WEDNESDAY September 22, 2010

WEDNESDAY September 22, 2010

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

NIHB’s Annual CMS Day—sponsored by CMS

|7:00 AM – 8:00 AM |

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|Just Move It! Annual Fitness Walk |

|7:00 AM – 5:00 PM – EAST LOBBY |

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|Registration and Information Desk Open Daily |

|7:00 AM – 5:00 PM – EXHIBIT HALL ANNEX |

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|Exhibits Open Daily |

|8:00 AM - 9:30 AM – EXHIBIT HALL ANNEX |

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|Continental Breakfast Served |

|8:30 AM – 8:40 AM – GRAND RUSHMORE HALL |

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|Welcome to Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Day |

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|H. Sally Smith, NIHB Board Member (Alaska Area), Chair of Medicare & Medicaid Policy Committee (MMPC), NIHB Representative of CMS|

|TTAG, Chair of Bristol Bay Area Health Consortium |

|8:40 AM – 9:00 AM – GRAND RUSHMORE HALL |

|Keynote Address: |

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|CMS’s Role in Improving Access to Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program |

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|Teresa Niño, Director, Office of External Affairs and Beneficiary Services |

|Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |

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|Jackie Garner, Consortium Administrator for Medicaid and Children’s Health |

|Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |

|9:00 AM – 9:15 AM – GRAND RUSHMORE HALL |

|Keynote Address: |

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|CMS Tribal Technical Advisory Group: Progress and Future Goals |

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|Valerie Davidson, Chair of CMS TTAG; Senior Director, Legal & Intergovernmental |

|Affairs, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium |

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|9:15 AM - 10:45 AM – GRAND RUSHMORE HALL |

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|Tribal State Consultation and Promising Practices: |

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|Panel will discuss progress on State and Tribal consultation efforts and accomplishments. |

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|Facilitator: Mickey Peercy, TTAG Member, Executive Director of Health Services, |

|Choctaw Nation, Oklahoma |

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|Panelists: |

|Donald Warne, MD, MPH, Director, Office of Native American Health, Sanford |

|Health, South Dakota |

|Deborah K. Bowman, Secretary, Department of Social Services, South Dakota |

|Jonathan Windy Boy, Vice Chairman, Chippewa-Cree Business Committee, |

|Member of the Montana State Senate representing District 16 |

|Anna Whiting Sorrell, Director, Montana Department of Public Health and Human |

|Services |

|Mike Fogarty, Chief Executive Officer, Oklahoma Health Care Authority |

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|10:45 AM – 12:00 Noon – GRAND RUSHMORE HALL |

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|CHIP Promising Practices on Outreach and Enrollment: |

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|Panel will discuss new and promising practices in the outreach and enrollment of Indian children and families. |

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|Facilitator: Kathy Hughes, TTAG Member, Vice Chair for the Oneida Tribe of |

|Wisconsin |

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|Panelists: |

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|Donna Cohen Ross, Senior Advisor, Office of External Affairs & Beneficiary |

|Services/CMS |

|Kerstin Powell, Business Office Manager, Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe, Contract |

|Health Service, Port Gamble TANF Program |

|Diana Murat, Director, Medicaid Enrollment, Yukon Kuskokwim Health |

|Corporation (Alaska) |

|Jo Ann Kauffman, President & CEO, Kaufman & Associates, CHIP Outreach |

|Toolkit and Website |

|Gale Marshall, Two Feathers Media Consultants, CHIP Video |

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|12:00 NOON - 1:30 PM – EXHIBIT HALL |

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|This annual event includes the presentation of national awards honoring the exemplary service and dedication of groups and |

|individuals in the arenas of health promotion and disease prevention. The award categories include the Jake Whitecrow Lifetime |

|Achievement Award, National, Regional, and Local Awards and a Youth Leadership Award. |

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|1:45 PM - 3:15 PM - WORKSHOPS I |

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|Children’s Health Insurance Programs (CHIP): |

|Shared Grantee Outreach and Education Experiences |

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|The Children’s Health Insurance Program set aside $100 million to help enroll children into Medicaid and CHIP and $10 million |

|specifically to Indian health providers for outreach and enrollment activities. |

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|In this session you will hear from four grantees authorized for new federal funding. On April 16, 2010, CMS announced grants to |

|41 health programs operated by the Indian Health Service for tribes and tribal organizations, and urban Indian organizations. |

|The grantees will describe their outreach and education activities implemented under this new program. |

