Montclair State University

LEARNING SKILLS – Note-Taking and Outlining

After surfing at least two of the sites listed below, e-mail the following information to Dr. Tayler at

Describe (in a total of two paragraphs) two of the note-taking, outlining, reading or study systems that you found. At least one of the systems should be include Cornell Method. Be sure to name and include the URLs for the two web sites where you found your information. Also include in your e-mail:

        *the word "BONUS"

        *your complete name

        *the course name and number.

Note: Be sure to send your information in the text of the e-mail, not  as an attachment.

When you complete this and e-mail it, as assigned, before the next class meeting, you will receive 1 bonus point added to your first examination or assignment.

The following web sites are to be used to help you with Learning Skills:

Keene State College Aspire Program

Stanford University

College of St. Benedict/ St. John’s University

Dartmouth College

UNSW Australia

Texas A & M University

The Open University

Cal Poly

North Shore Community College

University of Utah

University of Southampton

Study Guides

Whink Blog

    *         *        *          *           *          *

After you complete this assignment, you will then apply your own method of note-taking/outlining to the reading assignment due for your next class.  As you do your own note taking/outlining, you are encouraged to use one of the systems that you found in surfing the web, but you are not required to do so. [Note that Cornell is described mostly for lectures rather than homework readings.] Your notes/outline for the chapter(s) should be handwritten and handed in to Dr. Tayler at the next class.


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