Rhode Island Association of School Committees (RIASC ...

The Rhode Island General Assembly, for all intents and purposes, ended its 2019 Legislative Session on Friday, June 28th. They will probably reconvene in the fall to have hearings and then vote on the State’s proposed extension of its agreement with International Gaming Technology. It is not expected that they will take up any additional legislation at that time. What follows are a break down of Education Aid and a summation of Bills that passed or failed in the Session. Please contact me if you want information on legislation not enumerated here. STATE EDUCATION AIDThe FY 2020 Budget adds $35.5 million in general revenue to fully fund the ninth year of the education funding formula, and an additional $10.1 million to fund categorical aid, relative. The increase relative to the Governor’s recommended budget includes $1.8 million to hold districts harmless for an error in the FY 2019 education aid calculation and provides that future errors will be deducted in the following budget year. The budget restores $1.3 million tuition shift that would have LEAs paying for the education of students at the Training School and the Ocean Tides residential facility. DISTRIBUTED AIDFY 2019 TotalFY 2020 Finance Comm Change toDistrictEnacted AidRecommended AidFY 2019Barrington$5,481,235 $5,872,943 $391,708 Burrillville12,467,77113,164,63 1696,860Charlestown1,602,5691,543,508-59,061Coventry22,790,52324,463,0061,672,482Cranston61,904,92665,623,8923,718,965Cumberland20,796,25821,686,834890,576East Greenwich3,167,3852,724,747-442,638East Providence35,710,48436,282,710572,226Foster1,164,3081,214 ,95850,65 1Glocester2,323,3542,272,359-50,996Hopkinton5,223,0495,170,111-52,938Jamestown522,234465,975-56,259Johnston18,398,57918,288,991-109,589Lincoln12,325,26414,418,8202,093,556Little Compton355,525403,59548,070Middletown7,979,3477,592,462-386,885Narragansett2,313,5742,255,835-57,739Newport12,433,12312,580,979147,856New Shoreham156,926132,830-24,096North Kingstown10,127,66610,492,830365,164North Providence23,428,29223,382,239-46,053North Smithfield6,219,1355,884,223-334,912Pawtucket88,331,18491,306,3942,975,210Portsmouth4,178 ,6804,048,900-129,780Providence253,712,258263,818 ,88110,106,623Richmond4,596,5264,640,81144,286Scituate3,369,5042,824,310-545,194Smithfield7,854,9756,457,531-1,397,444South Kingstown6,293,4295,433,317-860,112Tiverton6,779,5187,239,775460,257Warwick37,379,21338,761,1161,381,904Westerly8,766,8818,656,589-110,293West Warwick26,186,03827,094, 132908,094Woonsocket62,454,13463,980,8311,526,697Bristol-Warren14,912,23714,821,717-90,520Chariho2,126 ,2572,147,80421,547Exeter-West Greenwich6,071,1426,419,481348,339Foster-Glocester5,199,9515,268,06068,109Central Falls*41,173,11941,998,528825,409Total$846,276,577 $870,836,655 $24,560,078 Adjusted Chariho13,548,40113,502,234-46,166*This includes an $8.3 million stabilization fund payment to Central Falls in FY 2019 and $8.0 million in FY 2020.CATEGORICAL AIDThe Legislature increase categorical aid by $10.1 million with ELL increasing by $2.25 million to $5 million. The State’s FY 2020 Pre-k allocation is $14.9 million an increase of $8.6 million over FY 2019, of that $5.8 million replaces lost Federal funds. The total actual increase for Pre-K is $2.9 million. A modest increase of $250,000 in Transportation reimbursement. Reimbursement for Group Home Beds was reduced by ($342,593). The Charter School Density Aid was phased out for a reduction of ($478,350). The Resource Officer Support program declined by ($1 million). High-Cost Special Education Reimbursement remained unchanged at $4.5 million. BILLS THAT PASSEDSenate Bill No. 512 SUB A BY??McCaffrey & House Bill No. 5260 BY??Vella-WilkinsonENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- ARBITRATION -- CONTINUANCE OF CONTRACTUAL PROVISIONS (Requires that the contractual provisions contained in an otherwise expired collective bargaining agreement with certified school teachers and municipal employees would continue until a successor agreement has been reached between the parties.)Senate Bill No. 863 SUB B BY?Gallo & House Bill No. 5008 SUB B BY McNamaraENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - CURRICULUM (Requires the commissioner of education to develop statewide academic standards and curriculum frameworks for the core subjects of mathematics, English language arts, science and technology, history and social studies, world languages, and the arts.)House Bill No. 6084 SUB A BY Amore and Senate Bill No. 865 SUB A BY PearsonENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- THE RHODE ISLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION ACT (Expands the duties of principals over school personnel/facilities/budget/eliminates commissioner of post secondary education/authorizes board of education to adopt system evaluating public schools/local education agencies.)Senate Bill No. 869 SUB A BY?Metts & House Bill No. 6085 SUB A BY Barros ENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - TRAINING AND EVALUATION - FAST-TRACK PRINCIPAL CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (Allows teachers to obtain certification as a principal in an expedited period of time.) House Bill No. 5887 SUB A BY??O'BrienENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - RHODE ISLAND CERTIFICATIONS STANDARDS BOARD (Creates the Right to Read Act for children diagnosed with Dyslexia and requires licensed teachers at the elementary level to be proficient in scientific reading instruction and all other licensed teachers to have a cursory knowledge of scientific reading instruction.)