1) According to Campbell et al

Treating Difficult Couples

Questions from chapter 1

1) According to Campbell et al. (1976) what has the largest impact on a couple's overall life satisfaction?

a) job

b) income

c) community

d) physical health

e) feelings about their relationship

2) According to Kessler et al. (1994) what percent of people with a recent or active psychiatric disorder obtain professional help?

a) 10%

b) 20%

c) 30%

d) 40%

e) 50%

3) According to Bowlby (1969) individuals are vulnerable to depression when

a) attachment bonds are disrupted

b) communications levels are not adequate

c) there is a family history of mood disorder

d) a spouse abuses drugs or alcohol

4) In dual drug abuse relationships, the longer the parties are abstinent, the less stable is their marriage.

a) True

b) False

5) According to Markowitz et al. (1989) marital distress is associated with how greater a chance of having panic disorder?

a) 3 times

b) 5 times

c) 7 times

d) 9 times

6) According to Ren (1997) what is related to relationship distress in marital and cohabiting participants?

a) longevity

b) blood pressure

c) job satisfaction

d) perceived health

7) Research has found a relationship between high EE and all EXCEPT

a) anxiety disorders

b) relapse in schizophrenia

c) eating disorders

d) bipolar disorder

8) The most common problem addressed in couple's therapy is

a) power struggles

b) unrealistic expectations

c) sex

d) communication

9) Babcock et al. (1993) found that physical aggression was associated with

a) poor communication

b) greater power inequality

c) financial stress

d) substance abuse

10) According to Uebelacker & Whisman (2002) depressed women more strongly believe that

a) one must be a perfect sexual partner

b) they do not meet their husband's expectations

c) feedback equals criticism

d) they are powerless in the relationship

Questions from chapter 2

11) According to Gottman & Gottman (1999) how long do couples wait once they start having problems before seeking help?

a) 1 year

b) 2 years

c) 3 years

d) 4 years

e) 6 years

12) Individual or couple characteristics which influence or moderate therapy outcome are known as

a) ICC effects

b) IRR effects

c) ATI effects

d) BRR effects

13) According to Johnson & Talitman (1997) favorable response to EFCT was predicted by women's trust in their partner's caring and

a) lower defensiveness

b) a positive therapeutic alliance

c) lower impulsivity

d) increased capacity for introspection

14) An approach characterized by selecting specific techniques from diverse theoretical systems is

a) eclecticism

b) pluralism

c) integration

d) empirical pragmatism

15) The second level of intervention in the author's pluralistic approach is

a) strengthen the couple dyad

b) promote relevant relationship skills

c) challenge cognitive components of relationship distress

d) address disabling relationship crises

16) EFCT views distressed relationships as comprising

a) insecure bonds

b) blunted affect

c) maladaptive schemas

d) dysfunctional interactions

Questions from chapter 3

17) According to Barlow et al. (1984) where does anxiety rank as a presenting complaint to primary-care physicians?

a) 2nd

b) 3rd

c) 4th

d) 5th

18) Couples tend to maintain or increase their level of satisfaction as symptoms of agoraphobia decrease.

a) True

b) False

19) The most widely researched, efficacious individual treatment for anxiety disorders is

a) CBT

b) IVD

c) ERP

d) RET

20) Assessment of anxiety disorders considers all EXCEPT

a) history of the individual's anxiety disorder

b) the way the relationship and anxiety disorder interact

c) The co-occurrence of other mood disorders

d) overall couple functioning

21) Baucom et al. (1998) identified 3 types of couple-based interventions which included all EXCEPT

a) partner-assisted interventions

b) disorder specific interventions

c) general couple therapy

d) cognitive restructuring therapy

22) The technique which involves generating high levels of physiological arousal to tolerate rather than avoid is

a) interoceptive exposure

b) flooding

c) in vivo desensitization

d) implosion

23) The presence of irrational obsessions followed by ritualistic compulsions describes

a) ODD



d) OCD

24) For people with GAD, Brown et al. (2001) suggest

a) cognitive restructuring

b) relaxation training

c) worry exposure treatment

d) exposure and response prevention

25) Which of the following may not impact a couple's relationship directly?

