Moving beyond lecture to creative discipleship training

Creative Teaching Methods

By Dave Batty

What are the 3 biggest problems, needs, or challenges you face as a teacher? (Have the participants to discuss this question in small groups and then ask for their answers to share with the entire group.)




Four challenges to move beyond lecture to creative discipleship training

1st Challenge: What is your goal as a teacher?

How do you develop students who are __Life-long_______ ____learners____?

3 goals

1. Teach people _how____ to ____think_____________.

2. Teach people __how___ to _____learn____________.

3. Teach people __how __ to ______work____________.

2nd Challenge: How do people learn?

Teens & adults are best motivated to learn when the learning situation is _problem_____ centered.

Stimulate __self-discovery________ learning, not just ___content____ mastery.

Traditional approach to teaching

_Teach_________ ____Assign__________ _____Do_________

Creative discipleship training-- non-traditional approach to teaching

__Assign_______ _______Do___________ ____Teach_______

Learn how to ___Listen_________ to your __Students_______.

3rd Challenge: What creative methods of teaching do you

use? (Have the students form small groups and begin to list creative teaching methods that they have used. Next lead a discussion with the whole group as each group shares new methods that have not been mentioned. Encourage each one to add any additional methods, they do not have, to their list.)

Method My mastery level I’ll try to use this method

0-10 in this class by (date)

1. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

2. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

3. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

4. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

5. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

6. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

7. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

8. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

9. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

10. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

11. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

12. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

13. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

14. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

15. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

16. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

17. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

18. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

19. _________________________________ _________ _____________________

How to become a teacher your students will never forget!

Predictability Vs Impact

_Greater__ ___Less______

__Less____ ___Greater___

4th Challenge: What is your level of enthusiasm?

Creative discipleship training is __Life______ centered, not __Theory______ centered.


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