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|Presenters: |

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|Julie Wood, Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, Patient Benefits |

|Coordinator |

|Jerilyn Church, Executive Director at American Indian Health & Family Services of |

|Southeastern Michigan |

|Adam Archuleta, Director of Revenue Enhancement Services, Tucson Area IHS |

|Judy Gibson, Indian Health Resource Center of Tulsa, Oklahoma |

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|Medicaid 101 and Meet Your Native American Contact (NAC): |

|Roundtable Discussion |

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|This session will provide an overview of Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) administration, eligibility,|

|covered services and reimbursement for Tribal Health Program staff and beneficiaries with a focus on specific provisions for |

|AI/ANs. |

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|CMS NACs from each Regional Office will be available to address the provider enrollment process and information about how to |

|maximize collections for services provided by tribal programs. The second part of the session will address how the CMS Native |

|American Contacts (NACs) work together with States, IHS and Tribal programs. |

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|Presenters: |

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|Nancy Grano, CMS Native American Contact, Region I, Boston |

|Vennetta Harrison, CMS Native American Contact, Region II, New York |

|Barbara Williamson, CMS Native American Contact, Region III, Philadelphia |

|Crystal Francis, CMS Native American Contact, Region IV, Atlanta |

|Pamela Carson, CMS Native American Contact, Region V, Chicago |

|Dorsey Sadongei, CMS Native American Contact, Region VI, Dallas |

|Stacey Shuman, CMS Native American Contact, Region VI, Dallas |

|Nancy Rios, CMS Native American Contact, Region VII, Kansas City |

|Cindy Smith, CMS Native American Contact, Region VIII, Denver |

|Mary Munoz, CMS Native American Contact, Region VIII, Denver |

|Rosella Norris, CMS Native American Contact, Region IX, San Francisco |

|Cecile Greenway, CMS Native American Contact, Region X, Seattle |

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|American Indian and Alaska Native Data Symposium: Developing Medicaid and Medicare Data |

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|This session will provide an overview of the American Indian and Alaska Native Data Symposium held at the National Museum of |

|American Indian, Washington, DC, on July 30, 2010. At this session, the presenters will highlight the discussions from the |

|symposium on AI/AN data discrepancies, how description of how data discrepancies can negatively impact patient care, and the |

|recommendations from the symposium on how to improve usability of data and recommendations on further data analysis and |

|investigation |

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|Presenters: |

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|Jim Crouch, MPH, Executive Director, California Rural Indian Health Board, |

|(CRIHB), California Representative to CMS TTAG |

|Carol Korenbrot, Ph.D. Research Director, California Rural Indian Health Board |

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|HITECH & Meaningful Use |

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|This session will include a viewing of the HITECH Medicine Dish presentation on the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive |

|Program and Meaningful Use featuring Theresa Cullen, IHS Office of Information Technology, Elizabeth Holland, CMS Office of |

|E-Health Standards and Services; and Jessica Kahn, Center of Medicaid, CHIP, and Surveys & Certification. Dr. Theresa Cullen |

|from Indian Health Services; Captain Jim Lyon from CMS Tribal Affairs Group and Jessica Burger, NIHB Deputy Director will also |

|participate in this workshop. They will be available for a question and answer period. |

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|Presenters: |

|RADM Theresa Cullen, Assistant Surgeon General and CIO, Indian Health Service |

|CAPT James Lyon, Senior Health Insurance Specialist, CMS/Commissioned Corps |

|Jessica Burger, RN, Deputy Director, NIHB |

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|Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) & Affordable Care Act (ACA) Provisions: Priorities for Indian Country |

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|The presenters will provide an overview of the TTAG recommended Affordable Care Act outcome measures identified by the CMS TTAG |

|committee at the July 2010 TTAG face to face meeting. The workshop presenters will discuss draft papers outlining the tribal |

|perspective on several topics such as: Assuring the Inclusion of Indian Health Providers In Provider Networks of Exchange Plans;|

|Premiums and Cost Sharing; Use of High Risk Pools; Modified Adjusted Gross Income‐Treatment of Indian Income; Medicaid Expansion |

|and Medicare Part D: “TrOOP” Fix for I/T/U Pharmacies. |

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|Presenters: |

|Carol L. Barbero, Partner, Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, LLP |

|Myra Munson, Esq., JD, MSW, Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Miller & Munson, |

|LLP |

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|How to Become an FQHC & Bill Successfully |

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|This workshop will present an overview of the FQHC (Federally Qualified Health Center) requirements under Titles XVIII (Medicare)|

|and XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act.  Understanding the CMS requirements and how Tribal and Urban Indian programs can |

|access reimbursements as an FQHC will be addressed in this workshop. |

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|Presenters: |

|Cecile Greenway, Native American Contract, Region X, CMS. |

|Donna Keeler, Executive Director, South Dakota Urban Indian Health (Pierre, SD) |

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|3:15 – 3:30 PM BREAK |

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|3:30 – 5:00 PM WORSHOPS II |

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|Long Term Care in Indian Country |

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|This session will provide an overview of long term care authorities in Medicaid, including home and community-based services; |

|money follows the person, and other authorities in the IHCIA and the Affordable Care Act (ACA). |

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|Presenters: |

|Anita Yuskauskas , Ph.D. Technical Director for Health Care Business Solutions |

|(HCBS) Quality DEHPG, CMSO, CMS |

|Bruce Finke, M.D., IHS/NAS, Nashville Area Office (NAO), Elder Care Initiative |

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|How to Effectively Screen and Prevent Cancer in Tribal Communities |

