Sharing your progress:

The annual self-assessment provides NCNSP network schools the opportunity to reflect on their work, create data snapshots of school progress, identify benchmarks for growth, and develop strategies to meet them. The process allows self-assessment to become an integral part of the school improvement process. Submissions should be made electronically as follows:

K-8 Schools: Submit to Kevin Smith at ksmith@

High Schools: Submit to Kevin Smith at ksmith@ and Vernitta Spruill at vspruill@.

Schools should submit a final copy of the following by July 16, 2013

• Electronic copy of the Self-Assessment Analysis

• Electronic copy of the Self-Assessment Reflection

• Electronic copy of the Self-Assessment Action Plan

During the 2012 NCNSP Summer Institute, high school teams will be provided additional time to refine the self-assessment action plan.

Area for Study 1: Student Achievement and Academic Growth

Problem Statement: Wallace-Rose Hill is performing 7.2% below the state average for overall proficiency on Federally-mandated End of Course tests (74.2% to 81.4%) with a higher incidence of Level 1 students (10.1% to 5.8%) and a much lower incidence of Level 4 students (14% to 33.8%) based on the available 2011-2012 data. The school did not meet overall expected growth in 2011-12 based on EVAAS indicators for English I, Biology, and Algebra I – specifically, performing well below average for value added in and serving subgroups within Biology and Algebra I. Wallace-Rose Hill performs below the state average on the composite ACT score (15.3 to 18.4) – additionally the school performs below average in all subgroups related to the ACT based upon EVAAS predictions. Scores on the SAT are significantly below the state average (900 to 997 – math and verbal combined.)

SMART Goal: Wallace-Rose Hill will use the Common Instructional Framework, STEM learning principles, and the Early College school model to refine instructional practices in order to achieve 60% overall academic growth while increasing overall EOC proficiency levels 10% over non-proficiency and reaching state averages on nationally-normed college readiness tests at the conclusion of the Spring 2014 testing cycle.

|Desired Evidence |Strategies |Timeline |Responsibility |

| |Increase faculty focus on quality instruction by requiring elements of |Review first faculty meeting in August |Administration |

|1) Wallace-Rose Hill students will make high|the Common Instructional Framework. Review CIF and establish purpose in|Lesson Plans September 2013 |Department Chairs |

|growth based on EVAAS indicators. |initial faculty meeting of the year. Require identification of CIF |Observations as scheduled |CCL |

| |elements within weekly lesson plans and including the CIF elements as an| | |

| |element within formal and snapshot observation checklists. Focus on | | |

| |best practices from one CIF principle each faculty meeting. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Review procedure and establish purpose of Lesson Tuning. Lesson | | |

| |(activity or goal related effects on student learning) tuning through | | |

| |departmental and planning period meetings three times per semester and |Review first faculty meeting in August | |

| |six total over the course of the year. THESE SHOULD FOCUS ON PROBLEM |First tuning session scheduled for September 2013. |Administration |


| |Participation factored into summative evaluation under Standard I: | |CCL |

| |Teachers Demonstrate Leadership. | |Faculty |

| | | | |

| |Review elements of and establish purpose for instructional rounds | | |

| |procedure. All teachers will participate as an observer or presenter | | |

| |for Instructional Rounds at least twice per semester for all teachers. | | |


| |PREDETERMINED AREA OF CONCERN BY HOST TEACHER. Participation factored |Review first faculty meeting in August 2013 | |

| |into summative evaluation under Standard I: Teachers Demonstrate |First rounds in visit in October 2013 | |

| |Leadership. | | |

| | | |Administration |

| |Review elements of and establish purpose for the DCPS Engineering Design| |STEM Team |

| |Process (EDP). Teachers will incorporate the EDP into lesson plans at | |CCL |

| |least once per week – whether through lesson, project, brainstorming, | | |

| |etc... EDP should be posted within each classroom and referred to often | | |

| |in relation to the process of thinking, structuring responses, and | | |

| |problem solving methodology. | | |

| | |Review first faculty meeting in August 2013 | |

| |Beginning teachers will observe peer classes 4x per semester. |Include in lesson plans beginning September 2013 | |

| |Reflections and notes should be kept for BT portfolio/binder. | | |

| |Participation factored into summative evaluation under Standard I: | | |

| |Teachers Demonstrate Leadership. | | |

| |Create a common area for hardcopy and/or within Google Docs or the | |Administration |

| |school website for teacher lesson plans so that staff can coordinate | |Faculty |

