Denise Garcia - College of Social Sciences and Humanities


Associate Professor (with tenure)

Department of Political Science and International Affairs Program

Northeastern University

360 Huntington Avenue

Boston, MA 02115


Tel. 1 617 8753228



Professor Denise Garcia is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and the International Affairs program at Northeastern University in Boston, a Nobel Peace Institute Fellow in Oslo in 2017. She conducts research within International Law, especially the questions of lethal robotics and Artificial Intelligence, global governance of security, and the formation of new international norms and their impact on peace and security.

She is the recipient of the Northeastern University Outstanding Teaching Award and of Northeastern’s College of Social Sciences and Humanities Outstanding Teaching Award. In 2017, Garcia was appointed to the International Panel for the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons (Germany’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

Garcia teaches the annual course titled Global Governance of International Security & the World Politics of Diplomacy at the United Nations in Geneva, in cooperation with the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research and many other partners. In 2016, she testified to the United Nations on the question of lethal autonomous weapons and their impact on peace and security. She is a member of the Research Board of the Institute for Economics and Peace, and since 2018 of the ​Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (The IEEE Global Initiative).

Author of Small Arms and Security - New Emerging International Norms, and Disarmament Diplomacy and Human Security - Norms, Regimes, and Moral Progress in International Relations, her articles have appeared in Foreign Affairs, the European Journal of International Security, International Affairs, Ethics & International Affairs, Third World Quarterly, Global Policy Journal, International Relations, and elsewhere.

Prior to joining the faculty of Northeastern University in 2006 (tenured in 2013), Garcia held a three-year appointment at Harvard, at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, and the World Peace Foundation’s Intra-State Conflict Program. She holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the Institut des Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement (Graduate Institute for International Studies and Development), University of Geneva, Switzerland. She is the vice-chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, a member of the Academic Council of the United Nations.

Please visit her page on Foreign Affairs:


Ph.D., International Relations — Institut des Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement (Graduate Institute for International Studies and Development — IHEID), University of Geneva, Switzerland, 2006.

M.A., International Relations — Institut des Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement (Graduate Institute for International Studies and Development — IHEID), University of Geneva, Switzerland, 2000.

B.A., International Relations — University of Brasilia, Brazil, 1994.


Present Appointment:

Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Political Science, Northeastern University – Boston, MA. September since 2013.

Stanislas and Isabelle de Sadeleer Research Faculty, 2011-2016.

Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Northeastern University – Boston, MA. September 2006- 2012.

Stanislas and Isabelle de Sadeleer Research Faculty since July 2011.

Past Appointments:

Research Associate, International Security Program and Intrastate Conflict Program – Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University – Cambridge, MA. September 2007-2010.

Visiting Scientist, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Injury Control Research

Center. 2006- 2010.

Lecturer, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Spring 2006.

Research Fellow, International Security Program/Program in Intra-State Conflict –

Kennedy School of Government’s Belfer Center for Science and International

Affairs, Harvard University - Cambridge, MA. September 2003 to 2006.

Lecturer, Department of Government, Harvard University - Cambridge, MA. Fall 2004 and Spring 2005.

Teaching Fellow, Department of Political Science, Institut des Hautes Études

Internationales et du Développement (Graduate Institute for International Studies and Development — IHEID), University of Geneva, Switzerland. September 2001 to September 2003.

Academic Affiliations:

International Studies Association

American Society of International Law

Academic Council of the United Nations System

International Committee for Robot Arms Control

Global South Unit for Mediation


Resident Fellow, Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, National Defense University - Washington, D.C. April 2002

Researcher, Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces - Switzerland. August 2000 to August 2001.

Research and Program Officer, Peace Building and Disarmament Program, World

Council of Churches, Geneva, Switzerland. March 1999 to August 2000

Guest Researcher, Bonn International Center for Conversion. Summer 1998

Coordinator, Center for International Human Rights Protection and the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights in Costa Rica, University of Brasilia, Brazil. August 1995 to August 1996.

Fellow, European Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France, July 1995

Fellow, Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica July 1994

Program Assistant, UNESCO Regional Office, Brazil. January 1993 to December 1994

Research Assistant, International Committee of the Red Cross Regional Office in Brasilia January 1991 to December 1992.



When AI Kills: Ensuring the Common Good in the Age of Military Artificial Intelligence, expected in 2021. Under Review.

Disarmament Diplomacy and Human Security –Regimes, Norms, and Moral Progress in International Relations. London and New York: Routledge, 2011

Reprinted in 2012 in paperback.

Small Arms and Security – New Emerging International Norms. London and New York: Routledge, 2006.

Reprinted in 2009 in paperback.


Arms Control Association, 37, March 2007.

Journal of Peace Research 44 (3), May 2007.

Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 16 (1), April 2008.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

“The Artificial Intelligence Arms Race: Trends and World Leaders in Autonomous Weapons Development” (with Justin Haner), Global Policy Journal Vol. 10 (3) September 2019.

“Lethal Artificial Intelligence and Change: The Future of International Peace and Security”. International Studies Review, Vol. 20 (2), June 2018. Oxford University Press.

“Explaining Global Norms”, International Negotiation 22, 380-401, 2017.

