be based ...

Printable ResourcesUsing Nanoparticles to Deliver Targeted Chemotherapy DrugsAppendix A: Day 1 – Pre/Post TestAppendix B: Day 1 – Pre/Post Test Answer KeyAppendix C: Day 1 – Exit SlipAppendix D: Day 2 – Ranking of ItemsAppendix E: Day 2 – Ranking of Items Answer KeyAppendix F: Day 2 – Nano-Scale Calculations ActivityAppendix G: Day 2 – Nano-Scale Calculations Activity Answer KeyAppendix H: Day 2 – Nano-Scale Calculations Activity (differentiated)Appendix I: Day 2 – Nano-Scale Calculations Activity (diff) Answer KeyAppendix J: Day 3 – Guided Nanotechnology Research QuestionsAppendix K: Day 3 – Guided Nanotechnology Research Questions Answer KeyAppendix L: Day 4 – Disease of Cancer Webquest ActivityAppendix M: Day 4 – Disease of Cancer Webquest Activity Answer KeyAppendix N: Day 5 – The Engineering Design ChallengeAppendix O: Day 5 – The Engineering Design ProcessAppendix P: Day 5 – The Engineering Design Challenge RubricAppendix Q: Day 5 – The Presentation RubricAppendix R: Day 5 – The Daily Performance RubricAppendix S: Additional ResourcesName __________________________ Period __________________ Date ____________NDDM Pre/Post TestMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____1.A particle that is 8.71x10-7 m is equal to ___________ nm.a.8.71x101c.8.71x10-2b.8.71x102d.8.71x10-1____2.Traditional cancer treatment options include all of the following EXCEPT:a.chemotherapyc.antibioticsb.radiation therapyd.surgery____3.Examples of drug delivery nanotechnology include:a.liposomesd. nanoparticlesb.dendrimerse.all of the abovec.nanocrystalsf.none of the aboveCompletionComplete each statement.4.The Greek prefix “nano” means ______________.Short Answer: Answer the following on a separate sheet of paper.5.Biomimetics is a term that translates to "mimicking life." Explain what this means in terms of science and technology and give an example.6.State one way in which nanotechnology has the potential to improve cancer treatment.7.Explain how cancer develops and spreads throughout the body.8.List the steps to the engineering design process.9.Describe the importance of the redesign step in the engineering design process.Problem: Show all your work on a separate sheet of paper.10.What is the surface area to volume ratio for a cylindrical nanoparticle with a diameter of 2 nm and a height of 52 nm?NDDM Pre/Post TestAnswer Section Total Possible Points: 26MULTIPLE CHOICE1.ANS:BPTS:12.ANS:CPTS:13.ANS:EReference: ANSWER5.ANS:Answers will vary, sample response: Inventions are crafted after studying living things and natural phenomena. Biomimetics involves modeling structure, movement, design, etc. from nature for human application. Ex. Velcro was invented based upon sticky burrs of seed pods. The ability for some leaves to shed water was modeled in nanotechnology for water/stain resistant coatings. This is the "lotus effect" and common in cruciferous plants like broccoli and kale. PointsRationale4The student’s answer has a complete explanation as well as an example.3The student’s answer is relevant and an example is given2The student’s answer is not relevant and/or an example is not given0The answer given is unacceptablePTS:4 6.ANS:Answers will vary. Sample response: Common cancer treatments of chemotherapy and radiation attack cancer cells but also destroy healthy cells. Nano-treatments have the potential to target the cancer cell directly therefore preserving healthy cells. PointsRationale4The student’s answer correctly states one way nanotechnology has the potential to improve cancer treatment.2The student’s answer is not feasible.0The student did not answer or the answer unacceptable.PTS:47.ANS:Reference: develops through multiple mutations in the DNA which results in uncontrolled cell division. Cancer spreads (metastasizes) through “leaky” blood vessels to other organs of the body.3Cancer develops through mutations, but no connection to cell division is made. Cancer spreads (metastasizes) through “leaky” blood vessels to other organs of the body. 2Correct explanation of EITHER development OR spread of cancer.1Effort is made to explain BOTH the development and spread of cancer, but descriptions are not accurate.PTS:48.ANS:PointsStudent Response4Student correctly identifies all the steps of the engineering design process. (Identify problem, formulate question to be answered, think about possible solutions, design prototype, test the prototype, redesign prototype)3Student omits 1 step from the process2Student omits 2-3 steps from the process1Student omits 4-5 steps from the process0Student cannot name any steps of the processPTS:49.ANS:PointsStudent Response2Student makes the observation that when solving a complex problem a scientist/engineer is unlikely to achieve an acceptable result on the first trial or design of a prototype. The student goes on to mention that it is improbable to know if a design can be improved upon if there is nothing else with which to compare the