FENCE AND BOUNDARY AFFIDAVITSTATE OF NEW YORK )COUNTY OF_________________ ) ss:_______________and ________________ , being duly sworn, depose and say as follows:1. We are the owners of premises commonly known as ________________________ in the[city/village/town] of ____________________, County of ______________, and State of NewYork, as more particularly described in a ______________ Deed from _____________, dated______________, ______, and recorded in the ______________ County Clerk’s Office in Book_______ of Deeds at page ____ (hereinafter referred to as the “________________” premises).2. The “________________” premises adjoin premises owned by _____________________, asset forth in a ______________ Deed from ________________, dated _______________,______, and recorded in the ___________________ County Clerk’s Office in Book ______ ofDeeds at page ______ (hereinafter referred to as the “________________” premises).3. The _________ boundary line of the “________________” premises is also (part of) the____________ boundary line of the “________________” premises; and is therefore a“common boundary line.”4. The undersigned have been shown a survey of the “________________” premises prepared by___________________________, land surveyor, dated _____________, ______, wherein itappears that a _______________ fence runs along or nearby the “common boundary line,” butis situated up to _____ feet inside the “________________” premises from the “commonboundary line.”5. The undersigned hereby certify that they are agreed that the “common boundary line” asdepicted in the said survey is accurate and true; and that they make no claim for ownershipby adverse possession or otherwise to that portion of the land situate between the “commonboundary line” and the fence on the “________________” premises as set forth on the survey.6. The undersigned hereby certify that the said fence is their personal property and constitutesan encumbrance on the “________________” premises; and upon demand, they promise toremove the said fence.7. The undersigned make this affidavit at the request of ________________ in order to induce the_____________________ to finance a mortgage loan to purchasers of their real property.1143003175Sworn to before methis _______day of ________, 20___ ______________________________Notary00Sworn to before methis _______day of ________, 20___ ______________________________Notary_________________________________________________ ................

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