I served as the editor of this Special Issue and also wrote: Introduction: Mediation and Negotiation in the Global South.

“Future arms, technologies, and international law: Preventive security governance”. European Journal of International Security, Vol. 1 (1), 2016. Cambridge University Press.

“Preventive Action in World Politics” (with Monica Herz), Global Policy Journal. Vol 7 (2), of Form

“Killer Robots: Why the US should Lead the Ban,” Global Policy Journal, Vol. 6 (1) 2015.

“Humanitarian Security Regimes,” International Affairs, Vol. 91 (1), 2015. Oxford University Press.

“Global Norms on Arms: The Significance of the Arms Trade Treaty for Global Security in World Politics,” Global Policy Journal, Vol. 5 (4), 2014.

“Not yet a Democracy: Establishing Civilian Authority over the Security Sector in Brazil - Lessons for other Countries in Transition,” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 35 (3), 2014.

“ Banning Evil - Cluster Munitions and the Successful Formation of a Global Prohibition Regime,” Cornell International Affairs Review, Vol. 5 (2), 2012.

“Contestação de Normas e Ameaça à Paz e à Segurança Regional e Internacional: A Facilidade Excessiva de Acesso a Armas,” Contexto Internacional , Vol. 33 (2), 2012.

“Warming to a Redefinition of International Security - The Formation of a Norm against Climate Change,” International Relations, Vol. 24 (3), 2010.

“Arms Restraint and Regional International Law Making -The Case of the Economic Community of West African States,” African Security Review, Vol. 18 (2), 2009.

“Arms Transfers beyond the State-to-State Realm,” International Studies Perspectives, Vol. 10 (2), 2009.

“Determining Ease of Access to Arms, Methodology & Coding,” Crime, Law, and Social Change, Vol. 51 (5), 2009.

“Developing Indicators for Evaluating National Implementation of Regional Law on Arms in Africa,” African Security Review, Vol. 18 (1), 2009.

“The Climate Security Divide: Bridging Human and National Security in Africa,” African

Security Review, Vol. 17 (3), 2008.

“Norm Building in the Evolution of the Control of Small Arms in the International

Agenda,” Security and Defense Studies Review, Vol. 5 (2), Fall 2005.

Encyclopedia Entry

Garcia, Denise. “Disarmament in International Law.” In Oxford Bibliographies in International Law. Ed. Tony Carty. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

International Scientific Reports

Available at: from the scientific panel in Berlin by the German Government.

Boulanin, Vincent; Chengeta, Thompson; Dahlmann, Anja; Dickow, Marcel; Garcia, Denise; Geiß, Robin; Vadim; Lin, Dong; MacLeod, Ian; Moon, AJung; Sato, Heigo; Sauer, Frank; Strauß, Lena, “Focus on Technology and Application of Autonomous Weapons”; August 2017, International Panel for the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons, The German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 26 pp.; Berlin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany.

------------“Focus on Human Control”; August 2019, International Panel for the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons, The German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 23 pp. Berlin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany. Available here:

----------, “Computational Methods in the Context of Lethal Autonomous Weapons”; November 2017, International Panel for the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons, The German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 24 pp. Berlin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany.

----------, “The Human-Machine Relation in Lethal Autonomous Weapons”, March 2018, International Panel for the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons, The German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. 24 pp. Berlin, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Germany.

----------, “Ethical Implications for the Regulation of Lethal Autonomous Weapons”, August 2018.

----------, “Concluding Report: Recommendations to the United Nations”, December 2018.

Commissioned Review Articles

“Shifting International Security Norms”, Ethics & International Affairs, 31 (2), 2017, pp. 235-246 (2017). Commissioned by the Carnegie Council for Ethics and International Affairs. Cambridge University Press.

Policy Pieces

“Governing Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems”. Ethics & International Affairs. Available from: (December, 2017), Online Exclusive, Cambridge University Press.

Juergen Altmann, Daniele Amoroso, Peter Asaro, Denise Garcia, Matthew B. Bolton, Frank Sauer, Noel Sharkey, Lucy Suchman, Memorandum for Delegates at the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons Group of Governmental Experts, Meeting on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems, International Committee for Robot Arms Control, Geneva 13-17 November 2017. 4 pp.

“Battle Bots: How the World Should Prepare Itself for Robotic Warfare”: Foreign Affairs (May 2015).

“Killer Robots: Toward the Loss of Humanity”, Ethics and International Affairs Journal (April 2015).

“Anti-Vehicle Mines: A Threat to Human Security”, Denise Garcia, Ursign Hofmann, Pascal Rapillard, and Stefano Toscano Ethics and International Affairs Journal (November 2015).

“Disarming the Lords of War, A New International Treaty to Regulate the Arms Trade,” Foreign Affairs (December 2014).

“The Case Against Killer Robots - Why the United States Should Ban Them,” Foreign Affairs, (May 2014).

Translated in Japanese:

The Arms Trade Treaty and the US: Time to Commit by Academic Council of the United Nations, April 2014.

No More Arms for Atrocities: the US signs the Arms Trade Treaty by Academic Council of the United Nations, November 2013.

Why Arming the Syrian Rebels is not the Answer, by Academic Council of the United Nations, August 2013.

