BRENTWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOLStudent Handbook2018-2019 School Year969010117475WELCOME TO BRENTWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL, HOME OF THE BENGALS!We are Brentwood!TABLE OF CONTENTSWelcome and Brentwood Basics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Welcome Mission and Vision StatementsBell ScheduleContact InformationStudent Attendance and Grades. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5District Attendance PolicySchool Make-up Work PolicyGrade ReportingProgress Report DatesHomework Policy Student Conduct and Climate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7District Code of ConductSchool Based PBISMajor Discipline MatrixDistrict Universal Dress CodeSchool-specific Dress CodeDistrict Policy-BullyingPersonal Property, cell phones, technology, electronicsAthletics and Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Athletic InformationPhysical Examinations and InsuranceSportsmanshipFight SongClubsGeneral Information/School Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20School Arrival and DismissalCafeteria and Meal InformationCounseling ServicesLibrary/Media CenterHealth OfficeGeneral Conduct In and Around the BuildingWelcome to the Bengal Family!We are pleased to have the opportunity to serve the students and community of Brentwood Middle School. Built over 53 years ago, Brentwood’s past is rich, the present powerful, and the future bright. As we move into the 2018-2019 school year, we want you to know just how excited we as a school community are to have each one of you in our Bengal family. As educators, we are ecstatic that you have chosen Brentwood Middle School to continue your educational journey, and we are committed to providing you a quality academic experience because we want you to be successful in middle school, high school, college, and life. We want you, our students, to know that academic success is of incredible value here, and we will do all that we can to make sure you have the skills you need to achieve your goals. We also want you to know that we are equally committed to providing you with a safe school where every individual feels valued and respected, and we will do all that we can to maintain a positive school climate filled with Bengal Pride. In closing, please use this handbook to acquaint you with important information about our school. Remember, your success as a student depends upon the effort you put forth and your desire to do great things. Meet the challenges ahead and take advantage of every opportunity extended to you both inside and outside of the classroom as there are many. We look forward to knowing and working with each of you to create an even better Brentwood!School District 6 Mission, Vision, Goals, Values & BeliefsMISSION: Engage, Empower, Inspire. District 6 provides every student with a personalized, well-rounded and excellent education in a safe, caring environment.VISION: District 6 educates today’s students in partnership with families and communities to succeed in tomorrow’s world.GOALS:Student Learning and AchievementStrengthening PartnershipsClimate and CultureOperational and Organizational EffectivenessVALUES AND BELIEFS:Our student come firstWe know every child can achieveWe commit to excellence, innovation and continuous improvementWe ensure safe and healthy schoolsWe view diversity as an assetWe provide opportunity and choiceWe partner with families and communitiesInternational Baccalaureate Mission StatementThe International Baccalaureate? aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.Brentwood Middle School Mission StatementWe engage, empower, and inspire every Bengal to reach their fullest potential through student-centered, inquiry-based, and globally minded learning experiences in a nurturing setting. Important Contact InformationBrentwood Middle SchoolNicole Petersen, Principal 348.3009 Heather Severt, Assistant Principal/School Assessment Coordinator 348.3009Bill Fearn, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director 348.3011Andy Hartshorn, IB Coordinator, Instructional Coach 348.3010Loeta Hendrickson, Office Manager 348.3001Avelina Vasquez, Attendance/Front Office Secretary 348.3000Linda Rulla, Activities and Athletics Secretary 348.3002Hope Occhiuto, Health Clerk 348.3026Jennifer Berg-Ramsey, School Nurse 970.689.1140Megan Steward, Counselor 348.3196Clark Shaw, Counselor 348.3018Shay Brandl, Counselor 348.3019Shirley Llafet, Library, 348.3191Amy Tuttle, GT Facilitator 348.3191Kayin President, North Range Behavioral Health 348.3062Juan Meza, Migrant Education Services 348.3062Ivon Montes, Dream Team 348.3062Nate Gross, AVID Co-coordinator 348.3077Deshann Harewood, AVID Co-coordinator 348.3045District 6 Administration InformationAddress: 1025 9th Avenue, Greeley, Colorado 80631General Information: 348.6000Website: District 6 Transportation: 348.6800Nutrition Services: 348.6600Bell SchedulePlease note that school starts promptly at 8:30. The expectation is that all of students are on our campus ready for the day no later than 8:20. 6th Grade7th Grade8th GradeCore 18:30-10:00Core 18:30-10:00Core 18:30-10:00Core 210:03-11:33Core 210:03-11:33Elective 110:03-10:47Lunch11:36-12:06Elective 111:36-12:20Elective 210:49-11:33Core 312:09-1:39Lunch12:22-12:52Core 211:36-1:06Elective 11:42-2:26Elective 212:55-1:39Lunch1:09-1:39Elective 22:28-3:12Core 31:42-3:12Core 31:42-3:12Core Ex3:15-3:55Core Ex3:15-3:55Core Ex3:15-3:55Student Absences and ExcusesSignificant learning is provided daily for all students in every district classroom. This educational opportunity is the result of in-class participation and quality classroom instruction. The benefits of this experience cannot be fully replaced. Consequently, regular and punctual attendance is an important criterion for success in school and absences are detrimental to effective learning. Each student in the district is required to attend school daily as established by the calendar determined annually by the Board and in compliance with state law. Unauthorized absences shall be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in accompanying procedures. A cooperative effort between the student, parent, district and the community regarding attendance fosters a positive educational experience. Therefore, the following goals and guidelines have been developed to establish good attendance habits at an early age. These habits will positively transfer with the students and their parents/guardians as students’ progress through the district’s educational