ELK RAFFLE HUNT 2013-11-27 ter.com

ELK RAFFLE HUNT Nov. 18-22-2013

Fortunately, the ravine’s streambed was dry, as it was the only possible approach route to the group of elk bedded on the sage covered hillside. My guide Brian Peed of Elkhorn Outfitters, Kevin Gervais my hunting partner/observer, and I started our descent from the ridge where we had glassed the Elk from about a mile away. The ravine was of various depths, so at times we walked, crawled on hands and knees, and on our bellies trying to close the distance. About a half mile into it Brian peeked over the bank to check our position, and then would motion to get a little closer. When we were finally out of cover, we were 315yds below and down wind from them; they were totally unaware of our presence. I rested my .300Win Mag on the sandy bank along side a sage stem, steady as a bench rest, the Leopold’s crosshairs on the bulls shoulder.

It was Dec.28, 2012 around 6:40 PM Eastern time, when my cell phone rang. It was Rebekah Greenwood of the Craig Chamber of Commerce informing me that I had won the Elk Hunt Raffle! Almost fell out of my chair. I’ve hunted Caribou, whitetail and mule deer, but this would be my first Elk Hunt. She was very helpful with my questions and all the preparations I would need to make the transformation from UPSTATE New York to the altitude of mountain hunt. I live at just under one thousand feet elevation.

All spring, summer and fall was spent hiking with a weighted backpack. I cut out a 300yd shooting lane on my property, consistently hitting a 12”x16” steel plate off my shooting sticks. Practice makes “better”, and builds confidence, since most hunting shots in my neck of the woods are not that far.

Kevin and I are retired truck drivers, so it’s natural for us to drive to all of our hunting destinations. We started out around 7PM Thursday, Nov. 14, driving all night before making a stop in Stuart, Iowa Friday night. Winter storm warnings and high winds forced us to stop in Laramie, Wy. Saturday night. I was beginning to wonder if we would even make it to Craig. Sunday morning’s weather was much clearer. The snow and wind left a trail of icy roadways and rolled over tractor-trailers on I-80 near Elk Mountain. Once past Rawlins, the roads were just wet or snow covered all the way to Craig.

We arrived at Candlewood Suites around 11:30 AM but was told we couldn’t check in until 4PM. So we fueled up the truck and drove to Elkhorn Outfitters. I introduced myself as the Raffle winner and was warmly greeted by Dick and Cheryl Dodd’s, and some of the guides. They made Kevin and I feel right at home. Next came buying my Elk license, and then checking the zero of my rifle.

We went back to Candlewood and checked in. What an awesome place to stay while on my hunt. I spoke with Elisa who was most friendly and helpful. Made us feel right at home. We unpacked the truck then went back to Elkhorn for dinner, hunt orientation and to meet my guide, Brian, and learn the plan for Monday morning.

Breakfast at 5AM then North to the mountains for a horse back hunt. I was truly amazed at the way these horses navigated the steep rocky terrain. I have horses of my own, but I don’t think mine would have lasted a day out here. We hadn’t gone far, when Brian signaled to stop. He pointed to a ridge where we could see tan colored forms moving through the trees. This was my first sighting of Elk. We tied up the horses then approached on foot. Cows and spike bulls only, but what a ‘rush’ to get within twenty yards of them.

We rode much of the day seeing small groups, but no shooter bulls. So we will try again tomorrow. Back at the lodge we learned that some hunters had already been successful.

Tuesday began with a pickup truck ride to another section of property. This time the landscape was open plateaus with ravines and rolling hills and valleys covered with what looked like a blanket of sagebrush. Driving along a ranch road, we rounded a curve to see a small herd of Elk just ahead, crossing the ridge we were on. At least one look like a shooter, but they were moving too fast to get a good look, so Brian backtracked to a high point where we could glass the vast valley they were heading toward. He thought they might keep on moving beyond the property boundary. But as we watched for probably fifteen minutes, they stopped on a hillside and started browsing, some even lying down. Between the elk and the ridge we were on was a ravine. I said to Brian, “Lets try it, a real spot and stalk, doing it the right way”. He said “Let’s do it” We grabbed our packs and started down the ridge toward the ravine making sure to keep out of sight.

Which brings me back to the ravine where I’m about to send one of my hand loaded 180gr Nosler Accubond bullets. It strikes the near shoulder breaking bone, he travels 20yds and it’s over. I have my first Bull Elk! So excited, putting my hands on him, I realize just how Blessed I am. I now see how Elk hunting can get in your blood. After taking pictures, we dressed out the bull. Then Brian went to get his truck onto which we loaded the bull for the trip to Brothers for the processing. The head went to Gunsmoke Taxidermy, where I had a European mount done.

We stayed in Craig two more days, buying souvenirs and waiting for the processing of the meat and for the mount. Also for the weather in the central states to clear out, as we have a 2,200 mile trip home. My only regret is that I wish I’d started thirty years ago. This was truly the “Hunt of My Dreams”.

I want to thank:

Dick and Cheryl Dodd’s of Elkhorn Outfitters for the donation of the hunt!

Brothers Meat Packing for the excellent processing of my elk!

Candlewood Suites for the outstanding lodging!

Brian Peed, for his determination and ability to get his hunter his quest!

The Craig Chamber of Commerce for the chance of a “Dream Hunt”!

Rebekah Greenwood for her helps to make it happen!

May GOD BLESS you all!

Best Regards, John S. Meiss


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