The Power of Global Norms by Academic Council of the United Nations, August 2013.


“Autonomous Weapon Systems and International Law: Consequences for the Future of International Peace and Security”, in Robin Geiß, Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems Technology, Definition, Ethics, Law & Security, 97-108, Berlin, Published by the German Foreign Affairs Office, 2017.

Generating Successful Global Governance: Creating Comity in the Arctic, in Robert I. Rotberg (ed.) 2015 at On Governance: What It Is, What It Measures and Its Policy Uses, Centre for International Governance Innovation.

Warming to a Redefinition of International Security: The Consolidation of a Norm Concerning Climate Change; at Energy Security, Benjamin K. Sovacool (ed.), November 2013, SAGE Library of International Relations, ISBN 978-1-4462-7608-2.

“International Norms on Arms”, in Kai Kenkel and Peter Batchelor (eds.) 2013 The State of Arms: Consolidation, Innovation and Relevance in Small Arms Research, Oxford: Routledge.

“Brazil”, 10th Democratic Control of the Armed Forces Yearly Book “Security Sector

Reform and Democratisation”, 24 pp, Democratic Control of the Armed Forces, Geneva, Switzerland.

Peer-Reviewed Policy & Research Reports

“The Problem with Lethal Artificial Intelligence: Consequences for Peace and Security” – paper and testimony to the United Nations Member states; presented at the 2016 United Nations meeting on Lethal Autonomous Weapons, Geneva April 2016. Published by the German Government.

“Small Arms in Africa: Legal Indicators on the Ease of Access to Small Arms and Light Weapons,” in Rotberg, Robert I., ed. Ibrahim Index of African Governance. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: Cambridge, MA, 2008.

“Norms in International Security - The Small Arms and Landmines Cases”, Discussion

Series, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, 2003.

“Controlling the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons – Implications for

Research and Education in Defense and Security”, Discussion Series, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, 2003.

“Changing Security in a Changing World.” (Chapter 1) In Born, H., Fluri, P., Johnson, A. (eds.), Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Principles, Mechanisms and Practices, Handbook for Parliamentarians no. 5. Geneva: International Parliamentarian Union and Geneva Center for the Democratic Control Armed Forces (IPU/DCAF), 2003.

“Security and the Power of the Purse.” (Chapter 23) In Born, H., Fluri, P., Johnson, A. (eds.), Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Principles, Mechanisms and Practices, Handbook for Parliamentarians no. 5. Geneva: IPU/DCAF, 2003.

“Arms and Military Equipment Procurement.” (Chapter 28) In Born, H., Fluri, P., Johnson, A. (eds.), Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Principles, Mechanisms and Practices, Handbook for Parliamentarians no. 5. Geneva: IPU/DCAF, 2003.


(With Born, Hans et al.), An inventory of actors: Strengthening parliamentary oversight of the security sector in transition countries, 2001, Online DCAF series,

Leaflet on action on small arms control for United Nations, 2001 (Translated in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and German).


Global Norms Governing the Protection of Civilians, Conflict and Weapons: Formal or Informal? Presented at “Legitimacy and Law-Making in International Humanitarian Law” Freie Universität, Berlin; Now in preparation for publication.


Book mentioned above

Garcia, Denise. “Disarmament in International Law.” In Oxford Bibliographies in International Law. Ed. Tony Carty. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

|Professional Merits & Honors |

2018, 2019, 2020. Member of the Research Board of the Institute for Economics and Peace (Sydney, Australia).

2019. Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems.

2018-2019. Recipient of Northeastern University-wide Outstanding Teaching Award.

2018-2019. Fellow. College of Social Sciences and Humanities Center Residential Fellow.

Since 2018. Faculty Affiliate of the Global Resilience Institute.

2017. Nobel Peace Institute Fellow.

2017-2019. Appointed Member, International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons; Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. Appointed by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU APL). Panel supports the process of a future regulation of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems at the United Nations.

2017. College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Outstanding Teaching Award. Ceremony held on May 2017.

2017. Vice-Chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control (since 2015).

2017. International Forum on the Arms Trade Treaty International Reference Group Expert (since 2016).

2016. Member and Teaching Advisor of the Global South Unit for Mediation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (since 2013)

2015. Northeastern University’s sole faculty nominee to become a Carnegie Corporation Scholar, a program created to support faculty who seek to understand urgent present-day threats to peace and international order, as well as 21st century challenges to the United Nations as a governing body.

Board Member of the British American Information Council 2014-2015.

Committee Member of the review of the International Law section of the International Studies Association since 2013.

Board Member of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control since 2013.

Nominated for a university-wide excellence in teaching award in 2009, 2012, 2013

Nominated to lead the first University Scholars Dialogue of Civilizations 2012.

Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars – Award and Induction into the Northeastern University Chapter – Spring 2010.

|Conferences, Seminars, and Public Talks around the World |

2019. Artificial Intelligence for Good. Conference attendance and discussant. 28-31 May 2019. United Nations Geneva.

2019. The Information Society Project, Yale Law School, Lecture on my book manuscript, invited by Rebecca Crootof. 6-8 March 2019.