program and beyond the scholastic setting.???Excused absences: Excused absences are defined as any absence from school due to temporary illness or injury and any other reason deemed acceptable by the school administrator. In general, prior notice of absence from the student’s parent or guardian is required and the school administrator may require verification, such as a physician’s statement, when appropriate.?The following shall be considered excused absences:A student who is temporarily ill or injured or whose absence is approved by the administrator of the school of attendance on apre-arranged basis. Prearranged absences shall be approved for appointments or circumstances of a?serious nature only?which cannot be taken care of outside of school hours. Approval for a pre-arranged absence(s) may necessitate a parent conference.A student who is absent for an extended period due to physical, mental or emotional disability. Medical documentation maybe required.A student who is pursuing a work-study program under the supervision of the school.A student who is attending any school-sponsored activity or activities of an educational nature with advance approval by the administration.A student who is suspended or expelled.Attendance Plan and Attendance Court: When a student has reached four absences from school in any month or ten absences during any school year, the school shall either require a meeting or other form of communication between the student’s parent guardian and appropriate school personnel to review and evaluate the reasons for the student being habitually absent from school. A plan may be developed for the student with the goal of assisting the student to remain in school. When practicable, the student’s parent/guardian may participate with school personnel in the development of the plan. The district may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources. ?When the district is aware that criteria exist to designate a student as habitually truant, the district shall refer the students and his or her parent/guardian to the Weld County Judicial System, Youth and Family Connections and/or the Weld County District Attorney’s Juvenile Diversion Unit.Unexcused absences: An unexcused absence is defined as an absence that is not covered by one of the foregoing exceptions. Additionally, an unexcused absence shall be recorded if a student leaves a school or leaves a class without permission of the teacher or school administrator. Each unexcused absence shall be entered on the student’s record. The parents/guardians of the student receiving an unexcused absence shall be notified orally or in writing by the district of the unexcused absence. In accordance with law, the district may impose academic penalties which relate directly to classes missed while unexcused. Penalties may include a warning, school detention or in-school suspension. Academic penalties, out-of-school suspensions or expulsion shall not be imposed for an unexcused absence. The maximum number of unexcused absences a student may incur before judicial proceedings are initiated to enforce compulsory attendance is 10?during any calendar year or school year.Tardiness: Tardiness is defined as the appearance of a student without proper excuse after the scheduled time that a class begins. Because of the disruptive nature of tardiness and the detrimental effect upon the rights of the non-tardy student to uninterrupted learning, appropriate penalties shall be imposed for excessive tardiness. Parents/guardians shall be notified of all penalties regarding tardiness. In an unavoidable situation, a student detained by another teacher or administrator shall not be considered tardy provided that the teacher or administrator gives the student a pass to enter the next class. Teachers shall honor passes presented in accordance with this policy. Make-up Work: Make-up work shall be provided for any class in which a student has an excused absence unless otherwise determined by the building administrator. It is the responsibility of the student to pick up any make-up assignments permitted on the day returning to class. There shall be two days allowed for make-up work for each day of absence. Make-up work shall be allowed following an unexcused absence or following a student’s suspension from school with the goal of providing the student an opportunity to keep up with the class and an incentive to attend school. Homework Practices: The goal of homework is to assist with student learning that is relevant to instruction. Students will be provided with strategies and resources from teachers that will allow them to complete homework. A student will not fail a course based solely on incomplete homework.Grade ReportingIt is essential for parents/guardians to be kept fully informed of their student's progress in school. Regularly issued report cards, combined with scheduled parent-teacher conferences, serve to promote a process of continuous evaluation of student performance. This process informs students and their parents and provides a basis for bringing about change in student performance if such change seems necessary. Parents shall be informed at regular intervals of the progress of their students. School District 6 uses Infinite Campus for recording scored student work. All students and parents have access to IC. Please contact the Brentwood main office if you need help accessing your account. Infinite Campus also has an app where parents and students can be immediately notified when an attendance event occurs or a grade has been recorded. Brentwood Middle School is on a semester system, but final grades will be posted at the end of each quarter. In order to be eligible for activities, students may not have more than one failing grade. Likewise, 8th grade students who wish to walk in the bridging ceremony at the end of the year must be academically eligible for all four quarters with no failing grades at all in quarter four. Students who have more than one failing grade at the end of a marking period will be placed on a watch list and provided academic intervention. Collaboratively with parents, we will develop a “promotion plan” to outline what supports we can put in place for the child so he or she can be successfully promoted to the next grade level. Student Code of ConductDistrict 6 expects all students to behave appropriately for an educational environment and follow school rules. All schools are expected to establish behavior guidelines as defined in the school’s positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS) plan. Any