results.1Student references the fact that a design may not work initially, and will therefore need to be redesigned. However, the student does not mention or acknowledge the point that a working design could be improved upon and its performance maximized.0A student is not able to give any reason for the importance of redesigning in the engineering design process.PTS:2PROBLEM10.ANS:PTS:6Name __________________________ Period __________________ Date ____________In the film, the kids are reduced to the size of small insects. Suppose you are hit by the electromagnetic shrink ray and changed to a smaller size! List one advantage and one disadvantage to being only 6 mm (? inch) high.Name __________________________ Period __________________ Date ____________In the film, the kids are reduced to the size of small insects. Suppose you are hit by the electromagnetic shrink ray and changed to a smaller size! List one advantage and one disadvantage to being only 6 mm (? inch) high.Name __________________________ Period __________________ Date ____________In the film, the kids are reduced to the size of small insects. Suppose you are hit by the electromagnetic shrink ray and changed to a smaller size! List one advantage and one disadvantage to being only 6 mm (? inch) high.Name __________________________ Period __________________ Date ____________Rank the following items in order of size: 1- smallest; 12 - largest_____ Hydrogen atom_____ marble_____ golf ball_____ proton_____ skin cell_____ HIV particle_____ chloroplast_____ ant_____ grain of sand_____ DNA molecule_____ Carbon nanotube_____ Phospholipid bilayerRank the following items in order of size: 1- smallest; 12 - largest__2__ Hydrogen_11__ marble_12__ golf ball__1__ proton__8__ skin cell__6__ HIV particle__7__ chloroplast_10__ ant__9__ grain of sand__5__ DNA molecule__3__ Carbon nanotube__4__ Phospholipid bilayerName __________________________ Period ____________ Date ____________The National Science Foundation and the National Department of Health have commissioned your group to develop and define a new term to help explain the magnitude of scale in nanomaterials. Everyone has experienced the time measurements of seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. These time measurements will be expressed in the average lifespan of a person living in the United States of America. Your group will be asked to perform conversions for relating these measurements to the average lifespan of 78.5 years. Once 78.5 years is converted to all of the other standard time measurements, we will use the definition of a nanometer to determine the amount of time involved in a NANO-LIFE.Since 1 nanometer = 1x10-9 meters, we will use the same proportion of 1 nano-life = 1x10-9 life to find the number of seconds in 1 nano-life. (Use 365.25 days = 1 year).How many nano-lives are in 1 week?Use the meter sticks to measure the length of your pen or pencil in millimeters. Calculate the number of nanometers. A cylinder (approximate shape of a carbon nanotube) has a radius of 1nm and a height of 80 nm.Calculate the volume and the surface area of this cylinder. (Give your answers in terms of π).If I was to slice the cylinder into 8 new cylinders and equal heights, what is the sum of the surface areas of the new cylinders?Why might it be important for an object to have the same volume but a greater surface area?The National Science Foundation and the National Department of Health have commissioned your group to develop and define a new term to help explain the magnitude of scale in nanomaterials. Everyone has experienced the time measurements of seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. These time measurements will be expressed in the average lifespan of a person living in the United States of America. Your group will be asked to perform conversions for relating these measurements to the average lifespan of 78.5 years. Once 78.5 years is converted to all of the other standard time measurements, we will use the definition of a nanometer to determine the amount of time involved in a NANO-LIFE.Since 1 nanometer = 1x10-9 meters, we will use the same proportion of 1 nano-life = 1x10-9 life to find the number of seconds in 1 nano-life. (Use 365.25 days = 1 year).78.5 years1 life * 365.25 days1 year* 24 hours1 day * 60 minutes1 hour * 60 seconds1 minute* 1 life1* 109 nanolife = 2.48 seconds1 nanolifeHow many nano-lives are in 1 week?24 hours1 day * 60 minutes1 hour * 60 seconds1 minute*7 days1 week = 604800 seconds/week6048001 = 2.48nn = 2.44 * 105 nanolives per weekUse the meter sticks to measure the length of your pen or pencil in millimeters. Calculate the number of nanometers. 