a) simple and social phobias

b) OCD

c) GAD

d) panic disorder with agoraphobia

26) Individuals with which type of Axis II diagnoses may experience significant anxiety?

a) Cluster A

b) Cluster B

c) Cluster C

d) Cluster D

Questions from chapter 4

27) At the least severe end of the depression spectrum is

a) dysthymia

b) dysphoria

c) major depressive disorder

d) cyclothymia

28) According to Hooley & Gotlib (2000) what is a predictor for relapse in a unipolar depressed patient?

a) decreased libido

b) increased alcohol use

c) criticism from the spouse

d) job dissatisfaction

29) According to Cano & O'Leary (2000) what can increase the occurrence of depressive episodes?

a) in-law conflict

b) financial stress

c) humiliating events

d) health problems

30) What is the best-studied couple treatment for depression?

a) CBT

b) BCT

c) RET

d) BVD

31) According to Hirshfeld & Goodwin (1988) the lifetime risk of suicide for depressed people is as high as

a) 5%

b) 10%

c) 15%

d) 20%

32) According to Weissman (1987) the rate of depression in women is three times that of men.

a) True

b) False

Questions from chapter 5

33) The treatment which can assist partners in building a knowledge base about bipolar disorder and develop communication skills is

a) IPT

b) BCT

c) CBT

d) FFT

34) According to Wendell et al. (2000) high EE parental and spousal relatives make more

a) illness attributions

b) affective attributions

c) controllability attributions

d) environmental attributions

35) Which is NOT one of the primary assumptions of the FFT model? Couples benefit from

a) empathic understanding by a concerned professional

b) conjoint and individual therapy

c) knowledge and acceptance of bipolar disorder

d) learning skills for resolving conflicts

36) What procedure is introduced toward the end of the FFT psychoeducational model?

a) medication adherence training

b) relapse prevention training

c) communication enhancement training

d) preparation for termination

37) According to Falloon et al. (1984) what helps generalize skills to the home setting?

a) problem-solving worksheets

b) role play

c) visualization

d) in vivo reenactment

38) What is the first line treatment for bipolar disorder?

a) CBT

b) FFT

c) DBT

d) psychoeducation

e) pharmacotherapy

Questions from chapter 6

39) What are characterized by deficits in emotional experience, behavioral expressiveness, and energy levels?

a) negative symptoms

b) cognitive impairments

c) positive symptoms

d) affective impairments

40) Lifetime rates of substance abuse and dependence in clients with schizophrenia are

a) 30%

b) 40%

c) 50%

d) 60%

41) According to Loranger (1984) less than 25% of women with schizophrenia marry, whereas 50-70% of men marry.

a) True

b) False

42) According to Zubin & Spring (1997) what is a useful conceptual model for interactions in schizophrenia?

a) stress diathesis model

b) EE model

c) stress-vulnerability model

d) IPT-CM model

43) The most well-established intervention for families in which one member has schizophrenia is

a) CBT

b) BFT

c) BCT

d) RET

44) Which is NOT a step in Problem-Solving Training?

a) define the problem

b) evaluate solutions

c) follow-up with implementation of the plan

d) role play solutions

45) Which is NOT an adjunctive treatment in couple work for schizophrenia?

a) assertive community treatment

b) supported employment

c) cognitive-behavioral therapy for psychosis

d) exposure and response prevention

Questions from chapter 7

46) Critics of the DSM-IV definition of alcohol and drug use disorders stress that

a) alcohol and drug use disorders are a unitary disease

b) symptoms are the manifestation of a disease state

c) the ICD-10 criteria should be used

d) symptoms are acquired habits

47) In the study by Halford & Osgarby (1993) what percent of men seeking marital therapy met the criterion for alcoholism?

a) 33%

b) 36%

c) 39%

d) 42%

48) Which is NOT a behavioral couple therapy stage of change?

a) precontemplation

b) awareness

c) contemplation

d) action

e) relapse

49) All of the following are BCT behavioral assignments EXCEPT

a) catch your partner doing something nice

b) feeling charades

c) caring day

d) shared rewarding activities

50) A difficulty with BCT for alcoholism is that the patient must choose between BCT and AA.

