Welcome | Dodge County Nebraska

To be published by the Rustler Sentinel


Regular meeting of the Dodge County Board of Supervisors was called to order by Vice-Chairman Strand at 9:00 A.M. on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 in the Board Room of the Courthouse, Fremont, Nebraska with the following members present: George, Weddle, Beam, Strand and Osborn. Absent: Synovec and Missel. Prior to roll call, Vice-Chairman Strand announced the meeting to be an open public meeting and that the open meeting laws were posted for anyone’s review.

The Board unanimously declared the meeting legally convened.

The Board unanimously approved the agenda as printed; received and placed on file various county officials’ reports, Notice of Public Hearing of the Planning Commission of the City of Fremont, Nebraska set for July 18, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at Christensen Field Multi-Purpose Building; South Fremont Industrial Redevelopment Plan and specific redevelopment project known as Project No. 1, Costco Poultry Complex, Notice of Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Fremont, Nebraska and of the Community Development Agency of the City of Fremont, Nebraska set for July 19, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at Christensen Field Multi-Purpose Building; South Fremont Industrial Redevelopment Plan and specific redevelopment project known as Project No. 1, Costco Poultry Complex and related Cost-Benefit Analysis for Project No. 1, Costco Poultry Complex, correspondence from Time Warner Cable regarding programming changes, Public Utility Installation Agreement for the City of Scribner to install a power line in the NE ¼ NE ¼ of Section 36, Township 20 North, Range 6 East – County Road 12 Court, Moving Permit for Charles Lange to move a house over County Road 17 and then west on Highway 30 to Ames and Certificate of Insurance for G & R Electric of North Bend NE; received and referred to the Finance Committee resolutions requesting preliminary levy from Pebble Township, Pleasant Valley Township and Platte Township and the Budget request of Keep Fremont Beautiful in the amount of $2,000; and received and referred to the County Attorney a letter from Attorney Ross Pesek making claim pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. 13-905 for payment of medical expenses incurred, funeral costs and any other damages recoverable under the law regarding the May 9, 2016 fatal injury of Andrew Perez Martinez.

The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the July 6, 2016 meeting as printed.

At 9:05 A.M., the Board recessed as a Board of Supervisors and convened as a Board of Corrections with all members present except for Supervisors Missel and Synovec.

The Board unanimously approved and authorized the Chairman to sign an Interlocal Agreement between Dodge County, Nebraska and Saunders County, Nebraska for the Housing of Inmates in the Saunders County Jail. Prior to taking action on the agreement, Supervisor George, Chairperson of the Jail Committee, explained the cost to house a prisoner was negotiated to $62 a day and will be renegotiated in five years. The agreement is a ten year agreement effective until June 30, 2026.

At approximately 9:15 A.M., Vice-Chairman Strand opened two bids received by the County Clerk for Professional Inmate Transportation Proposals from Maximum Prisoner Solutions at a yearly cost of $395,841 and from Signal 88 Security at a yearly cost of $460,512 plus yearly vehicle costs of $36,400. The Board unanimously passed a motion to receive both bids and to refer them to the Jail Committee to review and bring back their recommendation.

Under any items of discussion, Supervisor George commented the jail is running smoothly.

With no further business under Board of Corrections, Vice-Chairman Strand adjourned the Board as a Board of Corrections until Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 9:05 A.M.

At 9:18 A.M., Vice-Chairman Strand reconvened the Board as a Board of Supervisors with all members being present except for Supervisors Missel and Synovec.

The Board unanimously approved the wage and hour claims as submitted in the amount of $169,697.47.

The Board unanimously approved the financial claims as submitted in the amount of $178,472.14.

Shane Wimer presented Signal 88 Security’s quarterly report comparing patron counts from last year of scans, wands and searches performed. He also showed weapons confiscated and other items kept or left behind by patrons.

Next, the County Board discussed with Attorney Dave Mitchell a draft of a proposed Interlocal Agreement with SID 3 to establish a railroad quiet zone that runs a quarter mile east and west of the primary entrance to Lake Ventura Subdivision. Attorney Mitchell, who represents SID 3 (Lake Ventura), explained David Kramer and Tyler Hevlin met and discussed with Highway Superintendent Doll their request to add a median at the primary entrance to Lake Ventura so that the train will no longer have to blow its horn. He explained the SID will reimburse the county for all costs. Highway Superintendent Doll described the proposed median, 8” high and 12” wide, running 60’ south and 60’ north of the Lake Ventura entrance, consisting of a curb that cannot be driven over. Suggestions of proposed amendments were made to the agreement under item 2G - clarifying and adding the county would not be required to maintain or construct any mechanical devices if placed at the crossing; under E. and 2. - removing “use its best efforts”; and under 3.a. - a clause to clarify the SID would be responsible all costs including design and permit costs. The revised agreement will be considered after the amendments are added sometime later in the meeting.

