NAMI North Carolina Board Application Form 2006

NAMI North Carolina Board of Directors Responsibilities/Expectations

The mission of NAMI North Carolina is to optimize the quality of life for individuals and their families affected by severe and persistent mental illness. We work to protect the dignity and promote the recovery of those living with brain disorders.

A strong NAMI North Carolina Board of Directors is balanced in its composition, is diverse, and reflects the various geographic regions of our state. Directors must be members of NAMI. Election is by the membership of NAMI North Carolina.

Board member responsibilities include the following:

• Support the mission of NAMI North Carolina. Directors are elected by the state membership and form the governing body of NAMI North Carolina. The Board is responsible for making policy decisions. Its actions must be in the best interests of NAMI NC.

• Become knowledgeable about NAMI North Carolina’s finances. NAMI NC is a not-for-profit corporation governed by our Board. Board members must be diligent about their fiduciary responsibilities.

• Hire, support, and evaluate NAMI North Carolina’s Executive Director.

• Participate in development by working to increase our donors and diversify our funding sources, leading to a strong financial base for current operations and for the future of NAMI NC.

• Make a personal financial contribution every year to the Annual Fund, in addition to participating in development and fundraising activities. Personal financial circumstances will determine the amount, but it is important for NAMI North Carolina to have contributions from 100% of its Directors.

• Attend Board meetings well-prepared by studying the materials in the board packet so that informed discussion takes place around policy, planning, and finances.

• Attend Board meetings regularly, as well as the Annual Board Retreat where strategic planning for the upcoming year takes place. Other events at which board participation is needed are conferences, institutes, affiliate visits, development and fundraising events, and representing the organization as a speaker when needed.

• Participate fully in your committee assignments and meetings. Expect committee meetings to be conducted at and between board meetings.

• Become knowledgeable about all three tiers of the NAMI organization. Read the national journal, The Advocate, and subscribe to other online news distributions through the NAMI website. Make an effort to attend a NAMI national convention during the three-year term.

• Become knowledgeable about and involved in public policy issues. Develop a relationship with community leaders, legislative, and governmental officials at the county, state, and national levels.

More detailed information such as date and location of meetings, orientation of board members, and duty and function of committees will be provided at the potential candidate’s meeting with the Nominating Committee.

NAMI North Carolina Board Application Form

(Revision 08/17)

NAMI North Carolina welcomes your interest in serving on the Board of Directors for our state organization. Our Bylaws require that nominations for Directors be submitted in writing to the Board Recruiting Committee (BRC). This committee will review all applications and then nominate a slate of candidates for election. Each application is to be accompanied by a brief resume or statement of qualifications. In keeping with these requirements, we ask that each potential board candidate submit the following:

1. The Application Form provided below

Candidate responses to this Application Form will be included with the ballots distributed to the membership so that voters may make informed choices among the candidates. Please be aware that although we will type your responses, we will not change any wording, so please respond thoughtfully to each item.

2. Brief resume, or statement of qualifications

Please consider the “NAMI North Carolina Board Member Responsibilities and Expectations” as you prepare your application.

3. Letter of recommendation from your Affiliate President or a current NAMI NC Board member

Please submit all required application materials by January 14, 2018 to either:

NAMI NC Board Recruitment Committee

309 W. Millbrook Rd., Suite 121

Raleigh, NC 27609

Or email: boardrecruit@, subject line “NAMI NC Board Recruitment Committee”

Receipt of all three items (application form, resume, and letter of recommendation) by August 10, 2018 will be necessary for committee consideration. Late applications will not be considered.

Candidates will be contacted to arrange a meeting and/or telephone interview as part of the recruitment process.



City, State, Zip_________________________________________________________________

Phone (H)__________________(Cell)_________________Email_________________________

Name of your Affiliate______________________________ NAMI member for ________years

1. Our Bylaws require that each board member is a family member of an individual with mental illness, or a person who has experienced mental illness, or a professional or advocate with significant interest in the mental health arena. Please state your relationship with a relative with mental illness, or your connection with the field of severe and persistent mental illness.

2. Describe your activities in your local NAMI affiliate, including offices held, committees served on, projects involved in, and any other responsibilities you may have had. Please also describe any activities as a volunteer in other organizations related to mental health.

3. What would you like the Board of Directors to accomplish during your tenure on the Board?

4. What do you feel you have to offer or can contribute to the organization as a board member? Describe any personal experiences, education, training, fundraising, or work experience that will help you contribute to the activities and success of the NAMI North Carolina Board.

5. On which board committees would you like to serve and why?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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