[pic]Viking Voice

      Weekly Newsletter


Fort Walton Beach High School

January 20, 2017


John Spolski, Principal

400 Hollywood Blvd, SW

Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548

(850) 833-3300

Messages from Administration

**If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, please send me an email (include your student’s name) and I will remove you from the distribution list.

Attendance Office

Contact:  B. Craig (833-3300 ext. 3301)

Parents are reminded that a student has 5 days from the day they return from an absence to excuse the absence.  To excuse an absence, a parent is requested to send a note with the student to attendance.   When an absence is unexcused, the student may not make up any work or tests in the class periods they were absent.

Gift Deliveries

Due to the disruption that will occur to the school day, Fort Walton Beach High School will not accept any gift deliveries for students.  This does include flowers, balloons, candy, edible arrangements, etc.  Please make arrangements for deliveries to be made at another location outside of the school day.

Class of 2017

Class of 2017 Honor Graduates

Contact:  C. Simms (833-3300 ext. 3315)

FWBHS is proud to announce the names of our students who will graduate with honors.  Summa Cum Laude graduates will wear white gowns with gold stoles; Magna Cum Laude graduates will wear blue gowns with white stoles; and Cum Laude graduates will wear blue gowns with red stoles.

FWBHS Honor Graduates – 2017

Summa Cum Laude

Kristin Allen Carter Lurk

Jonathan Balent Annalisse McKee

Alyssa Bettinger Rachael Metruck

Jake Bobb Jamie Morrison

Brooklyn Burbidge Christina Nguyen

Thapthim Bussararungsee Bryan Noll

Gloria Clark Daniel Orcutt

Chase Cleveland Emily Oswalt

Sydney Curry John Parker

Kacie Daugherty Madison Raybuck

Bryan Duffey Sky Rivera

Laura Fernandes Lilah Robison

Madison Friedman Austin Rothe

Jorge Garcia George Rushlau

Lilli Hardiman Taylor Russell

Andrew Imperial Grason Shackelford

Cameron Kelley Austin Spann

Esther Kim Stephen Spivey

Hunter Kortum Courtney Triplett

Caylee Laird Alexandra Watson Tremellen

Ethan Lipnicky Tristin Woodruff

Sabrina Locht

Magna Cum Laude

Noah Armbruster Joshua Loken

Quinlan Benz Markus Makela

Megan Burns Daisy Malan

Kasey Cave Vuong Nguyen

Esosa Ekowa Shane Sullivan

Zadie Engelberger Seth Sullivant

Kaiya Jones Julia Turner

Alexus Kilgore Justin Turner

Adia Langley Aliya Walton

Morgan Lawhorn John Cole Warner

Cum Laude

Emily Carter Tyla Lane

Samantha Chapman Collin Leduc

William Chisolm Dakota Lewis

Jackson Cooper Aaron Major

Christian Fabrizio Jaiden Malinowski

Carlos Franco Mario Olvera Rodriguez

Jake Hardy Joseph Pearson

Katherine Harper Kathryn Quinn

Jackson Henson Robert Strong

Erin Howell Zachary Taki

Laney Howell Zebadiah Taki

Anthony Kaono Ranveer Uppal

Parker Ketterling Ashley Wagner

Alexis LaFountain

Northwest Florida State College Admissions Assistance

A representative from Northwest Florida State College will be in the Media Center Tuesday, January 24th, from 10:00am-1:00pm, for assistance in applying for admission.

Students need their Social Security Numbers and parents’ residency information (i.e. driver’s license number, car registration information, voter registration number, or anything else that may show residency).

***Please see Ms. Smith in the Media Center to schedule an appointment time.

University of West Florida – College Goal

Contact:  Karen Kilpatrick (kkilpatrick@uwf.edu or 850-474-2399)

Saturday, January 28, 2017


UWF – Pensacola, FL (Building 79, Room 179 and Room 180)

College Goal targets high school seniors and their families to assist with completing financial aid forms, such as the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and to provide information on financial resources.  Lack of funding can be major barrier for students who wish to pursue higher education.  This is why the University of West Florida is serving as a host site for College Goal, and we are partnering with other local academic institutions as well as state and community organizations to help remove financial barriers and make access to higher education a reality for our students.

