September Newsletter - Sierra Club Angeles Chapter

Jenny@ Volcan Arenal, La Fortuna Costa Rica Photo by Donna SpechtCheck Out Our Schedule Of Activities In This Issue.Newcomer Member/Meet & Greet Special Events Conditioning Hikes & Local HikesHike for Conservation – Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve,Trail Maintenance203040s Events & Family EventsTravel Adventures: Destination~ Costa Rica Check our website for complete Schedule:, OCTOBER 1-14, 2016ANGELES CHAPTER, OC SIERRANSSIERRA SAGEO: Destination Costa Rica: Fourteen day tour from the Pacific beaches to the wild Northern Caribbean with stops at Manuel Antonio, Monteverde/Santa Elena, Arenal, Tortuguero and San Jose. Why watch a National Geographic special when you can live it? On layover days, hike and explore why this country is known for its enlightened approach to conservation. Visit Volcanoes, rain forests, ecological reserves, wildlife refuges. Spend 3 special days in Tortuguero Village where the first awakening of sea turtle conservation began. Sierra Club Member cost $1950, Non member cost $2050 includes mid range locally owned accommodations (double occupancy), private 22-passenger air-conditioned coach, all breakfasts, happy hours, round trip boat transportation to Tortuguero, driver gratuities and 3 eco tours. Sloth Rescue Center, Cahuita, Costa RicaPhoto by Donna SpechtGroup airfare extra. For itinerary, application, cancellation policy contact Co Ldr:Donna Specht, donnaspecht@. Ldr: Mike Sappingfield.For complete up to date listings of Orange County Sierrans Section events go to: us on Facebook: THE NEW LEADERSDARE TO LEAD! ?Well, these leaders took up our challenge. With their love of the outdoors and a desire to lead events of their choice they stepped out away from being a participant and took advantage of Angeles Chapter's excellent leader training program. Please welcome our newest leaders and watch for their events. ?Karen BelvilleJerry GoldingJay SchneiderAt the June 5, Annual Chapter Awards Banquet, Orange County Sierrans will be excited to cheer on our own awardee Ana Cadez as she accepts the Outings Service Award. ?After becoming a Sierra Club member in 2002, Ana joined Orange County Sierrans on many Mammoth Winter Ski Trips, Costa Rica and Havasupai observing from the ground up how multi-day trips were organized. After obtaining her “O” rating in 2008, she joined the OCSS Ski Committee and for years assisted on the Mammoth ski trips. Soon she began using her skills setting up international trips for the Fundraising Outings/Travel Adventures Committee. In 2011, she assisted on Ecuador and took over the organizing of an extension to the Galapagos. She also assisted on Ecuador/Amazon in 2013. That same year, she organized the Angeles Chapter’s first international trip to Iceland. She also set up the airline transportation and an extension to Greenland. A second trip to Iceland is set for August 2016. Ana has assisted on numerous trips to Alaska, Denali and Vancouver. She has become a valued member of the Fundraising Outings/Travel Adventures Committee and Orange County Sierrans. ?You go Girl!! ?Ana Cadez in the GalapagosPhoto by Donna SpechtWED, MAy 187-9:30 pm MGMNT COMMITTEE MTGOpen to all members. Meeting starts at 7PM. Guests must request to be on the agenda if they wish to make a presentation. Guest Agenda items must be submitted one week in advance to Vice Chair Charles Geller . eduright@ Contact Donna Specht for location and directions to the, JUNE 157-9:30 pm MGMNT COMMITTEE MTGOpen to all members. Meeting starts at 7PM. Guests must request to be on the agenda if they wish to make a presentation. Guest Agenda items must be submitted one week in advance to Vice Chair Charles Geller . eduright@ Contact Donna Specht for location and directions to the meeting.MONDAY, MAY 9, 6:30 PM ANGELES CHAPTER, OCSS Meet/Greet/ Newcomer/Member