a) True

b) False

Questions from chapter 8

51) According to LoPiccolo et al. (1985) couples presenting to sex therapy clinics often report

a) problems related to communication

b) sexual arousal disorders

c) being in the normal range of marital satisfaction

d) orgasmic disorders

52) Which is NOT one of the four primary variables regarding sexual problems identified by Leiblum & Rosen (1991)?

a) status and dominance

b) verbal and nonverbal communication

c) intimacy and trust

d) sexual attraction and desire

e) sexual scripts

53) Which is NOT one of the four categories of sexual dysfunction delineated in the DSM? Problems of

a) desire

b) arousal

c) orgasm

d) genital pain

e) conception

54) Stuart et al. (1987) found that low desire in women is associated with deficits in all EXCEPT

a) communication skill

b) problem resolution

c) attention

d) trust

55) A technique used to help the couple develop a heightened awareness of sensations and decrease focus on sexual performance is

a) guided imagery

b) systematic desensitization

c) sensate focus

d) sensitivity training

56) What is used to teach ejaculatory control?

a) systematic desensitization

b) the squeeze technique

c) cognitive restructuring

d) orgasm consistency training

Questions from chapter 9

57) What type of physical aggression will be seen most often among couples seeking marital therapy?

a) common couple violence

b) severe physical aggression

c) patriarchal terrorism

d) severe wife violence in self-defense

58) Which theories of husband violence focus on marital interaction?

a) intrapersonal theories

b) sociocultural theories

c) interpersonal theories

d) sociobiological theories

59) Which is NOT one of the three descriptive dimensions of batterer subtypes suggested by Holtzworth-Munroe and Stuart (1994)?

a) environment/setting

b) severity/frequency

c) generality

d) husband's psychopathology or personality disorders

60) What is the most widely used measure of relationship violence?

a) CTS

b) RVI

c) BVS

d) BHI

61) What is the first skill taught for managing behavior when angry?

a) centering

b) owning the emotion

c) time outs

d) progressive muscle relaxation

62) Which is NOT one of the three components of anger discussed during anger recognition?

a) physical

b) spiritual

c) cognitive

d) behavioral

63) The authors have found that maritally violent men often have difficulty with

a) recognizing internal states

b) substance abuse

c) accepting positive feedback

d) feeling expression

Questions from chapter 10

64) Linehan (1993a) has reorganized the specific criteria of borderline personality disorder into multiple areas of

a) functioning

b) vulnerability

c) intervention

d) dysregulation

65) Which is NOT a central dialectic to be resolved in treatment with couples?

a) closeness versus conflict

b) partner acceptance versus change

c) actualization versus shame

d) intimacy versus autonomy

66) How are treatment targets assessed in DBT?

a) mood calendars

b) diary cards

c) partner rating scales

d) conflict tactics scales

67) In DBT, the main difficulty is severe emotional misery in

a) stage 1

b) stage 2

c) stage 3

d) stage 4

68) In which DBT stage do couples learn to transform conflict into closeness?

a) stage 1

b) Stage 2

c) stage 3

d) stage 4

Questions from chapter 11

69) To clarify the distinction between delusions and persecutory ideas, Cameron (1974) uses the concept of a

a) paranoid spectrum

b) delusional spectrum

c) delusional identity

d) paranoid identity

70) Delusions are first and foremost

a) cognitions

b) situational

c) beliefs

d) schemas

71) Delusions involving unsupported beliefs of being secretly loved by another person are termed

a) grandiose

b) erotomanic

c) somatic

d) narcissistic

72) There is no clear association between delusions and domestic violence.

a) True

b) False

73) The tendency for married individuals to be more similar on certain traits that would be expected by chance alone is

a) regression to the mean

b) convergence

c) class selection

d) assorative mating

74) What have Worthington & Drinkard (2000) proposed in promoting reconciliation in estranged couples?

a) coordination of care

b) psychopharmacology

c) psychoeducation

d) behavioral couple therapy

75) Compliance with medications almost invariably falls off in individuals who have had a single psychotic episode.

