Selected Sources for Research - Cengage

Selected Sources for Reading: Books and Articles

Chapter 3: Local Governments

Allston, Rick. “Why Lawyers Now Run Dallas.” D (May 2003): 102-104.

Anderson, Julie. “Booster Shot: Win-Win Health Legislation Benefits Counties and Clients.” County Progress (March 2000): 8–12.

Anderson, Julie. “Budget Builders: County Auditors Offer Tips on Maximizing Revenue Sources.” County Progress (May 2000): 8–10.

Atkinson, Jim. “Curing the Colonias.” Texas Monthly (April 2001): 70, 72, 79.

Balli, Cecilia. "Twins Peak." Texas Monthly (October 2002): 100-103, 153, 155-158. Twin brothers, Julian and Joaquin Castro, and their mother, Rosie, in San Antonio politics.

Barr, Alwyn. Reconstruction to Reform: Texas Politics, 1876-1906. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1971.

Bezdek, Robert, David Billeaux, and Juan Carlos Huerta. “Latinos, At-Large Elections, and Political Change: Evidence from the Transition Zone.” Social Science Quarterly 81 (March 2000): 207-225.

Bernstein, Jake. “Don’t Drink the Water.” Texas Observer (2 December 2005): 6-11, 17. Water problems of colonias in the Houston area.

Bernstein, Jake. “The White Stuff.” Texas Observer (17 December 2004): 10-11, 31. An interview with Bill White, Houston’s mayor.

Blodgett, Terrell. City Government that Works: The History of Council-Manager Government in Texas. Austin: Texas City Management Association, 1998.

Borges, Walt. “Playoff Payoff.” Fiscal Notes (June 2000): 1, 7–9. How public money has been used to construct stadiums for professional athletic teams in Texas cities.

Bremer, Thomas S. Blessed with Tourists: The Borderlands of Religion and Tourism in San Antoniok. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004.

Brueckner, Jan K. “Urban Sprawl: Diagnosis and Remedy.” Texas Town & City (February 2000): 13–19.

Buntin, John. “Long Journey to Work.” Governing (March 2001): 26–28. About improving mass transit.

Campos, Emmet. "Sizing up the Snowbirds." Fiscal Notes (May 2001): 1, 8-9. The impact of northerners who escape ice and snow by wintering in South Texas.

Çartwright, Gary. “The Lost City.” Texas Monthly (December 2005): 192-195-269, 330. A critical view of Arlington, Texas.

Clark, John E. The Fall of the Duke of Duval: A Prosecutor’s Journal. Austin: Eakin Press, 1995. How George Parr, a corrupt Duval County politician, was brought to justice.

Conte, Christopher. “Boss Thy Neighbor.” Governing (April 2001): 38–42. What some homeowners’ associations are doing.

Conwell, Dean. “The Role of Convention Centers and Visitors Bureaus in Disasters.” Texas Town & City (April 2006): 14-15, 16-17.

Cooper, Christopher, and Anthony J Nownes. “Citizen Groups in Big City Politics.” State and Local Government Review 35 (Spring 2003): 102-111.

Davis, Mike. Magical Urbanism: Latinos Reinvent the U.S. City. New York: Verso, 2000. Davis contends that Latinoization revitalizes urban areas, and he applauds development of the United States as a “majority minority” country.

Dickson, James G. Politics of the Texas Sheriff: From Frontier to Bureaucracy. Boston: American Press, 1983.

Ennis, Michael. “What’s the Matter with Dallas?” Texas Monthly (July 2005): 70, 80-83.

Fairbanks, Robert M. For the City as a Whole: Planning, Politics, and Public Interest in Dallas, Texas, 1900–1965. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1998.

Friedberger, Mark. “Developmant, Politics, and the Rural-Urban Fringe in North Texas.” Southwestern Historical Quarterly 109 (January 2006): 358-383.

Garcia, Mario T. The Making of a Mexican American Mayor: Raymond L. Telles of El Paso. El Paso: Texas Western Press, 1998.

