Vocabulary Weeks 1 - 2 Practice Sheet

Name Date Hour

Previous Words

Achilles’ heel Mnemonic Fathom Tawdry Stentorian Serendipity Patriarch

Monarch Hierarchy Matriarch Spartan Asinine Plagiarize Hyperbole

Diabolic Extract Disperse Vocation Catalyst Countervail Dunce

Charlatan Plummet Fatal Nefarious

New Words

1. Heinous (HAY nus) _________________________________________________________

2. Vindicate (VIN duh kate) _________________________________________________________

3. Vindictive (vin DIK tive) _________________________________________________________

4. Homage (HOM ij) _________________________________________________________

5. Pedigree (PED uh gree) _________________________________________________________

Monday/Tuesday – Context clues/fill in the blank

1. Because of nothing more than ____________________________, she was able to reconnect with her long lost love.

2. Twirling his moustache, the old timer let out a wicked laugh. His _______________ nature was on display for all to see.

3. With a pair of tweezers, the old man carefully _________________ the insect from the cocoon.

4. James was busted for ____________________ when he copied the lyrics of a song and turned it in as an original poem.

5. The venomous snake delivered a _________________ bite.

6. The man at the carnival games proved to be nothing more than a when he tricked the child out of his money.

7. The ___________________ of the tribe declared his intentions to have his daughter marry someone from a neighboring tribe.

8. He always does what he is supposed to do, he never causes trouble, and he always looks so serious. He truly maintains a ________________ lifestyle.

9. Wearing too much jewelry and clashing clothing made the girl look _________________________.

10. The math problem stumped the student, proving to be his ____________________.

11. Using a ________________ strategy helped Joanna improve her spelling skills.

12. The boy proved to be _______________________ when he pulled the baby’s fingers until the baby cried.

13. With a broadcast spreader, the farmer quickly __________________ the wheat seeds.

14. The _________________________ is often a strong woman who is able to make decisions for her family.

15. Without question, playing Russian Roullette is a totally __________________ thing to do.

16. Her taunting remarks on Facebook proved to be the ____________________ that started a chain reaction among the students.

17. When selecting the students, the teacher used a ____________________ to rank them by their abilities.

18. Back in the day, teachers made students who didn’t do their homework wear a hat and sit in front of the room.

19. Do you remember when you said that you could jump over 100 cars with your motorcycle? That was certainly an example of ______________________.

20. While they appear outnumbered, the soldiers will __________________________ against the enemy.

21. The rock _______________________ to the bottom of the hill.

22. No matter how much he tried, Harold could not ________________ how the child got stuck in the fence.

23. Tony really likes his __________________; he says he has the best job in the world.

24. With a ____________________ blast from the trumpet, Nicholas played the school song.

25. The current ruler, or ______________, of England is a woman.

26. “I’ve come to report a ___________________ crime,” she said. “No one should treat their children in this way.”

27. The young man took off his hat and paid ______________ to the fallen soldiers.

28. The puppy came with papers proving its __________________________________ .

29. Although generally pleasant, the young girl became very _________________ when her boyfriend cheated on her.

30. The man was cleared of all charges; he had been __________________________________.


Write a sentence using the new word. Be sure your sentence uses the word correctly.

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Thursday – Choose 3 vocabulary words and complete the word maps for them.

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Friday: Solve the crossword puzzle and study for your test.



1. The farmer will_________ the wheat seeds around the field.

6. Don’t copy other people’s work and ______

8. Harold could not _______ how the child got stuck in the fence.

10. King Arthur was a great ____ who ruled his kingdom.

11. The puppy came with papers that proved its ______

12. The match was the ____ that started the huge fire.

15. My grandmother, the family’s ______, decided that Christmas would be celebrated on December 24.

17. Playing Jackass is a totally __________________ thing to do.

19. When you tell a ______, is it really just a lie/exaggeration?

20. Wearing inappropriate clothing made the girl look _________

24. The soldiers will __________________________ against the enemy.

26. The man at the carnival games was a ______________when he tricked the child out of his money.

27. She arranged the students in a ____ according to their height.

28. Twirling his moustache, the old timer let out a wicked laugh. His ____ nature was on display for all to see.

29. The venomous snake delivered a _____ bite.


2. When she yelled across the room, her voice was _________________.

3. The _______ of the tribe led his tribe onto the battle field.

4. The jury will _____ him and clear him of all charges.

5. The young man took off his hat and paid _______ to the flag.

6. Rocks _________ to the bottom of the hill.

7. With a pair of tweezers, the old man will carefully ____ the insect from the cocoon.

9. Using a ___________ helped Joe remember where he left his keys.

13. A marine does what he is told to do and has a _____ lifestyle.

14. Tony really likes his job or his _________.

16. Because of nothing more than ____, she was able to reconnect with her long lost love.

18. “I’ve come to report a ________ crime,” she said. “She mistreated her children.”

21. The math problem was the __________and stumped several.

22. In the old school room, teachers made unprepared students wear ___ hats.

23. Pulling a baby’s fingers is just mean and _____

25. The young girl became very _____ when her boyfriend cheated on her.

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