GCE Getting Started - Edexcel


Edexcel GCSE

in Religious Studies

Scheme of Work

Area of Study 3: Islam


This area of study comprises a study in depth of aspects of Philosophy and Ethics in the context of Islam as a lived religion within the United Kingdom and throughout the world.

There are two sections:

• Arguments for the Existence of Allah

• Religious Teachings on Relationships and Families in the 21st Century.

The significance and importance of the various beliefs, issues and practices to Muslims today should be explored throughout the two sections. This should include reference to how the Qur’an informs a Muslim’s understanding of the topics and how approaches to the issues are underpinned by philosophical arguments and ethical theory as applicable.

Students will be expected to study Islam within the context of the wider British society, the religious traditions of which are, in the main, Christian. Students should recognise that Islam is one of the many religions and world views in Great Britain, which include Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and non-religious views such as Humanism and atheism. This knowledge may be applied throughout the assessment of the specified content.

Students should compare and contrast the areas of ethics and/or philosophy within Islam with non-religious views as outlined in the content below.

Students should also recognise that within Islam there may be more than one perspective in the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed. Common and divergent views within Islam in the way beliefs and teachings are understood and expressed should be included throughout, including reference to Sunni and Shi’a traditions.

The learning sequence outlined in this Scheme of Work provides a framework for Area of Study 3 Christianity, which can be used to develop students’ understanding of religious beliefs in order to be able to respond to the issues that are studied in later sections. The approach places the emphasis on the students’ developing their knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs and teachings enabling students to assess and analyse these beliefs and teachings and thus meet the assessment objectives AO1 and AO2.

This scheme of work can be used alongside or to complement other materials which are available on our website or materials that are known to be enjoyed by the students and that they have used before in the classroom. The teaching ideas and resources are suggestions only and not prescriptive.

Section 1: Arguments for the Existence of Allah

|Week |Section |Learning outcomes |Content |Exemplar resources |

| |Bullet | | | |

|1 |Section 1:1 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand revelation as proof of the existence of |Information outlining revelation as proof of the existence|

| | |Know and understand revelation as proof of the |Allah (AO1) |of Allah can be found in various places including: |

| | |existence of Allah |Students should be given the opportunity to what revelation is. | |

| | |Know and understand Muslim teachings about revelation |Students should be introduced to and be given the opportunity to|and |

| | |as shown in the Qur’an |discuss revelation as proof of the existence of Allah. |

| | |Assess and analyse divergent understandings of what | |als-of-islamic-belief-part-5-belief-in-allah-14-%e2%80%93-|

| | |revelation shows about the nature of Allah |Muslims teachings about revelation as shown in the Qur’an (AO1) |proofs-of-the-existence-of-allah/ |

| | | |Students should be introduced to and be given the opportunity to| |

| | | |discuss revelation as shown in the Qur’an as direct e.g. Surah |Students could produce a diagram to record the information|

| | | |34:46-50 or through a messenger. |found. |

| | | | | |

| | | |Assess and analyse divergent understandings of what revelation |Students should be given a dictionary definition and asked|

| | | |shows about the nature of Allah (AO2) |to link the term to understanding it as proof of the |

| | | |Students should assess why the beliefs are important and link |existence of Allah. |

| | | |the importance to how the beliefs are expressed. | |

| | | | |Students need to be aware of the various Muslim teachings |

| | | | |showing revelation as shown in the Qur’an. |

| | | | |Divide up references in class and ask students to list the|

| | | | |main points it reveals of Allah. |

| | | | |Surah 34:46-50 |

| | | | |Surah 41:53 |

| | | | |Surah 27:86 |

| | | | |Surah 30:30 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Students could produce a consequence wheel for the things |

| | | | |revealed about Allah in the Qur’an with ‘revelation’ in |

| | | | |the central hob and then write in how it is shown in a |

| | | | |ring around the central hub. Outside of this in another |

| | | | |ring they could write why they are important in Muslim |

| | | | |life |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Alternatively, use materials that are known to be enjoyed |

| | | | |by the students and that they have used before in the |

| | | | |classroom. |

|2 |Section 1:2 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand the nature, examples and importance of |Information outlining visions and Islam can be found on |

