PROGYNIST, Women Empowerment Indigenous NGO

|PROGYNIST, Women Empowerment Indigenous NGO |

|Address: PROGYNIST P.O.Box 34069, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, |

|Tel: Head Office: 251-1-504579, 521406, |

|Project Offices: 251-1551814, 251-1-764199, Fax: 251-1-504941, |

|E-mail: |

|Mission: PROGYNIST is an indigenous non political, non religious and not-for- profit NGO established to promote the welfare and contribution of Ethiopian women to the political, socio-economic and |

|environmental development and management of their country. |

|PROGYNIST believes that empowering women is strengthening civil society and acknowledging its role in sustainable development. |

|To ensure such sustainability, PROGYNIST focuses on projects uplifting women’s economic status by employing gender-fair and environment friendly technology. |

|Fields of Intervention: |

|Assisting women to gain access to credit, Business Development facilities, and other institutional support mechanisms through Meklit Micro Finance Institution (the establishment was initiated by Progynist for|

|this purpose) |

|Conducting non-formal education on a variety of syllabus for women and access to primary education for children who could not get the opportunity to go to school. |

|Awareness creation programs on the rights of female children and community sensitization on the prevention of the abuse of children in general |

|Construction of Health & Sanitary facilities, |

|Providing family health education including basic training in birth attending and first aid health services |

|Advocating, Lobbying, addressing HIV/AIDS related social and economic issues |

|Conducting Tutorial classes for high school leaving girl students |

|Designing specific training programmes aimed at improving the technical, managerial and participatory capacities of women |

|Achievements: |

|The total number of women who have access to credit and savings services has reached 441 |

|487 Female children become beneficiaries of alternative basic education. Since the commencement of the alternative basic education program, it has been possible to educate 487 female children and enable them|

|to enroll in the formal schools |

|Facilitators have been recruited from among the surrounding areas and were given adequate training. In-service training was also organized for upgrading their skills |

|As part of its effort to combat poverty by creating employment, PROGYNIST has so far trained a total of 100 female youngsters in various fields such as embroidery and tailoring, food preparation, civics, home|

|management and basic health care. Currently 71 female youngsters are pursuing their training. |

|Organized a total of 800 micro and small scale business into 35 cooperatives, so as to tackle their common problems more effectively |

|Five cooperatives were given working space in Nazreth |

|All the cooperatives, including the Embroiders cooperative, have constructed their shops using their own savings as well as credit services from Meklit Micro Finance Institution |

|Facilitated the sponsorship of two MSEs to participate in “Hanover 200”, the widely acclaimed German exhibition |

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|GOH means "Sun Ray" |

|Goh is the Amharic word for the early morning Sun Rays usually associated with feelings of a new begining, an energizing moment. |

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|Picture Notes: |

|• All photos on the website are from print copies (not taken by digital camera) |

|• Some photos feature a blue ink (smear) this is from the organization's seal. Seal put on photos to certify authenticity (similar to what a Notary would do in America)|

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|Principio del formulario |

|[pic][pic][pic] |

|Final del formulario |

|[pic] |


|Population: 70 million (estimate) |

|Life Expectancy: 40 (male) 42 (f.) |

|HIV/AIDS Adult: 4.4% (2003 est.) |




|Wishing "Bruck and Tigist" All The Very Best - These dear friends of Goh Ethiopia surprised all of us and the whole Ethiopian community by having their wedding |

|celebration include Goh. |

|Instead of the traditional way of asking for select home items for their wedding registry, they used this time to bring attention to a problem Ethiopia is facing and |

|urged their friends and family to get involved by donating to "Goh Child, Youth and Women" on their behalf. |

|Their generosity was very important in raising a substantial amount of money, bringing attention to our countries affliction and NGO's working to heal this - but most |

|importantly by setting a precedence that people can think of their country and NGO in a such creative way that makes a big impact. |

|We cherish, all their effort and what they have done. We wish them all the very best with all our hearts. |

