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Viruses and Malware

Keeping your PC Clean starts with protection. Using antivirus software and running scans for viruses and malware on a regular basis are critical to this protection. Many programs are available for antivirus protection and malware removal. The one you choose should fit your lifestyle and computer habits. In this document I hope to clear up some confusion and hope you can use this information to not only protect your computer but understand why you must run more than one program. The majority of my customers have problems because they did not have the protection activated or they misunderstood how it should be used.

The most harmful program is the virus. I say that because it can be used to erase your entire hard drive. This is usually the worst case and viruses usually attack the user’s computer habits. Some are designed to shut down programs that are critical to your computer. These programs usually run in the background so you are never aware that they have started. The problem is you are never aware that they have been shut down either. Viruses are also designed to run when your windows program starts and may even be designed to reinstall themselves. If you run a virus scan with windows restore turned on the virus may be able to restore your system back to a time before it was removed. Removing viruses and cleaning the computer of a virus can be time consuming so I will discuss them in future articles. This article is directed towards protection. If you keep your protection updated and run the scans on a regular basis you decrease your risk of getting a virus.

As I am in the computer business I use a number of different protection programs. I can recommend any of the Symantec products as well as the McAffee products. Both are very good at detecting and preventing viruses. I would recommend you get the free versions first to become familiar with the operation. When you are comfortable you should purchase the program to receive free and automatic updates. You should also check with your squadron, or company, systems administrator as they may be able to provide you the full program free of charge. It is my belief that the military has made Norton Corporate edition available to all military. This was probably done so that a person working at home does not transfer a virus to their office computer. Whichever you choose make sure you have the best.

Malware, malicious software that causes virus like symptoms, tracks your internet habits. Companies use the information to send you ads through email or as pop-ups when you are surfing. For the most part they do nothing to your computer but make surfing the net irritating as the banners keep popping up. If there are a lot of these programs running they may slow down your internet speeds as they are now using your bandwidth to transfer information. Just as common now are programs that hijack you internet connection and force your home page to their site. They may even hijack your entire connection and not let you jump to any other page. Malware can be difficult to clean. They must be removed with windows restore turned off and the computer in safe mode. Most, if not all, of the free malware scanners are designed so that you must manually run them. If you purchase the program or buy a license you then have the option of letting the program run in the background much like virus protection. This can limit your internet habits as they may block pop-ups that you want. One case I’ve found was with E-bay. Selecting a link from their main page caused another window to open but it was treated as a pop-up. I found that one of my spyware programs was blocking this window from opening. There are always exception lists in these programs so if you have problems with a site you can tell the program to allow the site’s pop-ups and ads.

I use, and have been for a few years now, 2 programs that are free and the most recommended. They are Adaware from Lavasoft, , and Spybot Search and Destroy, . Both programs have served me well. Adaware is available for purchase. If purchased you receive an additional program, Adwatch, which constantly monitors you system. The cost is well worth it. Spybot S&D comes with a program called Teatimer that provides a minimum form of protection. Spybot does not have a better program for sale. You can make donations to make sure the site, and updates are continued but the free software is all you get. It is still a good program and recommended by a large number of people. There are many other programs, some that I have purchased, that provide protection as well as a manual scanner. I won’t recommend any in this document since you must pay for the program or a license to receive the most benefit. You can check them out and decide for yourself if they are worth the expense. These are the ones I use and their respective internet site:

PC-cillin Trend Micro

Spysweeper Webroot

Bug Doctor Bugdoctor

One thing to remember is you will always have some sort of malware on your system. Don’t get discouraged. As long as you continue to run the software at regular intervals you should be able to protect your system. I performed this test once. I cleaned my PC with the internet connection shut off. Once I was sure everything was removed I connected to the internet and went to MSN, Microsoft, Symantec, and Microsoft’s update page. On each of the main pages I selected at least one link. This process took me 5 to 10 minutes. I shut down my internet and restarted the computer. Leaving the internet connection disabled I ran the spyware programs again. Believe it or not I had another 5 attacks for the short time I was on the internet. This is why I purchased the Adaware program. It gives me at least one chance to stop the malware before it infects my system. The PC-cillin software also protects my system.

These are just a few of my recommendations. I wanted to write this article to give you some basic information. I plan on continuing these, possibly one a month, but please feel free to contact me via email with questions. It is hard to diagnose and fix some problems via email but I will try my best. You can also contact me with questions on other subjects. I may not reply instantly but I will make every effort to reply in a few days. That of course depends on the amount of questions I receive. I also plan on constructing a webpage and will post my documents there. This way everyone has access and might be able to find a solution. I will also take requests on future articles. Let me know what problems you may have or what you might want me to discuss. My information is at the top of the first page.

Additions I made to your computer:

Adaware – for removing tracking programs and pop up ad programs

Spybot – for removing spyware, tracking software and most Hijackers

Norton – Antivirus protection

I would recommend you find and purchase Norton Internet Security Suite or Mcaffe Internet Security Suite. These programs protect you against all the “Nasties” that can infect your system. If you are on the internet a lot, chatting or downloading, then you must have these.


PC Doctor

Fred Long

HP 53-8204

CELL 090 1373 7613


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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