2019. Global Commons Berkeley Workshop 28 February – 1 March 2019, Institute of European Studies, UC Berkeley. Paper discussant and presenter of paper: “Global Commons Law: Creating the Common Good of Peace”

Co-Organizers: Professor Marianne Riddervold (Inland University Norway/UC Berkeley), Dr. Akasemi Newsome (Institute of European Studies, UC Berkeley)

2019. Presenter at the International Panel for the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons (IPRAW). Berlin, January and May 2019.

2019. Presenter at the IPRAW conference in Brussels to NATO and the European Union. September 30- October 4.

2019. International Studies Association. Toronto. Activities with the International Law section. March 2019.

2018. International Studies Association, San Francisco: member of two prestigious Roundtables: International Law and War: Rules with Power?

And: The Challenges of Future Arms Control Across Domains

2018. Attendance at Artificial Intelligence for Good Summit, United Nations Geneva, May 2018.

2017. United Nations, Geneva, November 13-17 2017, First Formal Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Certain Weapons on the question of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems; Invited to speak at:

Side Event Briefing: Rationale for Banning Fully Autonomous Weapons, hosted by the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots.

Side Event hosted by: The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs: The Use of Artificial Intelligence and the Defence Industry: Legal, Ethical, Strategic and Governance Issues.

2017. May. Public Lecture at the Nobel Peace Institute, Oslo: “The evolving international legal architecture to contain nuclear weapons”. 12 June 2017.

2017. May. Public Lecture at the Peace Research Institute Oslo, event title: Lethal Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War. Tuesday, 16 May 2017

2017. April. Speaker, Conference: The Ethical and Legal Challenges Posed by Autonomous Weapons Systems, University of Oslo, 19 April 2017.

2017. Speaker at the Global South Unit for Mediation annual meeting, December 2017, Rio de Janeiro, December 11 2017.

2017. Papers Presented at the International Studies Association Convention, Baltimore:

Lethal Artificial Intelligence

Global Security Norms & the Future of Peace

2016. Speaker at the Public seminar at the Danish Institute for International Studies in Copenhagen, November 18 2016 on “Killer Robots”.

2016. Invited Panelist by the United Nations Director General in Geneva for the Civil Society Forum of the Conference on Disarmament 2016. United Nations Geneva, June 21 2016.

2016. Invited Expert to testify to the Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations, on Lethal Autonomous Weapons, 11-16 April 2016, United Nations in Geneva.

2016. Moderator, Interparliamentary Panel – House of Lords and House of Commons, Westminster, London, April 20 2016 with the International Committee for Robot Arms Control.

2016. Chair, International Law Session Panel, International Law as Ideology: The Normative Element, International Studies Association, Atlanta, March 2016.

2015. Global Norms Governing the Protection of Civilians, Conflict and Weapons: Formal or Informal? Presented at “Legitimacy and Law-Making in International Humanitarian Law” Freie Universität, Berlin; November 2015.

2015. Paper Presented at the International Studies Association Convention, New Orleans, “Explaining Global Norms”.

2014. Paper Presented at the International Studies Association Convention, Toronto, “Where we don’t Rule” with Monica Herz.

Paper Presented: "What International Law for Future Weapons Technologies and New Threats to Security".

2013. Inaugural Lecturer at the launch of the Global South Unit for Mediation, PUC University, Rio de Janeiro, December 2013.

2013. Lecturer at the Cornell Law School Colloquium on International Relations and International Law (October 8-10).

2013. Paper Presented at the International Studies Association Convention, San Francisco, USA, “Humanitarian Security Regimes”.

Panel Discussant Chair Edward Laurence.

2013. Attended: Earth System Governance Tokyo Conference, 25-31 January 2013 at the United Nations University Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.

2013. Lecturer: Cornell University Isodarco XXVI Winter Course New Military

Technologies: Implications for Strategy and Arms Control 6-13 January 2013, Andalo, Italy

2012. Paper Presented at the International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, USA, “Anticipating the Future: Preventative Multilateral Norms and their Impact on International Relations” with Monica Herz.

2011. Attended: International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, Canada, March 15-19, 2011.

2010. Chair: Panel on Arctic Security, International Security Studies Section of the

International Security and Arms Control Section of the American Political Science Association (ISSS/ISAC), International Security Beyond 9/11, Providence, USA, 

October 14-16, 2010.

2010. Papers Presented at the International Studies Association Convention, New Orleans, USA, February 17-20, 2010:

“Teaching at the United Nations: Bridging Academia and the Policy World”;

“Anticipating the Future: Preventative Multilateral Norms and their Impact on

International Relations” (with Monica Herz);

Participation at Small Arms Roundtable: Arms Trade, Conventional Disarmament, and Human Rights Norms.

Panel Organizer: Connecting Theory to Policy: Teaching International Relations

Across Cultures and Nations.

2009. Papers Presented at International Studies Association Convention in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 22-24, 2009:

“Challenging the Core of International Security – Bringing Alternative Perspectives through Key New Issues”

“Anticipating the Future: Preventative Multilateral Norms and their Impact on

International Relations” (with Monica Herz).

2009. Paper Presented at the International Studies Association Convention “Banning Evil: The Formation of a Regime to Ban Cluster Munitions”, New York, USA,

February 14-18, 2009.