|- Goh, Child Youth and Women |

|Dedicated to empower orphaned children, Youth and Women of Ethiopia by improving access to health, education, social and economic development services through |

|participatory community development programs. |

|Goh Child, Youth and Women Development Organization (GCYWDO) was founded by Mrs. (W/o) Yemeserach Ayele in 1993, then registered in 1996 with the Ethiopian Ministry of |

|Justice which oversees NGO's and it incorporated in America in 2004. It has signed an operational agreement with Ethiopia's Federal Disaster Prevention & Preparedness |

|Commission and has project agreements with the local(State) government of Amhara Bureaues. Organization operates on 18,386 sq. m (60,323 sq. feet) of land, founder W/o |

|Yemeserach Ayele also serves as the excutive director. |

|[pic] |

|Programs |

|Health and Sanitation |

|[pic]Medication of orphaned children and destitute families |

|[pic]Provide health & sanitation education |

|[pic]Construction of health & sanitation infrastructure and capacity building |

|[pic]Primary health care services |

|Education |

|[pic]Medication of orphaned children and destitute families |

|[pic]Provide health & sanitation education |

|[pic]Construction of health & sanitation infrastructure and capacity building |

|[pic]Primary health care services |

|Social and Economic Development |

|[pic]Provide Child reunification and Youth reintegration services |

|[pic]Support & strengthen community based child care services |

|[pic]Savings & credit schemes and Income generating activities (IGA) |

|[pic]Provide other infrastructure facilities |

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|[pic] |

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|Home |

|About GOH |

|Areas of Focus |

|Programs |

|Partners |

|How to Help |

|Contact Us |

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|Goh Child Youth & Women Development |

|Ethiopia: P.O. Box 14049 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - |

|Tel: (011) 251-11-2754293 or (011) 251-91 1644527 |

|America: P.O. Box 532201 - Indianapolis, IN 46253 - Tel: (317) 293-3192 or (317) 331-0236 |

|website by Ethio Networks |

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General Information on The Establishment and progress of GOH Ethiopia (GCYWDO)

Goh Child, Youth & Women Development Organization (GCYWDO) is an indigenous, non-governmental, non-profit, secular & non-political humanitarian organization founded in 1993 by a humanitarian W/ro (Mrs.) Yemisrach Ayele who has been deeply touched by the misery orphans in Bahir Dar the state capital of Amhara National Region (west Ethiopia).

- Founded 1993

- In Addis Ababa& Bahir Dar cities

- Registered with Ministry of Justice

- Registered with DPPC

- Run by Board of Directors

FACILITIES: In order to provide our services we have the following facilities.

• Boarding School

- for 87 orphans

• Hair Salon

- for 66 former CSW skill trainees

• Metal Workshop

- for 50 unemployed shop trainees

• Secretarial Services Office

- for 66 former CSW's computer skills trainees







African Centre for Women (ACW)

ACW’s objectives are monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the African Plan of Action 2000-2004, analyzing national sectoral policies and making suggestions of adequate strategies in order to improve women’s access to productive resources and promote the economic value of women’s unpaid work, developing adequate information and communication strategies to facilitate a better exchange of experiences, and undertaking policy advocacy for the elimination of gender-based discrimination against women at the levels of policy-making machinery, national legislation, the media, as well as in national development strategies.

Issues; Conducts Research and Training and promotes women in development

UN Economic Commission for Africa

PO Box 3001, Addis Ababa

Ph#: 251-1-51-72-00 ext: 33300/33301

Fax#: 251-1-51-27-85/51-44-16

Email: ouedraogoj@

Web: depts/eca/divis/acw/

Democratic Association of Tigray Women (DATW)

The Tigrean Fighters Association and "The Women Mass" Association merged in September 1991 to form the Democratic Association of Tigrean Women. The objectives of the Association are to: participate in local, regional and national women's issues; play an active role in the democratic process and struggle for human rights; facilitate the empowerment of women, particularly in political, social and economic affairs.