| | |Know and understand visions as proof of the existences|visions for Muslims (AO1) |the Internet. |

| | |of Allah |Students should be introduced to the concept of visions and then| |

| | |Know and understand divergent Muslim understandings |explore visions in Islam. |Students could produce a summary or mind map to record the|

| | |about visions and belief in Allah |Students might also study: |Islamic references and what they mean. |

| | |Assess and analyse Muslim responses to non-religious |Surah 19:16-22 | |

| | |(atheist and Humanist) attitudes to visions |Muslim, 4201 |Students could produce a two-column table to record Muslim|

| | | |Surah 6:103 |attitudes towards visions leading to belief in Allah and |

| | | |Surah 96: 1-5 |where Muslim attitudes might be different – visions could |

| | | |After a study of the references, students should be given the |have other causes (stress/Shaytan) in the second column. |

| | | |opportunity to summarise the nature of visions and why they lead|Students may wish to swap tables and assess each other’s |

| | | |to belief in Allah. |work. |

| | | | | |

| | | |Know and understand divergent Muslim understandings about |Discuss the non-religious attitudes to visions. Discuss |

| | | |visions and belief in Allah (AO1) |why they are not acceptable to non-religious people. Make |

| | | |Students should be able to know different Muslim attitudes |a list of reasons and examples then make a list/mind |

| | | |towards visions. |map/table of Muslim responses to these reasons for |

| | | | |acceptability. |

| | | |Assess and analyse Muslim responses to non-religious (atheist | |

| | | |and Humanist) attitudes to visions (AO2) |Alternatively, use materials that are known to be enjoyed |

| | | |Students should be aware that many non-religious people may |by the students and that they have used before in the |

| | | |explain visions as hallucinations and can use Muslim teachings |classroom. |

| | | |to counter this view. | |

|3 |Section 1:3 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand the nature, examples and importance of |Information about the nature and purpose of miracles for |

| | |Know and understand miracles as proof of the |miracles both for Muslims (AO1) |Muslims can be found in various places on the Internet, |

| | |existences of Allah |Students should be introduced to the concept of miracles and |including BBC religion. |

| | |Know and understand divergent Muslim understandings |then explore miracles in the Qur’an, specifically Surah 17: | |

| | |about miracles and belief in Allah |84-89. |Students need to know the definition of a miracle. They |

| | |Assess and analyse Muslim responses to non-religious |Students might also study: |could then produce an image/symbol to remind themselves of|

| | |(atheist and Humanist) attitudes to miracles |Surah 54:1-2 |what a miracle is. |

| | | |Surah 20:18-23 |Students could record examples by making a table of 2 |

| | | |Surah 17:1 |columns in the first column list of all the qur’anic |

| | | |Surah 4:157-158 |miracles they are aware of and in the second column list |

| | | |And the miracle of the Qur’an itself. |reasons why they might lead to belief in Allah. |

| | | |After a study of the references, students should be given the |The students could then investigate/research Muslim |

| | | |opportunity to summarise the nature of miracles and why they |teachings about different miracles. Perhaps divide the |

| | | |lead to belief in Allah. |class into groups and ask each group to produce a |

| | | | |presentation on a purpose – they should include its |

| | | |Know and understand divergent Muslim understandings about |meaning, how the characteristic is shown in the Qur’an - |

| | | |miracles and belief in Allah (AO1) |with quotes and how it is shown in Muslim life today. Use |

| | | |Students should be able to know different Muslim attitudes |of an online Qur’an with a search facility might assist |

| | | |towards miracles and belief in Allah. |with this. Ensure the content is clearly about miracles |

| | | | |and include some modern examples. |

| | | |Assess and analyse Muslim responses to non-religious (atheist | |

| | | |and Humanist) attitudes to miracles (AO2) |Students could then hold a debate as to whether miracles |

| | | |Students should be aware that many non-religious people may |led to belief or not and record the argument as a blog |

| | | |explain miracles can be scientifically explained and can use |afterwards. |

| | | |Muslim teachings to counter this view. | |

| | | |Students should practice a SAM’s (b) type question. |Students should be aware that some people do not regard |