Keep in mind, this event is open to ALL high school seniors, current college students and families, not just students planning to attend UWF. 


Contact: S. Teare (833-3300 ext. 1318 or teares@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Photographers from Jim Owens Studio will be here Wednesday, February 15th and Thursday February 16th for senior cap and gown photos. 

The session fee is $30.00.  You will receive proofs and have the opportunity to order these photos.  Seniors have photos taken during their English class.  Seniors without an English class should plan to go during a no-class or study hall.  Men should wear a white dress shirt and dark tie and clean up the shaving area. Ladies should wear a top that does not come up too high. The photographers will be providing the cap & gowns for the pictures. See Mrs. Teare in room 318 or call 833-3300 ext. 1318 if you have any questions.

Cap and Gown Orders

Contact:  R. Bounds with National Products of Florida, Inc. (850-865-6911 or 407-209-8112 or )

Attention Seniors!  Graduation day is only a few months away!  Representatives from Morgan Bounds will be here Monday, February 27th & Tuesday, February 28th, from 10:00am to 1:00pm in the hall across from front office to take cap and gown orders.  The cost is $65.00 and includes a keepsake cap, gown, tassel and diploma cover.  Orders placed after March 1st will be charged a late order fee.

Cap & gowns may be ordered online at .  

SENIORS – complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) beginning October 1, 2016, at .

Seniors – you and your parent/guardian should go to now and apply for a FSA ID. Both you and a parent/guardian will need this ID in order to complete the FAFSA beginning October 1.

Bright Futures Information

***75 FWBHS Seniors have completed the FFAA. This is the application which registers students for Bright Futures and other state of Florida scholarships and grants. 315 Seniors still need to complete this application!

Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) – Class of 2017

The 2016-2017 Florida Financial Aid Application (FFAA) will be available online beginning October 1, 2016.  The Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) website at provides the FFAA to students seeking state scholarship and grant awards (including Bright Futures) for the 2017-2018 postsecondary academic year.

Applications can be made beginning October 1, 2016, for current seniors at .

            Follow these steps:

( Go to .

( Select State Grants, Scholarships & Applications, and under Applicant Quick Links, select Student Application to complete and submit an online application.

( Pay attention to program deadlines listed in the application conditions section, on the application results screen, and on the application acknowledgement communication sent to the e-mail address provided by the student on his/her application.

( The FFAA will provide a User ID and password to each applicant upon submitting the application via the Saved Results Page and in an e-mail communication.

( Students may use User IDs and passwords to check:

-  The status of certification(s) prior to the program deadline(s).

-  The status of awards following the program deadlines.

-  Notifications from OSFA regarding award status.

This single application is used to evaluate the student for the following State of Florida programs:

( Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program – Deadline Graduation, 2017

( José Martí Scholarship Challenge Grant – Deadline April 1, 2017

( Rosewood Family Scholarship Program – Deadline April 1, 2017

( Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans –

Deadline April 1, 2017

College & Career Connection Center

Contact:  J. Smith (833-3300 ext. 2151 or smithj3@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Are you a SENIOR @ FWBHS who has been accepted into a college/university or who has enlisted into the military?  If so, bring your acceptance letter or enlistment papers to Ms. Julie Smith in the Media Center so we can let people know where you are going! 

Seniors – Community Service Hours

Attention Seniors – Please turn your community service hours into the guidance office.  In order for these hours to appear on your transcript we must enter them on to the computer. 

**Bright Futures retrieves your community service hours from the school district’s computer system. 

Please turn your community service hours into the guidance office!!!

Guidance News

Congratulations Andrew Imperial!

Contact:  M. Hixson-Wells (833-3300 ext. 3313)

For the month of January, the City of Fort Walton Beach ACE Award will be presented to Andrew Imperial.  The ACE Award is presented each month to an outstanding student who has demonstrated success in academics, extra-curricular activities, and community service.  Congratulations to Andrew!