Special Event: Come and discover the Sierra Club. Be a part of the largest grassroots environmental organization in the country. Sierra Club outings provide environmentally friendly outdoor adventures from Costa Mesa to Costa Rica for all ages. Come and meet representatives and leaders from beach walks to peak bagging. Table displays, exhibits, refreshments. Join Sierra Club $15 Special Offer, free gift. Meet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave, Costa Mesa. Contact Chapter Membership Chair: Donna SpechtMONDAY, JUNE 13, 6:30 PM OCSSProgram: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TRAILS NIGHT: As the Summer Hiking Season Begins, Come learn about all the great hiking trails available to you throughout Southern California! Slideshow, Maps, Descriptions, and Stories will be presented for trails of all ability levels, from first-time hikers to peak baggers. We will cover local trails in Orange County such as Peters Canyon and Whiting Ranch Parks, Trails in the San Gabriels such as Echo Mountain and Mount Wilson, The San Bernardino National Forest, The Desert Parks, and also touch a little on the Southern Sierra and Yosemite. Find the trails that interest you! Free program. Hike safe with the Sierra Club, Pick up a Schedule of Activities. Meet at the Community Room, REI Tustin Marketplace, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, CA. Hosts: Charles G. Geller (eduright@) and Donna Specht (donnaspecht@.MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 6:30 PM ANGELES CHAPTER, OCSSMeet/Greet/Newcomer/Member Special Event: Come and discover the Sierra Club. Be a part of the largest grassroots environmental organization in the country. Sierra Club outings provide environmentally friendly outdoor adventures from Costa Mesa to Costa Rica for all ages. Come and meet representatives and leaders from conservation beach walks to peak bagging. Table displays, exhibits, refreshments. Join Sierra Club $15 Special Offer, free gift. Meet at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave, Costa Mesa. Contact Chapter Membership Chair: Donna Specht.TUE & THU6:30-8:00 PMIRVINE CONDITIONING HIKES364490032385O: Easy/Moderate/Tiger paced hikes, 4-7 mi rt on hilly trails. Bring water, light hiking boots. 405 Fwy, exit S at University/Jeffrey, L on Ridgeline, L on Turtle Rock, pass Sunnyhill, L into parking lot of Turtle Rock Community Park. Ldrs: John La Rue, Phil Weinreich, Joel Kenyon, Fran Penn, Fred Lamb, Jim Palmer, Donna Specht, Maura Van Strien, Karim Khoshab, Norman Montgomery, Shaune Hand, Michael Mavrovouniotis, and Christine Dickey.TUE6:30 PMOCSS, RIO HONDO O: Fullerton Beginners Hike: Hike with our social group on this regular weekly beginner's hike of 4-5 miles in the gentle hills of Fullerton. Slow to medium pace is great for beginners. Each week we rotate through numerous trails in the area to provide new experiences. Optional dinner afterwards. Last Tue. of each month we have a potluck dinner. Hike scheduled during daylight savings time, i.e. March through Oct. Meet at the east end of Laguna Lake in Fullerton (from Harbor Blvd, W on Hermosa Dr, L on Lakeside Dr for ? block and park on the street). Look for hikers on east side of Lakeside Dr. Wear sturdy boots, bring water, flashlight. Leaders: Martin Kluck, Joel Ortmann, Margee Hills, Houria Hall, Alan Daniels, Ed Khatch. Host: Sanford OppermanSAT8:00 AMPETERS CANYON CONDITIONING HIKESO: Fast paced conditioning hike, 6 mi RT, 700' gain. No beginners or Tigers! From 5 Fwy, N on Jamboree, or from 55 Fwy E on Chapman. Take Canyon View into parking area. Bring water, lugholes, $3 for parking or have permit. Rain cancels. (Important Note: If park is closed, meet in Taco Bell parking lot, corner Chapman/Jamboree). Leaders: Sharry Puraty, Fran Penn, Norman Montgomery, and Shilo Bartlett.