Standard(s) - Mike Resh

Lesson Title: Conflict called Dneirf

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|Lesson Title: Conflict called Dneirf |

|Approximate Number of Periods: 1, 30-45 minute period |

|Grades: 1-4 |

|Print Materials Needed: Book: Dneirf by Mike Resh |

|Resources: Printable Worksheets from |

|-------- Compare & Contrast, Parent Letter Home, and Bookmarks |

|KUD’s |

|Know Understand |Do |

|Key Vocabulary |Students will understand what conflict |PA Social Studies: 5.2.6.B.Explain how citizens resolve conflicts in|

| |is and how it forms. |society and government. |

|Dneirf |Students will learn how conflict can |PA Language Arts: 1.1.8.B.Use context clues, knowledge of root words|

|Friend |get worse or escalate. |as well as a glossary/thesaurus to decode and understand specialized|

|Kindness |Students will brainstorm behaviors that|vocabulary in the content areas during reading. |

|Caring |can be used to prevent and/or solve |PS:A1.5. Identify and express feelings. |

|Conflict |conflicts in social situations. |PS:A1.6 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors.|

|Resolution |Differences between a Dneirf, Friend, |PS:A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities. |

|Solving |and Bully. |PS:A2.2 Respect alternative points of view |

|Escalates | |PS.A2.6 Use effective communication skills |

|Escalator | |PS:A2.8 Learn how to make and keep friends |

| | |PS:B1.1 Use a decision-making and problem-solving model. |

| | |PS:B1.3 Identify alternative solutions to problems. |

| | |PS:B1.6 Know how to apply conflict resolution skills. |

|Assessment Areas |

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|Assessments/Performance Tasks | |

|Classroom discussion | |

|Student Responses | |

|Teacher Observation | |

|Vocabulary being used by students | |

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|Stage 3: Learning Activities |

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|Pre-test: Write the words Friend and Bully on the board or display. Ask students to talk in small groups about what each of these words means and the|

|differences between them. Now write the word Dneirf and ask the class to try to come up with a definition for this word. |

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|Explain: Today we will learn not only about the differences between a friend, bully, and a new word, “Dneirf” but we will also learn about one other |

|word: “Conflict.” |

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|Write the word Conflict on the board. |

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|Ask the students: Does anyone know what this word is or means? |

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|Explain: It is a disagreement and problem between two or more people. A conflict sometimes leads them to a fight or argument. Even in best of |

|friendships, Conflicts still happen and are a normal and natural part of everyone’s life. |

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|Brainstorming: On board around the word Conflict, have students share with you types of conflict and write them down. (Pushing, hitting, shouting, |

|not sharing, calling names). |

|(Group words together by type as seen below) |

| |

|Physical Verbal Social |

|-hitting -Shouting -Exclusion |

|-pushing CONFLICT -Rumors -Not Sharing |

|-fighting |

| |

|Question: |

|Is conflict good or bad? (Neither. Conflicts just happen. They are part of life.) |

|What could be good or bad? (The choices we make and how we handle it.) |

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|Discuss: The Conflict Escalator |

|Draw a picture of what looks like stairs on the board (see below) |

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|[pic] |

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|Ask: What is this picture of? (Kids will say stairs but then follow by saying that these stairs move up |

|and down). (This is an Escalator). |

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|When conflict gets worse we say it __________. (Escalates) |

|When conflict gets better we say it __________. (De-escalates) |

| |

|Explain: Conflict is like a snowball. It starts out small but if the problem doesn’t stop or a solution is formed, it keeps rolling and rolling, |

|getting bigger and bigger or escalating. (Show this by drawing a small circle on the bottom step and then a bigger circle moving up to the top. |

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|-A lot of the time we don’t know we are riding the conflict escalator until it is too late or the problem escalates. It is important to recognize |

|that you are in a conflict with someone as the first step. |

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|Role Play: Pick a student in the classroom to have a “conflict with.” You can pick any problem or use the example of accidently bumping into them. |

|Use the conflict escalator to discuss how you are on the first step. It can be stopped here by saying “I am sorry for bumping into you, it was an |

|accident.” Or it can “escalate” when one person yells at the other. Keeping adding pieces such as yelling louder, name calling, pushing (showing |

|moving up the escalator via drawing.) Explain that once you get to far up, you have the risk of falling off the escalator (meaning someone gets hurts|

|or in serious trouble). |

| |

|Teach: It is important to recognize you are in a conflict by saying: |

|“How did we get on the conflict escalator?” or |

|“I think we are on the conflict escalator, how are we going to get off?” |

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|Explain: You will now get to hear a story about conflict |

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|Read: Dneirf by Mike Resh |

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|Discuss: Otto struggles with having positive interactions with his friends at school… |

| |

|What conflict did Otto have? |

|What made the conflict worse? |

|When was he on an escalator? |

|How did he turn himself around? |

|How did he use the 5 friendship functions? |

| |

|Role Play: Pick two students to come up front and pretend to have conflict with a football (similar to Otto’s conflict in the book). Have them show |

|the class how they could have solve the problem. |

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|Show and Discuss the Conflict Resolution Chart (see below). |

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|ABCD Conflict Solving Model |

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|A: Ask, “What’s the problem? (How did we get on the Conflict Escalator?) |

|B: Brainstorm some solutions (How are we going to get off the Escalator?) |

|Possible Solutions: |

|-Talk it out: |

|-Listen to each other |

|-Share |

|-Take Turns |

|-Compromise (both give a little) |

|-Make a positive offering (one person gives a little gift or something to show |

|they wants to solve conflict) |

|-Say I’m sorry |

|-Get Help |

| |

|C: Choose the best one (Thumbs Up, Thumbs Up) |

|Explain: Explain Win-Win Solution or Thumbs Up Thumbs Down |

|Both people put thumps up or down to vote on the solution (Need both up to solve) |

| |

|D: Do it! |

| |

|Wrap-up: Goal of conflict resolution is not to eliminate conflict but learn from it and use it to power change. Without conflict, there is no |

|growth or progress in our lives. |

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|13. Compare & Contrast Worksheet: Have students complete this worksheet and discuss the differences between a dneirf and bully. Highlighting on the |

|fact that bullies intend to do mean things over a long period of time whereas dneirfs are those friends that just sometimes act in mean ways due to |

|having something going on in their life. |

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|Post-test: Write the words Friend, Bully, and Dneirf on the board or display. Ask students to explain the differences between these three words. Ask|

|the students to explain what a conflict is and how they can solve it. |

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|Parent Letter Home and Bookmarks: Pass out to each student to take home. |

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|Solving Conflicts |

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|A: Ask “What’s the problem? |

|How did we get on the Conflict Escalator? |

| |

|B: Brainstorm some solutions. |

|How are we going to get off the Escalator? |

| |

| |

|C: Choose the best one. |

|Thumbs Up, Thumbs Up |

| |

| |

|D: Do it! |

|[pic] |

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