190 mm = 1.9 * 107 nm180 mm = 1.8 * 107 nm170 mm = 1.7 * 107 nm160 mm = 1.6 * 107 nm150 mm = 1.5 * 107 nm140 mm = 1.4 * 107 nm130 mm = 1.3 * 107 nm120 mm = 1.2 * 107 nmA cylinder (approximate shape of a carbon nanotube) has a radius of 1nm and a height of 80 nm.Calculate the volume and the surface area of this cylinder. (Give your answers in terms of π).V = π 1 nm2(80 nm) = 80π nm3SA =2 π(1 nm)2 + 2π(1 nm)(80 nm) = 164π nm2If I was to slice the cylinder into 8 new cylinders and equal heights, what is the sum of the surface areas of the new cylinders?SA = 2 π(1 nm)2 + 2π(1 nm)(10 nm) = 22 π nm2*8 cylinders = 176 π mnm2Why might it be important for an object to have the same volume but a greater surface area?(NOTE: students may need to research the term “aspect ratio” to lead to an understanding of a greater surface area leads to a greater reaction.)Answers will vary. One reason will be the fact that a greater surface area will lead to a greater reaction. For instance powdered zinc reacts more quickly with hydrochloric acid than a large “chunk” of zinc.Name __________________________ Period _______________ Date _______The National Science Foundation and the National Department of Health have commissioned your group to develop and define a new term to help explain the magnitude of scale in nanomaterials. Everyone has experienced the time measurements of seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. These time measurements will be expressed in the average lifespan of a person living in the United States of America. Your group will be asked to perform conversions for relating these measurements to the average lifespan of 78.5 years. Once 78.5 years is converted to all of the other standard time measurements, we will use the definition of a nanometer to determine the amount of time involved in a NANO-LIFE.Convert 78.5 years to days. (Use 365.25 days = 1 year)Convert to hours.Convert to minutes.Convert 78.5 years to seconds. Using the fact that 1 nanometer = 1 x 10?? meters, we will conclude that 1 life = _________ nano-lives. Building on the idea from above, how many seconds are in 1 nano-life?Find the length in millimeters of your pen or pencil.Convert this measurement into nanometers.Using the formulas V=πr2h and SA=2 πr2 +2πh, calculate the volume and surface area of a cylinder with a radius of 1 nm and a height of 80 nm.If the cylinder was split into 8 cylinders with the same radius and heights of 10 nm, calculate the sum of the surface areas of the 8 cylinders.Research the importance of an object of the same volume having a greater surface area.The National Science Foundation and the National Department of Health have commissioned your group to develop and define a new term to help explain the magnitude of scale in nanomaterials. Everyone has experienced the time measurements of seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. These time measurements will be expressed in the average lifespan of a person living in the United States of America. Your group will be asked to perform conversions for relating these measurements to the average lifespan of 78.5 years. Once 78.5 years is converted to all of the other standard time measurements, we will use the definition of a nanometer to determine the amount of time involved in a NANO-LIFE.Convert 78.5 years to days. (Use 365.25 days = 1 year)78.5 years1 life * 365.25 days1 year = 28672.125 days1 life or 1365.25 = 78.5dConvert to hours.28672.125 days1 life * 24 hours1 day = 688,131 hours1 life or 124 = 28672.125hConvert to minutes.688,131 hours1 life * 60 minutes1 hour = 4.13* 107 minutes1 life or 160 = 688,131hConvert to seconds.4.13*107minutes1 life * 60 seconds1 minute = 2.48*109 seconds 1 life or 160 = 4.13*107sUsing the fact that 1 nanometer = 1 * 10?? meters, we will conclude that 1 life = 1 * 10?? nano-lives.Building on the idea from above, how many seconds are in 1 nano-life?2.48*109 seconds 1 life * 1 life1* 109 nanolife = 2.48 seconds1 nanolife or 12.48*109 = 1* 109 sFind the length in millimeters of your pen or pencil.Convert this measurement into nanometers.Using the formulas V=πr2h and SA=2 πr2 + 2πrh, calculate the volume and surface area of a cylinder with a radius of 1 nm and a height of 80 nm.V = π 1 nm2(80 nm) = 80π nm3SA =2 π(1 nm)2 + 2π(1 nm)(80 nm) = 164π nm2If the cylinder was split into 8 cylinders with the same radius and heights of 10 mm, calculate the sum of the surface areas of the 8 cylinders.SA = 2 π(1 nm)2 + 2π(1 nm)(10 nm) = 22 π nm2*8 cylinders = 176 π nm2Research the importance of an object of the same volume having a greater surface area.