(Redeemed Christian Church of God North America Seminary)

954405123825INSTITUTIONAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (IERS)FORINSTITUTIONS SEEKING APPLICANT STANDING WITHTRACS00INSTITUTIONAL ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (IERS)FORINSTITUTIONS SEEKING APPLICANT STANDING WITHTRACSIER # 4 PUBLICATIONS AND POLICIESInstitution: RCCGNA Seminary(Redeemed Christian Church of God North America Seminary)Date Completed: January 23, 2018Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u (Redeemed Christian Church of God North America Seminary) PAGEREF _Toc12209777 \h iMessage from the Chancellor PAGEREF _Toc12209778 \h 1I.About RCCGNA Seminary PAGEREF _Toc12209779 \h 21.History of RCCGNA Seminary PAGEREF _Toc12209780 \h 22.Accreditation PAGEREF _Toc12209781 \h 23.Academic System PAGEREF _Toc12209782 \h 24.Degrees Awarded PAGEREF _Toc12209783 \h 25.Contact Information PAGEREF _Toc12209784 \h 26.Mission of RCCGNA Seminary PAGEREF _Toc12209785 \h 37.Tenths of Faith PAGEREF _Toc12209786 \h 3a.Our Fundamental Beliefs: PAGEREF _Toc12209787 \h 3b.The Salvation of Man PAGEREF _Toc12209788 \h 3II.RCCGNA Seminary Leadership PAGEREF _Toc12209789 \h 6III.Accreditation and Certification PAGEREF _Toc12209790 \h 7IV.Student and Admissions Information PAGEREF _Toc12209791 \h 8a.Classification of Students PAGEREF _Toc12209792 \h 8b.Transfer Students PAGEREF _Toc12209793 \h 8c.International Students PAGEREF _Toc12209794 \h 8d.General Admission Requirements PAGEREF _Toc12209795 \h 8e.Admission Policy PAGEREF _Toc12209796 \h 8f.Admission Requirements PAGEREF _Toc12209797 \h 9g.Application Procedures PAGEREF _Toc12209798 \h 9h.Application Deadlines PAGEREF _Toc12209799 \h 9i.Admission Classifications PAGEREF _Toc12209800 \h 10j.Audit Students PAGEREF _Toc12209801 \h 10k.Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy PAGEREF _Toc12209802 \h 10l.Grievances and Appeals PAGEREF _Toc12209803 \h 11m.Confidentiality of Student Records PAGEREF _Toc12209804 \h 11n.Standards of Conduct PAGEREF _Toc12209805 \h 11o.Academic Advising PAGEREF _Toc12209806 \h 11p.School Calendar PAGEREF _Toc12209807 \h 11Transfer Students PAGEREF _Toc12209808 \h 11Registration PAGEREF _Toc12209809 \h 12q.Graduation Requirements PAGEREF _Toc12209810 \h 12r.Granting Degrees and Commencement PAGEREF _Toc12209811 \h 13V.Academic and Financial Information PAGEREF _Toc12209812 \h 13a.Grading System PAGEREF _Toc12209813 \h 13b.Transfer of Credits PAGEREF _Toc12209814 \h 14AU- Audit: PAGEREF _Toc12209815 \h 14I- Incomplete: PAGEREF _Toc12209816 \h 14S - Satisfactory: PAGEREF _Toc12209817 \h 15U- Unsatisfactory: PAGEREF _Toc12209818 \h 15W- Withdrawal: PAGEREF _Toc12209819 \h 15c.Repeating a Course PAGEREF _Toc12209820 \h 15d.Course Withdrawal PAGEREF _Toc12209821 \h 15e.Final Examination PAGEREF _Toc12209822 \h 15f.Grade Reports PAGEREF _Toc12209823 \h 16g.Change of Grade PAGEREF _Toc12209824 \h 16h.Honors PAGEREF _Toc12209825 \h 16i.Academic Probation PAGEREF _Toc12209826 \h 16j.Academic Standing PAGEREF _Toc12209827 \h 16k.Academic Load PAGEREF _Toc12209828 \h 16l.Course Load Limitations PAGEREF _Toc12209829 \h 16m.Absences PAGEREF _Toc12209830 \h 17n.Course Cancellations PAGEREF _Toc12209831 \h 17VI.Privacy of Student Records PAGEREF _Toc12209832 \h 17VII.Graduation Policy PAGEREF _Toc12209833 \h 17VIII.Transcripts PAGEREF _Toc12209834 \h 17IX.Transcript Policy PAGEREF _Toc12209835 \h 18a.Definition: PAGEREF _Toc12209836 \h 18Definitions of Terms Used in Describing the Academic Program PAGEREF _Toc12209837 \h 18b.Credit Hour PAGEREF _Toc12209838 \h 18c.Curriculum PAGEREF _Toc12209839 \h 18d.Grade-Point Average (GPA) PAGEREF _Toc12209840 \h 18e.Prerequisite PAGEREF _Toc12209841 \h 18f.Transfer of Credit PAGEREF _Toc12209842 \h 18g.Study Programs PAGEREF _Toc12209843 \h 19h.Curriculum Philosophy PAGEREF _Toc12209844 \h 19i.Courses and Credits PAGEREF _Toc12209845 \h 19X.RCCGNA Seminary School Programs PAGEREF _Toc12209846 \h 19a.DOCTOR OF MINISTRY/DOCTOR OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAM PAGEREF _Toc12209847 \h 19b.MASTER OF ARTS MINISTRY PROGRAM PAGEREF _Toc12209848 \h 22c.BACHELORS OF ARTS IN MINISTRY PROGRAM PAGEREF _Toc12209849 \h 23d.ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN MINISTRY PAGEREF _Toc12209850 \h 24e.H. DIPLOMA IN MINISTRY PAGEREF _Toc12209851 \h 25f.PASTORAL COUNSELING CERTIFICATE PAGEREF _Toc12209852 \h 26g.POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PASTORAL COUNSELING PAGEREF _Toc12209853 \h 27h.MASTERS OF ARTS IN PASTORAL COUNSELING PAGEREF _Toc12209854 \h 27i.MASTERS OF ARTS IN GLOBAL MISSIONS PAGEREF _Toc12209855 \h 28XI.Student Life PAGEREF _Toc12209856 \h 30XII.Financial Information PAGEREF _Toc12209857 \h 33Endowment Opportunities PAGEREF _Toc12209858 \h 37XIII.FORM OF BEQUESTS PAGEREF _Toc12209859 \h 37Message from the ChancellorGrace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.I am excited to be seeing the dawn of a new day in theological education for the Redeemed Christian Church of God in North America. God is doing a new work in and through our Seminary. RCCGNA SEMINARY is committed to the Bible as a foundation on the primal source for the search for knowledge The unfailing word of God has kept generations of the faithful across the eons; we are convinced that the same will keep us in this days of perilous experimentation with knowledge and the stripping of the nations of the fear of God.It is apt here to muse with David in Psalm 2 and ask why the “heathen rage” and the people who are uncircumcised in heart “imagine vain things.” In certain quarters, men have concluded that it is fashionable to shake their fist inthe face of the creator. The love of many has subsequently wax cold. It is in the midst of such difficult circumstance that God has raised up Redeemed Christian Church of God as a symbol of life to the nations. RCCGNA SEMINARY carries the mandate of the Church in North America. The Seminary has been commanded and charged to understand what righteousness and the unchanging values of the Scriptures really means in the midst of this generation. The mandate of the Seminary, like Noah of Old, is to teach the righteousness to any and all who may care to hear.At RCCGNA SEMINARY, students not only receive solid Biblical teaching, they also experience the richness of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Students come from around world, from other ministries and from other church organizations to train at the seminary. The faculty and staff ensure that every student receives the kind of practical preparation that they require for effective long-term ministry.RCCGNA SEMINARY encourages every student to choose a lifestyle that is driven by a focus on Jesus. We beseech all our students to look unto Jesus the “author and finisher of monish and our faith.” Membership of the Seminary Community automatically makes you a part of a global community of servant-leaders who are dedicated to reaching those who are lost within our turbulent and wicked world. We have one passion, to bring as many as we can to heaven with us.I therefore welcome you as you join the onward match to populate our Lord’s Kingdom. May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.In His Majesty’s Service,Pastor E. A. Adeboye.About RCCGNA SeminaryHistory of RCCGNA SeminaryThe Redeemed Christian Bible College and Seminary (RCCGNA SEMINARY) is a successor to the many locations that served as centers of learning to the seminary. The Bible College Systems started in the state of Maryland in September 2001. RCCGNA SEMINARY was inaugurated in August 2012 to consolidate the activities of the different centers and create one platform for the delivery of higher education at the national level. The seminary provides a ministry of Christian education through classroom, online and correspondence studies on the Bible as well as Christian counseling, Biblical studies, theology and pastoral training. The college is committed to providing educational experience that addresses the needs of the local Church. Hence its strategic direction is to provide a practitioner’s context and a practitioner’s degree.Recognizing that the Bible is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work, the seminary sets out to do its best in training Christian believers as “Real Ambassadors of Jesus Christ”. We will train men and women approved to be workmen and workwomen who do not need to be ashamed to spread the Good News and who correctly handle the word of truth.There was a time in America when the Church shouldered significant educational responsibilities and was recognized for this service to the community. It is