North Dakota Assessment System - North Dakota State Library

North Dakota Assessment System: 2003 Peer Review Report, November 2003

Title I: Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Narrative and Supporting Evidence for

Submitting Evidence of Final Assessment System Under Title I, Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Submitted by the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction

November 2003

North Dakota State Assessment Plan


2003 Peer Review Process

November 2003

North Dakota Assessment System: 2003 Peer Review Report, November 2003

Title I: Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Table of Contents

I. General Characteristics of the Assessment System

A. Content, Grade Levels, and Administration


B. Inclusion


II. The Core of the Assessment System

C. Assessments Must Be Aligned to Standards


D. Meeting Professional Standards of Technical Quality


III. Reporting and Using Assessment Results in Accountability

E. Providing Individual Reports


F. Disaggregate Reporting


G. Development of District and School Profiles


H. Ensuring that State Assessments Are the Primary

Basis for Determining LEA and School Progress


I. Include Students Who Have Attended School in the

LEA for a Full Academic Year


North Dakota State Assessment Plan


2003 Peer Review Process

November 2003

North Dakota State Assessment Plan Body of Evidence List of Appendices

Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C:

Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Appendix G:

Appendix H: Appendix I:

Appendix J: Appendix K:

North Dakota Assessment Plan Waiver Agreement,

North Dakota Century Code, Assessment Statutes,

North Dakota Standards and Assessments Development Protocols,

North Dakota Mathematics Content Standards,

North Dakota Mathematics Achievement Standards,

North Dakota English Language Arts Content Standards,

North Dakota English Language Arts Achievement Standards,

North Dakota State ESEA Consolidated Application, pages 1 -25,

Understanding the North Dakota State Assessment, A Primer,

North Dakota State Assessment, Test Specifications

North Dakota State Assessment Blueprint for Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts

North Dakota State Assessment Plan


2003 Peer Review Process

November 2003

Appendix L:

Release of 2002 Student Achievement Results by the State Superintendent, November 2002, ,

Appendix M:

Release of 2003 Accountability Reports by the State Superintendent, September 2003

Appendix N: Appendix O:

North Dakota State Assessment Program Test Coordinator's Manual,

North Dakota State Assessment, Test Directions for Teachers

Appendix P:

North Dakota State Assessment, Supplement Section Directions.

Appendix Q:

North Dakota State Assessment, Technical Reports

Appendix R:

North Dakota State Assessment, Bookmark Standards Setting Technical Report, 2002

Appendix S:

North Dakota State Assessment Reports

Appendix T:

North Dakota Sample School Profile, School Report Card

Appendix U:

State Superintendent's Approval Notification of North Dakota State Assessment Cut Scores

Appendix V:

North Dakota Assessment Results, Composite Results

Appendix W:

State Technical Advisory Committee

Appendix X:

North Dakota Limited English Proficient Student Survey

Appendix Y:

TetraData Data Analysis and Reporting System Summary

Appendix Z:

Standards, Assessments, Learning and Teaching (SALT) Team Membership

Appendix AA:

North Dakota State Assessment, Standards Alignment Committee Membership

Appendix BB:

North Dakota State Assessment, Bookmark Standards Setting Committee Membership

North Dakota State Assessment Plan


2003 Peer Review Process

November 2003

Appendix CC: Appendix DD: Appendix EE: Appendix FF: Appendix GG: Appendix HH: Appendix II: Appendix JJ:

Appendix KK:

Appendix LL: Appendix MM: Appendix NN:

North Dakota Standards Awareness Team,

North Dakota Curriculum Initiative

Terra Nova Technical Bulletin Excerpts Describing Item Fairness and Sensitivity

Testimony Before the Education Committee by the Department of Public Instruction, October 10, 2002

School Personnel Training Sessions Example

Consolidated Application Certification and Assurances

Individualized Education Program Planning Process

North Dakota Consolidated State Application Accountability Workbook,

Request for Proposals for Implementation of the North Dakota State Assessment,

Achievement Levels for Limited English Proficient Students

Special Education Monitoring Manual: Collaborative Review Process

North Dakota Alternate Assessment, htm

North Dakota State Assessment Plan


2003 Peer Review Process

November 2003


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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