Chapter 21 Vital Signs Student Assignment

Vital Signs Student Assignment

Name: _____________________________Date: __________________ # _________

Measuring Vital Signs: Fill in the Blanks

1. List the normal body temperature range for each of the following sites:

a. Rectal: _________________________________

b. Oral: __________________________________

c. Tympanic membrane: ____________________

d. Axillary: ________________________________

2. Oral temperatures are not taken if the person:

a. _______________________________________

b. _______________________________________

c. _______________________________________

d. _______________________________________

e. _______________________________________

3. List the normal pulse rate ranges (rate per minute) for the following ages:

a. Birth to 1 year: __________________________

b. 2 years: _________________________________

c. 6 years: ________________________________

d. 10 years: _______________________________

e. 12 years and older: ______________________

4. When counting respirations, what observations do you need to report and record?

a. _______________________________________

b. _______________________________________

c. _______________________________________

d. _______________________________________

5. What factors control blood pressure?

a. _______________________________________

b. _______________________________________

c. _______________________________________

Name: ____________________________Date: ___________________ # ___________

Measuring Vital Signs: True or False

Mark T for true or F for false. If a statement is false, change it and make it a true statement.

1. ______ Unless otherwise ordered, take vital signs with the person standing.

2. ______ A glass thermometer is rinsed under warm running water before use.

3. ______ An oral temperature is taken if a person is receiving oxygen.

4. ______ Rectal temperatures are dangerous for persons with heart disease.

5. ______ Axillary temperatures are more reliable than oral temperatures.

6. ______ To use a tympanic membrane thermometer, the covered probe is inserted

gently into the ear.

7. ______ The brachial artery is used most often for taking a pulse.

8. ______ Before using a stethoscope, wipe the earpieces and diaphragm with antiseptic wipes.

9. ______ A stethoscope is used to take an apical pulse.

10. ______ An apical pulse is counted for 30 seconds.

11. ______ Respirations are counted right after taking a pulse. The person should be unaware that you are counting respirations.

12. ______ Blood pressure on an adult is normally measured in the brachial artery.

13. ______ The blood pressure cuff is applied over clothing.

14. ______ Notify the nurse at once if you cannot detect a blood pressure.

Multiple Choice: Circle the BEST answer.

15. If you are unsure of a vital sign measurement, you must:

a. Ask another nursing assistant to check it for you.

b. Report what you think it is.

c. Wait 1 hour and then recheck it.

d. Promptly ask the nurse to take it again.

16. The normal body temperature range for the rectal site is:

a. 98.6° to 100.6° F

b. 96.6° to 98.6° F

c. 97.6° to 99.6° F

d. 99.6° to 101° F

17. Rectal temperatures are taken when:

a. A person has diarrhea.

b. A person has rectal surgery.

c. A person has heart disease.

d. The oral site cannot be used.

18. Bobby Jones is 1 year of age. What pulse site is used?

a. The brachial site

b. The radial site

c. The apical site

d. The site that is easiest for you

19. The difference between the apical and radial pulse rates is called the:

a. Apical-radial pulse

b. Pulse deficit

c. Pulse rate

d. Pulse pressure

20. Mr. Adams’ blood pressure measurement remains above 140/90 mm Hg. Mr. Adams has:

a. Tachycardia

b. Hypertension

c. Hypotension

d. Anxiety

21. The period of heart muscle relaxation is called:

a. Diastole

b. Systole

c. Blood pressure

d. Hypotension

22. You are measuring vital signs on Miss Lynn Brown. What do you report to the nurse at once?

a. Vital signs within the normal range

b. The apical pulse

c. Any vital sign that is changed from the previous reading

d. When you took the measurements


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