almost as if we went to sleep and the responsibilities slipped away. It is time to recapture that mantle.AccreditationRCCGNA SEMINARY has the exemption of the State of Texas Higher Education Commission and is allowed to award religious degrees at all levels. The Seminary is in the process of seeking Accreditation from Trans National Association of Christian Schools and Colleges based (TRACS) based in 15935 Forest Road, Forest, VA, 24551Academic SystemTrimester SystemDegrees AwardedCertificate, Diploma, Bachelor, Master, DoctorateContact Information515 County Road 1118. Greenville, TX 75401Tel: 425 802 8392Mission of RCCGNA SeminaryRCCGNA SEMINARY builds leaders who serve as true ambassadors of Christ in a world of limitless diversity and build the kingdom of God on earth within the multifaceted contexts of the universe. RCCGNA SEMINARY was established to provide quality Christian education, to men and women of God who:Will study the promises of the Old Testament and the fulfillment in Christ of the New Testament, thus learn to see the Biblical view of man created in the image of God.Boldly live the message of Christ in all they say and do.Will be Christ’s Ambassadors to populate His Kingdom.The curriculum of the seminary is founded on the Bible; its specific content is the Word of God, designed with academic requirements that produce students who are knowledgeable, fully equipped, and committed to reaching the heart of man to do good. We channel this training through our undergraduate and graduate programs of study.Tenths of FaithOur Fundamental Beliefs:The Bible is the Word of GodInspired by God Himself. (11 Timothy 3:15-17) Infallible. (Matthew 5:18; Revelation 22:18-19)Authoritative, Revealed, Will of God. (Hebrew 4:12; John 7:17)There is One True God, Eternally Existent in Thee Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Mark 12:29; 1 John 5:6-8).Jesus Christ is perfect Deity and perfect humanity. (John 3:18; Mark 2:27, 28) His Virgin Birth (John 3:16)His Sinless Life (1 Peter 2:22) His Miracles (Acts 10:38)His Vicarious and Atoning Death through His shed blood (1 Corinthians 15:3,4) His Bodily Resurrection (Ephesians 1:20)His Personal Return in Power and Glory (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) His Millennial Reign (Revelation 19:11-16; 20:1-7)The Salvation of ManThe shed blood of Jesus Christ, grace through faith, believing in the heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, and confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord with the mouth, will result in man’s salvation (Romans 3:21-30, Romans 10:8-10).Regeneration of the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for the New Birth (Galatians 4:4-7)Water Baptism is an ordinance of the church, symbolizing to the world that one has died with Jesus and has also been raised with Him in resurrection (Romans 6:4-11; Ephesians 2:6) and given the power to walk in newness of life (Matthew 28:19; Acts 10:47-48). The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of the Church symbolizing the broke Body and shed Blood of Jesus Christ as the New Covenant between God and Man (1 Corinthians 11:24, 25, 28).The evidence of the Infilling of the Holy Ghost, which is the Promise of the Father, is the physical sign of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance, and by the subsequent manifestation of spiritual power in public testimony and service after the new birth (Acts 2:4; Acts 19:2, 6; Act 1:8; Acts 2:42; Matthew 3:11; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11).The Church is the Body of Christ, the dwelling place and home of God through the Spirit. Each Believer born of God’s Spirit is an integral part of the general assembly and the Church of the First born, which is written in Heaven (Ephesians 1:22, 23; Ephesians 2:19, 22).We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; that if they are saved unto the resurrection of life, and that they who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation (John 5:24, 28, 29).In the atonement of Jesus and His Resurrection, deliverance from sickness, disease, and mental torments is provided. These privileges are for everyone. (Isaiah 53:4; Matthew 8:16,17; Mark 16:18; John 5:6-14; 1 Peter2:24; Colossians 2:15; Colossians 1:3; Ephesians 1:20, 21)Total Prosperity: Spiritual (John 3:3,11; Mental (11 Timothy 1:7; Romans 12:2); Physical Isaiah 53:4, 5;Matthew 8:17); Financial (111 John 1:2; Malachi 3:10, 11); and Social (Proverbs 3:4).Tithe and Offering Regular payment of tithe and offering is obligatory because it is God’s command (Malachi 3:8-12; Genesis 14:19-20; Hebrew 7:2-5; 1 Corinthians 16:2; Matthew 23:23).Women in the Ministry. There is no scriptural prohibition concerning women ministering in the church (Acts 18:24-26; Acts 21:8, 9). Women are part of the One Body of Christ, which is neither male nor female with gifts differing according to the grace that is given to them (Galatians 3:28; Romans 12:4-6).Awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the great God and Savior JESUS CHRIST (1 Titus 2:13)!RCCGNA Seminary Leadership480193182644Accreditation and CertificationRCCGNA SEMINARY operates as an educational ministry of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, North America. The Redeemed Christian Church of God, North America is a member of the Redeemed Christian Church of God International.The Seminary is seeking accreditation with the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools to award associates, bachelors and graduate degrees.RCCGNA SEMINARY has received a formal exemption from the State of Texas and an Authorization by Texas Workforce Commission to conduct business as a non-profit theological educational institution.Student and Admissions InformationClassification of StudentsThe student body is divided academically into four classes: freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior and Graduate Students makes up a fourth segment.Students are classified academically on the following basis:Full-time StudentsThose carrying 10 or more trimester hoursPart-time StudentsThose carrying less than 10 hoursProbationary StudentsThose whose academic loads have been reduced because of a deficientgrade point averageTransfer StudentsRCCGNA SEMINARY welcomes transfer students with the desire to pursue their educational goals in Christian studies and who wish to transfer from an accredited or approved college. Official transcripts must be submitted directly to the seminary from all institutions of learning attended after high school graduation. Transcript must indicate courses entered, in progress or completed, grade, and semester/quarter credit hours earned (as well as the accreditation of the college).Results of aptitude and other special tests taken and evidence of standing should also be indicated on the transcript. Since RCCGNA SEMINARY is a theological institution, credits may also be given for specific classes, seminars, conferences and programs relating to Biblical topics.A maximum of 36 credits may be transferred at the Associate Degree level, 60 at the Bachelor Degree level. Transfer of credits at the Graduate level is granted at the discretion of the Dean of Academic Affairs.International StudentsRCCGNA SEMINARY is seeking the authority of USCIS to issue SEVIS Form I-20. We hope that we will receive this authority very soon.General Admission RequirementsStudents must be committed to the absolute Lordship of Christ, through an ongoing relationship with Him, and by a desire to reach greater maturity in Him, in full obedience to His will. Students must be actively involved in a church and must be a practicing Christian.A high school diploma, or its equivalent, for entrance into the undergraduate programs.Admission PolicyIn considering application, the Admissions Board reviews the applicant complete file (i.e. academic records, recommendation, and personal information). All applicants will be considered for enrollment regardless of race, sex, national or ethnic origins. Each applicant will be assessed according to his/her academic background and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The applicant will be notified of the decision of the Committee.A certificate or degree from RCCGNA SEMINARY is not a license or ordination, although, it is a tool to aid in this process. Each denomination or non-denominational organization has its own set of guidelines for licensing and ordaining its ministers.Admission RequirementsAcceptance will be granted to the student after evaluation of submitted documentation. The appropriate fees must accompany the application package. Full admissions into a program