?.......................OKULU ?NG?L?ZCE DERS? ...... SINIFI?N?TELEND?R?LM?? YILLIK DERS PLANIAYHAFTASAATKAZANIMKONUY?NTEM-TEKN?KARA?-GERE?DE?ERLEND?RMEEYL?L1.HAFTA(18-24)8 SAAT15 TEMMUZ DEMOKRAS? ZAFER? VE ?EH?TLER? ANMA2016-2017 E?itim-??retim y?l? ba?lang?c?EYL?L-EK?M2.HAFTA(25-01)8 SAATEnabling the students to use Simple present and present continuous Expressing the differences between these tenses Using simple past and past continuous with when/while Focusing on confusing verbs Expressing perfect tenses and differences between them Expressing perfect tenses and differences between them Using simple past and past perfect in time clauses Expressing the differences between the past perfect continuous and past cont. To review future forms Using Future tenses with time clausesUNIT 1: TENSES To be present, present continuous, simple present Progressive or nonprogressive verbs Simple past tense Confusing: The English Verb Tenses verbs Past continuous tense, when/while sentences Present perfect tense Present Perfect continuous tense Present perfect or present perfect continuous Past perfect tense Simple past/past perfect in time clauses The past perfect continuous Past perfect continuous / past continuous Future tenses, will / be going to Future tense in time clauses Future continuous tense Future perfect tense Future perfect continuous tenseThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks exercise Scrambled sentences Question-Answer Transformation Completion exercises Combination exercises Meaningful exercises Reading - WritingLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsEK?M3.HAFTA(02-08)8 SAATPolite request Necessity and prohibition Lack of necessity. Lack of necessity in the past Giving advice Advisability in the past Progressive form of advisabilityUNIT 2 : Modals and Similar Expressions May I…? Could I…? Will you..? Can you…? Would you mind….? Would you mind if I + simple past Must , have to , have got to Doesn’t / don’t have to , doesn’t / don’t need to / needn’t Needn’t have done Didn’t need to do / didn’t have to do Should(n’t) , ought (not) to , had better (not) Should be doing ,ought to be doing Should have done , ought to have done Should have been doing , ought to have been doingThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Transformation Completion exercises Combination exercise Meaningful exercisesLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsEK?M4.HAFTA(09-15)8 SAATExpectations Expressing ability Ability in the past Making suggestions Understanding Atatürk and his valuable opinions.Be to , be supposed to , was/were to , was / were supposed to Can and be able to Could and was / were able to Let’s + do something May / might (as well) Why don’t / doesn’t + subject…? Shall we / I…? , Subject + could…The communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercisesLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsEK?M5.HAFTA(16-22)8 SAATExpressing degrees of certainty Possibility in the past Progressive form of modals Preference Expressing past habituals and statesCould have / couldn’t have done Must/ may/ might/could, can’t/couldn’t’/must not/may not/might not, must / may / might / could + be doing Must / may / might / could + have done Must / may / might / could + have been doing Modals in the future time Would rather / would sooner Prefer / would prefer Like something better than something else , Used to/wouldThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Transformation Completion exercises Combination exercise Meaningful exercises Reading Multiple choiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsEK?M6.HAFTA(23-29)8 SAATStudying on Some methods of translation and samples of LYS questions about translation from E-T & T-E. Studying on Vocabulary Reading activities Some methods of samples of LYS questions Understanding Atatürk and his valuable opinions.Sentence completion Cloze tests Paraphrasing Translations from T.and from T. To Eng. Teaching Vocabulary Reading Comprehension & Paragraph completion & Finding irrelevant Sentence 29 EK?M CUMHUR?YET BAYRAMI Atatürk and RepublicanismThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsEK?M-KASIM7.HAFTA(30-05)8 SAATExpressing forms and functions of passive voice Using passive voice with all tenses and modals Understanding the significance of Atatürk and RepublicanismUNIT 3: THE PASSIVE Passive in all tenses Passives Wh questions The passive form of modals and similar expressions Stative passive Stative passive with prepositionsThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Transformation Multiple choiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsKASIM8.HAFTA(06-12)8 SAATExpressing more advanced passive constructionsThe passive with get ‘By phrase’ or another prepositions Impersonal pronouns in the passive Passive with gerunds and infinitives It is said that…/ He is said to…The communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsAtatürk Haftas?KASIM9.HAFTA(13-19)8 SAATTo revive past, present and future conditionals Expressing the forms of the other conditionals Using ‘ mixed Time’ in conditionals The form of ‘omitting ‘if’ Expressing ‘implied conditionals’ Atatürk: his life and principlesUNIT 4: ‘IF’ and ‘WISH’ CLAUSES Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 Provided/ providing that, as long as, so long as , Only if Unless (Type 1,2,3) Even if , Whether or not Suppose / supposing that , on the condition that What if , in case ‘Mixed time’ if clauses Omitting ‘if’ (Type 1,2,3) Implied conditionals ( but, but for ) otherwise, Or ( else) withoutThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Transformation Multiple choiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsAtatürk Haftas?KASIM10.HAFTA(20-26)8 SAATExpressing a wish about the present Expressing regret about the past Expressing the forms and the function of ‘as if / as though’ in real and unreal situationsExpressing a wish about the present Expressing regret about the past Expressing the forms and the function of ‘as if / as though’ in real and unreal situationsWish clauses A wish about the past A wish about the future If only Would rather It’s (high ) time / It’ about time As if / as thoughWish clauses A wish about the past A wish about the future If only Would rather It’s (high ) time / It’ about time As if / as thoughThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books Worksheets??retmenler GünüKASIM-ARALIK11.HAFTA(27-03)8 SAATExpressing the forms and functions of noun clauses Expressing different functions of noun clausesUNIT 5: NOUN CLAUSES AND REPORTED SPEECH Noun clauses beginning with a question word N. Cal beginning’ whether or not’ or ‘if..or not’ Noun clauses beginning with that Noun Cal with ‘the fact that’ and similar expressions The subjunctive in noun clauses Noun clause as object of the preposition Noun clauses as subject complement Question words followed by infinitives Exclamations with ‘what’, ‘how’, ‘so’ and ‘such’ _’ever’ words in noun clausesThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsARALIK12.HAFTA(04-10)8 SAATTo revive tense changes in direct – indirect transformations Word order in indirect questions and imperativesREPORTED SPEECH Reporting statements Reporting questions Reporting imperativesThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Transformation Multiple choiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsARALIK13.HAFTA(11-17)8 SAATReporting mixed types of direct speeches Expressing the form and the meaning of tag questionsReported speech ( mixed types ) Auxiliary verbs in short answers So and neither / nor Auxiliary verbs in short questions Question tagsThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsARALIK14.HAFTA(18-24)8 SAATStudying on Vocabulary Reading activities Some methods of samples of LYS questionsTeaching vocabulary Sentence Completion Close Test Paraphrasing Sample questions about the university exam Reading Comprehension & Paragraph completion & Finding irrelevant Sentence Questions through a text.The communicative approach Fill in the blanks Multiple choice Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Transformation Chain practiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsARALIK15.HAFTA(25-31)8 SAATTo be able to use the order of Adjectives The form and functions of present and past participle adjectives The form and function of adverbs Using adverbs of degree Expressing cause and effectUNIT 7 : ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Adjectives The order of adjectives Present and past participles as adjectives Adverbs Irregular adverbs Adverbs of degree Sentence adverbs, focusing adverbs Too and enough So……that, such …….thatThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Multiple choiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsOCAK16.HAFTA(01-07)8 SAATThe form and function of comparative and superlative adjectivesComparative form of adjectives and adverbs As…….as, the same…as / different from Superlative form of adjectives and adverbs ‘to + infinitive’ after adjective structures Like, as, such asThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Transformation Chain practiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsY?lba?? TatiliOCAK17.HAFTA(08-14)8 SAATExplaining and understanding opinions about various subjects using the grammar topics and vocabulary items taught throughout the academic termRevision of basic and important grammar points related to the questions asked in the exam. Teaching vocabulary Sentence Completion Close Test Paraphrasing Studying on Dialogue Finding suitable answer according to the situation Reading Comprehension & Paragraph completion & Finding irrelevant Sentence Questions through a text. Sample questions about the university examThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Transformation