Welcome to Gymnema Sylvestre

Welcome to Gymnema Sylvestre

Best Nutrition has introduced the beneficial powers of Gymnema Sylvestre in two forms; herbal tea and capsules. Both are equally effective.

In experimental and clinical trials, Gymnema sylvestre has been successful in controlling the blood sugar level without reducing it to below the normal blood sugar levels, an effect sometimes seen with the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic sulphonylurea compounds. Due to it's non-toxic nature and sweetness-suppression activity, Gymnema sylvestre can play a role in treating conditions caused by excessive sugar intakes. Conditions like obesity, hyperglycemia, anemia and osteoporosis can also be helped by using Gymnema sylvestre.


Ayurvedic Herbal Extract

GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE, an Ayurvedic herb, came to be known as "destroyer of sugar" because, in ancient times, Ayurvedic physicians observed that chewing a few leaves of Gymnema sylvestre suppressed the taste of sugar. It is used today all over India for controlling blood sugar.

Description: Gymnema Sylvestre 450 mg (60 capsules)

Price : $ 8.95



An extract of ayurvedic herb, Gymnema sylvestre has two primary benefits when taken with a meal:

• The acid in the tea prevents taste buds from being activated by any sugar molecules in food.

• This acid also inhibits the intestine from absorbing sugar molecules from your food.

Gymnema Herbal Tea, Net Wt. 125 gms

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Price : $15.50



A natural product for controlling blood sugar and enhancing healthy pancreas function.

Dia-Botica capsules contain 4 powerful anti-sugar absorption herbal extracts which limit the absorption of sugar into the blood stream during digestion:

• Gymnema Sylvestre (Gurmar) 100mg

• Eugenia Jambolana (Jamun) 100mg

• Momordica Charantia (Karela bitter melon) 100mg

• Trigonella Foenum Graeceun (fenugreek) 100mg

Dia-Botica capsules also contain:

• GTF Chromium (Glucose Tolerance Factor - 200mcg) which aids insulin production.

• Magnesium (100mg) which helps in rebuilding muscle strength and strengthening the cardiovascular system, particularly the heart.

Dia-Botica Capsules 500mg (60 Capsules)


More Details about Gymnema

Gymnema Description


Gymnema sylvestre is a woody, vine-like plant which climbs on bushes and trees in the Western Ghats in South India, and to the west of those mountains in the territory around the coastal city of Goa. It came to be known as “destroyer of sugar” because, in ancient times, Ayurvedic physicians observed that chewing a few leaves of Gymnema suppressed the taste of sugar. Recent clinical trials conducted in India have shown that an extract of Gymnema sylvestre is useful in both insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and in certain types of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). As a result of these clinical tests and years of successful treatments, Gymnema is used today all over India for treating diabetes mellitus.

Gymnema Hypoglycemia

Studies conducted in India as early as 1930 showed that the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre cause hypoglycemia in experimental animals. This state of hypoglycemia is explained on the assumption that the drug indirectly stimulates insulin secretion of the pancreas, since it has no direct effect on carbohydrate metabolism.

Gymnema: Gymnemic Acid

Recent pharmacological and clinical studies have shown that Gymnema sylvestre acts on two sites, the taste buds in the oral cavity50 and the absorptive surface to the intestines. The important active ingredient of Gymnema sylvestre is an organic acid called “Gymnemic acid”. The Gymnemic acid is made up of molecules whose arrangement is similar to that two hours, thereby preventing the taste buds from being activated by any sugar molecules present in the food.

Gymnema in Taste

It hs also been noted that Gymnema sylvestre takes away the bitter taste of bitter substances, such as quinine, in much the same way that it affects the sense of sweetness associated with candies and other swwet foods. Therefore, if you are eating an orange within two hours after chewing Gymnema sylvestre leaves, for instance, you would taste the sourness of it but not the sweetness.