2008. Attended: “Regional International Security” at Pontificia Universidade Catolica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, January 2-5, 2008

2008. Papers Presented at the International Studies Association Convention in San

Francisco, March 23-28, 2008:

“Contesting Fundamental Norms of International Security: Sovereignty and the Use of Force”

“The Law and Politics of the Small Arms Regime”.

2007. Paper Presented at the Seventh International Comparative Interdisciplinary Studies Section Millennium Conference “An Emerging International Norm Against Global Warming”, Bucaco, Portugal, June 14-17, 2007.

2007. Paper Presented at the International Studies Association “A Theory of International Norms for the 21st Century”, Chicago, USA March 15-19, 2007.

2006. Panel Organizer at the International Studies Association Convention, “International Norms, Identity, and Regional Security”, San Diego, USA, March 2-7, 2006.

2003. Chair, Panel on the Role of the Media in International Politics, 6th Research and Education for Defense Studies, Santiago, Chile October 18-21, 2003.

2002. Chair, Panel on Small Arms and Light Weapons, 5th Research and Education for Defense Studies — In collaboration with the Brazilian Ministry of Defense. Brasilia, Brazil, August 5-9, 2002.

|Other Academic Activities |

2017. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change Summit, Bonn, Germany, December 2017.

2016. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change Summit, Morocco, December 2016.

2015. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change Summit, Paris, France, December 2015.

2015. Lecturer at "Legitimacy and Law-Making in International Humanitarian Law", Freie Universität Berlin, 26 to 28 November 2015.

2015. Delegate of the International Committee for Robots Arms Control, United Nations meeting of the Convention on Certain Weapons, Geneva, April 12-17 Geneva.

2014. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change Summit, Lima, Peru, December 2014.

2014. Delegate of the International Committee for Robots Arms Control, United Nations meeting of the Convention on Certain Weapons, Geneva, May 12-18 2014.

2014. Academic Advisor Delegation of the Secretariat of the Landmines Convention, Maputo, Mozambique, June 2014.

2013. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change Summit, Poland, Warsaw, December 2013.

2012. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change Summit, Doha, UAE, December 2012.

2012. Visiting Lecturer, Monterey Institute for International Studies, guest of Professor Edward Laurence, 23-27 April 2012.

2011. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change Summit, Durban, South Africa, December 5-10 2011.

2011. Keynote Speaker: Opening Ceremony: Regional Model United Nations conference for Boston-area High School students, Boston, USA, May 13, 2011.

2011. Observer: negotiations under the auspices of the United Nations for an Arms Trade Treaty, Second Preparatory Committee, New York, USA, March 1-4, 2011.

2010. Observer: United Nations General Assembly First Committee (on Disarmament and Security) talks, New York, USA, October 18-20, 2010.

2010. Participant: Combined Jewish Philanthropies Research Trip to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, June 11-19, 2010.

2010. Speaker at Parliamentarians for Global Action, Strategy Meeting on the Arms Trade Treaty: “How Parliamentarians Can Most Effectively Contribute to the Negotiation Process”, United Nations, New York, USA, April 8, 2010.

2009. Head of the Northeastern University Delegation United Nations Climate Change Summit, Copenhagen, December 12-18, 2009.

2008. Guest Lecturer at Women and Security Executive Program 2008, Women and Public Policy Program Training, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (Featuring Afghan, Colombian, Haitian, Israeli, Iraqi, Palestinian and Liberian women peace builders) January 14-17, 2008.

2007. Guest Lecturer at the Global Consortium on International Conflict & Negotiations Launch, Madrid, Spain, November 20-25, 2007.

2007. Representative of the Research and Independent NGOs to the United Nations first High-Level General Assembly Meeting on Climate Change with UN Secretary-General Ban Kin Moon. New York, USA, September 24, 2007.

2007. Representative of the Research and Independent NGOs to the Workshop on Climate Related Risks and Extreme Events under the Nairobi Work Program on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change, Cairo, Egypt, June18-20, 2007.

2007. Delegate on behalf of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom to the World Social Forum Nairobi, Kenya, January 20-27, 2007.

2005. Adviser to the Brazilian Delegation, United Nations’ Biennial Meeting of States to discuss progress on the 2001 Program of Action on Small Arms, New York, USA, July 11- 15, 2005.

2005. Interview to the BBC – Program Panorama, Radio Broadcast on the Role of Brazil and the Enlargement of the Security Council, April 2005.


2018. Doctoral Defense, Ph.D. candidate Matthew Cohen.

2017. Courses modified and improved:

International Law

Conflict and International Negotiation


Course created:

The United Nations Dialogue in Geneva is titled Global Governance of International Security & the World Politics of Diplomacy with the aim of exposing students to the practice and real life of diplomacy and negotiation of key world politics issues at the highest level that occur in the city of Geneva, capital of humanitarian diplomacy.

POLS 4937 World Politics and International Law through the United Nations and

INTL 4938 Disarmament and Humanitarian Security.