(NOTE: students may need to research the term “aspect ratio” to lead to an understanding of a greater surface area leads to a greater reaction.)Answers will vary. One reason will be the fact that a greater surface area will lead to a greater reaction. For instance powdered zinc reacts more quickly with hydrochloric acid than a large “chunk” of zinc.Name __________________________ Period ____________ Date ____________As we begin our journey into nanotechnology it would be good to start with a little background. To do so you need to do some research and answer the following questions. Your answers need to be in complete sentences written on a separate sheet of paper and you must include your references. As you search for the answers do not be alarmed at the amount of information you get. Read carefully and summarize appropriately. Your understanding of these concepts is pertinent to your success in the unit. If you complete your research and still don’t understand the concept, please ask!What is nanotechnology?What is a nanometer?How small is a “nano” and where does that word come from?What are some examples of nanoparticles?In which products has nanotechnology already been used?Where is nanotechnology used and what are some associated nanotechnology products?What is the link between liposomes, micelles or vesicles and nanotechnology?List three (3) real world examples of nanotechnology that can give us hope for its future use.What is the scanning tunneling microscope and what technological career fields use this tool?Student answers will vary greatly. Scoring should be based on the relevance of the information given to the question. Award 2 points for credible answers, 1 point for not so credible and 0 points for either no answer or nowhere near a credible answer.What is nanotechnology?Nanotechnology is the creation of useful materials, devices, and systems used to manipulate matter at an incredibly small scale—between 1 and 100 nanometers. (WIKIPEDIA)A basic definition: Nanotechnology is the engineering of functional systems at the molecular scale. This covers both current work and concepts that are more advanced. In its original sense, 'nanotechnology' refers to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniques and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products.K. Eric Drexler popularized the word 'nanotechnology' in the 1980's, he was talking about building machines on the scale of molecules, a few nanometers wide—motors, robot arms, and even whole computers, far smaller than a cell.?Drexler spent the next ten years describing and analyzing these incredible devices, and responding to accusations of science fiction.?Meanwhile, mundane technology was developing the ability to build simple structures on a molecular scale.?As nanotechnology became an accepted concept, the meaning of the word shifted to encompass the simpler kinds of nanometer-scale technology.?The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative was created to fund this kind of nanotech: their definition includes anything smaller than 100 nanometers with novel properties.Much of the work being done today that carries the name 'nanotechnology' is not nanotechnology in the original meaning of the word. Nanotechnology, in its traditional sense, means building things from the bottom up, with atomic precision. This theoretical capability was envisioned as early as 1959 by the renowned physicist Richard Feynman.What is a nanometer?A nanometer is one billionth of a meter—1/80,000 the width of a human hair, or about ten times the diameter of a hydrogen atom. Such nanoscale objects can be useful by themselves, or as part of larger devices containing multiple nanoscale objects.How small is a "nano" and where does that word come from?"Nanos" comes from the Greek and means dwarf. "Nano" is the term used for the billionth part of a meter (= 1 nanometer).What are some examples of nanoparticles?Nanoparticles are particles with a diameter of less than 100 nanometers (nm). Because of their small size nanoparticles have different physical properties to larger particles of the same substance. This makes them interesting for various applications. At the same time, however, the smallness of nanoparticles can lead to adverse reactions.In which products has nanotechnology already been used?Cosmetics, foods, textiles, medicine, manufacturing (automation through robotics etc.).Where is nanotechnology used and what are some associated nanotechnology products?Nanotechnology is used in many commercial products and processes, for example, nanomaterials are used to manufacture lightweight, strong materials for applications such as boat hulls, sporting equipment, and automotive parts. Nanomaterials are also used in sunscreens and cosmetics.Nanostructured products?are used to produce?space-saving insulators which?are useful when size and weight is at a premium—for example, when insulating long pipelines in remote places, or trying to reduce heat loss from an old house. Nanostructured catalysts make chemical manufacturing processes more efficient, by saving energy and reducing waste.In healthcare, nanoceramics are used in some dental implants or to fill holes in diseased bones, because their mechanical and chemical properties can be “tuned” to attract bone cells from the surrounding tissue to make new bone. Some pharmaceutical products have been reformulated with nanosized particles to improve their absorption and make them easier to administer. Opticians apply nanocoatings to eyeglasses to make them easier to keep clean and harder to scratch and nanoenabled