Gymnema Therapeutic Uses

• Suppress the taste of sweet foods, and consequently the desire to eat

• Reduce metabolic effect of sugar by preventing the intestines from absorbing sugar molecules during digestion

• Treatment of diabetes

• Snakebite treated by powder or paste of the root applied to the wound

• Fever treated with oral administration of half announce to an ounce ( one part in 10) of leaves

• Swollen glands treated with an external application of triturated leaves mixed with castor oil

• Gymnema helps to normal blood sugar

• Gymnema controls sugar level

• Gymnema controls and regulate weight

• Gymnema controls sugar craving

• Gymneam reduces the taste of sugar when it is on the mouth

• Gymnema curb sweet tooth

• Gymnema for blood glucose

• Gymnema for Cholesterol

• Gymnema gurmar is the natural way to help control blood sugar









Gymnema : Toxicity Cautions and Contraindications

For most people using Gymnema sylvestre, blood sugar goes down toward but not below normal blood sugar levels. This can happen in a small number of patients, however, because the mechanisms of the diabetic syndrome vary with different patients. Remarkably, unlike insulin or oral hypoglycemic sulfonylurea compounds, the hypoglycemic effects of Gymnema sylvestre are seen in only a small percentage of diabetic patients.

Safety of Gymnema sylvestre

The safety of Gymnema sylvestre has been demonstrated by the fact that it has been safety and successfully used for more than 2,000 years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.


Sugar Destroyer, Maintaining A Good Life Style


Gymnema also known as Gurmar and Meshashringi (Sanskrit and Hindi), literally means “sugar destroyer”, has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for several centuries to regulate sugar metabolism.

The hypoglycemic (blood sugar-lowering) therapeutic of gymnema medicinal plant was first documented in the late 1900s. This action is gradual in nature, differing from the immediate effect of many prescription hypoglycemic drugs.

Gymnema leaves increases insulin levels by regeneration of the cells in the pancreas that secrete insulin. Other clinical research has shown that gymnema also improves uptake of glucose into cells by increasing the activity of the glucose utilizing enzymes, and prevents adrenaline from stimulating the liver to produce glucose, thereby reducing blood sugar levels.

Gymnema leaves are also noted for lowering serum cholesterol and triglycerides. Gymnema also abolishes the taste of sugar, which effectively suppresses and neutralized the craving for sweets. The leaf extracts contain gymnemic acid which inhibits hyperglycemia and also acts as a cardiovascular stimulant. The primary clinical application for this botanical medicinal plant is as an antidiabetic agent.

Gymnema has been the subject of considerable research since the 1900s, with promising results for types 1 and 2 diabetes.

Gymnema has been successful in controlling the blood sugar level without reducing it to below the normal blood sugar level, an effect seen with the use of insulin or oral hypoglycemic sulphonylurea compounds.

Gymnema acts a simple and effective method to help maintain healthy glucose levels. Gymnema contains Gymnemic acid, which works safely withing your current regimen to promote proper pancreatic function.

Therapeutic Action:

Gymnema neutralized the craving for sweets by abolishing the taste of sugar.

Gymnema promotes regeneration of beta cells responsible for releasing insulin in the pancreas.

Gymnema prevents adrenaline from stimulating the liver to produce glucose.

Gymnema lowers serum cholesterol and triglycerides.

Overall, Gymnema normalizes blood sugar levels without the use of insulin or oral compounds.

Gymnema what it is?

Gymnema or Gymnema Sylvestre is often referred to as “sugar destroyer” and has been used in Ayurveda since the 6th century B.C. It has been shown to have a regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells while curbing a person’s craving for sweets.

Gymnema who can take it:

Gymnema is typically recommended for people who have trouble taming their sweet tooth and who are either borderline diabetic or waging a war against Type II diabetes. When there a high level of blood sugar, the body produces more insulin, which is the hormone that helps shuttle blood sugar into the cells of the body. But as too much insulin is produced, the cells become resistant to it – a condition known as insulin resistance. When that happens, blood sugar remains high. Many people who have insulin resistance gain weight, no matter what their diet. In such cases, Gymnema may help by improving the cells’ uptake of blood sugar and helping the body utilize it.

Gymnema addictive?

Gymnema does not contain any addictive components and can be taken without fear of addiction for extended periods of time.

Gymnema’s Side Effect?

No side effects have been reported, but researchers have not established whether this herb is absolutely safe for pregnant women or during lactation.

