Electrocardiography: Chapter 7 Worksheet

Complete the following.____________ are classified based on the heart structure in which they begin, or site of origin.The only normal rhythm is ____________ ____________ rhythm.Sinus ________________resembles NSR but with a slower heart rate of 40 – 60 bpm.Sinus _________________resembles NSR but with a faster heart rate of 100 – 160 bpm.Sinus __________________ resembles sinus rhythm, except for the slight irregularity of the rhythm.When the SA node fails to initiate an impulse, a sinus ____________will result in a missed complex until the sinus node continues its normal function.The normal order of the electrical conduction pattern of the heart is SA node, _____ __________, ventricles.A patient is said to be ______________________if he/she is medically stable.A difference of at least 0.08 seconds between the shortest and the longest _______________ intervals in order to distinguish that a rhythm is not a normal sinus rhythm.Rhythms that originate from the _____ _________ are called sinus rhythms.An episode of Sinus Arrest has a regular to _____________________ rhythm.An episode of Sinus Block has a __________________ rhythm.Any change in waveforms, regularity, or rate prevents a sinus rhythm from being called ___________ ___________ _______________.The only normal rhythm is normal sinus rhythm; all other rhythms in this group are appropriately termed _________________________.As with all rhythms, patient _______________ is crucial to determining the patient’s tolerance of the dysrhythmia. If the patient is experiencing chest pains, dizziness, weakness, fainting, markedly decreased or increased blood pressure, or alterations in level of consciousness, he or she is considered symptomatic or _____________ ____________.In a person who is sleeping and in a young, well-conditioned athlete, ____________ _____________ is a normal phenomenon.Included in the heart’s electrical conduction system are ___________ pacemaker sites. The primary pacemaker site of the heart is the ____ ___________.List the characteristics for Normal Sinus Rhythm ................

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