Issues: Womens Rights, Human Rights (General), Democratic Rights, Community Development

P.O. Box 165, Mekele, Tigray, Ethiopia

Ph#: (251) 400 336 or (251) 400 051

Fax#: (251) 400 795

Ethiopian Women Lawyers Association

EWLA is working to defend women's human rights and improve civil society throughout Ethiopia.

Issues: Networking for women lawyers

c/o P.O. Box 13760 (or P.O. Box 100043), Addis Ababa

Ph#: 251 1 -51 55 52/ -15 35 68

Fax#: 251 1 51 3677


Horn of Africa NGO Network for Development (HANND)

The Horn of Africa NGO Network for Development (HANND) is the collaboration of some 40 indigenous organizations and civil society leaders in the countries of the Horn of Africa (Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda).

Hannd Interin Secretariat

c/o IAG, P.O. Box 1631, Addis Ababa

Ph#: 251 1 624417



PROGYNIST: Women Empowerment NGO

PROGYNIST was established to promote the welfare and contribution of Ethiopian women to the political, socio-economic and environmental development and management of their country. PROGYNIST believes that empowering women is strengthening civil society and acknowledging its role in sustainable development. To ensure such sustainability, PROGYNIST focuses on projects uplifting women’s economic status by employing gender-fair and environment friendly technology.

PO Box 34069, Addis Ababa

Ph#: (Head office) 251 1 50 4579/ 251 1 52 1406

(Project office) 251 155 1814/ 251 1 764199

Fax#: 251 1 50 4941


Web: progynist.html

Women's Association of Tigray(WAT)

WAT is the main women’s organization in Ethiopia’s northernmost province. Its mission is to empower women who need to be aware about what development is so that they can participate. WAT aims to improve the skills of the women in Tigray through diverse programs addressing political, economical,and social and health issues. Not only was the WAT involved in the preparation of the new family law in Tigray, they also held several awareness programme seminars for different communty reprsentatives as well as religious leaders to give them a thorough grasp of the new law.

P.O.Box 165, Mekelle Tigray, Ethiopia

Ph#: 251-04-400336

Fax#: 251-04-402386


Division for the Advancement of Women

Department of Economic and Social Affairs

United Nations

New York, NY 10017, USA

Fax#: (212) 963-3463

Email: daw@


UNDP Africa

One United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA

Fax#: (212) 906-6478


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) - Ethiopia

Mr. Samuel NYAMBI UN Resident Coordinator/UNDP Resident Representative

ECA Old Building, 7th Floor

P.O.Box 5580

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 251

Ph #: (251-1) 51 51 77

Fax #: (251-1) 51 45 99

E-mail: or fo.eth@

Website: rba/; et.

United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) - Eastern Africa Regional Office

Countries: Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda.

20th Floor, Harambee, Avenue, Nairobi, Kenya

Ph#: 254 2 228776 to 9 or 254 2 218332

Fax#: 254 2 331897 or 254 -2 2233184

United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea UNMEE

In June 2000, after two years of fighting in a border dispute, Ethiopia and Eritrea sign a cessation of hostilities agreement following proximity talks led by Algeria and the Organization of African Unity. In July, the Security Council sets up UNMEE to maintain liaison with the parties and establish the mechanism for verifying the ceasefire. In September, the Council authorizes deployment within UNMEE of up to 4,200 military personnel to monitor the cessation of hostilities and assist in ensuring observance of security commitments.

Mailing Address: UNMEE Sembel Asmara, Eritrea

New York Address: UNMEE P.O. Box 4611 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10163-4611

Ph#: 212-963-4499

Fax#: 212-963-3398

Website: Depts/dpko/unmee/body_unmee.htm


Women's Affairs Sector at the Prime Minister's Office (WAO)

Prime Minister's Office K. 14, Addis Ababa, P.O. Box 1031

Ph#: (251-1) 552044

Fax#: (251-1) 552030



Permanent Mission of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to the United Nations

866 Second Ave., 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10017

Ph#: (212) 421 1830

Fax#: (212) 754 0360

E-mail: ethun@


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