a) True

b) False

Questions from chapter 12

76) Narcissistic personality disorder is found in up to what percent of the clinical population?

a) 16%

b) 19%

c) 22%

d) 25%

77) What approach to couple therapy for narcissistic disorder is presented?

a) object relations

b) behavioral couple therapy

c) RET

d) CBT

78) Which task of couple assessment involves listening about whatever is on their minds?

a) setting the frame

b) listening to the unconscious

c) following the affect

d) creating psychological space

79) What refers to the therapist's task of providing a safe psychological space over time?

a) cocooning

b) enveloping

c) holding

d) sheltering

80) What refers to the therapist's task of tolerating the couple's anxiety over time?

a) sheltering

b) cocooning

c) containing

d) holding

Questions from chapter 13

81) Perhaps the most significant criticism of the DSM-IV description of PTSD is that it

a) is described as rare or unusual

b) lacks inter-rater reliability

c) overemphasizes trauma due to war

d) lacks specificity in describing symptoms

82) According to Finkelhor & Browne (1984) what is the primary defense against trauma-induced psychopathology?

a) a secure bond

b) avoidance

c) minor tranquilizers

d) rapid intervention

83) Which model integrates a constructivist experiential approach with a systemic approach?

a) CBT

b) BCT

c) EFT

d) Object relations

Questions from chapter 14

84) The model espoused for treating childhood sexual trauma emphasizes all EXCEPT

a) assuming personal responsibility

b) confronting the perpetrator

c) problem solving

d) underscoring being a survivor

85) Which model for assessment and treatment of abuse is offered by McCarthy (1986)?

a) levels of victimization

b) the victim as survivor

c) the couple's emotional relationship

d) integrating vulnerabilities

86) According to McCarthy (2002) what is a core component in couple sex therapy?

a) sensate focus

b) homework

c) nonverbal communication

d) the feedback session

87) According to Maddock et al. (1998) which approach is fatally flawed for couple therapy?

a) recovered memory

b) rebirthing

c) self-help

d) victim advocacy

Questions from chapter 15

88) Miller (1987) has which two types of information seekers?

a) seekers and bludgers

b) monitors and blunters

c) wise and foolish

d) cognitive and emotional

89) Silberfarb et al. (1978) found that women in which phase of breast cancer reported more psychological distress?

a) primary treatment

b) final treatment

c) palliative

d) recurrent

90) In addressing roles and role changes in the face of chronic illness, it is important to consider

a) relations with in-laws

b) children's needs

c) loss of status

d) caregiver burden

Questions from chapter 16

91) Which is NOT one of the "3 D's"?

a) delusion

b) dementia

c) delirium

d) depression

92) What is the third phase of adjustment in a marriage with cognitive impairment?

a) figuring it out

b) caregiving

c) restructuring roles

d) affirming

93) A useful self-report for cognitive impairment is the

a) Cognitive Retention Scale

b) Memory for Simple Figures Test

c) Boston Picture Vocabulary Test

d) Memory and Behavior Checklist

Questions from chapter 17

94) The third phase of grief is the

a) acute mourning phase

b) bargaining phase

c) restorative phase

d) anger phase

95) Family systems theorists assert that loss is

a) a transactional process

b) unavoidable

c) cyclical

d) a process of integration

96) From a couple relationship perspective, grief may launch what type of cycle?

a) approach-avoidance

b) pursuer-distancer

c) bargaining-acceptance

d) flight-flight

97) McGoldrick (1991) suggests that assessment should utilize

a) genograms

b) children

c) personality testing

d) open-ended questions

98) Which is NOT one of the four tasks of acute grief according to Worden (1991)?

a) find others to help bear the grief

b) accept the reality of loss

c) experience the pain and grief

d) adjust to an environment without the deceased

e) withdraw the emotional energy

99) According to Nolen-Hoeksema and Larson (1999) what is the core coping mechanism for grief?

a) emotional expression

b) reappraisal

c) distraction

d) taking action

Questions from chapter 18

100) According to McLeod (1995) partners of people with psychiatric disorders are no more likely to meet criteria for disorders.

a) True

b) False


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