A Level Mindset Curriculum

42634027620-419100000center1126490Stopping Negative Thoughts00Stopping Negative Thoughtscenter9525 0 Don’t Give UpIt’s so easy to throw in the towel when things get tricky. Growth mindset is all about recognising that those bumps in the road are part of the learning process. It’s normal and very much the route towards success. These tasks will help you recognise positive mindset statements – and then you need to put them into practice.Task 1: The blue column contains statements that demonstrate a negative mindset. In the green column, turn it into a positive mindset statement.Not Fair ThinkingI don’t deserve this treatmentCatastrophe ThinkingIf things go wrong it’ll be a total nightmareStopper ThinkingI’m useless, I can’t do this.Illogical ThinkingIf this bad thing happens then another will surely follow.Blaming ThinkingIt’s his fault Its everyone's except mineOver GeneralisingI never get the breaks. My life is a complete failureTask 2: Now reframe the following statements using a more positive mindset.I’ve never been good at examsStuff like this always happens to meIf my report is bad I’m going to be in trouble at homeI’m only going to fail so what is the point in tryingThe teacher doesn’t like meNothing goes right for me. Why should [subject] be any different?I’m not going to get the grades to get into university, so I’ll end up without a job and have a miserable lifeIf I fail this mock then it means the whole term was a disasterThis is typical of my life. Nothing is easy or straight forward and I’m sick of it. ................

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