will be granted once student’s application and supporting documents has been approved. Applicants should have substantial experience in Christian church ministry and demonstrate competency in Biblical studies.The following requirements apply:Bachelor of Arts Ministries?Proof of Completion of High SchoolProof of Completion of an Associate DegreeMaster of Arts Ministries?A Bachelor’s Degree in a religious area of study, (i.e., Religious Studies, Theology, Christian Ministry, etc.) or a Bachelor’s Degree in a secular subject (i.e., Math, Business, Computer Science, etc.)Master of Arts in Global Missions ?A Bachelors Degree in any area of study, (i.e., Religious Studies, Theology, ChristianMinistry, etc.) from an accredited college or university.Doctor of Ministries / Doctor of Transformational Leadership??A Masters Degree in any area of Study.Application ProceduresAll applicants should complete the application in its entirety and submit to the Office of Admission and Records or download form . The application must be accompanied with the following documentations:Application Fee ($50.00 non-refundable)Standard Passport Photo (2)Statement of Faith (signature required)Statement of Purpose (Christian Conversion)Essay detailing your “My Most Memorable Ministry Experience” (3 page typed, double-spaced, and in appropriate format for a formal paper).Pastoral Recommendation.Professional Recommendation.Notarized copies of Undergraduate and Graduate Transcripts or Certificates where Transcripts are not easily accessible.Privacy Rights of Students.Application is due at least 30 days prior to the trimester you are planning to attend. Make checks payable to RCCGNA SEMINARY. Please answer all questions; if a question does not apply to you, write N/A (not applicable) in the space provided.Application DeadlinesRCCGNA SEMINARY uses a rolling admission system. Students can join in any Trimester.Fall Trimester – July 24Winter Trimester – January 18 Spring Trimester – April 12 Summer Trimester – July 16Admission ClassificationsRegular StudentThis is a student who meets all entrance requirements and is pursuing a certificate or degree program.Non-Regular StudentThis is a student who registers for only a limited number of courses for credit but is not interested in enrolling in a degree program. Non-Regular students must follow the application procedures.AuditThis is a student permitted to enroll in a course without being required to fulfill the normal course requirements in that course when it is taken for credit. No credit is granted. Audited courses will be recorded on the official transcript. Abbreviated admissions credentials are required of those students who are only auditing courses.Audit StudentsStudents who wish to enroll on a non-credit basis are classified as audit students. Courses will appear on the student’s transcript, but will not receive credit. Audit students who enroll in a course and later decide to convert the course for credit shall file an academic petition within four weeks of the beginning of the semester and must be passing the course at the time of the request. Upon approval, the student shall pay the additional tuition and must submit all previous course assignments to their instructor by the sixth week of school.Notice of Non-Discriminatory PolicyRCCGNA SEMINARY policies are in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL-88-353) and all regulations adopted pursuant to such title to the end that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, gender or national origin, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity. Furthermore, the Seminary does not discriminate against ethnic origin, or gender in administration of its educational policies, scholarship programs, or admission policies, nor with regard to access to, or treatment in its programs in respect to those with impaired vision, hearing, or physical mobility. RCCGNA SEMINARY is an Equal Opportunity Institute of Higher Learning.DISABILITY: It is RCCGNA Seminary policy to comply with the applicable provisions of the local, state, and federal disability acts. An individual with a disability is any person who self-identifies a sensory, physical, or mental condition for which s/he needs some accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of the job in question. RCCGNA Seminary will explore with the student or applicant any reasonable accommodation that would enable him or her to perform the essential functions as a community member. Persons requiring accommodation should notify the Director of Students Affairs. Students who have questions or concerns about any aspect of, or RCCGNA Seminary implementation of, this policy on access are encouraged to bring these issues to their supervisor’s attention. If it is inappropriate or uncomfortable to bring such concerns to the Director of Students Affairs attention, or if the Director of Students Affairs has not addressed the concern to the student’s satisfaction, the student may contact another member of management or the DOO. Students can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be violating this equal opportunity policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment. Grievances and AppealsThe college consciously adhere to the standards require for a suitable learning environment. Every effort is made to keep communication open between the students at the university. Any student who has a suggestion or concern is invited and encouraged to talk with the President or another appropriate staff person who carries responsibility for the area addressed. In the event of a grievance or problem that has not been handled to the student’s satisfaction, the following procedures are available to the student.If the grievance or problem is not satisfactorily resolved through the appropriate staff personnel, a written appeal may be addressed to the Board of Directors and submitted to the President for presentation to the Board.If the grievance or problem is not resolved through the appropriate channels at RCCGNA Seminary of the Ministry, an appeal may be directed to the accrediting agency that the Seminary is seeking accreditation through at the following address: Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools 15935 Forest Rd Forest, VA 24551 Phone: (434) 525-9539A final appeal can be directed to Texas Higher Education Commission, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 1200 East Anderson Lane, Austin, TX 78752 Phone: 512 427 6101Confidentiality of Student RecordsRCCGNA SEMINARY provides confidentiality of student records. This policy is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) as amended.At the discretion of the institution, may provide directory information, i.e. student name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student and participation in officially recognized activities. Students may withhold directory information by notifying the registrar in writing.Standards of ConductDue to Biblical demands of discipleship, it is expected that all students attending RCCGNA SEMINARY will maintain the highest standards of conviction and conduct. Specific rules and guidelines are outlined in the RCCGNA SEMINARY Student Handbook. Each student will receive a copy of the handbook upon admission to the college.Academic AdvisingStudents who have academic questions are encouraged to consult with the Dean of Academic Affairs, Recruiter, or Registrar. It is advised that students keep copies of all their course enrollment forms to assist in academic advising and to safeguard the accuracy of student records.School CalendarThe RCCGNA SEMINARY academic year consists of three trimesters and a summer session.Transfer StudentsRCCGNA SEMINARY welcomes students desiring to pursue their educational goals and who wish to transfer from another accredited or approved college. However, each course is individually evaluated before acceptance to ensure that it meets the requirements of similar offerings at the Seminary. The decision to accept or reject transfer of credits rests solely with RCCGNA SEMINARY.Official transcripts (certified and sealed) must be submitted directly to the college from all institutions of learning attended after high school graduation. Transcripts must indicate courses registered for, courses in progress, courses completed, grade and trimester/quarter credit hours earned (as well as the accreditation of the college).A maximum of 30 credits may be transferred at the Associate Degree level, a total of 60 credits at the bachelor’s degree level.The final decision on transferring credits will be made, put in writing, and sent to the registrar for inclusion in the student’s