Multiple choiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsOCAK18.HAFTA(15-21)8 SAATExplaining and understanding opinions about various subjects using the grammar topics and vocabulary items taught throughout the academic term.Revision of basic and important grammar points related to the questions asked in the exam. Teaching vocabulary Sentence Completion Close Test Paraphrasing Studying on Dialogue Finding suitable answer according to the situation Reading Comprehension & Paragraph completion & Finding irrelevant Sentence Questions through a text. Sample questions about the university examThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsBirinci D?nemin Sona Ermesi?UBAT19.HAFTA(05-11)8 SAATUsing relative pronouns as the subject or object of a verb To express forms and function of defining and non-defining relative clausesUNIT 8 : RELATIVE CLAUSES Defining relative clauses : Who, whom, that, whose / of which Where , when, why Using relative clauses to modify pronouns Non-defining relative clauses Subject- object position Possessive Where in non-defining clause When in non-defining clause Using expressions of quantity in relative clauseThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books Worksheets?kinci Yar?y?l Ba?lang?c??UBAT20.HAFTA(12-18)8 SAATExpressing the form and use of reduced relative clausesUsing ‘which’ to modify a whole sentence Reduction of relative clauses Present participle , past participle Be+adjective phrase/ prepositional phrase To+infinitive Reduction of cont. tenses in passive form Appositive phrase Non-defining relative phrase Cleft sentencesThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books Worksheets?UBAT21.HAFTA(19-25)8 SAATReading activities Some methods of samples of LYS questionsTo complete the blanks about conversation. Reading Comprehension & Finding irrelevant sentence & Paragraph Completion Sentence completion Cloze tests Paraphrasing Sample questions of LYS Question through a textThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Combination drills Multiple choiceEnglish Grammar Inside and Out Dictionary LYS test books Worksheets?UBAT-MART22.HAFTA(26-04)8 SAATThe use and form of conjunctions and transitions Using adverb clauses to show Time relationshipsUNIT 10: CONJUNCTIONS AND TRANSITIONS Coordinating conjunctions And, or, but, yet Correlative conjunctions Both…and, not only….but also, either…or, neither….nor Subordinating conjunctions Adverbial clauses of timeThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises TransformationLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsMART23.HAFTA(05-11)8 SAATUsing adverb clauses to show cause and effect relationships Expressing purposeAdverbial clauses showing cause and effect relationships Expressing purposeThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises CompletionLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsMART24.HAFTA(12-18)8 SAATShowing opposition Showing direct oppositions 1Concession and contrast Although, while , whereas, Much as, as However+adjective/adverb No matter+question wordThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Transformation Reading- WritingLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsMART25.HAFTA(19-25)8 SAATReduction of adverb clauses to modifying phrasesReduction of adverbial clauses Continuing the same idea InversionFill in the blanks , transformation Question- Answer Completion exercises Meaningful exercises ReadingLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsMART-N?SAN26.HAFTA(26-01)8 SAATExpressing the form of plural nouns Common noncountable nouns Using express?ons of quantity Using indefinite and definite articlesUNIT 9: NOUNS AND PRONOUNS ART?CLES AND QUANTIFIERS Countable / uncountable nouns Possessive nouns Indefinite article ‘a/an’ , definite article ‘the’ Any, many, much, some, a lot of, lots of, no Few, a few, little, a little Most, several, plenty of, enough All, whole, none, halfThe communicative approach Fill in the blanks Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Completion exercises Transformation Reading- WritingLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsN?SAN27.HAFTA(02-08)8 SAATUsing ?ndefinite pronouns Using reflexive pronounsBoth, either, neither, one, each, every Comparative and superlative with quantifiers Indefinitive pronouns Reflexive pronouns, collective nounsFill in the blanks , transformation Question- Answer Completion exercises Meaningful exercises Multiple choiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsN?SAN28.HAFTA(09-15)8 SAATExpressing various functions of Gerunds Common verbs followed by gerunds Expressing different functions of infinitives Common verbs followed by infinitivesUNIT 6. GERUND AND INFINITIVES Gerunds as subject of a sentence Gerunds as subject of complement Gerunds as direct object Possessive + gerund Gerund as the object of a preposition Expressions + gerund The perfect