coatings are used on fabrics to make clothing stain-resistant and easy to care for.Almost all high-performance electronic devices manufactured in the past decade use some nanomaterials. Nanotechnology helps build new transistor structures and interconnects for the fastest, most advanced computing chips.What is the link between liposomes, micelles or vesicles and nanotechnology?Organic compounds like liposomes, micelles or vesicles are used in foods to encapsulate other substances like vitamins or flavorings, to transport them around the body and release them in a targeted manner. As the size of these “transport containers” is frequently in the nanometer range, they are also called nanocapsules. However, in contrast to inorganic, insoluble nanoparticles, their nanoscalability does not lead to any new properties or, by extension, to any new biological effects. Hence, the use of nanoscale organic compounds is not classified as nanotechnology in the narrower sense by BfR. Organic substances like beta-cyclodextrin or polysorbates are frequently used for the capsule membrane. They are toxicologically tested and assessed, and are approved as food additives (E 459 and E 432 up to E 436).List three (3) real world examples of nanotechnology that can give us hope for its future use?Yes, there are several nanotechnology-based drugs on the market and many more in clinical trials, including the following applications:Liposomes, which are first generation nanoscale devices, are being used as drug delivery vehicles in several products. For example, liposomal amphotericin B is used to treat fungal infections often associated with aggressive anticancer treatment and liposomal doxorubicin is used to treat some forms of cancer. Nanoparticulate iron oxide particles can be used with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to accurately detect metastatic lesions in lymph nodes without surgery.Linking "biologic" drugs to polymers is being used to prevent the drug from inappropriately activating the immune system.Chemotherapeutic and radioactive agents are being targeted directly to cancerous cells by attaching antibodies that seek out molecules on their cell surface.Chemotherapeutic drugs like paclitaxel are bound to and concentrated on albumin proteins to render them more effective at the target.What is the scanning tunneling microscope and what technological career fields use this tool? It is the most powerful type of microscope ever built. It was invented in 1981. It is an instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level (sub-nanometer scale).Name __________________________ Period ___________ Date ____________Suggested Resources:American Cancer Society: Drug Delivery: and the Cell Cycle Animations: : What it Can do for Drug Delivery: the above suggested resources to answer the following questions related to cancer and cancer treatment.Describe how a normal cell can turn into cancer cell. Name at least 3 differences between normal cells and cancer cells. Sketch a diagram of each.Tumors are often categorized as benign or malignant. List one similarity and one difference of these tumors. Name 2 causes of cancer, and then explain how cancer can spread throughout the body.What is the meaning of the word “metastasize”?State the most common types of cancers inMenWomenChildrenWhich type of cancer results in the most deaths of people in the United States?What is melanoma? What are the chances that you will development melanoma in your lifetime? Answer with respect to your gender. Describe the current types of cancer treatments:radiation therapy – chemotherapy – targeted therapy – Name one other type of cancer treatment besides those listed in Question 8. .There are some statistical trends in risk factors relating to cancer. Over the last 15-20 years, what is happening to: The frequency of high school physical education classes in the US?The frequency of cigarette smoking among high school teens?The rate of childhood and adolescent obesity?Name three examples of current nano-drugs that are important to medicine. Explain what cancers they treat. For homework, complete any unfinished webquest questions. Go home and speak to your family about cancer. Answer the following questions:Does cancer run in your family? If so, what type?Has anyone in your family been treated for cancer? If so, what treatment did they receive and how did this affect their daily lives?If genetic testing were available for cancer genes, would you or your family members want to get tested?Describe how a normal cell can turn into cancer cell. Name at least 3 differences between normal cells and cancer cells. Sketch a diagram of each.A normal cell turns into cancer because of uncontrolled cell growth. A normal cell’s cycle will stop growth, but a cancer’s cell cycle does not have these stop-points. Sketches should show regular cell growth on normal cells while cancerous cells show an irregular growth pattern. Tumors are