(General Treasurer)Senate Bill No. 112 SUB A BY?Cano & House Bill No. 5033 SUB A BY McNamaraENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- FINANCIAL LITERACY (Mandates that a program of financial literacy be taught to all students in the public high schools throughout the state of Rhode Island.)Senate Bill No. 755 BY?Satchell ENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - CURRICULUM [SEE TITLE 16 CHAPTER 97 - THE RHODE ISLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION ACT] (Exempts those students in grade twelve (12) who are enrolled full-time in a dual enrollment program where the courses are taken on a higher education institution campus from the requirement that they complete health and physical education courses.)House Bill No. 5538 BY?Mattiello & Senate Bill No. 818 BY GalloENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PUPILS (School boards to establish threat assessment policies and teams. Oversight committee for the teams is established.)Senate Bill No. 1032 BY Seveney, House Bill No. 5253 BY O’BrienENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- (Requires that instruction in health and physical education include information provided to students that mixing opioids and alcohol can cause accidental death.)House Bill No. 6086 SUB A BY?Serodio & Senate Bill No. 409 SUB A BY LawsonENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PUPILS (Increases the members of public school personnel to include all trained school administrators, teachers, or SROs among those authorized to administer an opioid antagonist where there is an emergency drug overdose in a school setting.)(Dept. of Health)Senate Bill No. 572 SUB A BY?Satchell & House Bill No. 5431 BY MendezENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PUPILS (Includes any "licensed public health dental hygienist" among persons eligible to conduct dental screenings for children in kindergarten, third, and ninth grade.)(Dept. of Health)House Bill No. 5541 SUB A as amended BY?McNamaraENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Expands the provisions requiring the reporting of immunization status and any other relevant information to adults, not just children, and requires the department of health to include routine adult immunization in the department’s immunization program.)Senate Bill No. 46 BY??Picard & House Bill No. 6250 BY PhillipsENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - SCHOOL COMMITTEES AND SUPERINTENDENTS (Allows a school district to conduct instruction through virtual education up to five (5) days when schools have been closed due to inclement weather, emergency or any nonscheduled school closings.)Senate Bill No. 265 BY?Cano & House Bill No. 5168 BY EdwardsENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- AMERICANIZATION OF SCHOOLS (Repeals requirement that persons between 16 and 21 who cannot speak, read or write English to attend classes until they learn (minimum 200 hours). Also repeals fines and institutional commitment for failure to take such classes.)BILLS THAT DID NOT PASSSenate Bill No. 864 SUB A BY??SatchellENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- CURRICULUM (Direct the council on elementary and secondary education to provide professional support and assistance to LEAs regarding effective ways to use data such as the LEA’s budget and demographics, school culture, and assessments to improve student performance.)Senate Bill No. 867 SUB ABY??Paolino ENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS (Establishes a procedure for the certification of provisional educators.)Senate Bill No. 868 SUB A BY?SeveneyENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - TRAINING AND EVALUATION - NEW EVALUATION REQUIREMENTS (Directs the council on elementary and secondary education to implement assessment and evaluation system. Also requires local education agencies (LEAs) to adopt the model assessment and evaluation system for use in their schools.)Senate Bill No. 890 BY?Ciccone & House Bill No. 5590 BY CorveseENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- CERTIFIED NURSE-TEACHER (Requires that only certified nurses-teachers may be employed as school nurses in elementary and secondary schools.)House Bill No.?5266 BY?ShanleyENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- REGIONAL VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS [SEE TITLE 16 CHAPTER 97 -- THE RHODE ISLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION ACT (Would amend the career and technical education programs laws to provide the process by which students could attend state CTE board-approved programs in other districts.)House Resolution No. 5252 BY?Messier & Senate Resolution No. 42 BY PicardENTITLED,?JOINT RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AND PUBLISH AND SUBMIT TO THE ELECTORS A PROPOSITION OF AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION -- RIGHT TO AN ADEQUATE EDUCATIONSenate Bill No. 199 BY?GalloENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- ESTABLISHING A CLASS SIZE MAXIMUM FOR KINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE TWO (2) (Limits public school K through 2 class size to twenty (20) students.)Senate Bill No. 400 BY?Lombardi & House Bill No. 5560 BY AlzareENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - SCHOOL AND YOUTH PROGRAMS CONCUSSION ACT (Requires all school districts to designate an athletic trainer to be available for high school athletic practices and games.)Senate Bill No. 419 BY?DiPalmaENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- TEACHERS' RETIREMENT (Gradually increases the state's contribution to the teachers' retirement system, while reducing the municipal contribution, eventually resulting in the contributions being shared equally.)Senate Bill No. 511 BY?McCaffrey ENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS - ARBITRATION - CERTIFIED SCHOOL TEACHERS - MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES (Makes the arbitrator's decision binding on all matters pertaining to certified public school teachers and municipal employees, including those matters involving the expenditure of money.)Senate Bill No. 940 BY?PearsonENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - THE EDUCATION EQUITY AND PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ACT (Reconstitutes joint legislative committee and amends goals and mission of the committee.)Senate Bill No.?547 BY?PearsonENTITLED,?AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - COUNCIL ON ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION [SEE TITLE 16 CHAPTER 97 - THE RHODE ISLAND BOARD OF EDUCATION] (Provides that the commissioner of elementary and secondary education would be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The commissioner of elementary and secondary education would serve at the pleasure of the governor.)You can read the text of these bills by searching the bill number or the prime sponsor on the Rhode Island General Assembly’s Web Site. ................

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