behavior which disrupts the learning environment, and/or is detrimental to the safety and welfare of other students or staff is subject to disciplinary action. The principal or designee may apply disciplinary consequences including suspension or a recommendation for expulsion for any student who engages in one or more of the following activities while in school buildings, on district property, when being transported in vehicles dispatched by the district or one of its schools, during a school-sponsored or district-sponsored activity or event and off school property when the conduct has a reasonable connection to school or any district curricular or non-curricular event.Behavioral Expectations and Positive Behavior SupportBrentwood is committed to providing students with a school that provides clear expectations for student behavior. These behaviors will be taught formally to students in each of their classes. Also students will receive a refresher on behavioral expectations during grade level class meetings. Students will receive recognition for upholding the Bengal Way (our behavioral expectations) by receiving Bengal Bucks, CLAW-mpliments, and/or Bengal Booster awards. These awards will describe the appropriate behavior, where and when it occurred, and will list the student’s name, as well as the staff member who gave the recognition to the student. Bengal Bucks can be used to purchase prizes ranging from Bengal apparel to snacks to gift certificates from area businesses. Students who receive Claw-mpliments are entered into a weekly drawing for Breakfast Burritos or Bengal Floats! Our motto is “Give Them the CLAW.” By following CLAW expectations, we are confident that all students will know how to achieve success. We believe the “CLAW” represents four primary principles that guide student growth…Brentwood Bengals Give Them the CLAW…Come preparedBring materials to classCome to class ready to learn and participateNot only be on time, but use time efficientlyListen and learnDemonstrate self-controlBe a self-advocateOwn your learningAct respectfullyBe kind to others and keep an open mindUse appropriate language Keep our school cleanHonor the Bengal Way and show prideWork hardPerform at the top of your academic potential Take ownership of your actions Participate in and support co-curricular activities Consequences for Inappropriate Behavior- Middle School LevelConsequences for inappropriate behavior are contained in the following chart which is used in all schools. The school’s responses to inappropriate behaviors are subject to change by the direction of Weld County District 6 Board of Education. Prior to the imposition of a consequence, the student will be informed of the behavior for which the consequence is being imposed and will have some opportunity to explain his/her side of the story. Students using Internet must abide by the provision of the District 6 Technology User Agreement and Colorado Revised Statute 18-5.5-101 and 18.5.5-102 (also Title 17, USC Section 102). Copies are available upon request. For students identified as disabled and on an Individual Education Plan, please refer to policy/procedure JK*-2. Please note that any infraction marked with an asterisk (*) may involve school police resource officer or local law enforcement agency. CCS means community/campus service and suspension can be in-school (ISS) or out-of-school (OSS).District 6 Discipline MatrixThe following consequences apply to behavior on campus, in school vehicles and at school activities and events.BEHAVIORFIRST OFFENSESECOND OFFENSEREPEAT OFFENSES* Possession/use of drugs or other controlled substances or possession/use of drug paraphernalia.School counseling and 3 day OSS suspension.School counseling, 5 day OSS suspension, recommendation for evaluation and treatment program or recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension, recommendation for evaluation and treatment program or recommendation for expulsion.*Sale/distribution of drugs or other controlled substances.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension, and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension, and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension, and recommendation for expulsion.*Possession/use of alcohol, consumption of alcohol or under the influence of alcohol.School counseling and 3 day school suspension.School counseling, 5-day suspension, recommendation for evaluation and treatment program or recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day suspension, recommendation for evaluation and treatment program or recommendation for expulsion.*Sale/distribution of alcohol.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension, and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension, and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension, and recommendation for expulsion.Smoking/chewing or use of tobacco or nicotine products including but not limited to e-cigarettes, vaporizers or accessories.School counseling, warning, and/or CCS.School counseling and 1 day suspension.School counseling and 3 day suspension.*Possession/use of a weapon as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes.10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.Any act which disrupts the normal educational process.School Counseling and 1 of the following: loss of privileges or suspension or expulsion depending on the severity of the offenses.School Counseling and 1 of the following: loss of privileges or suspension or expulsion depending on the severity of the offenses.School Counseling and 1 of the following: loss of privileges or suspension or expulsion depending on the severity of the offenses.Disrespectful behavior.Warning, School Counseling, CCS and/or detention.School counseling, CCS, or 1 day ISS or OSS suspension.School Counseling and 1-3 day OSS suspension.Disruption of class.Warning, School Counseling, CCS and/or detention.School counseling, CCS, detention, or 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling and 3-5 day OSS suspension.Insubordination/refusal to follow a reasonable request of a staff member.School counseling, CCS, or 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling, CCS, or 3 day OSS suspension.School counseling, 3-5 day OSS suspension, recommendation for expulsion.*Possession of or setting off fireworks or other incendiary devices.School counseling and 1-2 day OSS suspension.School counseling and 3-5 day OSS suspension.School counseling and 5 day OSS suspension.