| | | | |miracles as divinely caused. They could discuss/research |

| | | | |alternative views and write a letter about them from |

| | | | |either a Muslim believer’s perspective or a non-believers |

| | | | |perspective. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Use a template for a (b) type question which is divided in|

| | | | |four; one section each for the reason 1 and the |

| | | | |development 1 and then the reason 2 and the development 2.|

| | | | | |

| | | | |Reason 1: |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Development 1: |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Reason 2: |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Development 2: |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Alternatively, use materials that are known to be enjoyed |

| | | | |by the students and that they have used before in the |

| | | | |classroom. |

|4 |Section 1:4 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand the nature, examples and importance of |Information about religious experiences can be found on |

| | |Know and understand religious experiences as proof of |religious experiences as philosophical arguments for Muslims |many websites including the BBC and TrueTube |

| | |the existence of Allah |(AO1) | |

| | |Know and understand divergent Muslim understandings |Students should be introduced to the concept of religious |Ask students to discuss what a religious experience is and|

| | |about religious experiences and belief in Allah |experiences and then explore different types of religious |why it might lead to belief in Allah then use a list, |

| | |Assess and analyse Muslim responses to non-religious |experiences. |spider diagram, mind map or consequence rings to record |

| | |(atheist and Humanist) attitudes to religious |After a study of Surah 2:118, students should be given the |ideas. |

| | |experiences |opportunity to summarise the nature of religious experiences and| |

| | | |why they might lead to belief in Allah. |Hold a class discussion about why some people might |

| | | | |believe that religious experiences prove that Allah exists|

| | | |Know and understand divergent Muslim understandings about |and some people might not. |

| | | |religious experiences and belief in Allah (AO1) | |

| | | |Students should be able to know different Muslim attitudes |Encourage students to record their discussion as a table |

| | | |towards miracles and belief in Allah. |of arguments for and against. |

| | | | | |

| | | |Assess and analyse Muslim responses to non-religious (atheist |Ask students to produce a speech bubble conversation |

| | | |and Humanist) attitudes to religious experiences (AO2) |between a Muslim who believes religious experiences prove |

| | | |Students should be aware that many non-religious people may give|Allah’s existence and a non-religious person who does not.|

| | | |other reasons for religious experiences and can use Muslim |Display the speech bubble conversation in class. |

| | | |teachings to counter this view. | |

| | | | |Alternatively, use materials that are known to be enjoyed |

| | | |Students should practice a SAM’s (c) type question. Remember the|by the students and that they have used before in the |

| | | |source can go at any point in the answer even right at the |classroom. |

| | | |beginning, it does not need to have the reference, it can be a | |

| | | |paraphrase BUT it does need to be identifiable. |Reason 1 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Development 1 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |EITHER Source 1 or Reason 2 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |EITHER Reason 2 or Development 2 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |EITHER Development 2 or Source 2 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|5 |Section 1:5 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand the design argument for the existence of God|For a starter, ask students to write a list of reasons why|

| | |Know and understand the design argument for the |(AO1) |they think the room they are sitting in is designed, then |

| | |existence of Allah |Students need know the design argument and how it is used |ask them if they can apply the same reasons to a flower – |

| | |Know and understand divergent understandings of what |philosophically to prove the existence of Allah |discuss how some people might feel the flower is designed.|

| | |the design argument may show about the nature of Allah| |Or |

| | |for Muslims |Know and understand divergent understandings of what the design |Cut up a picture (a diagram of the parts of an eye is |

| | |Assess and analyse non-religious teachings against the|argument may show about the nature of Allah for Muslims (AO1) |great) and make students throw it in the air and see |

| | |design argument |Students should discuss divergent understandings of what the |whether it makes a picture, then ask them to put the eye |

| | | |design argument may show about the nature of Allah for Muslims. |together ask them whether the picture (eye) could make |

| | | |They should be able to refer to Surah 2:164. |itself /happen by chance or did it have to be designed. |

| | | | |Lead on to an explanation of the design argument – ask |

| | | | |students to summarise the argument in five lines. |

| | | |Know and understand non-religious against the design argument |Ask students to draw a table to show divergent attitudes |

| | | |(AO2) |towards the design argument e.g. reasons why it is not |

| | | |Students should discuss non-religious teachings against the |supported and reasons why is can sometimes be supported. |