********************************************************************TUESDAY, MAY 31, 8:00 PMIrvine Conditioning Hikes BBQ: Irvine Conditioning Hikes BBQ Potluck: Newcomers welcome. Join us for potluck and BBQ immediately following the hikes. $4 donation to support OCSS and for utensils, drinks, burgers, Veggie burgers, hot dogs, charcoal. Meet 8 pm at the picnic area of Turtle Rock Community Park. (405 Fwy, exit South at University/Jeffrey, Left on Ridgeline, Left on Turtle Rock, pass Sunnyhill, Left into parking lot). Bring a potluck dish for six to share and a beverage. Hosted by Turtle Rock Leaders, OCSS Management Committee, Donna Specht, Joel Kenyon.TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 8:00 PMOCSSIrvine Conditioning Hikes BBQ: Irvine Conditioning Hikes BBQ Potluck: Newcomers welcome. Join us for potluck and BBQ immediately following the hikes. $4 donation to support OCSS and for utensils, drinks, burgers, Veggie burgers, hot dogs, charcoal. Meet 8 pm at the picnic area of Turtle Rock Community Park. (405 Fwy, exit South at University/Jeffrey, Left on Ridgeline, Left on Turtle Rock, pass Sunnyhill, Left into parking lot). Bring a potluck dish for six to share and a beverage. Hosted by Turtle Rock Leaders, OCSS Management Committee, Donna Specht, Joel Kenyon.Before you go, be prepared: Some General InformationLiability WaiversIn order to participate in a Sierra Club outing, you must sign a liability waiver. If you would like to read a copy of the waiver before attending the outing, please see Seller of TravelCST #2087766-40. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.Trip Reservation And Refund PolicyWhen two costs are shown for a trip, the lower cost is for Sierra Club members who must include their SC membership number (SC#) with the reservation. Make checks payable to Orange County Sierrans Section (OCSS) unless otherwise indicated. On OCSS events, if cancellation is received 35 days prior to event (some exceptions), there is no charge. Thereafter, refunds (less 10%) will be made if trip is full and space is resold to suitable replacement. Some trips have unique cancellation policies, please refer to trip write-up. Other groups may have a different policy.Rideshare Meeting Points:Orange County, North: Park-N-Ride, E side of Tustin Ave just S of Lincoln Av, Orange off SR55.Orange County, South: Ortega Business Center parking lot, 1/4 mi E of 5 Fwy on SE corner of Ortega Hwy and Rancho Viejo in San Juan Capistrano.Go to the chapter website for additional rideshare points: the interest of facilitating the logistics of some outings, it is customary that participants make voluntary carpooling arrangements. The Sierra Club does not have insurance for carpooling arrangements and assumes no liability for them. Carpooling, ride sharing or anything similar is strictly a private arrangement among participants. Participants assume the risks of this travel. Please share the cost of gas.Get Involved, Get Outdoors:The Angeles Chapter Schedule of Activities Now OnlineWhether you're looking for an outdoor adventure, an opportunity to meet people, a chance to influence elected officials or just something to do on a Saturday afternoon, the Online Schedule of Activities is your guide to hundreds of events sponsored by Regional Groups, Activity Sections, Committees and Conservation Task Forces throughout?the Angeles Chapter. Check it out at: events in South Orange County check out the website forSierra Sage Group: , May 1, 9:00 AM Sierra Sage, OCSSO: Beach Hike, Doheny to Trestles: 8 miles, no gain, return by bus. Due to favorable low tide (0.2 ft. @ 11:54 AM) we will be able to walk the entire way on the beach. Meet 9:00 AM at Doheny State Park Road and Dana Harbor Drive, 1 block west of PCH in Dana Point. Park 1 block uphill from meet location. Bring water, hat, sunscreen, walking shoes (may get wet), lunch or $$ to buy lunch at pier, $$ for bus. Leaders: Rich Maxey richmaxey@ and Todd Clark.Wednesday, May 4, 8:30 AMOCG, OCSSO: Laurel Lizard Loop: Moderate, 6 mi loop, 800' gain. Join us as we explore the newest official trail in the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park. We'll hike up Lower Laurel Canyon trail, join the new Lizard trail and continue up to meet Bommer Ridge. We will then take Bommer Ridge to Willow Canyon and hike down to our starting point. Meet 8:30 am, Willow Canyon parking lot (gate 6, $3) on Laguna Canyon Rd 1/4 mi S of El Toro Rd junction. Bring water, hat, snack, hiking boots. Rain cancels. Leaders: Linda Ledger 949-496-8029linda.ledger@, Rich Maxey 949-310-5134 richmaxey@.Saturday, May 07, 8:30 AMOCSS, OCGO: Santiago Oaks to Robbers Roost: Hike along a creek through the park then climb a hill to Robbers Roost to look out over Orange County and loop back past a new and an old dam. Approximately 7 mi, 900' gain. Meet 8:30 am, 6517 E Mabury Ave, Orange, CA 92867 at the east end of E. Mabury Avenue where it curves into Orange Park Blvd. Park on the street. Bring 2 quarts water, snack, hiking boots, Rain within 2 days cancels. New leader candidates welcome to join experienced leaders on this hike as we review pointers for leading a hike, trailhead talk, group management, leave no trace and more. We can answer questions and provide guidance for completing your leadership requirements. Leaders: Julie Garner 714-335-1579 avtrix@, Ron Schrantz, Donna Specht.Julie Garner at Robbers Roost, Santiago Oaks Photo by DonnaWEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 8:30 AMOCG, OCSS O: Black Star Canyon/Hidden Ranch: 10.2 mi, 1200' gain/loss. We will follow the stream to begin, with deposits of low-grade coal in the banks which was used to smelt the silver ore in Silverado Cyn. Then we climb into the Hidden Valley, now the Mariposa Preserve, and downhill the last half mile to Hidden Ranch, a Native American village, protected as a California Historical landmark. We'll visit the morteros, and have a lunch break before returning the way we came. Meet 8:30 am on Black Star Cyn Rd, (from Santiago Cyn Rd turn E on Silverado Cyn Rd, immediate L on Black Star, follow it to the gate & park). Bring 2-3 liters water, sun protection, lunch/snacks, hiking boots. Rain cancels. Ldrs: Linda Ledger, Helen Maurer.Sunday, May 15, 9 AM - 5:00 PMSierra SageO: Annual Starr Ranch BBQ: The ranch, on over 4,000 acres set in the foothills east of Rancho Santa Margarita, is used primarily as an educational and research facility for the Audubon Society. Activities include hiking, bird watching, listening to a live Band, great conversation, special activities, and enjoying tasty food. Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers, salads, beans, potato chips, desserts, fresh fruit and all the trimmings will be provided. A beverage bar (donations welcome) for your beverage of choice is available. Tickets are $30 per person, Family Plan includes adults at the regular price of $30 and all children 15 and under (1 or more) for $15. To request tickets, send check, payable to SIERRA SAGE, and a SASE (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) to Starr Ranch BBQ, c/o Patty Sappingfield, P. O. Box 524, Lake Forest, CA 92609. Map and directions provided with each ticket. Leaders: Michael Sappingfield, Todd Clark, Sylvie Cote, John Kaiser.Jiving at Starr Ranch Photo by Donna SpechtSUNDAY, MAY 15, 8:30 AM OCSS O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead (Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat, light hiking boots, rain does not cancel. Ldrs: Houria Hall, Donna Specht.Sunday, May 15, 9:45 AM OCSSO: Ciclavia!: A car-free stroll through Southeast LA neighborhoods: Our walk will be 3 to 4 miles of the 10 mile bike/pedestrian-friendly route and will include a long stop to view the Watts Towers and art center. Wear sturdy walking shoes and bring water and