Gymnema be taken along with other pharmaceutical medication or alternative health products.

It is advisable to use caution when taking Gymnema along with other pharmaceutical medication (oral hypoglycemics or insulin) for diabetes. The combination of gymnema and these medications can lower blood-sugar levels to potentially risky levels. If you are already taking diabetes medication, it is extremely important to work with a physician before supplementing with gymnema because the physician needs to closely monitor blood-sugar levels. In many instances, your doctor will need to lower the dosage of the pharmaceutical medication you are on.

Gymnema’s action on the body

Gymnema has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, improve the body’s ability to metabolize and respond to insulin and regenerate the pancreas, although results depend on how advanced the condition is the extent to which medical management and monitoring is essential. Gymnema decreases insulin needs by 45-75% and helps lower blood sugar and triglycerides. Further, gymnema reduces craving for sugar and blocks the ability to taste sweets for 3 hours, although it does not completely destroy all sense of taste. In type II diabetes, gymnema improves insulin’s effects and can even substitute for oral sugar-lowering drugs

How can I test if Gymnema really blocks one’s ability to taste sweets?

A taste test can show how Gymnema works. First taste something sweet. Then, take one dosage of Gymnema. Now, taste something sweet again. You will not be able to taste the sugar because Gymnema has blocked the taste of the sugar in your mouth in the same way it blocks sugar in digestion.

Gymnema’s therapeutic value

Gymnema is an herb that reduces blood sugar levels after sugar consumption. It has a molecular structure similar to that of sugar that can block absorption of up to 50% of dietary sugar calories. Gymnema can be taken for:

Blood Sugar, Hypoglycemia, Weight Management, Cholesterol, Digestion

How long do I have to take Gymnema before I see any results?

Herbal medicines provide progressive, long-term benefits. Certain classes of herbs work well in acute conditions to provide quick relief, however herbs like Gymnema need to be taken for at least 3-4 weeks before the benefits of taking it can be experienced. Optimally, it can take anywhere between 6 months and 2 years to experience the full range of benefits. Individual results can vary, depending on the nature and seriousness of the condition for which Gymnema is being consumed.

Gymnema: Clinical Studies and Validation:

In one controlled study, a standardized gymnema extract was given to 50 people with Type I diabetes, all receiving a dosage of 400 mg daily for periods ranging from 6 months to 2 and ½ years. 50 of the other people in the study continued to take the usual insulin therapy without the addition of gymnema. Among those who took the herbal extract, researchers found that insulin requirements fell off dramatically. In addition, there was a statistically significant decrease in the blood sugar markers that tests long-term blood sugar. Those in the control group showed no significant decreases in blood sugar or insulin requirements.

In a second study, 55 people with Type II diabetes were given 400mg of gymnema extract every day for 18 to 20 months while they also continued to get their usual medication for hypoglycemia. Average blood sugar levels improved significantly in the group, along with another sugar related factor (glycosylated hemoglobin). Results also showed that there was an increase in pancreatic release of insulin among the people who got gymnema. People in the study were able to reduce their medication, and five were able to discontinue their drugs completely

Gymnema has been scientifically noted by various clinical data. Its formula has been subjected to the modern controlled studies of clinical testing to prove its therapeutics in gently addressing your health and lifestyle and its quality is controlled by the most sophisticated chromatographic methods of analysis.

Note of Gymnema

Gymnema Ayurvedic herbal for diabetes,

Gymnema ayurvedic nutrient for blood sugar,

Gymnema ayurvedic for blood sugar,

Gymnema ayurvedic natural herb nutrient for diabetes mellitus,

Gymnema for glycosuria,

Gymnemic acid for weight control,

Gymnemic acid controls glucose molecules,

Gymnemic acid controls taste buds,

Gymnemic acid controls surface of intestines,

Gymnema for people predisposed to diabetes,

Gymnema for athletes needing to develop lean muscle,

Gymnema acts as a substitute for chromium,

Gymnema acts for the hormone insulin,

Gymnema regulates metabolism of protein,

Gymnema regulates fats,

Gymnema regulatesd carbohydrates,

Gymnema increase HDL levels


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