| | | |design argument. |Information can be found online in encyclopaedia type |

| | | | |webpages. |

| | | | |Use Surah 2:164 to explain that Allah can be understood as|

| | | | |the creator. |

| | | | |Discuss the non-religious arguments against the design |

| | | | |argument. |

| | | | |There are many clips on the BBC that might help focus |

| | | | |discussion about why non-religious people may not agree |

| | | | |that the design argument proves Allah’s existence. Make a |

| | | | |table to list reasons against the argument and the Muslim |

| | | | |responses to these reasons. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Alternatively, use materials that are known to be enjoyed |

| | | | |by the students and that they have used before in the |

| | | | |classroom. |

|6 |Section 1:6 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand the cosmological argument for the existence |Information about the cosmological argument can be found |

| | |Know and understand the cosmological argument for the |of Allah (AO1) |on many websites. There are some useful YouTube clips |

| | |existence of Allah |Students need know the cosmological argument and how it is used |about it and the BBC has published some helpful material |

| | |Know and understand divergent understandings of what |philosophically to prove the existence of Allah. |in their educational materials. It is also covered in all |

| | |the cosmological argument may show about the nature of| |the textbooks for the old specification Units 1-7. |

| | |Allah for Muslims |Know and understand divergent understandings of what the | |

| | |Assess and analyse non-religious arguments against the|cosmological argument may show about the nature of Allah for |Introduce and discuss the cosmological argument and why it|

| | |cosmological argument |Muslims (AO1) |might lead to belief in Allah. Students should summarise |

| | | |Students should discuss divergent understandings of what the |the argument in a flow chart. |

| | | |cosmological argument may show about the nature of Allah for | |

| | | |Muslims. They should be able to refer to Surah 79:27-33 and the |In groups give students a copy of Surah 79:27-33 and |

| | | |concept of kalam in the writings of Al-Ghazali, specifically |comments on Ghazali’s Kitab al-Iqtisad fil’ltqad and ask |

| | | |Kitab al-Iqtisad fil’ltqad. |students to discuss and make notes (or table or a mind |

| | | | |map/spider diagram) on why the cosmological argument may |

| | | | |or may not lead to belief in Allah. |

| | | |Know and understand non-religious arguments against the | |

| | | |cosmological argument (AO2) |Ask students to consider a (d) type question with the |

| | | |Students should discuss non-religious arguments against the |stimulus ‘The cosmological argument proves Allah’s |

| | | |cosmological argument. |existence’. Remember, two sides should be discussed, all |

| | | | |the answer should refer to Islam and there should be a |

| | | | |justified conclusion including the use of the words: |

| | | | |cause, eternal, existence, proof and world. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Alternatively, use materials that are known to be enjoyed |

| | | | |by the students and that they have used before in the |

| | | | |classroom. |

|7 |Section 1:7 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand issues raised by the existence of suffering |Information about the problem of evil can be found on many|

| | |Know and understand issues raised by the existence of |and Allah as compassionate (AO1) |websites, including BBC Bitesize |

| | |suffering and Allah as compassionate |Students should know what the classical problems of evil and |, |

| | |Know and understand the problems that the existence of|suffering are, especially related to the concept of Allah as |which includes some ‘Class Clips’. It is also covered in |

| | |suffering may raises for Muslims about the nature of |compassionate, including reference to Surah 1. |all the textbooks for the old specification Units 1-7. |

| | |Allah | | |

| | |Assess and analyse how suffering may lead some people |Know and understand the problems that the existence of suffering|Ask students to discuss in small groups how they feel |

| | |to reject Allah or cause believers to question their |may raises for Muslims about the nature of Allah (AO1) |Muslim beliefs about Allah as compassionate might or might|

| | |faith |Students should understand what problems the problem of evil and|not be affected by the problem of evil. Ask them to focus |

| | | |belief in Allah cause for Muslims, especially when they consider|on whether Muslims should question whether Allah is |

| | | |the nature of Allah as being compassionate, omnipotent and |compassionate (more able students should be asked to find |

| | | |benevolent. |out about Surah 1). |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Students should summarise the discussions in the way they |