snacks or lunch. Newcomers and supervised children welcome. Meet at 9:45 am at the Metro blue line Willow Street station (2750 W. American Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806) Round trip fare is $4.50 or $3.50 w/ith a TAP card, or at 10:30am at the Metro blue line Firestone station. Leaders: Julie Garner 714-335-1579 avtrix@, Barbara Creighton, Frank Lai.WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 8:30 AMOCG, OCSSO: Whiting Ranch/Billy Goat Loop Hike: Join us for a strenuous, moderately-paced 7 mi rt 1400' gain/loss hike up Serrano Canyon and Dreaded Hill to Four Corners and the Billy Goat Trail, returning through Sleepy Hollow with possible deer sighting. Bring 2 liters water, snacks, hiking boots, sun protection, $3 for parking or annual pass. Meet 8:30 am at the Glenn Ranch Rd entrance in Lake Forest. Exit I-5/405 at Bake Pkwy, go E 5 mi, R on Portola, L at Glenn Ranch Rd ? mi and L into parking lot. Rain cancels. Ldr: Linda Ledger 949-496-8029 linda.ledger@, Asst: Jan Nemmert.Saturday, May 21, 7:00 AMSage, OCSSO: Sitton Peak: 9.5 miles, 2150' gain. We start the hike about 20 yards west of the Candy Store off Ortega Hwy along the Bear Canyon trail to four corners. From four corners we take the Sitton Peak trail climbing 300 feet to a flat area just below a 3250-foot high point to the north. Continuing on for an additional .5 miles we reach a saddle just below Sitton Peak from there we follow the informal trail up to the peak. Meet 7:00 AM at the South Orange County rideshare point, Ortega Plaza SE corner of Ortega Hwy and Rancho Viejo Rd in San Juan Capistrano. Bring water, lunch, sunblock, hiking boots and hat. Leaders: John Tevelein jctevelein@, Todd Clark. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 9:00 AM OCG, OCSSO: Laguna Coast Wilderness Hike: Moderate 8-10 mi, 1000-1200' gain hike. The leader will choose the route to the Nix Center with time to visit the Center and have a leisurely break. Meet 9:00 am at the Willow parking lot, just S of the El Toro Rd & Laguna Cyn Rd junction. $3 parking. Bring water, hat, sunscreen, hiking boots, money for parking & snacks. Ldr: Audrey Tomovich. Asst: Sylvia Stevenson 949-616-2765 sjstevenson2828@.Wednesday, June 8, 9:00 AMOCGO: Buck Gully: Five miles, 100’ gain. Explore this sylvan wilderness along a stream with elegant bridges in Corona del Mar. Meet 9:00 am at the corner of Poppy and 5th Ave, off Pacific Coast Highway, on Poppy in Corona del Mar. Park on street. Bring water, hiking boots, snack. Leaders: Michael Sappingfield mikesapp@, Gail Roy. Friday, June 10 -17 OCSSO: 203040's TENNESSEE & FALL CREEK FALLS LODGE ADVENTURE: Experience easy-moderate 3-4 mile hikes along the eastern top of the rugged Cumberland Plateau. This area is laced with cascades, gorges, waterfalls, streams, lush stands of virgin hardwood timber, and the tallest waterfall east of the Rocky Mountains. Each evening, we’ll return to delicious meals that we will prepare as a group at the Grandview Lodge at Fall Creek Falls. You must have hiked with one of the leaders before the event to assess skill level. We will be sharing a 2 bedroom, 1 bath lodge unit so plan to camp on the unit floor. Bring your sleeping bag and sleeping pad. Couples or those willing to share get first dibs on the beds. Cost includes 3 meals a day, a space on the floor, and hot showers: $400 for the whole week. Pre-pay by check to OCSS, c/o Scott Closson, 19 Night Bloom, Irvine, CA 92602 for full amount. Refunds only if someone takes your spot. Meet at Nashville International Airport (BNA) at 1pm. Limit: 6. David Kuhn 714-883-9893 mtndave@, Scott Closson 714-457-6820, JUNE 18, 9:30 AMOCSS O: Little Hikers/Easy Hikers at Fairview Park: Join us for a 1 mile hike on the bluffs where our Native Americans used to roam. After hike, walk over the bridge for a free train ride courtesy OC Model Engineers. Newcomers, supervised