*Possession or use of a weapon or other article to cause bodily harm.School counseling, 3-5 day OSS suspension, and/or recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.Continual defiance –habitually disruptive.School counseling, 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension and behavior plan.Per pyramid plan.Per pyramid plan.Continual tardies.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.Endangering health, welfare or safety of others.School counseling, ISS or OSS suspension and/or loss of curricular or co-curricular privileges, or recommendation for expulsion depending on severity of offenses.School counseling, ISS or OSS suspension and/or loss of curricular or co-curricular privileges, or recommendation for expulsion depending on severity of offenses.School counseling, ISS or OSS suspension and/or loss of curricular or co-curricular privileges, or recommendation for expulsion depending on severity of offenses.*Fighting (mutual combat, including self defense).School counseling and 1-3 day OSS suspension and/or mediationSchool counseling and l3-5 day OSS suspension and/or mediation.School counseling and 5-10 day OSS suspension, and recommendation for expulsion.*Inappropriate driving on or around campus.Referral to Greeley Police Department and loss of driving privileges, depending on severity.Referral to Greeley Police Department and loss of driving privileges, depending on severity.Referral to Greeley Police Department and loss of driving privileges, depending on severity.*Intimidation or threatening of a staff member.School counseling and 1-3 day suspension.School counseling, 3-5 day OSS suspension, and/or recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 5 day suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.*Threatening another student.School counseling and 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling and 3-5 day OSS suspension.School counseling, 5 days OSS suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.*Vandalism or defacing/destruction of other’s personal property.School counseling and 3-5 day school suspension with restitution or recommendation for expulsion depending on severity of the offense.School counseling and 3-5 day school suspension with restitution or recommendation for expulsion depending on severity of the offense.School counseling, 10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion, with restitution.*Verbal abuse, harassment, sexual harassment of a student.School counseling and parent contact, and/or detention or ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling and 1-3 day OSS suspension.School counseling and 3-5 day OSS suspension.*Vandalism or defacing/ destruction of school property.School counseling and/or 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension with restitution or recommendation for expulsion depending on severity of the offenseSchool counseling and/or 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension with restitution or recommendation for expulsion depending on severity of the offenseSchool counseling, 5-10 day OSS suspension, and recommendation for expulsion with restitution.Public nuisance – Example: a) profanity; b) unsafe driving on or around school property; c) others as interpreted by the Administration, which cause unnecessary inconvenience to others or to normal routine; d) distasteful display of affection.School counseling, detention, and/or ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling, detention and/or OSS suspension.School counseling, detention and/or OSS suspension.* Trespassing (unauthorized presence on a District 6 facility while under suspension).School Counseling and 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension.School Counseling and 3-5 day OSS suspension.School Counseling, 5 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.*Unauthorized presence on or in the vicinity of another school campus.School counseling and/or 1 day ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling and 1-3 day OSS suspension.School counseling and 5 day OSS Suspension.Verbal abuse or obscenities toward staff.School counseling and 1 day ISS or OSS suspension.School Counseling and 1-3 day OSS suspension.School Counseling and 3-5 day OSS suspension.Any action that affects the networking system that results in the disruption of the educational process.3 day suspension with computer time limited to when the student is scheduled for a computer class.3 day suspension time with total computer restrictions.10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.Changing, deleting, or modifying the operating systems of computers.Parents notified, a warning given, and restricted use of computers for 3 days.Time limited to use of computers only when the student is scheduled in a computer class.Permanently restricted from computer use.Cheating on a class assignment or activity.Grade of zero on assignment or activity. NO retake for credit.Grade of zero on assignment or activity. NO retake for credit and parent contact.Grade of zero on assignment or activity. NO retake for credit and parent contact.Dishonest/deceitful behavior.School counseling and 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling and 3-5 day ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling and 3-5 day OSS suspension.Downloading or accessing profane, obscene, racially offensive, threatening, subversive, or illegal material.Parents notified, a warning given, and restricted use of computers for 3 days.Time limited to use of computers only when the student is scheduled in a computer class.Permanently restricted from computer use.Loading or installing any unauthorized software, including games.Parents notified, a warning given, and restricted use of computers for 3 days.Time limited to use of computers only when the student is scheduled in a computer class.Permanently restricted from computer use.Failure to attend detention.School counseling, double detention time and/or ISS suspension.School counseling, double detention time and/or ISS suspension.Insubordination (A07), first offense.*Gang activity/apparel or paraphernalia.Warning, school counseling, parent contact and/or possible 1-3 day ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling, parent contact and/or 3-5 day ISS or OSS suspension.School counseling, 5-10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.Loading or installing any unauthorized software, including games.Parents notified, a warning given, and restricted use of computers for 3 days.Time limited to use of computers only when the student is scheduled in a computer class.Permanently restricted from computer use – if enrolled in a computer class, may be withdrawn failing.Off campus crimes of violence where charges or a petition has been filed in district court.School counseling, 10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.