folder. The registrar will then give the student a timely response as to the acceptance/rejection of transfer of credits. Once the registrar receives the certified transcript, he/she will forward it to the Academic Dean who will work closely with the members of the appropriate department in making the final decision on transfer of credits.Only work competed with a “C” or better is transferable.The transfer student should note that every student receiving a degree from RCCGNA SEMINARY, regardless of the number of transfer credits must complete the 30 hours of core courses.RegistrationAll students are required to register for classes in the Seminary Admissions Office. Students not registering during regular registration will be charged a late registration fee of $25.00. All students enrolled in classes assume responsibility of paying his/her account in full each trimester.Graduation RequirementsTo be recommended for a certificate or degree, the student must satisfy the following conditions:The completion of the prescribed program with a passing grade in each course, and with an overall grade point average of 3.0 or better.The evidence of genuine Christian faith and a consistent testimony.Settlement of all financial obligations to the school.Submission of a completed “Application for Graduation” as outlined on the academic calendar of the year the student plans to graduate.Master of Ministry– the student must have completed a minimum of 30 credits hours of required studiesMaster of Divinity – the student must have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours of required. The student must write and defend a Master Thesis.Doctor of Ministry – the student must have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours of required studies. Students must write and defense a Doctoral DissertationThe student must meet the internship or practicum, if the curriculum requires one.Time allotment for Degree completion-A student enrolled in the Master of Theological Studies program is allowed 2 years to complete the program. In the event of a change in major, this may be an extended administrative approval.A student enrolled in Master of Divinity program is allowed 4 years to complete the program. In event of a change in major, this may be an extended administrative approval.A student enrolled in Doctor of Ministry program is allowed 3 years to complete the program. In the event of a change in the major, this may be an extended administrative approval.Any student dropping out for more than one year will be re-admitted under the new catalog.Variance from Stated Requirements. In special cases, certain course substitution may be made for required courses. For any deviation from stated requirements for graduation, a petition must be filed with the Vice- President or Academic Dean. If approved, a copy of the petition will be placed in the student’s file.Granting Degrees and CommencementThe annual commencement convocation is held at the end of the spring trimester. Students who complete degree requirements the preceding trimesters will be invited to participate in the spring commencement exercise.Academic and Financial InformationRCCGNA SEMINARY runs a Flex system of educational delivery. Given the fact that we are designed to serve full-time Christian workers and others who have full-time jobs during the day. RCCGNA SEMINARY offers most of its curriculum during hours that match the work rhythm of the students.Evening classes are held Monday through Friday 6:00 PM– 9:00 PM EST. Saturday morning classes are held 9:30 AM – 12:30PM.The regular academic year program at RCCGNA SEMINARY is three trimesters, 12 weeks each. Summer school is eight weeks.Grading SystemA trimester credit hour is earned by competing one 180-minute period of class per week for one trimester, which is 13 weeks. The quality points of the grade earned in the course are multiplied by the credit value for each course.The total number of credits for which the student was enrolled divides the sum. The resulting number is the GPA (grade point average). The student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA) is based on the sum of all quality points earned divided by the sum of all quality hours attempted. The College follows a 4.0 grade point system and requires a 3.0 GPA for graduation.After receipt of a grade, a student has one week (seven days) to dispute any grade or an “I=Incomplete”. If a student fails to submit the required course work during the grace period, the final grade given is recorded. Any contingent changes after seven days will be determined by the RCCGNA SEMINARY administration. Student is responsible for all fees. A student must have a 2.00 (C) average or higher to graduate as an undergraduate student.GradeGrade points perTrimester hourA+98-1004.0A94-97Excellent3.9A-90-933.8B+87-893.5B86-84Good3.0B-83-802.7C+79-772.5C76-74Average2.0C-73-701.7D+69-671.7D66-64Poor1.5D-63-601.0FBelow 60Failure0After receipt of a grade, a student has one week (seven days) to dispute any grade or an “I=Incomplete”. If a student fails to submit the required course work during the grace period, the final grade given is recorded. Any contingent changes after seven days will be determined by the RCCGNA SEMINARY administration. Student is responsible for all fees. A student must have a 2.00 (C) average or higher to graduate as an undergraduate student.Transfer of CreditsThe transferability of credits earned at RCCGNA SEMINARY to another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution. This transferability will be enhanced when the Seminary finishes the process of accreditation, which it has started. Students who plan to transfer to another institution are however advised to contact the receiving institution for verification of transferability prior to beginning their studies at the RCCGNA SEMINARY.The following grades and notations are also used in the grading system of the Seminary:AU- Audit:Indicates that the student registered for the class on an audit basis; normally indicates regular attendance in class and participation in discussion although not enrolled for credit. Since no grade is assigned, grade points and hours are not accumulated for courses audited.I- Incomplete:Represents a minimum of 70 percent of course work completed and is passing the course at the end of the termS - Satisfactory:Represents successful completion of a course offered on a no credit basic.U- Unsatisfactory:Represents failure to complete a course offered on a no credit course must be repeated.W- Withdrawal:Withdrawal from a course before the end of the academic term.Repeating a CourseA student who receives a grade of “F” in a required course must repeat the course in order to graduate. A student may elect to repeat any other course. When a course is repeated, the last grade points and credit hours earned replace the previous grade points and credit hours in computing the grade average. However, all grade entries on the transcript remain a part of the student’s permanent academic record. The student must indicate that it is a repeat course at the time of registering for the course.Course WithdrawalShould it become necessary for a student to withdraw from Seminary, the student must report to the Director of their specific program at that time and complete the required procedure. If a student leaves colleges and fails to withdraw officially, it will result in an “F” grade notation on the student’s permanent record.A student may withdraw from the College (all classes in which they are enrolled) up to and including the last day of classes prior to the beginning of the final examination period.Voluntary---A student who wishes to withdraw voluntarily during a semester shall meet the Registrar. The student must submit a letter of withdrawal and satisfy all financial obligations before withdrawal or they will not receive academic transcripts. Grades of WP or WF shall be placed on the student’s transcript for the courses in which the student was enrolled.Unauthorized---A student who leaves during a semester without officially withdrawing will receive a grade for the class, possibly an “F”. To avoid this, students should follow procedures for voluntary withdrawal. In exceptional circumstances such as a prolonged emergency, a student may be Administratively Withdrawn. In these cases, WP (withdraw passing) grades shall be placed on the student’s academic transcript for courses enrolled in that semester, unless the instructor specifies that WF (withdrawal failing) be posted.Final ExaminationExamination for courses shall always be within the College classrooms; and executed on the specific days that