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AP US HISTORY UNIT 5 TESTPart I.In what speech did Lincoln state: “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth to this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” What led to the attack on Fort Sumter? Why is this attack significant? During which debates did Lincoln argue: “‘A house divided against itself cannot stand.’ I believe this nation cannot endure half slave and half free.” In what document did Lincoln state: “All persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a state, the people whereof shall be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” What was Lincoln’s primary objective during the Civil War? Describe the results of the Battle of Antietam. Answer the following questions about the Emancipation Proclamation. Who issued it? 2) On what date did it take effect? What Constitutional amendment did it lead to? Answer the following questions about the Battle of Gettysburg. How many days did the battle last? Approximately how many casualties were there?What effect did Sherman’s march through Georgia have on the Union?Why was the Battle of Gettysburg important? Where did Robert E. Lee officially surrender to U.S. Grant?Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?Summarize the Thirteenth Amendment. What does it outlaw? Summarize the Fourteenth Amendment. What does it guarantee? Summarize the Fifteenth Amendment. What does it guarantee? Part III. The North vs SouthNorth SouthGenerals (Identify)Strengths (Political, Economic & Social)View on SlaveryPresidentCapitolEffect of ReconstructionGovernment (2 examples)Effect of ReconstructionSocial (2examples)Effect of ReconstructionFreed Slaves & Negroes (2examples)Compare and Contrast the plans of Reconstruction: (Johnson, Lincoln & Radical Republicanism: you may choose to create a Venn Diagram or a chart to organize your response.Part III.The belief that the United States had a special mission to expand over the entire North American continent was known asdivine providence.Manifest Destiny.nullification.American exceptionalism.The Wilmot Provisoencouraged slavery’s expansion westward.called for American annexation of lands conquered from Mexico as free territory.successfully postponed the outbreak of the Civil War for 10 years.proclaimed the western territories would be open to slavery if their citizens voted to allow it.Southern critics of slavery most often asserted thatslavery was immoral.the plantation economy mad the South a colony of the North.mass insurrection by slave populations was only a matter of demand for cotton was so great that the southern economy would remain profitable with white wageworkers in the field.Who advocated for the immediate and uncompensated release of all slaves held in the United States?William Lloyd GarrisonAbraham LincolnJohn C. CalhounHenry ClayAs a result of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in 1852,calls for political compromise over the issue of slavery increased.the American Colonization Society began transporting ex-slaves back to Africa.the Underground Railroad was formed.abolitionism gained ground in the North. The theory that individual states do not necessarily have to carry out any federal laws with which they disagree is known aspopular sovereignty.federalism.nullification.the reserved powers clause of the Constitution.What became the most controversial element of the Compromise of 1850?the admission of California as a free statethe Fugitive Slave Actthe banning of the slave trade in Washington, D.C.the potential opening up of Utah and New Mexico territories to slavery. In the 19th century, Southerners used all of the following arguments to justify slavery EXCEPTslavery was in the Bible.slavery provided a civilizing influence for the slave.the international slave trade was highly profitable for all regions of the country.keeping slaves was fully constitutional and thus perfectly legal. Which of the following was NOT a result or consequence of the Dred Scott decision of 1857?Free states in the North saw the need to speak politically with one voice.Congress had no right to restrict slavery in the territories.The Fugitive Slave Act was repealed.The Democratic Party became divided along sectional lines. The Republican Party campaign of 1860 called forthe restriction of slavery from the territories.restoration of the old 36/30’ free-state-slave state boundary line from the Missouri Compromise.the immediate abolition of slavery.the use of popular sovereignty to determine the fate of slavery on the frontier. The logic and reasoning employed by Southerners in seceding from the Union borrowed heavily from theDred Scott decision.Declaration of Independence.Lecompton Constitution of the Kansas Territory.concept of popular sovereignty. The faction of Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War became known as theKnow-Nothings.National Unionists.Scalawags.Copperheads. The Emancipation Proclamation had which of the following effects?It freed all the slaves in the South.It prevented England and France from joining the conflict.It only freed the slaves in the border states. It led the South to enlist and arm