Goodson, John J. Annexation Vexation. House Research Organization Session Focus No. 75–3. Austin: Texas House of Representatives, 13 January, 1997.

Graves, Patrick K. Property Tax Appraisal: Issues and Responses. House Research Organization Focus Report No. 77-23. Austin: Texas House of Representatives, 5 August 2002.

Greenhut, Steven. Abuses of Power: How the Government Misuses Eminent Domain. Santa Ana, Calif.: Seven Locks Press, 2004.

Gwinn, David M., Christopher W. Chapman, and Kathryn S. Knechtel. “Redistricting in 2001 and Beyond: Navigating the Narrow Channel Between the Equal Protection Clause and the Voting Rights Act.” Baylor Law Review 51 (Spring 1999): 225–267. Local government redistricting.

Harman, Douglas, and Jutta Matalka. “International Tourism to Texas: Experiences of Fort Worth and Amarillo.” Texas Town & City (April 2006): 26-28.

Hatley, Allen G. Texas Constables: A Frontier Heritage. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 1999.

Houston, Scott. “Provisional Voting and Texas Cities.” Texas Town & City 91 (April 2004): 64-65.

Jalonick, Mary Clare. "Accentuate the Positive." Campaigns & Elections. (May 2002): 32-34, 38-39. How Laura Miller became mayor of Dallas.

Joslove, Scott. “What Cities Need to Know to Administer the Local Hotel Occupancy Tax.” Texas Town & City (April 2001): 10–16.

Katz, James B., P. Edward French, and Hazel Prentice-Cooper. “City Council Conflict as a Cause of Psychological Burnout and Voluntary Turnover of City Managers.” State and Local Government Review 31 (Fall 1999): 162–172.

Kellar, William Henry. Make Haste Slowly: Moderates, Conservatives, and School Desegregation in Houston. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1999.

Lewis, Jim “Bridges to the Future Getting Shorter.” County (July/August 2000): 18–22. Texas needs to repair 12,000 bridges.

Malouf, Mary Brown. “Welcome to Boomtown.” D (March 2003): 78-85. Frisco, located north of Dallas, is Texas’s fastest growing city.

Mann, Dave. “The Battle for San Jacinto.” Texas Observer (10 February 2006): 12-13, 18-19.

Mann, Dave. "Buffaloed on the Bayou: Revitalization Meets Real Estate Speculation in Houston." Texas Observer (6 December 2002): 4-7, 16-17. Criticism of the Buffalo Bayou Partnership, a public-private non-profit foundation with a redevelopment plan for property along 10 miles of waterway between Shepherd Drive and the Houston Ship Channel.

Marshall, John B. “Council-Manager Relationships: Making the Team Work.” Texas Town & City (June 2000): 26–27.

McDonald, John F. “Houston Remains Unzoned.” Land Economics 71 (February 1995): 137–140.

McGill, Adam. “Topless Bars and Bottom Lines.” D (April 2003): 88-93. City politics and the convention business in Dallas.

McLain, Lewis F. “The Basics of Budgeting for Newly Elected Officials.” Texas Town & City (June 2005): 20-22, 24, 26-27.

Miller, Char, ed. On the Border: An Environmental History of San Antonio. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001.

Mindiola, Tacho, Jr., Yolanda Flores, and Nestor Rodriguez. Black-Brown Relations and Sterotypes. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003. A study of relations between African Americans and Latinos in Houston.

Mossburger, Karin. “State-Federal Diffusion and Policy Learning: From Enterprise Zones to Empowerment Zones.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 29 (Summer 1999): 31–50.

Olsson, Karen. "Clean Government." Texas Observer (17 August 2001): 12-13. A journalist reports on El Cenizo, the South Texas town where women run the municipal government and Spanish is the official language.

Phillips, Michael. White Metropolis: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in Dallas, 1841-2001. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2006.

