Nonrenewal Sample Letters/Memoranda

Nonrenewal Sample Letters/Memoranda

In accordance with ASPP 3.03, written justification of a nonrenewal must be approved by the appropriate department and dean, director or designee prior to notifying any employee.





TO: (Name of Dean/Director or Divisional Personnel Representative)

FROM: (Name of Supervisor or Principal Investigator)


I am requesting approval for the possible nonrenewal, effective (date), of (name of employee), who holds the title of (current academic staff title) in (current operational area). (Name of employee) has (number of) years of service as academic staff at UW-Madison, requiring (number of) months for proper notice, as specified in ASPP 3.04. This possible nonrenewal results from (an anticipated funding loss OR a budget or program decision OR performance deficiencies) as described below.

{ INSERT OR ATTACH DETAILED EXPLANATION OF FUNDING LOSS OR BUDGET OR PROGRAM DECISION. Please note: If the proposed nonrenewal is not the least senior employee in the operational area, please provide written justification as outlined in ASPP 3.03. }

{ FOR PERFORMANCE, ATTACH ALL DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED AS SPECIFIED IN ASPP 3.04: all written communication from the supervisor or Principal Investigator to the employee. }

APPROVED BY DEPARTMENT CHAIR: ___________________________ __________

(Signature of Dept Chair) (date)

APPROVED BY DEAN/DIRECTOR: ______________________________      __________

(Signature of Dean/Director (date)

or Divisional Personnel Rep)


• (Copy of the most recent letter indicating the employee's current operational area)

• (Organizational chart for the employee's operational area, including the names of the academic staff employed, their job titles and UW-Madison start dates as academic staff)

• (For performance nonrenewal approvals, all documentation required as specified in ASPP 3.04)







Dear (employee's name):

This letter is to confirm our discussion about the nonrenewal of your (current academic staff title) appointment with (current operational area). You are being nonrenewed because (provide a statement of the reason/s for nonrenewal).

Your appointment will terminate on (date of termination). This letter provides you with proper notice of nonrenewal in accordance with Chapter 3.05, Academic Staff Policies and Procedures (ASPP). Chapter 3 and Chapter 9 are attached for your reference.

In accordance with ASPP 3.07, you have the right to appeal this nonrenewal decision. Further explanation and interpretation of campus policy regarding nonrenewal of academic staff appointments and the right of appeal may be obtained by contacting Punam Gupta in the Academic Personnel Office, 166 Bascom Hall

[For employees who have been employed as academic staff for six of the last seven years, include the following language]

To establish eligibility for referral priority, as defined in ASPP 3.06, you must register with Angie Rosas in the Academic Personnel Office,

You should plan on using any accrued vacation, ALRA (if applicable), floating holiday, and personal holiday prior to the last date of your appointment as no lump-sum payments will be made for any unused vacation balance.* You may contact a benefits coordinator at or 262-5650 regarding your benefits. You should feel free, in the meantime, to consider alternative sources of employment.

If you wish to connect with other resources such as the Employee Assistance Program, the Ombuds Office for Faculty and Staff, etc. please link to the following UW Madison website: .

We appreciate your professional contributions and wish you well in future endeavors.


(Employer's Signature)

Attachments: ASPP Chapter 3 & 9; Referral Priority Brochure [for long-term academic staff]

xc: Department Chair/Director

Dean/Division Office

Punam Gupta, Academic Personnel Office

OHR Employee Services, 21 N. Park Street

* MAY OPTIONALLY REPLACE WITH: You should plan on using any accrued vacation, ALRA (if applicable), floating holiday, and personal holiday time prior to the last date of your appointment or request a lump-sum payment for your remaining vacation balance.

NOTE: The unit can only require accrued vacation, ALRA (if applicable), floating holiday and personal holiday to be used in certain circumstances. Refer to the UPPP 16.07. Also note that vacation and ALRA are considered separate leave types and must be specified individually in the letter.


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