slaves in the Confederate Army.At the outset of the war, which of the following was the greatest advantage possessed by the Confederacy?powerful foreign alliesaccess to natural resourcessuperior military leadershipits influence in the border states.All of the following were major elements of the Union strategy for victory in the Civil War EXCEPTgaining full control of the Mississippi River.preventing European powers from entering the conflict.destroying the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.impressing ex-slaves into the Union army.The ultimate consequence of the sharecropping system for the South waseconomic independence from the increase in poverty for both blacks and awareness of the need for wise stewardship of the region’s environment.a gradual increase in the region’s overall crop yields and productivity. President Andrew Johnson was impeached as a result of hisveto of the Civil Rights Bill of 1866.refusal to pardon former Confederate leaders and members of the planter class.inability to control rampant corruption in the federal governmentviolation of the Tenure of Office Act.Which of the following refers to the Southern culture of segregation that existed for almost a century after the Civil War?Dixiecrat populismthe Solid SouthUncle TomJim CrowThe primary focus of women’s reform movements in the fifty years after the Civil War was the struggle fornational prohibition.suffrage.the establishment of settlement houses.obtaining wage equality with men.“Thomas J. Ross agrees to employ the Freedmen to plant and raise a crop on his Rosstown Plantation…on the following Rules, Regulations and Remunerations. The said Ross agrees to furnish the land to cultivate,…and to give unto said Freedmen…one half of all the cotton, corn and wheat that is raised on said place for the year 1866 after all the necessary expenses are deducted out that accrues on said crop. Outside of the Freedmen’s labor in harvesting, carrying to market and selling the same the said Freedmen…agrees to and with said Thomas J. Ross that for and in consideration of one half of the crop before mentioned that they will plant, cultivate, and raise under the management control and Superintendence of said Ross, in good faith, a cotton, corn and oat crop under his management for the year 1866.…We furthermore bind ourselves to and with said Ross that we will do good work and labor ten hours a day on an average, winter and summer.…We furthermore bind ourselves that we will obey the orders of said Ross in all things in carrying out and managing said crop for said year and be docked for disobedience. All is responsible for all farming utensils that is on hand or may be placed in care of said Freedmen for the year 1866 to said Ross and are also responsible to said Ross if we carelessly, maliciously maltreat any of his stock for said year to said Ross for damages to be assessed out of our wages.”Labor Contract, Shelby County, Tennessee, 1866Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of Tennessee, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1869, No. M-999. The excerpt above would best serve as evidence of which of the following?the social and economic continuities that characterized the antebellum and post-Civil War Souththe wartime destruction of the South’s environment and infrastructurethe short-term successes brought about by Reconstructionthe opening up of leadership roles to former slaves The practices described in the excerpt above most directly led tothe judicial principles of the Civil War Amendments.the abolition of slavery.freed blacks’ development of cultures that reflected their interests and experiences.the progressive stripping away of the rights of African Americans.“I stand before you under indictment for the alleged crime of having voted in the last presidential election, without having a lawful right to vote. It shall be my work this evening to prove to you that in thus doing, I not only committed no crime, but instead simply exercised my citizen’s right, guaranteed to me and all United States citizens by the National Constitution beyond the power of any State to deny.…If once we establish the false principle that United States citizenship does not carry with it the right to vote in every state in this Union, there is no end to the petty tricks and cunning devices which will be attempted to exclude one and another class of citizens from the right of suffrage.