| | | |Assess and analyse how suffering may lead some people to reject |feel most suitable, such as a written paragraph or a table|

| | | |Allah or cause believers to question their faith (AO2) |of the different arguments. |

| | | |Students should assess why the problem of suffering might mean | |

| | | |that Muslims should question whether they should believe that |Ask students to complete a consequence wheel (three |

| | | |Allah exists and that Allah is all compassionate, all powerful |concentric circles). In the centre write the words |

| | | |and all loving. |‘suffering’ in the next circle write down different |

| | | | |beliefs about what this means for belief in Allah and in |

| | | | |the outside row, the impact of these beliefs for Muslims |

| | | | |today. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |They should then attempt an exam style question from the |

| | | | |Sample Assessment Materials. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Alternatively, use materials that are known to be enjoyed |

| | | | |by the students and that they have used before in the |

| | | | |classroom. |

|8 |Section 1.8 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand the theoretical solutions to the problem of |Information about solutions to the problem of evil can be |

| | |Know and understand the theoretical solutions to the |suffering and Allah as compassionate (AO1) |found on many websites, including BBC Bitesize |

| | |problem of suffering and Allah as compassionate |Students need to know the theoretical solutions to the problem |. |

| | |Know and understand the practical solutions to the |of suffering and Allah as compassionate. |There are some useful YouTube clips about it and it is |

| | |problem of suffering and Allah as compassionate | |covered in all the textbooks for the old specification |

| | |Assess and analyse divergent Muslim understandings of |Know and understand the practical solutions to the problem of |Units 1-7. |

| | |the success of these solutions |suffering and Allah as compassionate (AO2) | |

| | | |Students should know and understand the practical solutions to |Give students time to research the theoretical solutions |

| | | |the problem of suffering and Allah as compassionate. |to the problem of evil. Ensure they have looked up: |

| | | | |Suffering as a test |

| | | |Assess and analyse divergent Muslim understandings of the |Suffering as shown in the Qur’an (Surah 2:151-177) |

| | | |success of these solutions (AO2) |Suffering because of the actions of Shaytan |

| | | |Students should be able to refer to responses to divergent |Freewill leading to suffering |

| | | |Muslim understandings of the success of these solutions. | |

| | | | |Ask students to record the solutions in a mind map/diagram|

| | | | |which they can label with the main solutions. They can |

| | | | |then add additional information which can be used as |

| | | | |development e.g. quotes and examples. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Ask students to look up qur’anic references and find out |

| | | | |what they teach about how Muslims should try to overcome |

| | | | |suffering. |

| | | | |Students could record the information in a |

| | | | |poster/advert/blog showing the practical solutions to the |

| | | | |problem of evil. |

| | | | |Charity – Surah 2:261 |

| | | | |Prayer – Surah 22:35 |

| | | | |Repent - Surah 7:199 |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Students could write a letter to someone who queries |

| | | | |belief in Allah because of suffering. They should include |

| | | | |theoretical and practical solutions and how they are shown|

| | | | |in sources of wisdom. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Alternatively, use materials that are known to be enjoyed |

| | | | |by the students and that they have used before in the |

| | | | |classroom. |

Section 2: Religious Teachings on Relationships and Families in the 21st Century

|Week |Section |Learning outcomes |Content |Exemplar resources |

| |bullet | | | |

|1 |Section 2:1 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand the significance and purpose of marriage in |Information outlining the purpose of marriage for Muslims can be |

| | |Know and understand the significance and |Islam (AO1) |found in various places including on the BBC website. |

| | |purpose of marriage in Islam |Students should be introduced to and be given the opportunity to | |

| | |Know and understand Muslim teachings |discuss the purpose of marriage in Islam: |Students could produce a diagram to record the various purposes (at |

| | |about marriage |To form a family |least four) and what they are. |

| | |Assess and analyse the Muslim responses |To have sexual intercourse | |

| | |to atheistic and Humanist attitudes |To have children |Students need to be aware of the contents of Muslim teachings about |

| | |towards the importance of marriage in |To support each other’s faith |marriage. |

| | |society |It can be seen as being spiritually desirable as it is said it | |

| | | |increases the value of a person’s prayers |Divide up the references in class and ask students to |