| |lessons and problems. | | |

| | |First observations scheduled for September 2013 | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Create in August 2013 – Updates ongoing | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Gary Brown, AP |

| | | |Rita Baker, BTC |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Gary Brown, AP |

| | | |Valerie Merritt, MC |

| | | |Tech Specialists |

| |Increase A/B scheduling beyond the ninth grade year to encompass |Scheduling during summer. Implement in Fall |Administration |

|2) Wallace-Rose Hill will reduce the level |Geometry/Biology. Teachers of English I/World History, Algebra I/Earth |2013–Geometry/Biology |Faculty |

|of non-proficient students by 10% on 2013-14|Science, and Geometry/Biology pairings will have common planning if at | |Guidance |

|EOC results. |all possible. The course pairing is designed to increase processing | | |

| |time for material and provide cross-curricular teaching opportunities. | | |

| | | | |

| |Use Primetime Leadership Meetings to identify students who are | | |

| |non-proficient and in need of extra support through Halftime or from | | |

| |school support personnel, as well as those who qualify for or should be |Every two weeks during Primetime PLC meetings. | |

| |directed towards Honors, AP, and Career and College Promise coursework | |Administration |

| |in all subjects. | |Primetime Leaders |

| | | |Guidance |

| |Schedule common planning for A/B follow-up course pairings to continue | | |

| |to allow for increased cross-curricular integration of materials and | | |

| |communication. Paired teachers should formally meet at least once a | | |

| |week to discuss plans, strategies, and teaching effectiveness and keep |Summer scheduling 2013 and 2014 | |

| |minutes to turn into administration. | | |

| | | |Administration |

| |Teachers will analyze data during departmental and PLC meetings from | |Guidance |

| |common assessments like Classscape to monitor and adjust instruction to | | |

| |meet areas of needs. Keep records of findings and adjustments in | | |

| |meeting minutes to be turned into administration. | | |

| | | | |

| | |Set dates for benchmark/assessments in first | |

| | |departmental/PLC meetings of September 2013. | |

| | | | |

| | | |Departments |

| | | |PLCs |

| |Emphasize SAT/ACT vocabulary school-wide that coincides with grade level|English Department will begin planning format for the |Administration English Department |

|3) Wallace-Rose Hill will increase |or post-grade level readings to increase reading content comprehension |2013-2014 school year in August and implement in | |

|Gates-MacGinittie reading level scores by an|and increase vocabulary on GATES, ACT, and SAT. Teachers will |September. | |

|average of 1.25 grade levels during the |incorporate vocabulary into lesson plans and assess students weekly. | | |

|ninth and eleventh grade benchmark years and|Observance of usage of vocabulary and testing will be included in | | |

|raise the average SAT verbal score to 500 |snapshot/observation checklist and be included in summative evaluation | | |

|and average composite ACT score to the state|under Standard III: Teachers Know the Content They Teach: Teachers | | |

|average of 18.4. |Recognize the Interconnectedness of Content Areas/Disciplines. | | |

| | | | |

| |Students who have voluntarily registered and those that have been | | |

| |identified as Career and College Promise Ready will be scheduled for | | |

| |SAT/ACT Prep during halftime. This will be in addition to the voluntary| | |

| |afterschool offering of the Princeton Review course. | | |

| | |Begin September 2013 |Administration |

| |Develop an SAT/ACT scoreboard for each student that scores a 1500+ | |Guidance |

| |(Reading, Writing, Math) on the SAT or 20+ on ACT – including a guide to| |CCL |

| |district, state, and national averages. | |SAT Prep Teachers |

| | | | |

| |Analyze the Plan and PSAT results (i.e. weaknesses) and address needs to| | |

| |increase student test taking success through Halftime and core courses | | |

| |(five minute filler – problem of the day). |Following return of results – February 2014 |CCL |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | |Following return of results – February 2014 | |