are catalogued. Failure to attend final examinations as prescribed may mean that the student will retake the course when next offered by RCCGNA SEMINARY.Examinations taken at times different from the regularly scheduled time, either early or late, impose an added burden on the faculty. Any student desiring to take an unscheduled examination must obtain the permission of the professor and may be subject to a fee per examination.Grade ReportsGrade reports are issued at the end of the trimester. In compliance with Federal Statute, Public Law 93-380, cited as the Educational Amendments of 1973, Section 438, Protection of the Rights and Privacy of Parents and Students, all reports of grades are mailed to the student at the address indicated on the Admission Application. Errors on the grade report other than grade errors should be reported to the Registrar within two weeks of receiving the gradereport. The student’s copy of the grade report will be mailed within three weeks after the completion of the trimester.Change of GradeStudents who believe that a grade has been issued in error must contact the instructor. In the event that a grade is to be changed, the instructor will submit a Change of Grade Form to the Enrollment Management Office.HonorsGraduation honors will be granted to students who attain cumulative grade point averages as listed: Summa Cum Laude, 3.80 and Magna Cum Laude, 3.60.Academic ProbationThe status of any student whose cumulative grade point average drops below 3.0 will be changed to probationary. Any probationary student who fails to raise his/her cumulative grade point average over the next three (3) trimesters is ineligible for continued study in the degree program. The student may request permission to continue study as a non-regular student.The student who brings up his/her cumulative average to the standards listed below over the next three (3) trimesters of work will be restored to regular status.The student who fails to meet the above requirement will not be re-admitted to the degree program. Any student who has a question about his/her status may appeal to the administration for reconsideration.Academic StandingThe student must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 each trimester.Academic Warning – An academic warning notice will be placed on the student’s trimester grade report that his/her academic performance is below 3.0 for one trimester.Academic Probation – An academic probation notice will be placed on the student’s trimester grade report that his/her academic performance is below 3.0 for than one trimester.Academic Dismissal – The student should expect to be dismissed from RCCGNA SEMINARY when cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 for more than three (3) trimesters. Students dismissed for low academic achievement may appeal the decision to the Committee of Academic Affairs or they may reapply for admission after a period of one academic year. Applicants for readmission need to supply evidence of successful work in the future at RCCGNA SEMINARY.Academic LoadIn determining the academic load to be carried, students must use self-discipline and good judgment based on their previous academic records.Course Load LimitationsA full-time graduate student enrolled in twelve hours during any one trimester. Students, who desire to take more than twelve credit hours, must obtain the approval of the Academic Dean. Only students in good academic standing will be approved to carry more than twelve credits during any one trimester.AbsencesClass attendance is of paramount importance; and excessive absences will affect the final grade.Course CancellationsAlthough the college will endeavor to hold all courses scheduled, it reserves the right to cancel any course due to insufficient enrollment.Privacy of Student RecordsThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of the 1974 was enacted by Congress to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right for students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. The privacy of all student records is observed at RCCGNA SEMINARY. No information may be released to the public without the consent of the student. Members of the administration, faculty or counseling staff may have access to student records and then only for educational, administrative or statistical purposes. Students have the right to file complaints with the Family Education Rights Privacy Act Office (FREPA) in Washington, D.C. concerning alleged failure by the college to comply with the Act.Graduation PolicyTo qualify for graduation, a student must:Fulfill the academic requirements for the degree with a 2.00 ? average or higher—undergraduate degree, or 3.00 (B) –graduate degrees.Fulfill all financial obligations thirty days before the graduation date.Pay the graduation fee.Have a graduation evaluation done by the Registrar’s Office one semester before the anticipated graduation.TranscriptsStudent transcripts are kept on file in the Office of Records. A copy of the transcript includes only the academic record accumulated by the Seminary. Money orders should be made payable to RCCGNA SEMINARY. Copies of transcripts furnished from other institutions become the property of the Institution and will not be furnished for other purposes. All transcripts requests must be made by students and must be in writing. Transcripts will not be issued for students who have outstanding fees or fines. Transcripts will take up to five (5) business days to process. Definitions:An Official Transcripts has the RCCGNA SEMINARY seal, date, and an appropriate signature for students who have attended this institution. Official transcripts cost $7.00 each for all degrees. Official Transcripts can only be released upon receipt of a written request from the student.An Unofficial Student Transcript is an unofficial record of grades obtained while a student is attending RCCGNA SEMINARY. It is issued to the student and has the appropriate signature and is dated without the college seal. When all coursework has been completed and all financial obligations are fulfilled, one (1) Unofficial Transcript will be available at no charge. All subsequent Unofficial Transcripts are $5.00 each.Transcript PolicyA transcript contains all essential academic data as the course, grades and credits awarded, degree w/major, and graduation.Definition:An Official Transcript has the RCCGNA SEMINARY seal, date, and an appropriate signature for students who have attended this institution. Official transcripts cost $15.00 each. Official Transcripts can only be released upon receipt of a written request from the student.An Unofficial Student Transcript is an unofficial record of grades obtained while a student is attending the RCCGNA SEMINARY. It is issued to the student and has the appropriate signature and is dated without the College seal.When all coursework has been completed and all financial obligations are fulfilled, one (1) Unofficial Transcript will be available at no charge. All subsequent Unofficial Transcripts are $10.00 each.Official or Unofficial Transcripts will not be issued to a student who fails to meet all financial obligations to the RCCGNA SEMINARY.Definitions of Terms Used in Describing the Academic ProgramCredit HourAll scholastic work is measured according to the trimester credit hour. This is the equivalent of one class of 180 minutes per week (plus preparation) or two laboratory hours per week (plus preparation) for 13 weeks.CurriculumCurriculum is a pattern of courses that will lead to a specific educational objective. These are required sequential offerings, which meet an educational objective.Grade-Point Average (GPA)The GPA is the average determined by dividing a student’s total quality points by the total number of trimester hours of credit that he or she has attempted. Quality points for one course are computed by multiplying the number of credit hours for a course by the student’s grade as measured on a four-point scale. The total quality points earned by a student are computed by adding together the quality points in each of the courses attempted.PrerequisiteA course that must be completed prior to admission into another course.Student ClassificationDivision of students into classes based on the number of credit hours completed.Transfer of CreditApplying credit hours earned at one educational institution to the completion of an academic program at another institution. The rule which applies to most transfers is that the grade earned in a transferred course must be “C” or above, and the course must be similar to a course offered in the college to which the transfer is made.Study ProgramsStarting