Brian Newton, acting Interim City Administrator and Department of Utility General Manager for the City of Fremont, was present to explain the request for approval of an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City of Fremont and the County of Dodge to permit the city and the county to cooperate with each other on a basis of mutual advantage in the redevelopment of the property proposed to be purchased by Costco Wholesale Corporation or a wholly owned affiliate. Once the city annexes the property, it is no longer the county’s responsibilities and the agreement was written to work together to use county funds to make road improvements in the area. Supervisor George commented the project would bring a 1.2 billion dollar impact to the region and that it is the public’s responsibility to build a workable and safe infrastructure for the area. County Clerk Mytty asked for clarification of item 6.f. in the agreement regarding the city and county clerk’s responsibilities to administer issues of the agreement as to whether this was ministerial and not authorization to make judgements. He was informed this was a standard clause as outlined in the Interlocal Act. With no further discussion, the Board unanimously passed a motion to approve and authorize the property signatures on the Interlocal Cooperative Agreement between the City of Fremont and Dodge County. (The agreement says the County will help with up to $1,000,000 for road projects.)

Under any business brought by the public or discussion from the public, Ken Grosse asked what was being done with 20e., the claim regarding damages for the fatal injury. He was informed the process where it was turn over to the County Attorney and then to the county’s insurance carrier, which will more likely be determined the county has no responsibility for damages.

Committee Report – Supervisor Strand reported the courthouse recycling and shredding project is going well.

In separate motions, the Board unanimously received and placed on file correspondence from Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regarding Magnus LLC Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) site in Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska and NIRMA’s Safety Shorts.

At 9:45 A.M., Vice-Chairman Strand declared a short recess of the County Board.

At 9:56 A.M., the Board reconvened as a Board of Supervisors with all members being present except for Supervisors Missel and Synovec.

Vice-Chairman Strand referred back to item 21, of the agenda, the Interlocal Agreement with SID 3 to establish a railroad quiet zone that runs a quarter mile east and west of the primary entrance to Lake Ventura Subdivision. Attorney Dave Mitchell presented County Attorney Glass the revised draft of the Interlocal Agreement showing the amendments suggested earlier in the meeting and Attorney Glass read those changes to the County Board. The Board unanimously passed a motion to approve and authorize the proper signatures on the Interlocal Agreement as amended with SID 3 to establish the railroad quiet zone.

At 10:02 A.M., Vice-Chairman Strand adjourned the Board as a Board of Supervisors until Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 9:00 A.M.

Immediately thereafter, the Board convened as a Board of Equalization with all members present except for Supervisors Missel and Synovec.

The Board unanimously approved tax roll corrections #4709 thru #4723.

The Board unanimously approved and authorized the County Clerk to send a 2016 Notice of Valuation Change on parcel #270007994 to Union Pacific Land Res Corp.

The Board unanimously received correspondence from County Assessor Churchill regarding three late homestead exemption applications for 2016 of Scott & Kathleen Spicer, Ronald & Charlotte McKenzie and Gerald & Elizabeth Siemek.

In one motion, the Board unanimously extended the deadline for filing the Homestead Exemption Applications for 2016 to Scott & Kathleen Spicer and Ronald & Charlotte McKenzie, but denied extending the deadline for Gerald & Elizabeth Siemek and passed a motion instructing the County Assessor to submit the applications of Scott & Kathleen Spicer and Ronald & Charlotte McKenzie to the State of Nebraska for consideration of reimbursement and if the state does not reimburse the county for the exemption, their homes would be taxed. County Assessor Churchill indicated the Siemek’s had been late filing their application the past eight years.

At 10:10 A.M., the Board unanimously passed a motion to go into closed session to discuss TERC appeals.

At 10:20 A.M., the Board unanimously passed a motion to go back into open session from the discussion of TERC appeals. No action was needed as a result of the closed session.

For the next forty minutes, the County Board acted on 2016 valuation protests. Of the 146 acted on, the County Board accepted three (3) requests to withdraw their protests, lowered the valuation of 36, raised the valuation of five (5) and denied any change to 102.

At 11:00 A.M., Vice-Chairman Strand adjourned the Board as a Board of Equalization until 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, August 3, 2016.

Fred Mytty

Dodge County Clerk

County Officials’ Reports

Sheriff’s Department: (2016 Qtrly Report) 14a.pdf

Title Inspections $5,680.00

Gun Permits $605.00

Copies $277.00

County Clerk: (June 2016) 14b.pdf

Marriage Licenses $950.00

Copies $470.00

Miscellaneous Fees $6,213.44

Clerk of District Court: (June 2016) $3,007.15 14c.pdf

Register of Deeds (June 2016) 14d.pdf

Documentary Stamps $7,305.27

Filing Fees (excluding preservation) $12,047.50

Filing Fees (preservation) $2,022.50

Copies & Escrow $1,485.00

Interest $1.00

Food Pantry Report (June 2016) 14e.pdf


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