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|This session will report on the successful experience of a cancer prevention and screening program involving Northern Montana |

|tribal communites using tribal community health representatives (CHRs) and navigators to provide cancer prevention and screening |

|services. |

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|Presenters: |

|Frederick Avis, MD, Medical Director, Benefis Health System Native American |

|Programs, Great Falls, MT. |

|Kathie Avis, Chief Administrative Officer Strategic Development/Tribal Programs, |

|Benefis Health System, Great Falls, MT. |

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|Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA) and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Provisions: Priorities for Indian Country |

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|The presenters will provide an overview of the TTAG recommended Affordable Care Act outcome measures identified by the CMS TTAG |

|at the July 2010 TTAG face to face meeting. The workshop presenters will discuss several draft papers outlining the tribal |

|perspective on several topics such as: Assuring the Inclusion of Indian Health Providers In Provider Networks of Exchange Plans;|

|Premiums and Cost Sharing; Use of High Risk Pools; Modified Adjusted Gross Income ‐ Treatment of Indian Income; Medicaid |

|Expansion and Medicare Part D: “TrOOP” Fix for I/T/U Pharmacies |

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|Presenters: |

|Carol L. Barbero, Partner, Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker, LLP |

|Myra Munson, Esq., JD, MSW, Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Miller & Munson, |

|LLP |

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|Across State Borders: Medicaid Program and Children's Health Insurance Program; Model of Interstate Coordinated Enrollment and |

|Coverage Process for Low-Income Children |

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|This session will discuss the payment problems encountered by Indian health programs providing and/or coordinating health |

|services for Medicaid beneficiaries from multiple states.  In particular, issues serving Medicaid-eligible youth at youth |

|regional treatment centers and Indian boarding schools will be discussed. Section 213 of 2009 Children's Health Insurance |

|Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) which requires CMS to report on improvements to the interstate coordination for low income |

|children will also be reviewed. |

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|Presenters: |

|Anslem Roanhorse, Director Navajo Nation Division of Health, Navajo Area TTAG |

|Representative |

|Lane Terwilliger, Esq., Technical Director, Center for Medicaid and State |

|Operations, CMS |

|Liselotta Erdrich, school health officer, Circle of Nations School in Wahpeton, |

|North Dakota |

|Paula Bossert, LCSW, Social Worker, Sisseton IHS |

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|Medicare 101 and Meet Your Native American Contacts (NAC): Roundtable Discussion |

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|This session will provide an overview of Medicare parts A, B, C and D for Indian and Tribal Health Program staff and |

|beneficiaries focusing on specific provisions for American Indians/Alaska Natives. The session will address the provider |

|enrollment process and information about how to maximize collections for services provided by tribal programs. CMS NACs from |

|each Regional Office will be available to address how CMS NACs work together with States, IHS and Tribal programs to assure |

|access to CMS programs and maximization of IHS/Tribal third party revenue from Medicare. |

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|Presenters: |

|Nancy Grano, CMS Native American Contact, Region I, Boston |

|Vennetta Harrison, CMS Native American Contact, Region II, New York |

|Barbara Williamson, CMS Native American Contact, Region III, Philadelphia |

|Crystal Francis, CMS Native American Contact, Region IV, Atlanta |

|Pamela Carson, CMS Native American Contact, Region V, Chicago |

|Dorsey Sadongei, CMS Native American Contact, Region VI, Dallas |

|Stacey Shuman, CMS Native American Contact, Region VI, Dallas |

|Nancy Rios, CMS Native American Contact, Region VII, Kansas City |

|Cindy Smith, CMS Native American Contact, Region VIII, Denver |

|Mary Munoz, CMS Native American Contact, Region VIII, Denver |

|Rosella Norris, CMS Native American Contact, Region IX, San Francisco |

|Cecile Greenway, CMS Native American Contact, Region X, Seattle |

|Cyndi Gillaspie, CMS Lead Native American Contact for CMS Regional Offices |

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|ITU Regional Extension Centers/ HITECH |

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|The NIHB American Indian/Alaska Native National Regional Extension Center (REC), an undertaking of the NIHB in collaboration with|

|Tribes and the American Indian Higher Education Consortium will play a key role in creating opportunities for Tribal health |

|service providers to engage in and implement meaningful use criteria in the application of electronic health records in the |

|clinic and health delivery setting.  The presentation will provide a brief overview of the REC; key personnel, operations plan |

|and the milestones that are required under the program to fully attain the funds to support meaningful use implementation in |

|Indian Country.  Collaboration efforts, workforce development plans and interoperability with state health information exchanges |

|(HIE) will be highlighted in the presentation. |

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|Presenters: |

|RADM Theresa Cullen, Assistant Surgeon General and CIO, Indian Health Service |

|CAPT James Lyon, Senior Health Insurance Specialist, CMS/Commissioned Corps |

|Jessica Burger, RN, Deputy Director, NIHB |

|5:30 PM - 7:30 PM – EXHIBIT HALL |

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|Sponsored by Aberdeen Area Chairman’s Health Board |


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