2016. Courses modified and improved:

International Law

Conflict and International Negotiation


Course Created:

Global Governance


2011 to 2014. Summer

IAF U938 & POL U938, Disarmament Diplomacy and Humanitarian Action —

Annual course taught at the United Nations and International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland

Spring and Fall:


Courses Created:


Spring 2011. POLS 35295 International Security


2011. Spring. Honors 34682 – Global Governance of Climate Change

2010. Fall. Honors 15585 – Constructing Global Governance of

International Security



Undergraduate Courses:

Courses Created:

IAF U938 & POL U937 — Law & Politics of Climate Change — Dialogue course taught in the Amazon, Brazil.

IAF U938 & POL U938— Disarmament, Diplomacy and Humanitarian Action — Annual course taught at the United Nations and International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland

POL U408 — International Security

Courses Taught:

POL U510 — International Law

Supervision of Graduate Students at Northeastern University:


2016- present – Justin Haner.

2013-present - Ph.D. Dissertation – Matthew Cohen

Spring 2012 – Ph.D. Dissertation Committee for Jeffrey Bachman; Law, Policy and Society

Fall 2010 - Directed Study - Julien Ducret - MA Student

Fall 2008 – Directed Study – Jessica Kellogg – MPA Student

Graduate Student Assistants: Spring 2008 - Kristen Hudak


Timothea Turnbull, Australian National University, September 2018 (external referee)

Orli Zahava, University of New South Wales, Australia, September 2018 (external referee)

2007-2008 – Master Degree Thesis Supervision – Gene Schneider - California State

University Dominguez Hills

Supervision of Graduate Students:

Matthew Cohen, Ph.D. since 2013; thesis defended in February 2018.

Maria Virginia Olano Velázquez. MS. SRS. 2018.

Bailey Rose Marcus. MS. SRS. 2017.

Daniel Bamford. MS. SRS. 2017.

Supervision of Undergraduate Students:

Directed Studies:

2017-2018. Klara Durkin, Xixi Wu

2015-2016 Sean Daly, Maisam Al-Ahmed, Valeria P. H. Portillo, Maria V. O. Velasquez.

2014 Maisam Al-Ahmed, Victoria Jensen, Patrick Ward.

2013 Rebecca Simon, Jonathan Cadavid, Jason Portner, Kate Chandley, Bailey Marcus, Puanoa Higginson.

Provost Grant: Ethan Raulf, Michael Green.

Fall 2012 Provost Grant Advisor: Stanislas Phanord, Kate Pipa, Michael Green

Spring 2012 Independent Major Advisor, Nicole Smith.

Spring 2012 Directed Study – Miguel de Corral, Alexa Testerman, Nana Kharbedia

Spring 2011 Directed Study Alisa McCall, Ruth Wyshogrod, Elizabeth Seitz, Christina Dihn

Spring 2010 Directed Study – Valerie Puleo

Fall 2009 Directed Study – Valerie Puleo – 4 credits

Fall 2009 Directed Study – Taylor Pichette – 2 credits

Spring 2009 Directed Study – Briana Keene – 4 credits

Spring 2009 Directed Study – George Fuchs – 2 credits

Spring 2009 Directed Study – Jessica Lelli-Fleet – 2 credits

Spring 2009 Directed Study – Suzanna Loureiro – 2 credits

Spring 2008 Directed Study – Heather Santagata – 2 credits

Fall 2007 Directed Study – Dana Moussa – 2 credits

Fall 2007 Directed Study - Winnie Tram – 2 credits

Summer 2007 Directed Study – Andrew Regenstreich – 2 credits

Winter 2006 Directed Study – Dialogue Students to Cyprus (13 students, 8 credits each).

Advising Activities:

2018. Faculty Mentor Surf and Ocean Club at NU

2012-2014 Faculty Mentor to the UNICEF chapter on campus

2012-2015 Mentor to University Scholar Cayman McDonald

2012-present Mentor to the Sadeleer Scholar

2011 Faculty Advisor to the UNICEF chapter on campus

2006-2011 Advice for seniors in Political Science and International Affairs about careers in the international arena at International Affairs Society.

2009 Freshmen Class in Political Science.

|Service and Professional Development |

Department Service

2017-2019. Member of the Curriculum Committee, Political Science.

2017-2019. Member of the Curriculum Committee, International Affairs.

2019. Member of the Search Committee for the Chair of Political Science.

2018. Member of the Search Committee: Teaching the UN at Political Science.

2017. Member of the Curriculum Committee, IAF.

2015-2016. Co-Chair of the Tenure & Promotion Committee.

2013-2015. Chair of the Curriculum Committee at International Affairs.

2014. Member of the Salary Committee at Political Science.

2012. Member of the Search Committee for Public Law.

2012. Member of the Tenure and Promotion Committee.

2011. Arranged meeting for POL and IAF students to meet the United Nations High

Commissioner for Disarmament Ambassador Sergio Duarte at UN in New York.

2011-2012. Member of the Search Committee for Security Studies hire.

2010-2011. Member of the Chair in Political Science Search Committee.

2010-2011. Member of the Admissions Committee to the MA & MPA Programs.

2010-2011. Member of the Internet Committee Website.