often categorized as benign or malignant. Explain the difference.Both are abnormal tissue growth. Benign tumors are growths but not cancer. They do not spread and invade other tissues as cancer does. Benign tumors are not usually life threatening. Name 2 causes of cancer, and then explain how cancer can spread throughout the body.1. Environmental factors - UV radiation, chemical carcinogens2. Random DNA mutationsCancer spread through the body by infiltrating local blood vessels and then “leaky” blood vessels transport the cancer cells to different tissues in the body where they can grow.What is the meaning of the word “metastasize”?The process of cancer spreading is metastasizing.State the most common types of cancers inMen1. prostrate2.lung3.colon/rectalWomen1. breast2.lung3. colon/rectalChildren1. leukemia2. lymphoma3. brainWhich type of cancer results in the most deaths of people in the United States?LungWhat is melanoma? What are the chances that you will development melanoma in your lifetime? Answer with respect to your gender. Melanoma is skin cancer. Males - 5%, Females - 4%Describe the current types of cancer treatments:radiation therapy -- The use of high energy particles to destroy or damage cancer cellschemotherapy -- drug therapy (use of a wide variety of medicines)targeted therapy - identification and attack of cancer cells with minimal damage to normal cellsName one other type of cancer treatment besides those listed in Question 8. Surgery, immunotherapy, hypertherapy (use of heat), stem cell transfer, photodynamic therapy (use of photosensitive agents and light to kill cancer cells).There are some statistical trends in risk factors relating to cancer. Over the last 15-20 years, what is happening to: The frequency of high school physical education classes in the US Decreasing, with a slight recent uptickThe frequency of cigarette smoking among high school teens?DecreasingThe rate of childhood and adolescent obesity?IncreasingName three examples of current nano-drugs that are important to medicine - be sure to explain what they treat. (from Nano-Sized Drug Delivery Presentation)Answers may vary. Here are 3 examples:1. AmBisome - fungal infections2. Doxil - ovarian cancer3. Abraxane - breast cancerEngineering Design ChallengeYou are a team of oncologists addressing the issue of deleterious side effects of traditional chemotherapy medicines. ?Your goal is to develop a nanodrug delivery system that will only target cancer cells which will minimize whole-body side effects. Your NDDM must be a complete model of the system including the cancerous and non-cancerous cells and site of a tumor. Using the information obtained from the nanotechnology and cancer webquests, you will build a scaled model of an NDDM as an initial prototype. ?You must address three design constraints: the delivery of the Nano-Drug Delivery Mechanism (NDDM); selectivity of normal vs. cancer cells; demonstration of successful drug delivery. ?Your team will present the results of your research to the Nobel Prize Award Committee.The following is a list of materials you may use:rubber tubingpipe insulation tubingmarblesball bearingsparaffin waxchocolatepacking peanutswaterVelcro? magnetsinstant snowspongescraft beadsStyrofoam?Other craft suppliesheat lampbutane burnerinduction coilsOther materials may be used with my approval!566420381000Ask: What is the problem?What have others done?What are the constraints? Think:What could be some solutions?Brainstorm ideas, choose the best ones.Plan:Draw a diagram.Make a list of materials, you will need.Test:Follow your plan and create it.Test your solution to the problem.Improve: Make the design better.Test it, again.Engineering Design Challenge Rubric4321Targeting of cancer cellsNDDM* successfully attaches to and stays bound to at least one cancer cell and zero normal cellsNDDM successfully attaches to, but may not stay bound to, at least one cancer cell and zero normal cellsNDDM successfully touches at least one cancer cell and only one normal cellsNDDM successfully touches at least one cancer cell and two or more normal cellsElimination of cancer cellsNDDM causes 100% destruction of at least one cancer cellNDDM causes 50-99% destruction of at least one cancer cellNDDM causes minimal damage to at least one cancer cellNDDM causes damage to both cancer and normal cellsMaterialsAt least six different materials are chosen based on structure and function of materialsAt least five different materials are chosen based on structure and function of materialsOnly 3 different materials are chosen at random, with little thought as to functionOnly 2 different materials are chosen with no thought as to functionDeliveryNDDM is easily delivered through a modeled bloodstream to the target organ. All parts of model are accurately labeled.NDDM is delivered through a modeled bloodstream with some difficulty to the target organ. All parts of model are accurately labeled.NDDM is delivered