Linkers - Key - Tim's Free English Lesson Plans

Linkers - KeyAdditionContrastIntroduce results/consequencesConcludingAlsoFurthermoreMoreoverIn additionHoweverDespite/in spite ofWhereasNonethelessConsequentlySoThusthereforeIn light of the aboveIn conclusionTaking all this into accountTo sum upRulesComplete the rules below with the correct linkers.Also/furthermore/moreover/in addition go at the start of a new sentence followed by a comma to add new information to the topic being discussed.Despite/In spite of can be followed by a gerund/a noun/the fact that + a clause to express contrast.So/thus/therefore/consequently can go in the middle or at the start of a sentence and express a consequence or result of something in the previous clause/sentence.However/Nonetheless go at the start of a new sentence followed by a comma and express contrast.In light of the above/in conclusion/taking all this into account/to sum up go at the start of the concluding paragraph followed by a comma. They introduce the conclusion of a piece of formal writing.Whereas goes in the middle of a sentence when comparing/contrasting two different plete the sentences with an appropriate linker:The leisure centre offers an exceptional range of discounts for students. In addition,/Moreover,/Furthermore/Also customers can choose from an array of different payment options.Despite/In spite of having seen the film four times before, he enjoyed it immensely.It is probably true to say that the internet has changed the world for the better. However/Nonetheless, its downsides cannot be ignored.The detergent is highly concentrated so/thus/therefore/consequently it will need to be diluted.Online shoppers can buy whatever they want from the comfort of their armchairs whereas shopping in a brick and mortar store requires more effort.To sum up, etc. the invention that has had the biggest impact on society is clearly the combustion engine.The invention of the internet has almost eliminated the need for conventional letters thus/therefore/consequently/so many postmen have lost their jobs.Paragraph upgradePossible answer:It is widely believed that drug addiction leads to a life of crime. All the evidence suggests that drug addicts steal in order to feed their habits. This may be partially true; nevertheless, it is simply not the case that all crime is committed by drug addicts. Other factors must be taken into account. ................

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