Phillips, Travis. Do Counties Need New Powers to Cope with Urban Sprawl? House Research Organization Focus Report No. 77-26. Austin: Texas House of Representatives, 6 November 2002.

Pizarro, Marcos. Chicanas and Chicanos in School: Profiling, Identity Battles, and Empowerment. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2005.

Quandt, Dan. “Sports: The Business of the Game.” Texas Town & City (April 2001): 32–34.

“Race, Ethnicity, and Class in Dallas: How the Rise of the New Middle Class Will Change Dallas Forever.” A 30-page special report in D (January 2003).

Resendez, Adriana. “The Spanish Predominant Language Ordinance: Is Spanish on the Way In and English on the Way Out?” St. Mary’s Law Journal 32:2 (2001): 317–362. Concerning action by the city council in the Texas border town of Cenizo making Spanish its official language.

Rosales, Rodolfo. The Illusion of Inclusion: The Untold Political Story of San Antonio. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999. The Chicano community and municipal politics, 1951–1991.

Russell, Jan Jarboe. “The Old Gray Mayor.” Texas Monthly (December 2004): 78, 82, 84, 86. About San Antonio’s municipal politics.

Scarbrough, Linda. Road, River, and Ol’ Boy Politics: A Texas County’s Path from Farm to Supersuburb. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 2006. Development in Williamson County, north of Austin.

Shands, Mike. “Three Mistakes of Government.” Texas Town & City (July 2000): 13–16. The mistakes are: assuming that change is progress, government should be run like a business, and red tape and bureaucracy are always bad.

Siciliano, Cathy. On Deck: Financing Sports Facilities in Texas. Session Focus No. 75–10. Austin: House Research Organization, Texas House of Representatives, 12 March 1997.

Sitton, Thad. The Texas Sheriff: Lord of the County Line. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2000.

Smith, Evan. “Laura Miller.” Texas Monthly (February 2006): 90-92, 94, 96, 115-116. Dallas politics as viewed by Mayor Miller.

Soika, Karen. “Indigent Health Care and Treatment Act of 1985: A Burden on Counties?” Interim Report No. 78-7 (Austin: House Research Organization, Texas House of Representatives, 22 July 2004): 1, 10-18.

Somma, Mark, Scott Nikolai, and Tracy Skopek. “Attitudes toward Economic Development and the Environment: A Comparison of Two West Texas Cities.” State and Local Government Review 11 (Spring 1999): 135–146. The cities are Lubbock and Amarillo.

Spong, John. “Dome Away from Home.” Texas Monthly (November 2005): 154-158, 261-266, 268. Houston’s response to Hurricane Katrina.

Sturzi, Frank. “The sources of Municipal Revenue.” Texas Town & City (June 2006): 14-15.

Swartz, Mimi.” The Year of Living Dangerously: Houston’s Katrina Hangover.” Texas Monthly (October 2006): 12, 14, 16.

Tuman, John P., and Grant W. Neeley. “Public Management in the U.S.-Mexican Border Region: Toward Increased Cooperation Between Texas and Mexican Officials.” State and Local Government Review 35 (Winter 2003): 38-47.

Wagner, Pam. "Olympic-sized Pool." Fiscal Notes (May 2001): 5-7. TxPool is the state-sponsored investment fund for counties, cities, and special districts.

Watson, Dwight D. Race and Class in Houston’s Police Department, 1930-1990: A Change Did Come. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2006.

Wilde, Forrest. “The Exurb Rebellion.” Texas Observer (29 April 2005): 10-12, 19. Development realities in Frisco, Texas.

Winthrop, Lynn. “The City of Lufkin Rises Above Hurricane Rita: ‘Neighbors Helping Neighbors.’” Texas Town & City (March 2006): 10-14, 16, 18.

Wolff, Nelson W. Mayor: An Inside View of San Antonio Politics,1981–1995. San Antonio: San Antonio Express-News, 1997. The author served as mayor of San Antonio from 1991 to 1995.


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