*Physical abuse/assault of a staff member.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.*Physical abuse/assault of a student.School counseling, 3 day OSS suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 5 day OSS suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.School counseling, 10 day OSS suspension and recommendation for expulsion.*Theft.School counseling and 3-5 day school suspension with restitution.School counseling and 5 day school suspension with restitution.School counseling, 10 day suspension, and recommendation for expulsion, with restitution.Truancy from class.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.Unexcused tardy.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.School counseling, detention and/or ISS suspension.Using any person’s login name or password other than his or her own.Parents notified, a warning given, and restricted use of computers for 3 days.Time limited to use of computers only when the student is scheduled in a computer class.Permanently restricted from computer use – if enrolled in a computer class, may be withdrawn failing.Using any person’s login name or password other than his or her own.Parents notified, a warning given, and restricted use of computers for 3 days.Time limited to use of computers only when the student is scheduled in a computer class.Permanently restricted from computer use.*Using e-mail, social media, cell phones, or other electronic devices for purposes of intimidation, threats, or harassment.E-mail privileges suspended, 1-3 day suspension.Permanently restricted from computer use, 3-10 day suspension based on severity.10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.Using e-mail for purposes that interfere with the instructional process. (E-mail is not private and may be monitored by district personnel.)Parents notified, a warning given, and restricted use of computers for 3 days. Time limited to use of computers only when the student is scheduled in a computer class.Permanently restricted from computer use. *Vandalism – malicious intent to harm and destroy data. Uploading or creation of viruses.Time limited to use of computers only when the student is scheduled in a computer class.Permanently restricted from computer use, 3-10 day suspension based on severity.10 day suspension and recommendation for expulsion.We expect all students to follow the behavior described for SUCCESS in each setting!Be “CLAWsome”Give Them the CLAW!2577465435610Student Dress CodeA safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality educational program. District-wide standards on student attire are intended to encourage school pride and unity, and thereby help students concentrate on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety. The Board recognizes that students have a right to express themselves through dress and personal appearance; however, students shall not wear apparel that is deemed disruptive or potentially disruptive to the classroom, to the educational process, to the environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school, that presents health or safety concerns, or that contains lettering or symbols that are obscene or profane. Any student deemed in violation of the student dress code shall be required to change into appropriate clothing or make arrangements to have appropriate clothing brought to school immediately. In this case, there shall be no further penalty.?Non-negotiable universal student dress code expectations?Any clothing item or accessory that causes a disruption to school safety, personal safety and/or the learning environment may result in discretionary intervention by school administrators Tattoos, clothing or accessories that display drugs, sexual innuendos, inappropriate language, alcohol, tobacco products, violence, weapons or gang connotations are not permitted. Tattoos displaying any of these must be covered at all timesNo hats permitted inside of the school building during the school day. If “hoodies” are worn, the hood may not be worn inside of the school. (Religious headwear exceptions)Sunglasses or dark glasses, absent a verified medical condition, are not to be worn or displayed inside of the school buildingTrench coats are not permitted anywhere on school propertyShoes with soles or sandals must be worn at all times (For example, no “bedroom” slippers, flip-flops, or similar footwear)No exposed undergarmentsInappropriately sheer, tight or low cut clothing that bare or expose traditionally private parts of the body including, but not limited to, the stomach, buttocks, back, breasts or cleavage is not permitted. No shaved or notched eyebrows (Absent a verified medical condition)No red or blue belts No clothing or belt buckles that display the numbers 13, 14, 18, 31, 41 or 81No solid red or solid blue shirts (Other than designated school uniforms)No red or blue “Dickies” or “Southpole” brand pants, shorts or shirtsNo red or blue bandana or any color bandana that is draped on clothing or hanging out of a pocket ?Exceptions:Appropriate athletic clothing may be worn in physical education classes. Clothing normally worn when participating in school sponsored extracurricular or sports activities (such as cheerleading uniforms and the like) may be worn to school when approved by the sponsor or coach.Additional Dress Code Expectations and ConsequencesIn our effort to continue to create an environment that focuses on student achievement, clothing and other forms of personal appearance should not distract from the learning environment. Brentwood students are expected to use good judgment when dressing for school and at school-sponsored events. In addition to the District Six Dress Code, Brentwood students shall adhere to the following expectations and wear appropriate attire. For our purposes, appropriate clothing is defined as the following: Tank tops must be covered by another top (This means tank tops worn by themselves are not permitted. This includes muscle shirts, spaghetti strap tops, etc.); Sports bras, bra straps, and boxer shorts completely covered by outerwear;See-through and mesh shirts need a t-shirt under them; Skirts/shorts at fingertip length;Shirts that cover midriff skin when hands are