Non-Mendelian Inheritance -- Practice Problems

Name ______________________

Non-Mendelian Inheritance Practice Problems

Be sure to make dominant and recessive alleles clearly distinguishable. Punnett squares should show genotypes and phenotypes. Make Punnett squares only as big as needed to show ratios.

Draw Punnett squares here

1. Skin color in humans is determined by a polygenic inheritance system, possibly involving involving as many as 9 genes. For simplicity let’s consider the influence of 3 genes: A, B, and C, where the dominant allele darkens skin color. Suppose a women who is AABbCc mates with a man who is AaBbcc.

A. List all of the possible genotypes of the gametes that could be produced by each the parents?

(: ______________ (: _______________

B. Draw a Punnett square that shows the genotypes possible, and number each genotype from lightest (1) to darkest skin coloration.

C. In this cross, how many dominant alleles will children with the darkest skin coloration possess, and what theoretical fraction of the children will have this coloration?

# of alleles: ____ fraction: _____

2. Mrs. Eryth is carrier of the sex-linked hemophilia allele, and Mr. Eryth is normal (as far as blood chemistry goes).

A. Draw a Punnet square that shows the theoretical genotypes and phenotypes among their children.

B. They actually have 4 male and 4 female children; how many of each sex would be expected to be hemophiliacs, carriers, and normal?

# hemophiliac #carrier # normal

(: _____ _____ _____

(: _____ _____ _____

C. Is it more likely that Mrs. Eryth obtained the hemophilia allele from her mother or father? Why?

3. In humans, the alleles for blood type are designated IA (A-type blood), IB (B-type blood) and i (O-type blood). What are the expected frequencies of phenotypes in the following matings? Draw a Punnett square showing the results for a).

%A %B %O %AB

a) heter A x heter B : ____ ____ ____ ____

b) IAIB x IAi : ____ ____ ____ ____

c) IAIA x IBIB : ____ ____ ____ ____

d) AB x O : ____ ____ ____ ____

1. In rabbits, white fur color (W) is dominant to black, and long ears (L) are dominant to short. Draw a Punnett square that represents the cross between two rabbits heterozygous for both traits. What are the phenotype and genotype ratios?

2. In humans, polydactylism (having an extra finger on each hand) is dominant to the typical 5-finger arrangement. Tongue rolling is dominant to not being able to roll one’s tongue. A man who is homozygous for 5-fingers and who cannot roll their tongue has children with a woman who is heterozygous for polydactylism and tongue rolling. Draw a Punnett square that represents the cross. What is the probability the couple will produce a polydactyl baby who cannot roll their tongue?

3. A species of bird is threatened with extinction because its habitat is being destroyed by deforestation. As a research ecologist, you have been chosen to ensure the genetic diversity of the species. In this species of bird, feathers may be white, black, or white with black spots. In the same species, beaks may be long, medium or short. A black bird with a medium beak pairs with a spotted bird with a long beak. Draw a Punnett square that represents the cross. Make a list of all of the phenotype combinations this pair could possibly produce.

The expected phenotypic ratio of the progeny of a SsYy x ssyy test cross is:

A. 9:3:3:1 B. 3:1 C. 1:1:1:1 D. 1:2:1 E. 3:1:1:3

Blood Type Practice questions

Be sure to use proper designation of alleles (IA, IB or i) where called for

This will not be collected

I. Identify the Characteristics of the Different Blood Groups

Blood Type(s) of Type(s) of

group antigen on cells antibody in serum

A ________ ____________

B ________ ____________ Remember: possible antigens are ‘A’ and ‘B ‘

O ________ ____________ Remember: antibodies are ‘anti-A’ or ‘Anti-B’

AB ________ ____________

Which blood groups are considered the "universal donor" and "universal recipient?"

Explain why these blood groups are so designated

II. Identify the characteristics of the Alleles for Blood Type Determination

Allele Expression This allele creates

Allele (CoDom or Rec) which antigen on cell

IA _____ ______

IB _____ ______

i _____ ______

III. Identify the Genetics of Blood Type Determination

What are the possible genotypes

Blood type of persons with this blood type

A ____________________

B ____________________

AB ____________________

O ____________________


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