Assignment 10 – NURS 701 ~ Nonparametric Methods (25 pts

Assignment 10 – NURS 701 ~ Nonparametric Methods (25 pts.)

1 – Age of Death for SIDS Infants and Gender

In their paper “Maternal Cigarette Smoking and Oral Clefts: A Population-Based Study” in the American Journal of Public Health (1987) Khoury et al. present information about the ages at which infants died from SIDS. Is there evidence based upon their data to conclude that the age of death differs by gender?

Here are the ages of death (days) for the infants that died from SIDS in their study:


53 56 60 60 78 87 102 117 134 160 277


46 52 58 59 77 78 80 81 84 103 144

115 133 134 167 175

Conduct an appropriate test for determining if there is difference in the typical age at which female and male SIDS infants die. Summarize your findings. (5 pts.)

2 – Accuracy of Children’s Systolic Blood Pressure Obtained with a Dinamap Monitor

In paper “Accuracy of Blood Pressure Measurement by the Dinamap Monitor in Infants in Children” in the Pediatrics (1987), Park & Menard present the results of a study comparing direct and Dinamap measured systolic blood pressures in children. Is there evidence based on the data collected that the two methods of measuring systolic blood pressure differ? Use an appropriate inferential procedure to answer this question and summarize your findings. (5 pts.)

To answer the question of interest use the data presented below:

|Patient # |Dinamap |Direct |Paired Difference |

| |Systolic BP |Systolic BP |d = |

|1 |115 |115 | |

|2 |81 |81 | |

|3 |110 |110 | |

|4 |136 |130 | |

|5 |111 |111 | |

|6 |91 |96 | |

|7 |118 |118 | |

|8 |97 |102 | |

|9 |93 |93 | |

|10 |96 |96 | |

|11 |89 |84 | |

|12 |86 |92 | |

|13 |99 |99 | |

|14 |99 |97 | |

|15 |113 |113 | |

|16 |127 |131 | |

|17 |106 |110 | |

|18 |111 |111 | |

|19 |91 |91 | |

|20 |96 |97 | |

|21 |105 |112 | |

|22 |93 |94 | |

|23 |113 |113 | |

|24 |83 |82 | |

|25 |114 |115 | |

|26 |117 |110 | |

|27 |86 |82 | |

|28 |106 |106 | |

|29 |105 |102 | |

3 – Norton Score for Elderly Orthopedic Patients

In their paper “A preliminary discriminant function analysis of elderly orthopedic patients who will or will not contract a pressure sore” in the International Journal of Nursing Studies (1980), Goldstone et al. Norton scores which measure mental condition, activity, mobility, and incontinence were reported for elderly orthopedic patients. Patients were classified into three groups: patients who did not develop pressure sores, patients who developed noticeable erythema, and patients who developed pressure sores. Do the data in the file Norton Scores.JMP provide evidence that the Norton scores for these three populations of elderly orthopedic patients differ?

a) Use an appropriate method to answer the question of interest. Summarize your

findings (5 pts.)

b) Using an appropriate multiple comparison strategy, compare the population Norton

scores of patients who did not develop sores to those that did develop sores. What is

your conclusion based upon this comparison? (4 pts.)

4 - Middle Ear Effusion in Breast-Fed and Bottle-Fed Infants

A common symptom of otitus media in young children in the prolonged presence of fluid in the middle ear, known a middle-ear effusion. The presence of fluid may result in termporary hearing loss and interfere with normal learning skills in the first two years of life. One hypothesis is that babies who are breast-fed for at least 1 month build up some immunity against the effects of the disease and have less prolonged effusion than do bottle-fed babies. A small study of 24 pairs of babies is set up, where the babies are matched on a one-to-one basis according to age, sex, socioeconomic status, and type of medications taken. One member of the matched pair is a breast-fed baby, and other member is a bottle fed baby. The outcome variable is the duration of middle-ear effusion after the first episode of otitus media. The results are shown below.

|Pair Number |Duration of effusion in breast-fed baby|Duration of effusion |Difference |

| | |in bottle-fed baby |d = |

|1 |20 |18 | |

|2 |11 |35 | |

|3 |3 |7 | |

|4 |24 |182 | |

|5 |7 |6 | |

|6 |28 |33 | |

|7 |58 |223 | |

|8 |39 |57 | |

|9 |17 |76 | |

|10 |17 |186 | |

|11 |12 |29 | |

|12 |52 |39 | |

|13 |14 |15 | |

|14 |12 |21 | |

|15 |30 |28 | |

|16 |7 |8 | |

|17 |15 |27 | |

|18 |65 |77 | |

|19 |10 |12 | |

|20 |7 |8 | |

|21 |19 |16 | |

|22 |34 |28 | |

|23 |25 |20 | |

Do these data provide evidence that breast-fed babies have shorter durations of effusion when compared to bottle-fed babies that are the same age, sex, socioeconomic status, and on the same medications? Note: You have analyzed these data previously, however on could argue that your previous analysis was deficient in some respects. Datafile: Ear Effusion.JMP

What test procedure do you think should be used for analyzing these data? Explain

your choice, conduct the analysis, and summarize your findings. (6 pts.)

OR you can do this problem for #4 instead

(or you can do both for the extra points)

4 – The Relation Between Health Insurance Coverage and Clinical Outcomes Among Women with Breast Cancer

In their paper of the title above Ayanian et al. examined the potential relationship between health insurance status and clinical outcomes of women with breast cancer. A question the researchers had was where women who do not have health insurance coverage are less likely to be screened for breast cancer, and whether their disease is more advanced at the time of diagnosis. These data look at the insurance status (insured vs. uninsured) of the patient and the grade of cancer (1 = least advanced, …, 5 = most advanced) at the time of initial diagnosis. Datafile: Insure.JMP

a) Could a two-sample t-test be used to analyze these data? Why or why not? (2 pts.)

b) Test the null hypothesis that the stage of cancer is same for both insurance classes against the alternative that reflects that uninsured patients generally have more advanced cancer grade at the time of diagnosis. Summarize of your findings. (4 pts.)


You can get free access to the entire article by signing up for a FREE limited access subscription to the New England Journal of Medicine. The authors to use for the keyword when searching for the paper referenced above are: Ayanian, Kohler, Abe, Epstein

If you have access already the link is:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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