Academic Vocabulary Unit A

Name: ___________________________ English 7 Academic Vocabulary Unit A 1. abbreviate (v.) 1. To shorten a word or a piece of text by omitting letters 2. To reduce (anything) in length, duration, etc.; make briefer synonym – shorten, abridge antonym – lengthen 2. analogy (n.) 1. A comparison of two things based on their being alike in some way 2. Similarity or comparability synonym – comparison, equivalence, relationship antonym – difference 3. analyze (v.) examine critically to explain and interpret ? Synonym: break down meaning, evaluate 4. annotate (v.) to add critical or explanatory notes to a text ? Synonym: comment on, make notes on 5. caption (n.) 1. A title or explanation for an illustration (v.) to supply a caption for an illustration ? synonym - subtitle, description 6. characterize (v.) to describe a characters special qualities synonym - illustrate, describe, exemplify antonym - confuse, mix up 7. deduce (v.) To infer, to arrive at a fact or a conclusion using evidence synonym – figure, have a hunch, read into antonym – misunderstand, disregard 8. define (v.) 1. To explain the meaning of something 2. To mark boundaries synonym – characterize, explain antonym – confuse, misrepresent 9. employ (v.) 1. To hire the services of a person 2. To make use of, apply (n.) The state of being employed synonym – apply, use, put to use antonym – to leave in disrepair, to leave as is 10. fact (n.) Something that is always true synonym – actuality, authentic antonyms - theory, lie, opinion Name: ___________________________ English 7 Academic Vocabulary Unit A (cont.) 11. general (adj.) 1. Not specific or definite 2. usual synonym – usual, widespread, routine, commonplace antonym – abnormal, uncommon 12. inclined (adj.) Having a desire, motivated synonym – willing, likely antonym – unwilling 13. margin (n.) The blank space at the side of a page; an edge synonym – borderline antonym – center, inner 14. motivation (n.) the reason for doing something ? synonym – purpose 15. narrative (n.) A story or account of events or experiences, usually told in sequence synonym – reported antonyms - rambling 16. optional (adj.) A choice, not required synonym – voluntary antonym – required, necessary 17. paraphrase (v.) restate and simplify in your own words synonym – rephrase antonym – quote 18. quotation (n.) An excerpt that is taken exactly, word for word synonym – excerpt antonym - paraphrase 19. rare (adj.) unusual, uncommon synonym – scarce, unique antonym – usual, common 20. thesis (n.) A statement to be proven synonym – theory, hypothesis antonym – fact ................

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