| | | |Students should be given the opportunity to summarise the main |list the main points it teaches, linking them to the purpose of |

| | | |purposes. |marriage |

| | | | |suggest quotations that can be used as development in questions |

| | | |Know and understand Muslim teachings about marriage |about marriage and the family. |

| | | |Students should be able to know how each of the references relate | |

| | | |to the purpose of marriage. | |

| | | |Surah 4: 1-24, Surah 24: 30-34 and Surah 53: 4-18 are specified. |Students could produce a consequence wheel for the beliefs, with the|

| | | |Other suggestions that could be referred to are: |purpose of marriage in the central hub and how they are expressed in|

| | | |30:21, 24:32-33, 4:1 |a ring around the central hub. Outside of this in another ring, they|

| | | |7:107, 43:11 |could write why they are important in Muslim life. |

| | | | | |

| | | |Assess and analyse the importance of these beliefs for Muslims | |

| | | |(AO2) | |

| | | |Students should assess why the beliefs are important and link the | |

| | | |importance to how the beliefs are expressed. | |

|2 |Section 2:2 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand Muslim teaching about the importance of sexual |Information outlining the importance of sexual relationships |

| | |Know and understand Muslim teaching about|relationships (AO1) |Students could produce a summary or mind map to record the Qur’anic |

| | |the importance of sexual relationships |Students should be introduced to Muslim teachings about sexual |references and what they mean. |

| | |Know and understand divergent Muslim |relationships including Surah 23:5-11. Other suggestions that could| |

| | |teachings about sexual relationships |be referred to: |Students could produce a four column table to record Muslim |

| | |outside marriage |Fulfilling physical needs e.g. Surah 2:187 |attitudes towards sex outside marriage (in the first column), what |

| | |Assess and analyse the Muslim responses |Fulfilling emotional needs e.g. Surah 30:21 |they mean (in the second column), why they are important (in the |

| | |to atheist and Humanist attitudes to |Fulfilling spiritual needs e.g. Surah 7:189 |third column) and where Muslim attitudes might be different (in the |

| | |sexual relationships |Students should be given the opportunity to summarise the main |fourth column). |

| | | |beliefs looking at various Muslim teachings. | |

| | | |Students may wish to swap summaries/mind maps and assess each | |

| | | |other’s work. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Know and understand divergent Muslim teachings about sexual |Discuss the non-religious attitudes to sex outside marriage and |

| | | |relationships outside marriage (AO1) |homosexuality. Maybe use a clip from a soap opera/film to illustrate|

| | | |Students should be able to know Muslim attitudes towards sex |(parts of EastEnders / Four Weddings and a Funeral), as these might |

| | | |outside marriage, specifically sex before marriage and |help focus discussion about why they are acceptable to non-religious|

| | | |homosexuality. |people and make a list of reasons and examples. Then make a |

| | | | |list/mind map/table of Muslim responses to these reasons for |

| | | |Assess and analyse the importance of these beliefs for Muslims |acceptability. |

| | | |(AO2) | |

| | | |Students should assess why the beliefs are important and link the | |

| | | |importance to how the beliefs are expressed. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Assess and analyse non-religious attitudes to sexual relationships,| |

| | | |including the acceptance of sex outside marriage and homosexual | |

| | | |relationships and Muslim responses to them (AO2) | |

| | | |Students should be aware that many non-religious people accept | |

| | | |premarital and homosexual sexual relationships and see them as | |

| | | |equal to marital relationships. | |

|3 |Section 2:4 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand Muslim teachings about the nature and purpose |Information about the nature and purpose of family life for Muslims |

| | |Know and understand Muslim teachings |of the family (AO1) |can be found in various places. |

| | |about the nature and purpose of the |Surah 46:15-18 is specified. Other suggestions that could be | |

| | |family |referred to: |Students could start by making a list of all the Muslims purposes of|

| | |Know and understand how Muslim families |Surah 17:23-24 |the family they are aware of (remind student to think about all the |

| | |can strengthen the ummah |Surah 31:14 |different relationships within the family). |

| | |Assess and analyse divergent Muslim |Surah 6:151 | |

| | |responses to the different types of | |The students could then investigate/research Muslim teachings about |