children welcome. Meet 9:30 a.m, Fairview Park, Costa Mesa on Placentia between Adams and Victoria (405 Fwy to Harbor-south, right on Adams, left on Placentia, right after approximately 1/4 mile into the Fairview Park free parking lot). Bring water, snack, hat, jacket, sturdy shoes. Ldrs: Donna Specht, Ana Juarez, Houria Hall.3658870118110SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 8:30 AMOCSS O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead (Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat, light hiking boots, rain does not cancel. Ldrs: Houria Hall, Donna Specht, Karen Belville.WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 9:00 AMOCG, OCSSO: Salt Creek, aka "The Bagel Hike": 7.5 mi, 200' gain, moderate. Scenic walk from Chapparosa Park to the beach, up over the Headlands to Dana Point Harbor. Return by bus after lunch (optional) at the bagel place. Meet 9:00 am at Chapparosa Park. From I-5 go W on Crown Valley, L on Golden Lantern, R on Chapparosa and through park to the very end. Those arriving by 8:45 may wish to take the first R after turning onto Chapparosa and park there. Bring water, walking shoes, bus fare ($0.75 seniors, $2 others). Newcomers welcome. Ldrs: Linda Ledger, linda.ledger@, Sherri Sisson.Like us on Facebook: , June 29, 9:30 AM OCG, OCSS O: Mason Park: Our End-of-Season Hike/Potluck. Our hike will be easy, 4-5 mi, min gain in the Park and the natural area along University Ave. Meet 9:30 am in the William R Mason Regional Park in Irvine. From I-405, W on University Av to the Park on the L ($3 parking). After entering, turn L to the first parking area on the L. Bring water, walking shoes for the hike. Bring a lunch dish for 4-5 to share, plus your own utensils, cup, drink. Ldrs: Sherri Sisson, sksisson@, Sharon Kirk .ADVANCE ACTIVITIESSaturday, September 24- October 1OCSSO: 203040’s COLORADO ROCKY MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE, VAIL, CO: Fall colors of the Colorado Rockies await your gaze on easy-moderate 3-6 mile hikes. Each evening, we’ll cook healthy food at our Vantage Point Condominium, enjoy the hot tub, and watch movies. You must have hiked with one of the leaders before the event to assess skill level. We will be sharing a 2 bedroom unit, so plan to camp on floor. Bring your sleeping bag and sleeping pad. Couples or those willing to share get first dibs on the beds. Pre-pay $400 by check to OCSS, c/o Scott Closson, 19 Night Bloom, Irvine, CA 92602 for full amount. Refunds only if someone takes your spot. Meet at Denver International Airport (DIA) at 1pm. Limit: 8. David Kuhn 714-883-9893 mtndave@, Scott Closson 714-457-6820 Bells AspenPhoto by Dick ClementFor complete up to date listings of Orange County Sierrans Section events go to: Note on Phone Etiquette…When Calling a Team member, leader or host, please call between 9 AM and 9 PM only, unless the write-up states otherwise. Remember E-mail, the silent call! Very Much appreciated by all! Thanks to our active OCSS leaders and hostsAbele, KathyAbele, KathyO949-951-0280Bartlett, BartO714-968-5099Bartlett, ShiloO714-968-5099Botan, SteveO714-321-1296Bradford, StephenO310-993-5501Cadez, AnaOW626-836-2235Campbell, RonM714-962-8521Clark, ToddI714-803-0195Clement, Dickrichsea@Closson, Scott O714-457-6820C?té, SylvieI949 547-2998Creighton, BarbaraO714-960-3949Dodson, MichaelMW714-529-6020Dodson, PhyllisOW714-529-2440Domont-Bohl, GhiaO949-719-2914Fleming, MarkIW626-712-3671Forry, HarryOW714-962-4136Franciosi, LauraO714-879-1760Frankiewicz, Ron O949-631-8071Garner, JulieO714-335-1579Geller, CharlesO714-292-2352Graham, SandyOW714-282-5661Graham, ScottO714-282-5661Hall, HouriaO714-767-5327Hills, MargieO714-256-0807Huang, JamesO949-287-4455Johnson, JerryO626-484-2983Juarez, AnaO714-323-3627Kenyon, JoelO949-285-5909Khoshab, KarimO949-559-1388Please Join us on our MEDIA sites!! Club Angeles