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Kaylee A. McCallianWestmont Hilltop School District - ESLSIOP Lesson Plan Template 4 (adapted)Grade: 9 & 11Date: September 30- October 4, 2013PA Academic Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening: Theme: “Malala the Powerful” Vocabulary: Summaryenvisionoppressiverefugeesunwittinglydefyruralpseudonym vigilplagueHigher–Order Thinking Skills (HOTS):New vocabularyTone and MoodMaterials/Resources:SCOPE magazine Scholastic- September 2013Listen to the story “Malala the Powerful” Key: (needs printed) page 1 & 2 only point (needs printed)Text Features Review (page 1) Summarizing (page 2-3) NEEDS PRINTED : Identify personal pronouns (Grammar)New vocabulary wordsListen carefullySay and write an objective summary of a text.Language Objectives: Speak in proper, understandable English.Write in English.Listen to English.Read English.Review and Assessment: Grammar quizVocabulary quizComprehension Strategy assessment: SummarizingMeaningful Activities (Lesson Sequence):Day 1Grammar: Personal Pronouns lesson 21 and Antecedent (tells who the pronoun is talking about) Pronouns Lesson 22Vocabulary: Power point, review by questioning and prehension: Review Text Features by completing the “Text Features” section (page 1 only) : Introduce new strategy: Summarizing. Students need to take notes as well. The students will each receive a bookmark which lists the steps to summarizing. The teacher will model summarizing by giving a summary of what I did over the weekend. The students will summarize their weekends and discuss using the bookmarks. An objective summary of a text . . . . . . is short (3-5 sentences). . . . gives only the main points or ideas. . . . does not include the opinions of the person writing it. . . . answers the question “What is the article about?”Listen to the story “Malala the Powerful” HW: create vocabulary cards (word on one side and definition, sentence, and sketch on the other) bring other classwork to ESL on Tuesdays and Fridays for extra help.DAY 2Go over HW.Grammar: Write 5 sentences using the following pronouns with a matching antecedent. I, he, she, them, us. Share with the class. Comprehension: Finish listening to the story “Malala the Powerful” As a class, give an oral summary of the article. (Review above)Vocabulary: Review words in the context of the story. Quiz each other by using the vocabulary cards.Help students with other classwork.HW: Journal- A crusade is a campaign to change something. A crusader is someone who tries to make change in the world. What makes Malala a crusader? Why is this important?Day 3Go over HW Journal.Grammar: Possessive Pronouns (shows ownership) Lesson 23 and Reflexive Pronouns (using self) Lesson 24.Vocabulary: Quiz each other using the vocabulary prehension: Review Summarizing. Give another oral summary of the article. Have the students summarize what they did yesterday. Student in class activity (pages 2 and 3). Use promethean board to project the worksheets. Complete as a class. Read the entire directions and questions to students prior to allowing them group time.HW: Study for quiz Friday, reread the story, and write a summary of your favorite movie (teacher must approve)Day 4ReviewRead and go over the entire test, directions and questions to students prior to allowing them independent time.Quiz- Grammar and VocabularyQuiz- Write a summary of “Malala the Powerful”.Name:Vocabulary Quiz: “Malala the Powerful” 10/4/13defyenvisionruraloppressivepseudonym refugeesvigilunwittinglyplagueNo TV and no computer are a few examples of our babysitter’s ________________ rules. Malala and her family are _______________ because they were forced to leave their home county.Authors sometimes write under a ________________ to keep their identities unknown.“Those who choose to ________________ the substitute teacher,” Mrs. Winters warned, “will find themselves in detention.”Poverty, hunger, and lack of proper medical care are problems that continue to ________________ people in many parts of the world. “If you ________________ yourself as a doctor someday, I suggest you volunteer at the hospital,” Mom said. The economies of some________________ communities rely solely on farming and livestock. We attended a ________________ in remembrance of military service members who died in combat.It seemed that by trying to silence her, the Taliban had _________________ helped thousands of other girls find a voice of their own.Write your own sentence using a word of your choice:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name:October 4, 2013??Quiz for Lessons 21-25Parts of Speech - PronounsInstructions:?Circle the personal pronouns. For bonus, put a square around the antecedent.1. I want you to come by yourself tomorrow.?2. The decision itself is yours to make.?3. She gave herself up to the police.?4. My brother gave me his pet snake.?5. You can tie your shoe by yourself.?Instructions: Write one or two sentences using the pronoun provided. Make up a noun to match the pronoun for each problem.Example: TheyCindy and Joe wanted to sing for the Westmont’s talent show. They practiced singing after school for a month.SheTheyHeIUsPronouns Oct. 4Answers:?1. I, you and yourself are pronouns. Yourself is intensive and you is its antecedent.?2. Itself and yours are pronouns. Itself is intensive, and yours is possessive.? Decision is the antecedent for itself.?3. She and herself are pronouns. Herself is reflexive and has she as the antecedent.?4. My, me and his are pronouns. My and his are possessives, and brother is the antecedent of his.?5. You, your and yourself are pronouns. Yourself is a reflexive pronoun, and you is the antecedent for your and yourself. Your is possessive.WALHT…Summarize what we read by using our own words in 5 sentences or less.When summarizing, I need to remember to tell about these IMPORTANT parts of the story:Who?What is it about?Where?When?Why?How?How will I know when I am successful?When…Someone else understands the story from listening to or reading my summary.I can answer all 6 important questions.I use only my own words to summarize what the author has written.My summary has helped me to understand the text more deeply.62166537528500KISS- Keep it short and simple! WALHT…Summarize what we read by using our own words in 5 sentences or less..When summarizing, I need to remember to tell about these IMPORTANT parts of the story:Who?What is it about?Where?When?Why?How?How will I know when I am successful?When…Someone else understands the story from listening to or reading my summary.I can answer all 6 important questions.I use only my own words to summarize what the author has written.My summary has helped me to understand the text more deeply.56451537528500KISS- Keep it short and simple!WALHT…Summarize what we read by using our own words in 5 sentences or less.When summarizing, I need to remember to tell about these IMPORTANT parts of the story:Who?What is it about?Where?When?Why?How?How will I know when I am successful?When…Someone else understands the story from listening to or reading my summary.I can answer all 6 important questions.I use only my own words to summarize what the author has written.My summary has helped me to understand the text more deeply.KISS- Keep it short and simple!50863537528500September 30-October 4, 2013ESL High SchoolWe are learning how to (WALT): Identify personal pronouns (Grammar).Use new vocabulary words in everyday life.Listen carefully to an article read aloud.Say and write an objective summary of a text. ................

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