| | |families in the 21st century |Know and understand how Muslim families can strengthen the ummah |the purpose of the family prescribed by the specification. Perhaps |

| | | |(AO1) |divide the class into groups and ask each group to produce a |

| | | |Students should understand the concept of ummah as the whole Muslim|presentation on a particular characteristic – they should include |

| | | |community. Student should know and understand how the family, which|its meaning, how the characteristic is shown in the Qur’an (with |

| | | |is part of the ummah, can make it stronger e.g. by raising families|quotes) and how it is shown in Muslim life today. Use of an online |

| | | |of good practising Muslims who are firm in faith and become the |Qur’an with a search facility might assist with this. |

| | | |Ummah of invitation to others (Dawah – invitation to others). | |

| | | | |Students could produce information posters about the purpose of the |

| | | |Know the different family types and the ways they are produced and |ummah and add onto it how families help each purpose. It might be by|

| | | |the advantages and disadvantages of each from divergent Muslim |belonging, teaching, encouraging children’s belief’ encouraging the |

| | | |perspectives (AO2) |belief of other people in the community, or being open to |

| | | |Students should know about the different family types and be aware |non-believers as a family. |

| | | |that there are advantages and disadvantage to each type. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Students should attempt some exam (b) style questions and attempt |Students need to find out the definitions for each of the family |

| | | |to peer mark them. |types (BBC education website has this information). They could then |

| | | | |produce an image/symbol to remind themselves of what the family is |

| | | | |and make a list – mind map with the image of the advantages and |

| | | | |disadvantages of it from divergent Muslim perspectives (maybe an |

| | | | |image in the centre of a page divided into four). |

|4 |Section 2:4 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand how and why the community supports the family |Ask students to discuss what the mosque does to support families |

| | |Know and understand how and why the |(AO1) |then use either a list, spider diagram or mind map to record ideas |

| | |community supports the family |Students need to discuss what the ummah does for the family – |about community support. |

| | |Assess and analyse the importance of this|things the local mosque might do to keep the ummah strong, such as | |

| | |support and how it might strengthen the |organised worship, classes and family groups. |Information about what the community might do can be found on mosque|

| | |ummah | |websites. |

| | | |Assess and analyse the importance of this support and how it might | |

| | | |strengthen the ummah (AO2) |Hold a class discussion about the implications of religion becoming |

| | | |Students need to recognise the importance of the work of the local |divided and why it is important for religious communities to try and|

| | | |community in ensuring it remains strong. |keep communities together. |

| | | |Students need to look at Surah 3:102-105 which concentrates on the | |

| | | |importance of not becoming divided as a community. | |

|5 |Section 2:5 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand divergent Muslim teaching and attitudes towards|Ensure students are aware of the different types of contraception |

| | |Know and understand divergent Muslim |contraception and family planning (AO1) |and how they work - whether they prevent conception, work after |

| | |teachings about contraception and family |Students should know the different Muslim attitudes towards the use|conception, are temporary or permanent, whether they have any health|

| | |planning |of contraception and family planning (use and don’t use), they need|benefits or may cause health problems. This will assist in the |

| | |Know and understand different |to understand that these arise from religious teachings and |understanding of Muslim attitudes to them. |

| | |non-religious attitudes and ethical |cultural acceptances. Specifically, they need to study: | |

| | |theories to contraception and family |Sahih Al-Bukhari 34:432 |Using a search engine, ask students to write an information page on |

| | |planning |Sahih Al-Bukhari 62: 136 |Muslim attitudes to contraception. It should include identification |

| | |Assess and analyse divergent Muslim | |of the different attitudes and a table to record the Muslim |

| | |responses to the different types of | |teachings for these attitudes. Students should include: |

| | |families in the 21st century |Assess and analyse non-religious and ethical teachings about the |- the references in the specification |

| | | |use of contraception and family planning and Muslim responses to |- reference to Azl |

| | | |them (AO2) |- ideas about permanent contraception and temporary |

| | | |Students need to know about and analyse the importance of the use | |

| | | |of contraception for non-religious people and the Muslim responses |In groups ask students to record why contraception might be |