Follow FWBHS Guidance Department

Contact: C. Simms (833-3300 ext. 3315 or simmsc@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Twitter: @FWBHSguidance

Facebook @FWBHSGuidance

Career Connection Center

Contact:  J. Smith (833-3300 ext. 2151)

Students are invited to meet with College Representatives on the following dates:

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

Northwest Florida State College (Niceville)

Admissions Lab in the Media Center

Must sign up with Ms. Smith


Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

Barbizon USA (200 locations)

In the Cafeteria


Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

Florida State University Panama City (Panama City, FL)

In the Media Center


Incoming 9th Graders (Class of 2021)

Contact:  M. Hixson-Wells (833-3300 ext. 3313)

The FWBHS guidance staff will be visiting our feeder middle schools to talk with the 8th graders about registering for their freshmen year at FWBHS. Mrs. Ver Steeg and Mrs. Lipnicky will be distributing curriculum guides and registration forms and discussing course selections with the current 8th graders.

We will be visiting the Middle Schools on the following schedule:

Thursday, January 26 at Bruner Middle School              All day

Thursday, January 26 at Destin Middle School All day

Monday, January 30                     at St. Mary School 10:00am-11:15am

Monday, January 30 at Ballet Academie                      11:30am-12:30pm

Tuesday, January 31 at Liza Jackson Prep School    8:30am-10:00am

Wednesday, February 1 at STEMM Academy 12:30pm-1:30pm             

Viking Conquest

Contact:  L. Dugan (833-3300 ext. 3310)

On Wednesday, February 8th, beginning at 6:00pm, FWBHS will host the Viking Conquest for incoming 9th graders and their parents.  Current 8th graders and their parents are encouraged to come to this curriculum fair to experience the VIKING SPIRIT, meet the 9th grade teachers and hear about Viking academic programs, Viking elective programs, Viking extracurricular activities, and Viking athletic opportunities. 

Community Service Opportunity

Contact: M. Cotton (mlc.pirates.princesses@)

The Montessori Learning Center is looking for volunteers to help with their 5K/Fun Run which will take place on Saturday, February 11th. If you would like to work at this event please contact: Ms. Cotton at mlc.pirates.princesses@.

If you would like to participate in the 5K or the Fun Run please register at the link on the flier below.


Florida Department of Education Office of Student Financial Assistance


Scholarship Opportunities

Contact: Julie Smith (833-3300 ext. 2151 or smithj3@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Scholarship opportunities for ninth through twelfth graders may be found at . Students may also come to the Media Center to find out what scholarships are available. Please check each week for updates.

Honors Graduation Criteria

The cumulative weighted grade point average is used to calculate honors graduation designation.  At the end of the seventh semester, honors graduates will be determined by the following cumulative scale:

Summa Cum Laude – 4.25 and above

Magna Cum Laude – 4.0-4.2499

Cum Laude – 3.75-3.99

In order to be considered an honors graduate, students must be on track for graduation and enrolled in the same year-long course at the same level and receive a grade for the eighth semester. 

**Students graduating in the 2016-2017 school year will be able to use the 2015-2016 Honors Graduate calculations OR the 2016-2017 Honors Graduate calculations; the calculation that best benefits the student will be applied.

To look at your student’s Transcript/Bright Futures information:

Go to

Click on Go to College

Click on Pay for College

Click on Check your Eligibility for a Bright Futures Scholarship (part way down the page)

- Choose Okaloosa County

- Enter Student’s last name

- Enter Student’s SSN with an X at the end OR enter the 10-digit student number

- Submit

**There is other helpful information at the site.  You will find information on Florida Colleges, College and Career Readiness, Bright Futures, and much more information at this site.

***This site is updated periodically but not every day.  So, if we add something to the transcript locally – it may be several weeks (maybe monthsϑ) before this site collects and updates the information.

Out of Field Report

Contact:  M. Hixson-Wells (833-3300 ext. 3325)

The following teacher is teaching out of field at this time:

Brian McDaniel Physical Education

Science Department News

Biology Tutoring

Contact: Me. Mueller (megan.mueller@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Every Thursday from 2:15pm-3:15pm, Mrs. Mueller will offer Biology tutoring.  Students should report to room 243 and sign in.  She will review the same topics that the students are learning in their classes using different resources so students see the information in a different way.