…Establish this precedent, admit the State’s right to deny suffrage, and there is no limit to the confusion, discord, and disruption that may await us. There is and can be but one safe principle of government—equal rights to all.”Susan B. Anthony, Speech before the Court, 1873Ida Husted Harper, The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony, Volume II (Indianapolis: The Hollenbeck Press, 1898).The excerpt above is best understood in the context of the passage of the 14th and 15th Amendments.Radical Republicans’ efforts to change Southern attitudes.the end of the Civil War.efforts to limit the political power of immigrants. Which of the following was a major consequence of the ideas expressed in the passage above?Supreme Court decisions began stripping away the civil rights of women.Some women’s equality activists abandoned the movement to grant and protect African-American rights.Short-term successes opened up some political opportunities to women that previously had not existed.The movement for women’s suffrage was temporarily halted in order to concentrate on granting African Americans and immigrants equal protection under the laws. The controversy highlighted in the cartoon above was most directly a result ofRadical Republicans’ efforts to establish a base for their party in the South.temporary rearrangements in the relationships between black and white people in the South.unresolved questions about the power of the federal government.determined Southern resistance to Northern efforts to change its culture. Which of the following groups was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above?the Confederate leadershipmoderate Republicansformer slavesthe Supreme Court“Section 1. Be it ordained by the police jury of the parish of St. Landry, that no negro shall be allowed to pass within the limits of said parish without special permit in writing from his employer…Section 3… no negro shall be permitted to rent or keep a house within said parish…Section 4…Every negro is required to be in the regular service of some white person or former owner, who shall be held responsible for the conduct of said negro…Section 7…No negro who is not in the military service shall be allowed to carry fire-arms, or any kind of weapons, within the parish…Section 11…It shall be the duty of every citizen to act as a police officer for the detection of offences and the apprehension of offenders, who shall immediately be handed over to the proper captain or chief of patrol.”The Louisiana Black Code, 1865Senate Executive Document No. 2, 39th Cong., 1st Sess. Which 19th century group would most likely oppose the regulations in the legislation above?new international migrantsthe Supreme CourtRepublican Party memberssupporters of Social Darwinism. The excerpt above is best understood in the context ofa Northern idea of American identity.altered power relationships between the states and the federal government in the post-Civil War period.the temporary rearrangement of relationships between white and black people in the South.Southern resistance to Radical Republicans’ efforts to change Southern attitudes.“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.…It is for us, the living…to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”President Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, July 1863 The passage above best serves as evidence of which of the following?Union victory in the Civil Warthe mobilization of the Union economy and society to wage the war.unresolved questions about the power of the federal government and citizenship rightsthe changing purpose of the Civil War Which of the following actions of the Lincoln administration best exemplified the belief expressed in the quotation above?the altering of power relationships between states and the federal governmentthe waging of war even while facing considerable home front oppositionthe decision to issue the Emancipation Proclamationtheir efforts to prevent the Confederacy from gaining diplomatic support from European powers. The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly led to political controversies in the 1870s and 1880s overnew definitions of citizenship.the expansion of slavery into the western territories.the proper balance between liberty and order.a sense of American cultural superiority.“It is a fact well known to every intelligent Southerner that we are compelled to go to the North for almost every article of utility and adornment, from shoepegs and paintings to cotton-mills, steamships and statuary…owing to the absence of a proper system of business amongst us, the North becomes, in one way or another, the proprietor and dispenser of all our floating wealth, and that we are dependent on Northern capitalists…and that, instead of building up…our own States, cities, and towns, we have been spending our substance at the North, and are daily augmenting and strengthening the very power which now has us so completely under its thumb.…It is not so much in its moral and religious aspects that we propose to discuss the question of slavery, as in its social and political character and influences.”Hinton R. Helper, The Impending Crisis of the South, 1857Hinton R. Helper, The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It (New York: Burdick Brothers, 1857). Which of the following most directly supports the assertion expressed in the excerpt above?the defense of slavery by Southerners as a positive goodthe slow population growth of the Southattempts by abolitionists to campaign against slaverythe intensified sectionalism of the 1840s and 1850s The excerpt above was most likely a reaction to which of the following historical trends?racist stereotyping in the Southregional economic and demographic changes between the North and Souththe emergence of sectional political partiesthe breaking down of trust between sectional regions. ................

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