Mr. Lassiter's History Page

Garrison vs. Calhoun – On the issue of slaveryWilliam Lloyd GarrisonJohn C. CalhounDoes he uphold the belief that slavery is a “necessary evil” or “peculiar institution”?Does he believe that people have a right to hold slaves? Present proof of beliefs from the reading.What does he claim to be the condition of the slaves?How does he believe slaves are treated?How many races does he think there are?Does he appeal to an authority higher than himself? Who or what is it? Provide proof from the readingDoes he see any room for political compromise on the slavery controversy?Does he predict the possibility of a break up of the US? How likely does he think it is? Provide proof from the reading.James Henry Hammond – “The Mudsill Theory” (1858)1. According to Senator Hammond, what makes societies civilized and why did he think this justified the enslavement of Africans in America?2. What does Sen. Hammond mean by “the very mud-sill of society and political government”?3. According to Sen. Hammond, why is the South more civilized than the North?4. Why does Sen. Hammond believe slaves exist in the North as well as the South? Who are these “slaves”?5. Why does Sen. Hammond believe southern slaves have a better life than northern “slaves”?Abraham Lincoln – “Address Before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society” (1859)1. Does Lincoln believe that how you make a living is a fixed or permanent condition? Explain.2. According to Lincoln, in his day did most people (a) work for others, (b) work for themselves, or (c) hire laborers to work for them? Does Lincoln think this was different in the southern slaveholding states than in the northern free states? How do you know this?3. Does Lincoln believe a poor person can become wealthy? If so, what is the path to prosperity?4. How does Lincoln explain folks who remain “hired laborers” throughout their life?5. According to Lincoln, what advantages does free labor have over the “mud sill” approach to making a living? ................

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