raised above head;Jeans, trousers, and shorts worn at the hip bone (jeans and trousers should not drag on the ground when students walk);Holes in jeans are not permitted when they violate any of the above. Tights or spandex must be worn under jeans/jean shorts with holes exposing skin above finger-tips.Dresses and/or tights must reach below the fingertips to be allowed.Consequences for Inappropriate Dress1st Offense- Student will be immediately referred to the office where he or she will be required to surrender the inappropriate dress in exchange for a temporary replacement. A parent or guardian may come to pick up the clothing at the end of the day along with a new copy of the dress code. This will be logged into Infinite Campus. Refusal to change may result in suspension and parents will be required to come in for a meeting. Inappropriate dress may also be considered gang-related activity and students will be placed on a gang contract. Offenses thereafter- Repeat offenses may be considered insubordination and can result in suspension and movement on the habitually disruptive pyramid. Bullying Prevention and EducationBullying behavior can have a negative effect on the school climate and can lead to more serious behaviors affecting the health, safety, and welfare of students.?The Board supports a secure school climate, conducive to teaching and learning that is free from threat, harassment and any type of bullying behavior. The purpose of this policy is to promote consistency of approach and to help create a climate in which all types of bullying are regarded as unacceptable. Bullying?is the use of coercion to obtain control over another person or to be habitually cruel to another person. Bullying can occur through written, verbal or electronically transmitted expression or by means of a physical act or gesture. Bullying is prohibited on district property, at district or school-sanctioned activities and events, when students are being transported in any vehicle dispatched by the district or one of its schools, or off school property when such conduct has a connection to school or any district curricular or non-curricular activity or event. A student who engages in any act of bullying is subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including suspension, expulsion and/or referral to law enforcement authorities. The severity and pattern of the bullying behavior, if any, shall be considered when disciplinary decisions are made. Teachers who observe or become aware of bullying?shall take appropriate steps to intervene and/or report such behavior to the school principal.??Parents and students who become aware of bullying are encouraged to report it to the school principal. School principals shall take appropriate steps to educate students about ways to prevent bullying. Personal PropertyWeld County School District 6 is not responsible for lost or stolen personal electronic items that are brought to school. It is highly recommended that these devices not be brought to school.Brentwood students are expected to demonstrate pride in being a Bengal. When students demonstrate CLAW behavior, they are responsible for and respectful of our building and its contents. Students are responsible for any and all personal possessions. Students should not bring items unless they are needed for learning.Personal items (such as a coat) should be clearly labeled with the owner’s name, written in marker. If items are lost, students need to check the lost-and-found box.Students are not to bring valuable items to school. Keep valuables in pockets, not in a backpack. Please do not bring tablets, personal gaming devices, MP3 players, etc. If an item is lost during class, we will not disrupt student learning to conduct a search for the missing item. Students who ride bicycles must walk them on campus and lock them to the bike rack for the school day.Skateboards and scooters are not allowed to be used on campus. If students have skateboards or scooters, they must be stored in the main office for the day. If a students is riding a skateboard or scooter on school grounds, he or she will be prohibited from bringing it to school for the remainder of the quarter.Lost and FoundLost and Found is located in the PE hallwayBackpacks, jackets, and any other reusable items will be donated if go unclaimed before winter or summer break.Electronics found will be turned into the main office and could be subject to parent retrieval. Identification of a major electronic feature will be required for any electronic device retrieval.Student Use of the Internet Weld County School District 6 encourages students to use the Internet and electronic communications, such as e-mail, to help them with their schoolwork. Using the school computers and the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Students have no expectation of privacy when using the school’s computers. Students shall use district computers and computer systems in a responsible, efficient, ethical, and legal manner. Students are expected to follow these rules: use the Internet only when the teacher has given permission. tell the teacher immediately if they unintentionally access inappropriate material while using the Internet or electronic communications. never log in with someone else’s name and password. never give others personal information while using the Internet or electronic communications unless specifically approved by the teacher or counselor. never arrange face-to-face meetings with persons met on the Internet or through electronic communications. not use the internet or electronic devices to bully, harass, threaten, demean, or promote violence or hatred against another person or group of persons.not vandalize technology equipment or the district network. This will result in cancellation of privileges and may result in school disciplinary action and/or legal action. only use licensed software provided by the school and not load any personal software onto the computer. Student EmailGreeley-Evans School District 6 will provide a free email account for every student unless parents complete an opt-out form. Students will receive training on appropriate use of email before teachers provide them with their usernames and passwords. Training will include: dealing with potential bullying, handling email from unknown senders, general email etiquette, and informing students that email messages leave a permanent digital record. Resources can be accessed at use of email falls under the policy governing student use of the Internet and