2010. Member of the COOP Faculty Search Committee in Political Science.

2009. Freshman adviser & Introduction to College

2009. Advisor to six MPA students

2009. Exposition at the Northeastern University Research Expo – “The International Arms Trade”.

2009. Ph.D. Committee

2008-2009. International Affairs Associate Professor Search Committee

2008. Ph.D. Committee

2008. Exposition at Northeastern University Research Expo – several students presented their work on disarmament.

2007: Exposition at Northeastern University Research Expo – “Global Consortium on Conflict Resolution”.

College Service

2019 Curator of a new still untitled Lecture Series (part of my research fund)

Spring and Fall 2019:

1. Lecture at the United Nations with guests, Beatrice Fihn, 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate on behalf of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons and Renata Dwan, Director of the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.

2. Stuart Russell, Artificial Intelligence Professor from Berkeley University

3. Robert I. Rotberg, Emeritus Professor from Harvard University.

4. Stefano Toscano, Ambassador of Switzerland.

5. Max Tegmark, Professor of Physics, MIT.

2018-2020. Undergraduate College Curriculum Committee member.

2018. Master Class, March 2018. Master Class, October 2018.

2017. Master Classes, October 2017 for the CSSH, on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Peace.

Member of the Selection of the Dialogues of Civilization for the CSSH.

Member of the Committee to elect the Outstanding Teaching Award for the CSSH.

2015-2016. Curator of the Controversial Issues in Security Series.

Since 2012. The Stanislas and Isabelle de Sadeleer Scholarship Fund for underprivileged students wishing to pursue global careers. Mentor to the selected student scholar.

2012. History Search Committee upon invitation from the History Chair

2011. The Stanislas and Isabelle de Sadeleer Scholarship Fund for underprivileged students

wishing to pursue global careers. Mentor to the selected student scholar.

2011. Dean’s Committee for the FPSI Grant.

2010. Global Lecture Series, New Disarmament Diplomacy, September 16, 2010.

2009. Event Organization “Leadership in the Conduct of Foreign Affairs” for Political Science and International Affairs students with Barry Lowenkron (NU Alum 73), Vice President of the Program on Global Security & Sustainability, McArthur Foundation at Northeastern University, October 1, 2009.

2009. Contact person to Green Corps recruitment/ facilitated hosting at NU

2009. Global Lecture Series, Climate Change: Challenges and Threats, October 20, 2009.

2007. First Global Lecture Series, The Challenges of Governance Provision in Africa, November 7, 2007. Political Science Department and International Affairs Program.

University Service

2018. Invited Speaker Faculty for Northeastern’s 120 Anniversary, “Networked for Life” event, September 28, 2018.

2016. Faculty member at the University-wide Health and Safety Committee for the Summer Dialogues of Civilization.

Since 2009. Northeastern University Focal Point. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change December 2009 –present.

Since 2007. The United Nations Dialogue in Geneva is titled Global Governance of International Security & the World Politics of Diplomacy. The aim is to expose students to the practice and real life of diplomacy and negotiation of key world politics issues at the highest level that occur in the city of Geneva, capital of humanitarian diplomacy. Geneva is where two-thirds of all United Nations activities take place. The Dialogue aims to provide students with unique access opportunities to see how negotiations and world politics occur, and how the United Nations tackles the hardest issues affecting humanity. The United Nations Dialogue offers possibilities for interacting and networking for future professional possibilities. Since the beginning of Dialogue, several co-op opportunities began with at least three students in co-op at a time each semester. The academic focus is on pressing issues of world politics, including disarmament, arms control, international humanitarian law, and human rights law, and international security in general.

2013. Loporto Global Lecture Series, November 2013. “Drones and Killer Robots: International Law and Politics.

Loporto Resident Scholar: Noel Sharkey.

2012. Loporto Global Lecture Series, April 2012. “The Use of Force in International Relations in the 21st Century – the Responsibility to Protect, the Role of the United Nations and NATO in light of the Revolutions in the Middle East”.

Loporto Resident Scholar from NATO, Rolf Schwarz.

Sadeleer Scholar Practitioner Steve Paparo, NU alum Class 2007, United Nations Office of the Secretary-General.

2012-2015. Mentor University Scholar Cayman McDonald.

2009. Request of a prestigious accreditation process for Northeastern University to be able to be an observer to the United Nations negotiations: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Copenhagen 2009. Close support from Political Science Chair Professor John Portz and Northeastern University President Joseph Aoun.

2007. Preparation of the first Northeastern University Visit to Brazil and Argentina – also accompanied Vice-Provost of International Affairs and his delegation, April 2007.

Since 2007. Organization of the Annual Course titled: Disarmament

Diplomacy and Humanitarian Action — taught every month of July at the United Nations in Geneva for Northeastern University students.

Work on bringing “COOPs” to NU students:


Institute for Economics and Peace, Global Peace Index, Sydney (four coops)

United Nations, Geneva, UN Institute for Disarmament Research

Geneva Interpeace

Foundation for Responsible Robotics, the Hague, Netherlands, (one coop)

Control Arms Campaign, United Nations New York (one coop)


Institute for Economics and Peace, Global Peace Index, Sydney (four coops)

United Nations, New York, (2-5 coops)

Foundation for Responsible Robotics, the Hague, Netherlands, (one coop)

Control Arms Campaign, United Nations New York (one coop)

NATO Defense College, Rome (2 positions)

Geneva Disarmament Forum, Geneva (1 position)

The Geneva Center for Security Policy, Geneva (3)

Geneva Center for International Humanitarian Demining, Geneva (1)

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, Oslo, Norway.

