Dr. Kenneth W. Jones, Pastor, Practical Living Ministry

The Creature That Prays

God created man and breathed into him the breath of life (living; community) and man became a living soul (Total being) Genesis 2:7

Nephesh (Hebrew translation)- involves soul, self, life, emotions; and spirit. The substance and inner being of Man

According to the Talmud, the synonym for nephesh is the word mav eh which means to ask, to, seek, to request

Man is defined as "The Creature that prays." Could this be why Jesus asked us to "Ask, Seek, and Knock,"

knowing that prayer is a part of man's true existence? Man was manifested as a praying being. Part of man's

being is linked to his communion and communication to God. The man who does not pray will soon not be a man by God's standard

What Do You Do When:


The answer to your prayer seemed delayed or unanswered?

You've been praying and praying and yet no relief or release in sight?

You get relief, but it seems like the trial, issue, complication emerges again?

Why We are Prone to Give Up on Prayer


Sometimes we assume that we are competent to handle things in our own strength.

If God has given you a strong natural ability, it is easy to accomplish things without prayer because you know how to do it and you do it well

A main reason we lose heart in prayer is the delays in God's answers

Our List For Why Prayer is Not Working


When we don't see our prayers being answered we begin to go through our list of why we are not receiving the answer:

Sin in my life: (John 9:31) or punishment for my sins (Romans 8:1) I am in a rebellious state so God does not hear me (Prov 1:22-33; Deut 1:45)) Maybe I am not exercising enough faith (Hebrews 11:6) Can't escape from generational sins: sins passed down (John 9:2) Maybe I am not asking for the right thing, in the right way, at the right time

(James 4:2,3) I am hindered by "negative confessions" and words spoken over me (Proverbs 6:2) Maybe God doesn't want me to have it (Psalms 84:11) God is punishing me for my slothfulness, sinful past, poor decisions, etc. (2nd

Samuel 12: 7-17) While there may be biblical and spiritual legitimacy to why our prayers are being

hindered, we must not rule out other principles found in God's Word


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