electronic communications. Policy JS states that no student shall access, create, transmit, retransmit, or forward material or information:That promotes violence or advocates destruction of property including, but not limited to, access to information concerning the manufacturing or purchasing of destructive devices or weapons.That contains pornographic, obscene, or other sexually oriented materials, either as pictures or writings that are intended to stimulate erotic feelings or appeal to prurient interests in nudity, sex, or excretion.That harasses, threatens, demeans, or promotes violence or hatred against another person or group of persons in violation of the district’s nondiscrimination policies.That uses inappropriate or profane language likely to be offensive to others in the school community.That is knowingly false or could be construed as intending to purposely damage another person's reputation.That contains personal information about themselves or others, including information protected by confidentiality laws.Using another individual’s Internet or electronic communications account without written permission from that individual.?That impersonates another or transmits through an anonymous remailer proxy. Student Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Communication DevicesStudents may carry electronic communication devices but these devices must be turned off inside school buildings, on school buses, at school-sponsored activities and on field trips. Electronic communication devices with cameras are prohibited in locker rooms, bathrooms, or other locations where such operation may violate the privacy rights of another person. Ordinary use of electronic communication devices in school situations disrupts and interferes with the educational process and is not acceptable. Electronic communication devices include cell phones, walkie-talkies, and any other telecommunications device that emits an audible signal, vibrates, displays a message, or otherwise summons or delivers a communication to the possessor. The school/district shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of electronic communication devices brought onto school property.It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the device is turned off and out of sight during unauthorized times. Violation of this policy and/or use that violates any other district policy shall result in disciplinary measures and confiscation of the electronic communication device. Confiscated devices shall be returned to the student or parent only after a conference with the parent/guardian, student and school personnel based on number of incidents:1st offense - phone stays in office until end of the day2nd offense - phone call home to parents telling them this is the 2nd offense and warning that next time results in a parent pick-up (phone call will be made by office staff)3rd offense (and any addition offenses) - parent pick-upStudents are also prohibited from wearing earbuds or headphones at any point during the day unless they are being used for digital content. Earbuds and headphones will be confiscated if they are visible outside of the instructional time they are to be used. Please remember: the school is not responsible for electronic devices (including phones) that are lost or stolen, so we encourage students not to bring them at all. As a result, we will NOT interrupt academic time to perform classroom searches. ?Middle School Athletics/Activities/Extended Day Opportunities 2017-2018Co-curricular activities are an important part of a Bengal’s middle school experience. It is our belief that students who participate in co-curricular activities receive a well-rounded education. These activities expand on what is learned in the classroom. Competitive Athletics within Greeley: Schools offer a variety of competitive athletic opportunities, which include competition within the school district and surrounding areas:Fall Sports Football - 7th and 8thSwimming - 6th, 7th, and 8thCross Country - 6th, 7th, and 8thVolleyball - Varsity, Junior Varsity, C TeamWinter SportsBoys Basketball - Varsity, Junior Varsity, C TeamGirls Basketball - Varsity, Junior Varsity, C TeamWrestling- 6th, 7th, and 8th Spring SportsTrack - 6th, 7th, and 8th Soccer - 6th, 7th, and 8th Collaborative Sports with the City of Greeley:Any students who do not make Varsity, Junior Varsity, or C Teams for court sports (Volleyball and Basketball) may participate in the City of Greeley recreation league team. These teams practice at Brentwood and compete on Saturdays. All players are subject to the same eligibility and registration requirements and expectations of the Brentwood Athletics program.Fall Sports Football - 6th grade onlyVolleyball Winter SportsBoys BasketballGirls BasketballPhysical Examinations and Insurance All students participating in grades 6-12 competitive athletics must have an annual physical examination, completed by a licensed medical doctor, at the student's expense or as provided by the Weld County Medical Society. Participation in athletics shall be contingent upon authorization from the examining physician. Before any student will be permitted to participate in any school sports activities, they must show proof of insurance. This insurance must be purchased or a waiver must be presented that absolves the school district of any liability for accidents. A student insurance program may be provided by the school district.SportsmanshipSportsmanship is a very important aspect of athletics. We encourage all athletes, as well as all spectators, to show good sportsmanship at all athletic events. Show appreciation for our athletes by cheering for our teams and not against the opponent. Praise and encouragement for all athletes is very important. Showing good sportsmanship involves allowing the officials to officiate, coaches to coach, and players to play.Brentwood Bengal Fight Song Lyrics by John Diebold and Music by Doran and Kathy AzariWe are the Bengal TigersWe stand strong a proudWhen we cheer on our teams,We cheer long and loud!GO BENGALS!Team work and good sportsmanshipIt’s the player’s law. When we have to fight, fight, fight…GIVE ‘EM THE CLAW! THE CLAW! THE CLAW!Student ClubsWe also encourage our Bengals to participate in one of the clubs we offer. Our expectation is that 100% of our students are involved in at least one extra-curricular activity. Below are some of the clubs offered at Brentwood*:Jazz BandHonor ChoirLULACNJHSStudent CouncilWEB Math CountsYoung ChautauquaForensicsEinstein Club (Environmental