NATO Defense College (1)

Viva Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1)

Geneva Disarmament Forum (1)

Climate Change Convention Secretariat, Bonn, Germany (1)

Center for Sustainable Human Development, Costa Rica (1)

NATO Defense College, Rome (1)

Geneva Disarmament Forum, Geneva (1)

The Geneva Center for Security Policy, Geneva (2)

Geneva Center for International Humanitarian Demining, Geneva (1)

Leysin American School in Switzerland, Alps (1)

International Labor Organization, Geneva (1)

Human Rights Watch, New York Office (1)

Oxfam, Boston (1)

International Center for Transitional Justice, New York (1)

Geneva Center for International Humanitarian Demining, Geneva (1)

Small Arms Survey, Geneva (1)

The Geneva Center for Security Policy, Geneva (1)

International Crisis Group, Colombia (one/not fulfilled due to security


Center for Sustainable Human Development, Costa Rica (1)

Speaking Appointments at the University:

2017. Washington D.C. March 23 2017.

2017. Oslo, The Grand Hotel, May 18, 2017.

2017. Geneva, The Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Alumni in Europe, June 2017

2016. Alumni Event, London, April 21st, 2016.

2016. Alumni Event, New York, March 31st 2016.

2011. Keynote Speaker for Alumni Event on Brazil, Brazil Dance, April 8, 2011.

2010. Speaker for Minority Faculty Panel (with Professor A. Barreto), November 2, 2010.

2010. Speaker for ADVANCE Panel on International Research Collaborations (with Professor K. Zippel), November 16, 2010.

2010. Panelist for OXFAM event on Climate Change, Senate Chambers, Curry, November 3, 2010.

2010. Speaker for Freshmen Class on International Careers, November 15, 2010.

2010. Guest Speaker at Seminar for the Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Students and Scholars, March 31, 2010.

2009. Panelist at Seminar on Engaging Students as Global Citizens and Peace Builders, Northeastern University, November 16, 2009.

2008. Speaker at NUCALLS 2nd Annual Globalization Panel, November 12 2009.

2008. Moderator at the Multi-Media Presentation and Panel Discussion: “Brazil Rising”, Northeastern University, October 2 2008.

2008. Moderator at the Webcast Panel Discussion at Northeastern University on “Energy Independence, Is it Possible for the United States?” - December 04, 2008.

Service to the Discipline & Profession

2020. Reviewer for the Technological Forecasting and Social Change Journal

Reviewer for Ethics and International Affairs Journal

Reviewer for the Journal of Global Security Studies

2019. International Review of the Red Cross

Reviewer for Ethics and International Affairs Journal

Reviewer for the Journal of Global Security Studies

Review for the Dutch National Science Foundation

2018. Reviewer for Foreign Policy Analysis. Oxford University Press

2018. Review for the German Foundation for Peace Research

Review for the Dutch National Science Foundation

2016 and 2017. Anonymous reviewer for the Journal of Global Security Studies, the European Journal of International Security, the Arms Trade Treaty Monitor as part of the International Experts reference group.

2015. Anonymous Review for the Swiss Government, and journals: International Peace Keeping, Political Science Quarterly, The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Research and Politics.

2014. Anonymous Review for the following journals: International Studies Perspectives, International Theory; International Journal of Transitional Justice; Crime, Law, and Social Change, Global Policy Journal.

2013. International Law Book Award Committee, International Studies Association

2013. Anonymous Review for Journal World Politics, International Relations

2012. Anonymous Review for Journal Global Governance

2012. Reviewer for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

2012. Anonymous Review for Journal International Relations

2012. Anonymous Review for Journal International Security

2011. Anonymous Review for Journal International Relations

2011. Anonymous Review for Journal International Interactions

2010. Book review for the Graduate Institute of International Studies/ Geneva – Small Arms Survey.

2010. Anonymous Review for Journal Contemporary Security Studies.

2010. Anonymous Review for Journal International Relations.

2009. Anonymous Review for Routledge – Book manuscript

2009. Anonymous Article review for the Journal: Crime, Law, and Social Change

2009. Book review for Sondlo Leonard Mhlaba, Dean of Arts and Sciences at Bunker

Hill Community College, Boston.

2009. Anonymous Review for a project on Climate Change between International Security Institute in South Africa and Danish Government.

2008. Anonymous Review of one book for Routledge.

2007. Anonymous Review of one book for Routledge.

2008. Anonymous Article review for the Journal: International Security.

2008. Two Anonymous Article reviews for the Journal: Crime, Law, and Social Change

2008. Anonymous Article review for the Journal: Security Dialogue.

|References |

Professor Robert Rotberg


Former President of the World Peace Foundation at Harvard

Harvard University

Professor Edward J. Laurance

Gordon Paul Smith Chair in International Policy Studies

Monterey Institute of International


H.E. Steffen Kongstad, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Norway to the United Nations in Geneva


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