| | | |Guidance |

| | | |CCL |

| | | |Faculty |

Area for Study 2: College Career Readiness/Student Expectations

Problem Statement: Participation on the SAT is significantly below the state average (53% to 68%.) Only 4% of Wallace-Rose Hill students being identified as “college ready” for English, Reading, Math, and Science by ACT standards versus a state average of 13% of ACT test takers, and the school had significantly lower percentages of “college ready” students in each of the sub-categories than state averages. A lower percentage of students are taking advanced college preparatory or collegiate-level courses compared to the district and state averages (WRH: 2% to DISTRICT: 6% and STATE: 5%) based on 2011-2012 school year data. While AP class participation has increased with added course offerings (36 AP students in 2012-13 compared to 1 in 2010), AP coursework is not always an effective option for everyone; only 3 Wallace-Rose Hill students took College Promise courses in the 2012-13 school year –5 course enrollments for the school year versus an average of 98 course enrollments amongst the remaining three comprehensive schools in the district; homeschooled student enrollments from Duplin County in College Promise courses (8) exceeded Wallace-Rose Hill’s enrollments. These statistics all connect to a lack of encouragement and motivation to graduate high school and further education and career prospects beyond high school. Wallace-Rose Hill’s graduation rate is 7.2% below the state average (73.2% to 80.4%.)

SMART Goal: Wallace-Rose Hill will increase the percentage of students taking higher level and college credit courses to reach the state average and increase preparation and participation in the SAT in order to reach the state average in participation and scoring during the 2013-14 school year. By doing so, and by increasing focus on the college application and acceptance process, Wallace-Rose Hill will work towards raising the graduation rate to the state average at the conclusion of Spring 2014.

|Desired Evidence |Strategies |Timeline |Responsibility |

| |Through guidance and Primetime, Career and College Promise ready |Methodology and procedures should be decided during |Guidance |

|1) Increase AP class enrollment 10%, Honors |students will be directed towards enrollment in either AP or Career and |September-October 2013 – Students should be selected |CCL |

|enrollment 10%, and begin enrolling Career |College Promise equivalent (in lieu of honors) onsite or online. |within time for registration in Spring 2014. |Department Heads |

|and College Promise eligible students into |Essentially, WRH will begin promoting available CCP courses in place of | |Primetime Leaders |

|community college classes. |the honors program for the junior and senior year when possible, while |Summer 2013 | |

| |continuing to offer AP courses to be taken separately from or in | | |

| |coexistence with CCP. | |Administration |

| | | |MJ Jessup |

| |At least two teachers will become AP certified during the summer to |Begin monitoring August 2013 |Rita Baker |

| |increase available course offerings. | | |

| | | |Guidance |

| |Guidance and college liaison will monitor the incoming ninth and tenth | |CCL |

| |graders to determine eligibility for, educate students on, and register | | |

| |students for AP and Career and College Promise courses. | | |

| | |August-September 2013 | |

| |Parent, student, and staff universities to educate faculty, parents, and| | |

| |students on criteria for enrollment into the honors, AP, or collegiate | |CCL |

| |course offerings. | |Guidance |

| | | |Administration |

| | | |Department Heads |

|2) Increase graduation rate to the state |Primetime teachers will incorporate a Primetime portfolio to include: |Fall 2013-Ongoing |Faculty |

|average. |resume, transcript, grade summaries, etc. to organize student success. | |Guidance |

| |This portfolio will also serve to tangibly educate students on advanced | |Data Manager |

| |level course offerings available to them if they satisfy College Promise| |CCL |

| |requirements and are choosing a College Prep or CTE pathway. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Teachers will adopt a college for their classroom either through class | | |

| |election or by teacher selection. Teacher will be an expert on the | | |

| |adopted college and will follow news related to the college in order to | | |

| |be a general resource for the questions about the chosen institution. |August 2013 |Faculty |

| | | |Administration |

| |Primetime teachers will individually mentor students to ensure academic | | |

| |success, attendance, discipline, and transitional issues and direct | | |

| |students to CCL, social worker, guidance, or nurse when necessary. | | |

| |Teacher will recommend student for tutoring or subject area mentoring as| | |

| |necessary. Student may be recommended for additional remediation and | | |

| |instruction in halftime, afterschool program, or online if necessary. |Address at-risk in initial Primetimes days of August. |Faculty |

| | |Begin officially evaluating students’ grades and |Guidance |

| | |eligibility in September. |CCL |

| | | |Lab Manager |

|3) All seniors will apply to a institutions |During Primetime, students will access and utilize college prep |Prior to February 2014 |Faculty |

|of higher learning: technical, community |resources i.e. FAFSA, CFNC, college board, etc. | |CCL |

|college, or four-year institution. | | |Guidance |

| |Guidance and CCL will work with all senior students individually to | | |

| |apply to institutions of higher learning. |Prior to February 2014 |Guidance |

| | | |CCL |

| |Guidance and CCL will create a wall of fame to acknowledge students that| | |

| |have been accepted to institutions of higher learning. | | |

| | |Fall 2013 - Ongoing |Guidance |

| | | |CCL |

| 4) Increase the number of opportunities to |College speaker/career oriented speakers will address primetimes at |Fall 2013-Ongoing |CTE Coordinator |