Chapter:? us on Facebook:? a complete list of Angeles Chapter Travel Adventures go to: Angeles Chapter Travel Adventures on Facebook, SharonO714-376-3197Kuhn, DaveImtndave@Lamb, FredO949-350-6451Lai, FrankO949-262-1448LaRue, JohnO949-854-7919Lazzelle, FredH714-870-4469Le, KenadiO818-445-2333Lejins, DianaO562-421-8012Lyons, GainesO562-491-2022Martin, Keith MW310-530-1268Maynard, JoeO562-981-9111Meek, ScottIW909-393-0630Mitchell, MarkIW818-753-9328Montgomery, NormO714-557-0794Nemmert, JanOW714-962-4136Opperman, SanfordH714 993-0651Palmer, JimO949-551-8912Penn, FranI714-747-1019Puraty, Sharry O714-761-8761Sharp, GwenIW714-672-9525Smith-Meek, JulieIWC909-393-0630Specht, Donna IWC714-963-6345Talbott, Virgil EW714-871-7900Thio, KweeO714-841-7988Van Strien, MauraO714-962-3166Weinreich, PhilO949-733- 2730Orange Peal DeadlinesWrite ups DueISSUEFeb 1Mar/AprApr 1May/JuneJune 1July/AugAug 1Sept/OctOct 1Nov/DecDec 1Jan/FebOCSS Management CommitteeChairHouria Hallhouriazhall@Vice Chair/SecyCharles Geller EduRight@Outings/Treasurer/MembershipDonna Spechtdonnaspecht@20's/30's/40sScott Clossonsclosson0@At LargeAna Juarezajcoyame@Database Assist.Annie Simjeeannebotz6@Standing CommitteesBookkeeperRon FrankiewiczUpon requestMailoutBarbara Creightonbcreighton@socal.BackpackingFran PennNominationsKathy AbeleKatHiker@John La Ruejclarue@"ElectionsVirgil Talbottvirgil_talbott@Howard Huanghh99usa@SafetyRon Campbellcampbellr@Newsletter EditorDick & Paula Clementrichsea@ORANGE PEAL SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONNew Subscriptions/Address Changes: Please complete the form below and mail. Inquiries or Problems: Please address inquiries in writing to OCSS, ℅ Joel Kenyon, 27492 Los Banos, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. Contact the Membership Chair if you have any questions.OCSS Orange County Sierrans Section℅ Joel Kenyon, 27492 Los Banos, Mission Viejo, CA 92691Orange Peal Subscription FormName: _____________________________________________________________Address: ___________________________________________________________City:_________________________________ State: ______Zip_______________Phone No: (_____)______________________________E mail: ___________________________________________________________Sierra Club #:____________________Expiration Date: _____________________Subscription CategoriesSC Member one year* $12 SC Member two years* $22SC Member three years* $30 Non Member $17 New Check#: _______ Renewal Change of Address Thank you for your Membership! Remember to Renew your Sierra Club Membership.*All $12 memberships must include Sierra Club NumberWhy join the Sierra Club?Because we need you!3820160229870Your voice will be added to those of more than 600,000 of your fellow Americans who are committed to leave our children a living legacy — clean air, clean water, and natural grandeur. The Sierra Club has been instrumental in preserving wilderness, wildlife and nature's most splendid wild places for over 100 years — Yosemite National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, the Florida Everglades and the Sequoia National Monument to name just a few — helping protect over 150 million acres of wilderness and wildlife habitat. The Sierra Club is America's most effective advocate for the environment and helps you protect the environment locally and globally. From community issues and action to lobbying on a national level, membership helps you take action where it's needed most. As a member you'll have opportunities to get involved with local chapters, as well as be part of the largest national network of environmental advocates. You'll have the satisfaction of helping preserve irreplaceable wild lands and wildlife. Your membership counts! So please — Join the Sierra Club today!And remember to Renew!41910324485Or go online to join: ................

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