Norse Mythology Character Cube Assignment

Gods and Goddesses

Balder Mirmir

Freyja - (fray-ah) Brok

Freyr - (frey-er) Sif


Heimdall - (hame-dall) Jormungand





Tyr – (tier)






Valkyries – (val-kye-reez)


Your task is to create a character cube for one of the Norse characters listed above. There are six sides to your cube. You MUST include the following:

← Character's name

← Category - Type of creature

← One image that symbolizes your character and a sentence that CLEARLY explains the image. Your symbol must be coloured.

Then, for your remaining three sides, choose three of the following options:

← Family status – Names of wives/husbands/lovers/children/parents, any information you can find about their family

← Personality – Two or three personality traits from clues in the myths

← Career – Famous deeds and role played in mythology

← Supernatural attributes – Magical powers or protection

← Distinguishing Features – Special or unusual physical appearance

← Other ideas???

** Your information is to be written neatly and in complete sentences. You may need to summarize some of it because it NEEDS to fit within the dimensions of the box. **

Norse Mythology Character Cube - Evaluation

|Is the character cube complete? |Yes No |

|Is the one required image coloured neatly? |Yes No |

|Is there a sentence that CLEARLY explains the image? |Yes No |

|Are all sentences written clearly and without errors? |Yes No |

|Are all three required elements present? |Yes No |

|Are the three student options present? |Yes No |

|Is the information on the character cube correct? |Yes No |

|Was the assignment completed and handed in on time? |Yes No |


** You will also be presenting your character cube to the class. This will be a separate mark; it will count toward the speaking portion of your grade.

You will be required to hand in the jot notes that you collected while you researched your character. From those jot notes you will write a more complete, detailed description of your character. This is the part that will be read to the class. You WILL NOT read them your character cube. (The cube is intended to be a summary.)

Norse Mythology Character Cube Jot Notes

Jot notes are a way of recording information when you are doing research. You do not have to write in complete sentences. Write key words and enough information to get the basic idea.


Name: ____________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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