|expose to college/career speakers (DCPS |least 3 times a year | |STEM/EC Team |

|REQUIRES 3 PER YEAR) and higher education | | |Faculty |

|themed field trips (DCPS REQUIRES 5 PER |College Field trip for all freshmen to UNCW. |Spring 2014 |Freshman Academy |

|YEAR). | | |STEM/EC Team |

| |Arrange college classroom visits for each grade level. Equates to |Begin scheduling during Summer 2013 |CCP |

| |minimum of 4 trips. | | |

Area for Study 3: Making Connections in the Classroom/STEM and school theme of agri-business and bio-technology

Problem Statement: STEM classroom connections in the last school year were primarily confined to CTE teachers and STEM/EC team members.

SMART Goal: All Wallace-Rose Hill teachers will integrate three lessons per semester that are directly related to the county or school STEM themes during the 2013-14 school year and each student will also participate in at least one large-scale STEM school-wide or integrated project, STEM field trip, or STEM guest speaker event.

|Desired Evidence |Strategies |Timeline |Responsibility |

| | | | |

|Wallace-Rose Hill will implement STEM and |Each class will implement 2-4 theme experiences per semester through |First experience should occur prior to conclusion of |Administration |

|District-wide Early College concepts. |lessons, units, projects based learning, real world opportunities, |September 2013 – second prior to Thanksgiving break – |STEM/EC Team |

| |etc. – SHOULD EQUATE TO 1 PER SIX WEEK UNIT OF TIME. |third prior to Exam review – in the first semester. |Faculty |

| | | | |

| |Every student will participate in at least 1 STEM field trips, |One experience in Fall semester 2013-Ongoing | |

| |speaker, or large-scale project per semester. | | |

| | | |Administration |

| |Teacher will connect with another teacher for at least 1 integrated | |CTE Coordinator |

| |project each semester and share the results of the group |One project during Fall semester 2013-Ongoing |STEM/EC Team |

| | | | |

| |W-RH will incorporate “bee” theme throughout the year to assist |Educate staff during August 2013, one thematic lesson or| |

| |integration of the STEM theme. Faculty education on theme will occur |unit each semester |Administration |

| |during initial workdays. | |Faculty |

| | | | |

| |W-RH will establish business partnerships to enhance field trips |Summer 2013-Ongoing |Administration |

| |opportunities and incorporate guest speakers. | |STEM/EC Team |

| | | |Faculty |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Administration |

| | | |STEM/EC Team |

| | | |Faculty |


Profile Data

All High Schools:

| |Total |

|Number of students in the college tech-prep course of study (Seniors only) |30 |

|Number of students in the university prep AND college tech-prep course of study (Seniors only) |39 |

|Number of students who graduated with a high school diploma |114 |

|Number of graduates earning at least one year of college credit but not the Core 44 |0 |

|Number of students who graduated with the Core 44 but not an associate’s degree |0 |

|Number of students who graduated with an associate’s degree or two years of transferable college credit |0 |

|The career path or field in which each associate’s degree was earned |0 |

|College credits earned per graduate (total credits earned by all graduates divided by the number of graduates) |3% |

|Percent of students who are first generation college (neither parent has a 2 year or 4 year degree)- grade 9 |0 |

|Percent of students who are first generation college (neither parent has a 2 year or 4 year degree)- grade 10 |0 |

|Percent of students who are first generation college (neither parent has a 2 year or 4 year degree)- grade 11 |0 |

|Percent of students who are first generation college (neither parent has a 2 year or 4 year degree)- grade 12 |0 |

|Percent of students who are first generation college (neither parent has a 2 year or 4 year degree)- grade 13 |N/A |

High Schools only:

|Number of students taking at least one course in the larger school or other small schools in the building |N/A |

|Number of students from the larger school taking at least one course in the redesigned school |N/A |

|Number of teachers teaching courses in the larger school |N/A |

|Number of students in dual university prep/college tech-prep course of study |39 |

|Number of students in only the university prep course of study |30 |

|Number of students in only the college tech-prep course of study |29 |

|Number of students in only the career prep course of study |4 |

|Number of students in only the occupational course of study |4 |


[1] Proficient is defined as the student scored at or above a Level III on 20the 8th grade math and reading EOG tests.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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