September 2012, the undergraduate, graduate and specialty course programs will be available online and onsite (at our Distance Education Centers located at our parishes all over the USA.). The School of Disciples is also available online.Curriculum PhilosophyRCCGNA SEMINARY degree programs are structured to give every student a thorough background in Bible and doctrine. Thus every student regardless of area of concentration is a Bible major. The curriculum also provides students with complimentary foundation in general education in order that they might have a comprehension of the history language, thought, and expression of past and present world cultures. All of this is designed to assist students to develop a truly biblical world and life view.Courses and CreditsCourse content is based on textbook materials, an analysis of material in each chapter and material presented by the teacher in class. Grades are based on collateral reading, written reports, and examinations in the form of objective, multiple choice, and essay questions. The student is expected not only to acquire and recall facts, but also to relate those facts to personal experiences and Christian responsibilities.RCCGNA Seminary School ProgramsThe faculty shall be responsible for making recommendations regarding the academic policies and programs of the institution. It shall aid the administration and governing board in the total program of the institution, in such areas as curriculum, admissions, academic standing, faculty growth and welfare, and the spiritual and professional growth of the students.The faculty actively functions to support the aims and vision of the university, which include the provision of higher education, within the context of Christian values, with an emphasis on high academic standards, practical application and spiritual development.DOCTOR OF MINISTRY/DOCTOR OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMThis program is designed to strengthen the work of those already successfully engaged in; pastoral ministry, lay leaders for ministry, religious educators, and those involved in community-based ministries.The program emphasizes learning from group interaction among peers. The faculty cultivates interaction among students, thus promoting openness, caring, and practicing the teachings of Christ.Learning OutcomesCommunicate the gospel in clear, and compelling ways.Understanding the integration of biblical teaching with the disciplines of systematic and historical theology.Interpret the whole Bible in a Christ-centered way.Explain the nature of the ministry setting and exhibit a commitment to its ethical and professional expectations.Formulate an awareness of the diversity found in ministry, and possess the ability to work effectively with different; religious beliefs, denominations, racial, ethnic and gender differences.Develop leadership competencies required for Christian ministry in contemporary society.MASTER OF ARTS MINISTRY PROGRAMRCCGNA SEMINARY is committed to seeking out, training and equipping real ambassadors for Christ with practical knowledge that is useful in the place of service and ministry.As the signature degree of RCCGNA SEMINARY, the program draws students into a learning environment that increasingly global and culturally diverse. The courses are taught from a historically rooted and whole- Bible narrative theology. Students receive direct exposure to the new realities of a global world in massive economic, social, environmental, and spiritual transformation. The program is delivered in a Modular format with every course serving as a stand-alone module. The first half of the course focuses on creating a solid theological foundation and can be a self-contained Advanced Diploma in Theology. The second half has Seven Tracks focused on the different practices of the Church of Christ. There is extensive coaching of students through a mentoring module. There is student-to-student interaction that provides Peer Support. Each student is encouraged to identify and clarify a topic for thesis and the faculty supports the student in the design of a customized track that allows for an in-depth research and experience in the area of specialization. Students are encouraged to select thesis topics that explore new interests; have immediate practical benefit to their current work; or build toward a publishable work.OutcomesDemonstrates character development and a positive and sustainable growth trajectoryDemonstrates the understanding of ethical behaviors and values globally needed to serve in the global Church of ChristDemonstrates critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.Articulates and demonstrates Biblical understanding and practical application of ministry opportunities applied to one’s contextDemonstrate the understanding of key concepts in Biblical, Global Christian History, and Christian theologyDemonstrates the understanding of the Christian worldview from a global perspectiveBecomes competent in biblical, theological and historical studiesBACHELORS OF ARTS IN MINISTRY PROGRAMThis program is designed to give the student an in-depth study of the models, paradigms, Bible-centered knowledge. It will equip the pastors, Christian leaders, and laypersons to administer divine principles for effective, God-honoring ministry. Students receiving this degree are eligible for further study at the Master’s level.OutcomesArticulates a theological and theoretical framework for understanding global challengesDemonstrates character development, ethical behavior and personal valuesDemonstrates critical thinking and problem-solving developmentEmbodies an approach to serve the powerful on behalf of the vulnerable, to engage both the powerful and powerless, and to build bridges between the twoEffectively engagement with high risk populationsGain the ability to articulate an understanding that it is not simply about what a leader does, but who the leader is, which includes the competency of self-reflection and self- awareness of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, the ability to do “self-care,” have an understanding of personal limits with a desire to be a lifelong learner (beyond classes and the program)Understands and value civic networks and to participate in one or more (e.g. engage the community by building and participating in inter-denominational, cross-cultural, and inter- faith networks)Enhances skills and capabilities in church leadership, staff relations, family issues, ethics, contemporary youth culture issues, legal and financial responsibilities and effective communication techniquesADVANCED DIPLOMA IN MINISTRYThe Advanced Diploma Program is designed to prepare and equip students to have a deeper understanding of theological and Biblical propositions so that they are better equipped to serve global populations in the context of a post-modern environment.OutcomesDemonstrates character development, ethical behavior and personal valuesArticulates a theological and theoretical framework for understanding global challengesDemonstrates critical thinking and problem-solving developmentEmbody an approach to serve the powerful on behalf of the vulnerable, to engage both the powerful and powerless, and to build bridges between the twoEffectively engagement with high risk populationsArticulate an understanding that it is not simply about what a leader does, but who the leader is, which includes the competency of self-reflection and self- awareness of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, the ability to do “self-care,” have an understanding of personal limits with a desire to be a lifelong learner (beyond classes and the program)Understand and value civic networks and to participate in one or more (e.g. engage the community by building and participating in inter-denominational, cross-cultural, and inter-faith networks)H. DIPLOMA IN MINISTRYThe Diploma in Ministry program is designed for men and women who are serving in a leadership role in their local church or in other ministry position. The diploma provides a depth of training in Bible, theology and broad range of ministry skills. It gives students the opportunity to develop servant leadership skills for local church ministry, as well as competencies in Bible and church history. This diploma also encourages the development of personhood as well as skills and excellence in the performance of ministry.Outcomes?Acquired awareness, knowledge, and skills to deliver counseling services that value the human dignity and worth of all clients irrespective of their individual differences.?Builds collaborative relationships with community stakeholders.?Works ethically and legally in counselling settings.?Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and responsiveness with community members.?Engage sin the total systems that surround the individuals we serve.?Assumes counselling roles for the mental health care of underserved individuals and groups in urban settings.?Integrates self-awareness, counseling roles and reflective practices into a professional counseling identity.PASTORAL COUNSELING CERTIFICATEPastoral Counseling Certificate offers students the opportunity to enhance their understanding of human behavior and improve their skills in working with groups, families, couples, adults and childrenOutcomesAcquired awareness, knowledge, and skills to deliver counseling services that value the human dignity and worth of all clients irrespective of their individual differences.Builds collaborative relationships with community stakeholders.Works ethically and legally in counseling settings.Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and responsiveness with community members.Engage sin the total systems that surround the individuals we serve.Assumes counselling roles for the mental health care of unders-erved individuals and groups in urban settings.Integrates self-awareness, counseling roles and reflective practices into a professional counseling identity.POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA IN PASTORAL COUNSELINGThe Postgraduate Diploma in Pastoral Counseling prepares students to pursue vocations that emphasize the ministry of pastoral care in the local church and other ministry.OutcomesAcquired awareness, knowledge, and skills to deliver counseling services that value the human dignity and worth of all clients irrespective of their individual differences.Builds collaborative relationships with community stakeholders.Works ethically and legally in counselling settings.Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and responsiveness with community members.Engage sin the total systems that surround the individuals we serve.Assumes counselling roles for the mental health care of underserved individuals and groups in urban settings.Integrates self-awareness, counseling roles and reflective practices into a professional counseling identity.MASTERS OF ARTS IN PASTORAL COUNSELINGRCCGNA SEMINARY master’s degree in counseling includes courses, practicum and educational experiences that offer comprehensive preparation for the practice as a counselor in the religious and secular world. At the completion of this program students are able to implement theoretical, empirical, and practical frameworks that facilitate client growth and development, introspective awareness, and well-being. For those students who choose to only complete one year of this program students will have the option to earn a Diploma in Counseling.OutcomesAcquired awareness, knowledge, and skills to deliver counseling services that value the human dignity and worth of all clients irrespective of their individual differences.Builds collaborative relationships with community stakeholders.Works ethically and legally in counseling settings.Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and responsiveness with community members.Engage sin the total systems that surround the individuals we serve.Assumes counseling roles for the mental health care of under-served individuals and groups in urban settings.Integrates self-awareness, counseling roles and reflective practices into a professional counseling identity.MASTERS OF ARTS IN GLOBAL MISSIONSThe Masters of Arts in Global Missions is designed for the leader that understands the complexity of today’s global, pluralistic, urban, economic, and political landscape and sees the church from the perspective of a world Church rather than merely a nationalized, denominational, or localized church. To improve upon the word they are already doing, the student choosing this program knows that he or she requires a working knowledge of the basic church families and missional agencies found in every city and in every religion (Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical and Charismatic and Independent)OutcomesUnderstands what the Bible says and what the Bible meansShepherds the churchTeaches/preaches the Word and praysResolves doctrinal issuesProvides a Godly example to the churchEffectively guide believers in the knowledge of the WordCounsels believersMinisters to the sickAcquires administrative capabilityMasters of Arts in Global Missions and Intercultural StudiesHead of Program: Dr. Sola AwobajoCreditHoursCoursesYear OneResearch Writing and Theological Learning13Advanced Bible Doctrine4GMI 540 Elementary Language Studies3GMI 541 Intermediate Language Studies3GMI 510 Introduction to Evangelism andMissions3GMI 530 Personal Evangelism3GMI 602 Cross Cultural Communication ofthe Gospel3Year TwoGMI 685 Selected Topics in Evangelismand Missions3GMI 720 Principles and Strategies forChurch Planting3GMI 731 Evangelism and Missions in anUrban Setting3GMI 680 Evangelism/Missions Practicum I3GMI 790 Independent Research in3Evangelism and/or MissionsTotal number of credits for Graduation37Student LifeStudent BodyRCCGNA SEMINARY has more than 100 students enrolled to further their education and build the kingdom of God. Our students consist of pastors, ministers, leaders, laypersons, evangelists, missionaries, and teachers. Our students come from various independent and denominational churches.The seminary is primarily designed to serve full-time Christian workers and others who have full-time jobs during the day. Therefore, RCCGNA SEMINARY offers most of its curriculum during the evening hours with a few morning classes.Student Government AssociationThe Student Government Association consists of students who have been appointed/elected for three primary purposes: to listen intently for the specific needs of the student body; to channel such information steadily to the administration and faculty; and to convert such information into effective action. Each Cohort of student is encouraged to select a Student Marshall.Alumni AssociationAll graduates and certificate recipients as well as former students who have earned at least Certificate of Biblical Studies are designated as Alumni of The Redeemed Christian Bible College Seminary (RCCGNA SEMINARY). The Seminary Alumni Association will be fully constituted and will operate under the leadership of the Association President.Christian ServiceThe Christian Service Department, under the supervision of the Director of Student Life, provides an opportunity for students to develop Christian leadership and spiritual ministry. Everything is done to ensure that students will receive the maximum degree of benefit and fulfillment from personal involvement in various types of practical Christian work and community service throughout the Washington area.Campus and BuildingsMain Campus: RCCGNA SEMINARY is situated located in Greenville Texas. The college is connected to the Redeemed Christian Church of God and located on nearly 700 Acres of land. The College is located within a rural landscape in the Texas Cornfield of a city called Floyd within the Greenville municipality. The Seminary Building is accessible by public transportation. This building is houses the library, classroom space, the student computer lab, and the student lounge.Library: Located in the Main Campus Building, the Library provides a variety of resources. It contains a growing collection of excellent resources for reference, research, and circulation. The holdings are arranged on open shelves according to the Dewey decimal classification system.Health ServiceStudents are encouraged to secure medical services when necessary from their own physicians. These consultations are entirely at the student’s expense. Special items, such as the cost prescriptions, hospitalization, ambulanceservice, x-rays, operating room expense, dental work, surgery, special nursing or special care for students with contagious diseases are also paid by the student, if not covered by health insurance.When on Campus, the services of Texas’ many fine hospitals are available in an emergency. Students are required, if they do not have hospitalization insurance, to obtain such before coming to stay on campus for any length of time. Students should meet this requirement by purchasing health insurance coverage of their choice.Student HandbookAt the beginning of each school year, new students will receive a copy of The RCCGNA SEMINARY Student Handbook. When the Student Handbook is revised, students may obtain a revised copy.Dress StandardsThere should be a moderation in the manner of dress for RCCGNA SEMINARY students. Casual dress is acceptable in the classroom so long as it is neat and modest. Students are to dress appropriately and in good taste at all times.Student Life ServicesCOUNSELING SERVICESWhen a student is accepted into any of the degree program, a faculty advisor is assigned to him/her. The advisor is to guide, assist, and to counsel the student throughout his academic program.ACCESSING THE CLASSROOMThe students are sent schedule of meeting times and link to connect the class online, well before the day of holding the class. A follow up will be made after the first holding, to ensure that the student have no problem with connecting to classroom online. The students will also be given direct access to the Director of Student Services, incase of any discrepancies or disturbance to connecting the class. LIBRARY AND RESOURCES CENTERThe Library and Resources Center (LRC) located in the Main Campus Building, serves students, faculty, and staff. It is a vital part of the educational program at RCCCGNA Library. The LRC offers audio/visual materials, cassettes, videotapes, books, and periodicals.ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICESThe Finance Office handles all financial matters, such as tuition, reimbursements, and fee payment. The Office of the Provost handles all student admissions and academic records.STUDENT PARKINGAll student vehicles must be parked in the parking lot outside of the Seminary. Parking is free but the owner assumes all risks.HANDICAP ACCESS AND USEThe RCCGNA SEMINARY building is compliant and accessible to students with handicaps. All classrooms and library facilities are handicap accessible. The building that houses the administrative and faculty offices are also handicap accessible.Handicap parking is posted for convenience and is strictly enforced. Classroom tables provide easy wheelchair access. Restrooms near the classroom and library areas are also handicap accessible.School ClosingsRCCGNA SEMINARY shall conduct business as usual on every scheduled day, except during extraordinary circumstances when weather or other conditions make it necessary to close the college. The determination to close the institution shall be made by the President or designee.In the event of severe weather conditions in the morning, information regarding the status of classes will be made available to and broadcasted by, pubic media and our phone system. In the event of severe weather condition developing during the day, a decision to close the Seminary will be made and communicated by 7.00 a.m. for day classes and 2.00p.m for night classes, when possible. The appropriate announcements will be made using our phone system and the public media.Financial InformationPayment of AccountAt the time of registration, the student will pay one third of the full tuition. The remaining payments are due in two installments at the first of each month. All classes must be paid to full by the end of each trimester.Students who pay in full at registration will receive a ten percent (10%) discount, to be applied immediately. Students who are receiving tuition assistance from a third party (employer, church, etc.) must bring an official statement from the source at the time of registration stating the level of assistance. It is the student’s responsibility to see that payment is made by the due date.TextbooksTextbooks may be purchased through bookstore and online by and other online retailers.Payment PlanAt the time of registration, the student will pay one third of the full tuition. The remaining payments are due in two installments at the first of each month. All classes must be paid in full by the end of each trimester.Returned Checks and Late PaymentsAny check written to RCCGNA SEMINARY that is returned due to insufficient funds or stopped payment will incur to the individual’s account, a check fee of $30.00 in addition to any late fees. Checks are deposited only once. In the event that an account presents two returned checks, all subsequent payments must be made by cash or money order. If an account has three late payments, we reserve the right to ask you to pay your account balance for the year in full.Graduation FeesAll fees associated with graduation must be paid in full by the first Monday in May whether the candidate receives the degree in person or in absentia. Graduation fees include cap and gown. Graduation fees are non-refundable.Refund PolicyAny student who withdraws from courses, the College, or Seminary in writing and whose withdrawal is officially approved may receive a refund for tuition and course related fees as follows:100% - if dropped before the first week of the trimester90% - if withdrawal is before the end of the first week of the trimester80% - if withdrawal is before the end of the second week of the trimester70%- if withdrawal is before the end of the third week of the trimester.There are no refunds after the third week of the trimester. All refunds will be paid to the student, 30 days after check has cleared the bank.Cost Adjustments.RCCGNA SEMINARY reserves the right to adjust tuition and other fees whenever it is deemed necessary.Finance Office HoursThe Finance Office hours are:Monday - Friday7.30AM to 9.30AM, and from 3.00PM to 5.30PMThursday7.30AM to 9.30AM and from 3.00PM to 8.00PMThere are some days the Finance Office may not be open, such as school holidays and some school closures. Please call (903 303 7853) if you have questions about these hours. Also, if you have a special need to see Finance Office personnel when the office is not open, please call to schedule an appointment.Finance Office Address. RCCGNA SEMINARY515 County Road 1118,Greenville, TX 75401Phone: 903 303 78531251585138811000Tuition and FeesMaster of TheologicalStudies (30 credit hours)Master of Divinity (90 credit hours)Doctor of Ministry (60 credit hours)Application package (non-refundable)$100$100$100Evaluation Fee(non-refundable)$30$30$40Late Registration Fee.$25$25$25Tuition Trimester-hour$100$120$150Auditing Trimesterhour (No Credit earned)N/AN/AN/AThesis/DissertationReading Fee$25$75$100Thesis/DissertationExtension Fee.$100$120$150Graduation Fee$100$120$150Degree Replacement$60$80$100Student (Unofficial) Transcript$10$10$10Official Transcript.$15$15$15Endowment OpportunitiesRCCGNA SEMINARY is a gift that gives giving. Friends and churches who seek the accomplishment of the mission of the Seminary and align with the Church’s focus to thoroughly prepare creative Christian service agents such asPastors, Missionaries, Church School Teachers, and Christian workers; such friends, should please support this effort financially.Friends who desire to strengthen the financial structure of RCCGNA SEMINARY by monetary gifts will find, doubtless, no better way to perpetuate one’s life in the Gospel ministry. Such individuals can target giving opportunities that will outlast the individual. We offer the following suggestions for your prayerful consideration:A PROFESSORIAL ENDOWMENT whereby a fund would be established memorializing a name chosen by the donor, the interest of which would provide for professors’ salaries.A LIBRARY ENDOWMENT for the purchase of additional books for the RCCGNA SEMINARY library.A STUDENT AID ENDOWMENT for the support of worthy students who need financial assistance while attending the Seminary.A CHAPEL ENDOWMENT for the building of a chapel and equipment for the Seminary.A SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT to provide a free course of study to outstanding students.FORM OF BEQUESTSI give and bequeath to RCCGNA SEMINARY, located in the Greenville, Texas, the sum of dollars to be applied to the maintenance of the said Seminary under the direction of the Administration and the Board of Trustees.SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE FOUNDING OF A SCHOLARSHIPI hereby agree to pay to RCCGNA SEMINARY in the State of Texas, the sum of dollars, for the purpose of founding a scholarship, with the interest of this sum to be expended annually in aiding approved students in pursing the studies for the ministry of the Gospel. The scholarship is to be named.“The Scholarship”2017 - 2018 Academic CalendarPLEASE SEE ATTACHED2. At the end of this IER form provide a summary list of all exhibits in the order referenced, followed by the actual exhibits, labeled and tabbed in a 3-ring binder. Use sequential numberingfor ALL exhibits.ExhibitNumberDocumentationPageNumber1.17. Copy of the Board Manual.32.18. Copy of the Policies Manual113.19. Copy of the Faculty Handbook.264.110. Copy of the Student Handbook.70 ................

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