Additional Biology Tutoring

Contact: M. Holman (HolmanM@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Mrs. Holman will offer Biology tutoring on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 2:15pm-3:15pm, in room 332.

Mrs. Holman will be available on Thursday afternoons – if the student pre-arranges this time with her.

Math Department News

Math Tutoring

Contact: J. Sheffield (833-3300 ext. 1262)


3rd 9 weeks           2016-2017

Course specific tutor per teacher:  

Ms. Fister (rm. 417) Mondays 2:00pm-2:30pm

Ms. Harrell (rm. 336) Mondays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Ms. Betts-Jones (rm. 144) Tuesdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Mr. Gardner (rm. 281) Tuesdays 6:15am-6:45am

Ms. Martin (rm. 412A) Tuesdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Mr. Mueller (rm. 145) Tuesdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Ms. Sheffield (rm. 262) Tuesdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Ms. Tuthill (rm. 411) Tuesdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Ms. Young (rm. 340) Tuesdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Ms. Bray (rm. 407) Thursdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Mr. Hanson (rm. 418) Thursdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Ms. McWilliams (rm. 341) Thursdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Mr. Schwandt (rm. 210) Thursdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Ms. Houy (rm. 149) Thursdays 2:15pm-2:45pm

Additional Math Tutoring

Contact:  J. Sheffield (833-3300 ext. 1262)


All FWBHS students, from any math course, may attend the following tutoring sessions:   

Mondays Betts-Jones Room 144 2:15pm-2:45pm                    

Tuesdays Hanson Room 418 2:15pm-2:45pm   

Wednesdays Mr. Kallenbach Media Center 2:00pm-3:00pm


Thursdays Fister Room 417 2:00pm-2:30pm

Fridays Gardner Room 281 6:15am-6:45am

Band News

Dial a Viking

Contact: A. Hadsall-Allen (Dialaviking@)

In need of last minute help moving, organizing, yard work, putting up holiday decorations, babysitting, computer help and more?

Hire a Fort Walton Beach High School Viking to help you out!

These band students are Eager and Dependable! The perfect way to help support the band and an inexpensive means to get the job done right.

(All money earned goes directly into the students accounts to pay for their individual band fees.)

For more information, contact the Fort Walton Beach High School Band’s DIAL A VIKING program quickly through the school at 850-833-3300 ext. 2301, 850-424-3850 or email them directly at: DIALAVIKING@

Thank you for your local support!

Sports News

Viking Wrestling

Contact: T. Marez (Tobi.Marez@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Viking wrestlers placed 13th in a very tough tournament at Thompson High School this past weekend.

Congratulations to these wrestlers who placed at this tournament:


Joey Pearson at 285 placed 2nd

Chase Cleveland at 170 placed 4th

Joey Royce at 182 placed 7th

Nick Woodward at 195 placed 8th

Connor Cleveland at 160 placed 9th

Viking Baseball Tryouts

Contact: B. McDaniel (833-3300 ext. 1811 or McDanielB@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Monday, January 30, 2017 and Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Dan Bohannon Field

Anyone interested in trying out should see Coach McDaniel for a tryout packet. All athletic paperwork must be on file in order to tryout.

Boys Basketball Fundraiser

Contact: J. Lavin (lavinj@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

Ready for the New Year? Get in shape and support FWBHS. Gold’s Gym 6 week passes on sale for $20.00. No obligation to join after 6 weeks is up. 6 weeks starts as soon as you go in to sign up. Good at Destin and FWB locations.

FWBHS receives 100% of money collected. Email or call John Lavin lavinj@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us. 850-833-3300 ext. 4404

Boys Basketball Fundraiser

Contact: J. Lavin (lavinj@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us)

​Boys Basketball is selling Sandestin Raven Golf Passes.

The pass is good for a twosome at either Baytown or Raven course. The pass is $80.00. Play one of the best courses on the Emerald Coast and support the Viking Boys Basketball team. Contact John Lavin at lavinj@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us for more details.


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