Club)Skate ClubFuel Up to Play 60TheaterYearbookFit Club*Specific offerings may vary depending on student participation/interest and sponsors. General School Procedures and ResourcesSchool Arrival and Dismissal Supervision of school grounds begins at 8:00 A.M. Students are not allowed on campus before 7:30 A.M. unless they have a sport or activity practice, if they have a hall pass to meet with a teacher, or administrative approval. Once on school grounds, students are not to leave campus for any reason, unless they are checked out of school by a parent/guardian. Prior to the 8:20 A.M. entry bell, students are expected to stay outside on the blacktop area, except:SEVERE WEATHER: When directed by staff, students wait in the cafeteria and then proceed to their 1st period class at 8:20. PARTICIPATION IN BEFORE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Art Club, Intramural Sports, and Honor Music are scheduled before school beginning at 8:00 AM. Students must remain in the classroom they are assigned until the bell rings. ACCESSING DIGITAL CONTENT IN THE LIBRARY: Students may use the library to access their ALEKS or Reading Plus accounts or engage in silent reading/ independent work beginning at 8:00. Students using technology to play games or those who are not working will be sent outside to the blacktop. WRITTEN HALL PASSES: Students with written hall passes from staff may enter to do work with that staff member.Students immediately enter the building after the 8:20 A.M. bell.6th grade students will enter through the west entrance.7th grade students will enter through the main entrance.8th grade students will enter through the blacktop doors. When students enter the building, they are expected to report directly to their Core 1 class and begin their breakfast. All students will exit through the blacktop doors on the East side of the building when the bell rings, and they will need to clear the school grounds by 4:10 P.M. unless they are reporting to the office, an individual teacher, detention, athletics, tutoring, or other approved activity.All students in after-school activities must report immediately after the 3:55 p.m. bell. They are to stay with the adult in charge of supervision until the end of the activity. Students are expected to leave the school grounds promptly after activities.Students who abuse these privileges will be prohibited from participating in after school activities.Cafeteria and Meal InformationBREAKFAST: All students will be served breakfast in the classrooms during their first hour class. Please be respectful of the classrooms- keep your space clean and throw away your trash. LUNCH: Students are expected to walk directly to the cafeteria for lunch in an orderly manner and sit down at a table (with their feet underneath it) when they arrive. A staff member will give a signal to students that we are ready to begin serving. Recess: While on the playground, students are expected to stay away from classroom windows, portable buildings, and physical education classes. During severe weather conditions, students will remain inside during lunch recess.Students are not to throw or kick balls into areas with people that are not playing.No games that involve pushing, hitting, kicking or tackling are allowed.Students must remain on the blacktop if they are not playing field games. They may not loiter in the trees or around the perimeter of the field. When the whistle blows at the end of the lunch period, students are expected to reenter the building promptly and quietly making sure not to disturb any classes that are in session. Counseling ServicesThere are three counselors at Brentwood. Counselors develop schedules and support the social and emotional learning for our students. Once student schedules are created, they may change based on a student’s need for intervention or extension. Beyond this schedule changes are determined on a case-by-case basis in extreme circumstances. The administrators and counselors will collaboratively make the decision. Library / Media CenterAll books and materials must be checked out through the school librarian. CLAW behavior is expected while in the library and computer lab. Students must have a pass or be with a class to enter the library. Students are encouraged to return or pay for all overdue books prior to checking out books. There will be no food or drink in library, library lab, or computer lab. Students will be accountable for any vandalism done to computers.Health OfficeMedications at SchoolAll medications, prescription as well as over the counter, must have written permission from both parent and physician in order to be administered at school. Prescription medications MUST come in the original pharmacy labeled container. Please call the health office if you have questions regarding your child’s medication. Lori Kingsley is our school nurse and Timeka Rodriguez is our health clerk, 348-3026.Illness Students who become ill during school will be sent to the clinic with a pass from a staff member. Parents/guardian will be contacted if student is too ill to continue with school. It is our intent to keep students in school for as much time as possible; however, in certain situations when it is in the best interest of the student and/or other students for the student who is ill to leave, we will need to be able to contact someone to pick up the student. Conduct In and Around the BuildingLeaving Campus: Brentwood has a closed-campus policy. Students are expected to stay on the grounds from the time they arrive until dismissal. Students leaving campus during school hours must be checked out by a parent/guardian through the office before they leave and checked in by a parent/guardian upon return.Outside: While outside, students are expected to behave in a safe and orderly fashion.Students may not play tackle games or other games where there is a high chance of injury. Students will refrain from throwing objects such as rocks, snowballs, gravel, ice, or anything else which could cause injury.Hallways: Students must have a hall pass from a staff member when in hall during class time. Always move on the right side of the hall and remain in your designated grade level hallway. All students will receive a sheet for “Out of Class Passes” at the start of each quarter. Elevator: The school elevator is not for student use. Students requiring use of the elevator for medically necessary reasons must obtain permission from an administrator. ................

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