through a modeled bloodstream with major difficulty to an unspecified location. Missing one accurate label on model.NDDM is delivered through a modeled bloodstream with major difficulty to an unspecified location. Missing two or more accurately labels on model.Scale (note: it would be impossible to make a model exactly to scale!)It is clear that NDDM is at least half of the size of the target cellsIt is clear that NDDM is smaller than target cellsNDDM and target cells are about the same sizeNDDM is larger than target cells* - Nano-drug delivery mechanismPresentation or Video RubricCategory4 Points3 Points2 Points1 PointContent (see content requirements below)Thoroughly and clearly states the main points and precise details that are described in the instructions. ?Adequately states the main points and details that are described in the instructions. States most of the main points and details that are described in the instructions.States few main points and details that are described in the instructions.Slide Design & OrganizationClearly organized into a logical sequence with no distracting elements or blocks of anized into a logical sequence with no distractions, but is overly wordySequence seems out of order, no distractions, and blocks of text evidentNo logical organization; some digressions. Unclear, confusing. Many distracting elements and blocks of textPerformanceEffectively delivers audience by making eye contact with audience and adds to text on slide. Uses voice variation; interesting and vivid to hear.Make eye contact, but does not add to information provided on slide. Speaks clearly and confidently.Makes very little eye contact and read off of slide. Uses incomplete sentences.Little or no attempt is made to stay on the topic. Does not consider audience. Difficult to understand.PreparationPresentation shows detailed preparation with notecards, but does not read off of notecardsPresentation shows satisfactory preparation with some information on notecardsPresentation shows some preparation, but no notecardsPresentation is lacking in preparation.TeamworkPresentation shows that each person delivered key information and evidence of rehearsal is evidentPresentation shows that 75% of the team delivered key information and evidence of rehearsal is evidentPresentation shows that 50% of the team delivered key information and evidence of rehearsal is evidentPresentation shows that 25% of the team delivered key information and evidence of rehearsal is evidentContent Requirements:At least three pictures of prototype as your team works through the design process (alternatively, a video could be made to document this process)Answers the following questions:Explain how your NDDM worksWhat drug is your NDDM delivering and to what type of cells?What difficulties did you encounter in your design process?What suggestions do you have to make it better?Daily Performance RubricCATEGORY4321SafetyThe student follows all safety policies.The student fails to follow a safety policy (This results in a “0” for this category)PreparednessBrought all needed materials to class Failed to bring one item needed for the day’s work.Failed to bring more than one item needed for the day’s work.Failed to bring anything for class.AttitudeNever is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Always has a positive attitude about the task(s).Observed one time to be publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Often has a positive attitude about the task(s).Observed twice to be publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Usually has a positive attitude about the task(s).Observed more than twice to be publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Often has a negative attitude about the task(s).Focus on the taskConsistently stays focused on the task and what needs to be done. Very self-directed.Observed to be off task once. Other group members can count on this person.Observed to be off task twice. Other group members must sometimes nag, prod, and remind to keep this person on-task.Observed to be off task more than twice. Lets others do the work.Working with OthersAlmost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together.Observe 80% of the time listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause "waves" in the group.Observe less than 80% of the time listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team member.Does not listen to, share with, and support the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player.Honey I Shrunk the Kids for Honey I Shrunk the Kids“Scale of the Universe” online interactive Brief References1. . HYPERLINK "" . . Reference Nanotechnology Research Questions of Cancer Webquest Activity● American Cancer Society: ● Nano-Sized Drug Delivery: ● Cancer and the Cell Cycle Animations: ● Nanotechnology: What it Can do for Drug Delivery: "Wriggling Away From Cancer" ................

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