| | | |to them. Students also need to know about ethical attitudes to |important to Muslims. Ask them to make a list of reasons and then |

| | | |contraception and be able to assess the ethical stance towards |highlight which reasons would apply only to Muslims and which ones |

| | | |contraception. |apply to all families. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Students should be introduced to situation ethics; good |

| | | | |introductions can be found on-line e.g. |

| | | | |bbc.co.uk/ethics/introduction/situation_1.shtml |

| | | | |They should then add in information (possibly using another colour) |

| | | | |showing the reasons used by situation ethics. |

|6 |Section 2:6 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand divergent Muslim teachings about divorce and |Use Surah 2:226–241 to explain Qur’anic teaching about the laws |

| | |Know and understand divergent Muslim |remarriage (AO1) |behind divorce. |

| | |teachings about divorce and remarriage |Students need to discuss what the rules about allowing divorce are |Ask students to make a list of the rules surrounding divorce in |

| | |Assess and analyse non-religious and |(Surah 2:226–241) and why they are important. They need to know the|Shi’a Islam and in Sunni Islam - information can be found online in |

| | |ethical teachings about divorce and |different rules for performing a divorce in Shi’a and Sunni Islam. |encyclopaedia type webpages. |

| | |remarriage and Muslim responses to them | |Students should be introduced to situation ethics; good |

| | | |Know and understand non-religious and ethical teachings using |introductions can be found on-line e.g. |

| | | |situation ethics about divorce and remarriage and Muslim responses |bbc.co.uk/ethics/introduction/situation_1.shtml |

| | | |to them (AO1) |Discuss reasons why people think that that divorce and remarriage |

| | | |Students should discuss non-religious reasons people accept divorce|should be decided on a case by case/situation by situation basis |

| | | |and might not accept divorce and they should be able to link them |rather than sticking to rules that say whether it is allowed or not |

| | | |to situation ethics. |allowed. |

|7 |Section 2:7 |Students will be able to: |Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the divergent Muslim |Information about the roles of men and women in Muslim families can |

| | |Know and understand divergent Muslim |teachings about the equality of men and women in the family (AO1) |be found on many websites There are some useful YouTube clips about |

| | |teachings about the equality of men and |Students need to know and be able to explain different Muslim |it and the BBC has published some helpful material in their |

| | |women in the family |teachings about the roles that men and women have within the family|educational materials. |

| | |Assess and analyse divergent Muslim |and whether they show equality. |bbc.co.uk/education/guides/zk9whyc/revision/3 |

| | |attitudes to the roles of men and women | | |

| | |in the family |Analyse and assess divergent Muslim attitudes to the roles of men |Introduce the various roles of men and women in Muslim families and |

| | | |and women in the family (AO2) |the different Islamic teachings. |

| | | |Students should be able to refer to the various roles men and women|Students should summarise the discussions in the way they feel most |

| | | |are shown to have in the Qur’an, especially in Surah 4, and the |suitable - a written paragraph or a table of the different |

| | | |roles they had in the time of Muhammad. |arguments. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |They should then attempt a (d) exam style question from Sample |

| | | | |Assessment Materials, including reference to the use of the words: |

| | | | |protection, support, education, respect and obligation. |

|8 |Section 2:8 |Students will be able to: |Know and understand Muslim teachings about gender prejudice and |Information about gender discrimination can be found on many |

| | |Know and understand Muslim teachings |discrimination (AO1) |websites including online encyclopaedias, the BBC education website |

| | |about gender prejudice and discrimination|Students need to know and understand Muslim teachings about gender |and TrueTube. |

| | | |prejudice and discrimination, including: | |

| | |Assess and analyse how gender equality is|Surah 33:35 –required in the specification |Ask students to look up the Qur’anic references and find out what |

| | |shown in Islam |Surah 3:195 |they teach about gender discrimination and prejudice and then |

| | | |Surah 4:12 |produce a mind map to record the main ideas. |

| | | | | |

| | | |Assess and analyse how Muslim teachings about gender prejudice and |Students could complete a list or diagram or consequence wheel of |

| | | |discrimination affect the life of a Muslim(AO2) |how Muslim teaching about gender prejudice and discrimination |

| | | | |affects the lives of Muslims. |


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