Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2022 Climate ...

[Pages:1]Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2022

Climate-Energy-Economy Modelling for a Low Carbon Future: A Participatory Approach

Striving to meet the obligations arising from the Paris Agreement, faced with the looming impacts of climate change, and having to meet a rapidly rising energy demand at the same time, policy makers in many countries of Western Asia and Northern Africa are forced to make decisions in an increasingly complex environment. Models combining climate, energy, and socio-economic aspects are able to assist in this process. Not only do they e.g. allow for finding a both cost-efficient and climate-friendly energy mix, but models can also serve as a tool for reflecting the wider implications of policies on the economy, the environment, and the people, enabling countries to shape the transition to a green economy in a just way.

However, their effective use is highly demanding. The development of tailormade tools requires not only advanced modelling capabilities as well as high-quality data ? beyond that, the success of their application equally depends on the finetuning of the underlying modelling assumptions and a careful communication of the resulting scenarios. In order to meet these demands, a broad range of different types of expertise is necessary: In addition to technical skills in the development of mathematical models, project teams should also cover insights from the fields of economics and the environment, for instance, and take into account the social interests of civil society.

Structuring the model development process in a way that ensures the integration of different scientific disciplines and sectoral perspectives benefits not only the quality of the model but, at the same time, helps experts to overcome the silo mentality, increases transparency, and ultimately boosts acceptance of the model and modelling results. In this session, we explore the benefits and limitations of applying a participatory approach for the development of climate-energy-economy models and their use for policy design in Western Asia and Northern Africa. We showcase what formats of cooperation are suitable for producing meaningful scientific outputs, present good practice examples based on country case studies, and discuss success factors for a participatory model development approach.

Preliminary Agenda ? Opening & Introduction (GIZ) ? Keynote ? Panel discussion incl. open Q&A ? Closing

Participants ? Moderation: GIZ ? Keynote: Dr Theodoros Zachariadis, The Cyprus Institute ? Panellists: TBD

The side event will be hosted on MS Teams. Please click here to join the event.

Date: 03 March 2022

Prepared by: GIZ/DIAPOL-CE

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