gerund The passive gerund INFINITIVES Inf?n?t?ve as subject of the sentence Infinitive as subject complement Inf?nitive as direct objectThe communicative exercises Fill in the blanks Completion Question-Answer Meaningful exercisesLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsN?SAN29.HAFTA(16-22)8 SAATExpressing the different meaning of common verbs followed by either infinitives or gerunds. Expressing purpose Using infinitives with ‘too’ and ‘enough’ The form and function of causativesGerund or infinitive Infinitive after certain nouns Infinitive after certain adjectives Passive infinitive and past infinitive Infinitive of purpose : in order to ?nfinitive with too and enough Verbs of perception Infinitive without ‘too’ after ‘let’ and ‘help’ Infinitive after question word Causatives. Giving info about Atatürk and his opinions about the childrenThe communicative exercises Fill in the blanks Completion Question-Answer Meaningful exercisesLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsN?SAN30.HAFTA(23-29)8 SAATUsing prepositions with time expressions Using prepositions of place and movement Using preposition combinationsUsing prepositions with time expressions Using prepositions of place and movement Using preposition combinationsUNIT 11: PREPOSITIONS AND PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES Prepositions with time expressions Prepositions of place and movement Noun+preposition Preposition+noun Phrases with ‘in’ Phrases with ‘on’ Phrases with ‘out of’UNIT 11: PREPOSITIONS AND PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES Prepositions with time expressions Prepositions of place and movement Noun+preposition Preposition+noun Phrases with ‘in’ Phrases with ‘on’ Phrases with ‘out of’The communicative exercises Fill in the blanks Completion Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Multiple choiceThe communicative exercises Fill in the blanks Completion Question-Answer Meaningful exercises Multiple choiceLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books Worksheets23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve ?ocuk Bayram?N?SAN-MAYIS31.HAFTA(30-06)8 SAATUsing preposition combinationsPreposition+noun+preposition Adjective+preposition Verb+preposition Verb+object+preposition Verb+noun+prepositionFill in the blanks , transformation Question- Answer Completion exercises Meaningful exercisesLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books Worksheets1 May?s ???i Bayram?MAYIS32.HAFTA(07-13)8 SAATUsing transitive and intransitive Phrasal verbsUNIT 12: PHRASAL VERBS Transitive phrasal verbs Intransitive phrasal verbs Understanding Atatürk’s views and principlesFill in the blanks , transformation Question- Answer Completion exercises Meaningful exercises ReadingLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsMAYIS33.HAFTA(14-20)8 SAATThe form of separable and nonseparable phrasal verbsSeparable phrasal verbs Nonseparable phrasal verbsFill in the blanks , transformation Question- Answer Completion exercises Meaningful exercises ReadingLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books Worksheets19 May?s Atatürk’ü Anma Gen?lik ve Spor Bayram?MAYIS34.HAFTA(21-27)8 SAATExplaining and understanding opinions about various subjects using the grammar topics and vocabulary items taught throughout the academic year.Revising crucial grammar and vocabulary subjects taught throughout the academic year.Fill in the blanks , transformation Question- Answer Completion exercises Meaningful exercises ReadingLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsMAYIS-HAZ?RAN35.HAFTA(28-03)8 SAATExplaining and understanding opinions about various subjects using the grammar topics and vocabulary items taught throughout the academic year.Vocabulary and Phrasal verbs with more exercises Teaching Vocabulary Sample questions about the university exam LYS TestingFill in the blanks , transformation Question- Answer Completion exercises Meaningful exercises ReadingEnglish Grammar Inside and Out Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsHAZ?RAN36.HAFTA(04-10)8 SAATExplaining and understanding opinions about various subjects using the grammar topics and vocabulary items taught throughout the academic year.To complete the blanks about conversation. Reading Comprehension & Finding irrelevant sentence & Paragraph Completion Sentence completion Cloze tests Paraphrasing Questions through a text. Sample questions of LYSFill in the blanks , transformation Question- Answer Completion exercises Meaningful exercises ReadingLys Grammar Books Dictionary LYS test books WorksheetsDers Y?l?n?n Sona ermesiBu y?ll?k plan T.C. Milli E?itim Bakanl??? Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Ba?kanl???n?n yay?nlad??? ??retim program? esas al?narak yap?lm?st?r. Bu y?ll?k planda toplam e?itim ??retim haftas? 36 haftad?r. ................

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