Florida Department of Management Services

Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2010

2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Omni Orlando Resort

1500 Masters Blvd., ChampionsGate, FL

Welcome & Introductions:

Present: Malik Ali (FMSDC), Franklin Cross (City of Tampa), Alison Jimenez (Dynamic Securities Analytics, Inc.), Carlos Rodriguez (President of Maverick Constructors, Inc.), Thomas Huggins (President of Ariel Business Group), Alyce Zahniser (Zahniser & Associates), Paula Duncan (FBBIB), Cheryl Gonzalez (University of North Florida), LaRae Floyd (Broward Health) and Andrew Magazine (Creditech Collection Solutions). Also in attendance was Thad Fortune (OSD) and Denise Wright (OSD) recorded the minutes.

Approval of Minutes:

Mr. Ali recommended approval of the August 13 and October 6, 2010 minutes. A motion was made by Mr. Huggins seconded by Mr. Rodriguez. The minutes were accepted and approved by the Council.

OSD Update:

✓ Mr. Fortune stated that OSD has been moved under the Division of State Purchasing. He stated the Legislatures was going to review at the Special Session on Tuesday to officially vote to override Governor Crist’s veto of moving DMS from being under the Governor to going under the Governor and Cabinet. Florida’s new legislative leaders dropped a plan to move control of DMS from the governor’s office to the Governor Cabinet. When the bill was vetoed, 18 senior level management positions were eliminated. If DMS had been moved to the Governor and Cabinet, those 18 positions within DMS would not be selected by the Secretary. They could select someone but they would have to be approved by the Senate.

✓ Mr. Fortune stated DMS Secretary does not use the title of Secretary, the records states her title as an Executive Assistant. A number of executive positions at DMS are not labeled as executive positions. They had to be moved into other vacant positions at DMS that were opened to keep the executive staff.

✓ Ms. Gonzalez asked Mr. Fortune if he could get the Council the most recent DMS Organizational Chart.

✓ Mr. Fortune stated DMS is in a holding pattern until the new administration start in January. He said he would have a lot more to share with the Council in February.

✓ Mr. Fortune is optimistic because of the fact the Lt. Governor, Jennifer Carroll, was a strong advocate of OSD when she was a member of the Florida Black Caucus and she is also a minority business owner who was certified with OSD. He stated he doesn’t know how it will work for her as far as the certification continuing because she was 50% part owner of the company with her husband. Her husband can still have a certified company but he cannot lobby or seek business from the Governor’s office.

✓ Mr. Fortune stated that after MatchMaker, OSD will start preparing their annual report as well as the 2012 Plan.

✓ Mr. Fortune suggested that the Council meet with the new Governor’s transition team.

✓ It was suggested that the Council travel to Tallahassee to meet with the Governor’s transition team or send a representative from the Council. A motion was voted on and passed that the Council draft a letter for a representative from the Council meet with the Governor’s transition team.

✓ Mr. Cross stated he would like to continue being a member of the Council. Mr. Fortune stated it is up to the Governor as to how long you serve on the Advisory Council. He also said once DMS gets a new Secretary, he will speak to the Secretary about the Council appointments. OSD will send an email to DMS Attorney to get an opinion on how to go about the Councils appointments, should appointments be made before your expiration date or do your term continues until you are replaced.

Chairman’s Update:

✓ Mr. Ali spoke with Mr. Tony Garcia, Director, DMS Departmental Purchasing. Mr. Garcia is uncertain of what his future role will be with OSD. When Mr. Ali asked about the numbers, Mr. Garcia told him to contact Anne Rabon who generates numbers for OSD. Mr. Ali did get the report and he will send it to Ms. Wright to forward to the Council members.

✓ It’s about 1.3 billion dollars in terms of spending through purchasing and MFMP.

✓ Mr. Ali asked if when doing a certification with the State of Florida, the certification asks for sales and number of employees.

Council Procedure:

The Council agreed to develop operations procedures instead of rules.

Committee Structure:

After much discussion, the Council agreed to maintain and/or establish the following committees to carry out Council work: Supplier Diversity Assessment Committee, Annual Report Committee and Communications & Outreach Committee.

Old Business:

✓ RFI: Ms. Gonzalez stated she followed through with disseminating the RFI and she thanked Ms. Wright, Mr. Fortune and Mr. Cartwright for being instrumental in finalizing the details. The final copy was disseminated to the Council members who then sent it to their respective groups.

✓ Annual Report: Ms. Gonzalez stated they should have the first written draft ready for review before Thanksgiving and at the next Council meeting the Council can edit the report. Ms. Gonzalez commended Ms. Jimenez for doing a tremendous job with her contribution to the annual report. Also, she stated Mr. Lesesne will design the cover for the report and reminded the Chair and Co-Chair to prepare the foreword or “message from the chair and vice chair.”

New Business:

✓ Mr. Cross nominated Ms. Gonzalez for Chair and Ms. Jimenez for Co-Chair. The Council passed the vote and Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Jimenez accepted their new positions.

✓ Mrs. Floyd stated she would review the Procedures when Mr. Ali’s staff completes their review and prepare a draft and compare it with her notes sent to Mr. Williams from the By-Laws Committee.

Next Scheduled Meeting: January 5, 2011

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.![pic][pic][pic]


Florida Advisory Council on Small and Minority Business Development



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