Justin Jepperson

Wolfram Alpha Search Engine

Wolfram Alpha is a new computational search engine that will do comparisons and give statistical analysis much faster than Google. You can also add this to your smart phones by downloading the Wolfram Alpha app. I use this a lot. See if you like it. Worth 2 pts. Each or 36 pts.

|1 |What if you were offered a job in Salt Lake City and one in Boston. Which search engine would you use to compare living in the two |

| |different cities? |

| |Search for Boston vs. Salt Lake City. Then add cost of living at the end of your search string. Compare these. Then delete the cost|

| |of living and compare the cost of housing. How about crime levels? Add income levels at the end of your search. Show a print screen |

| |of one of these results above. |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |Taking into consideration the weather, crime, cost of living, and income levels, which city would you choose? I would choose Salt |

| |Lake because housing and cost of living is cheaper. |

|2 |Go to wolframalpha and compare how many hits Google, Facebook and Twitter get in a day. Enter the amount of views for the largest |

| |one below. |

| |Google gets 13 billion hits per day! |

|3 |Wolfram Alpha comes with location awareness. So it can be used just like an IP tracker. Type in “˜Where Am I?’ and you get your exact|

| |geo-located co-ordinates. What are they? (I’m really not going to track you down!) |

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|4 |Solve and plot this math problem in Wolfram alpha. Show the print screen of this. Math couldn’t be easier! x^3 - 4x^2 + 6x - 24 = |

| |0 |

| |[pic] |

|5 |Go to wolframalpha and type in McDonald’s Big Mac vs. Burger King’s Whopper. See how many calories they contain and paste it here. |

| |Whopper: 640 Big Mac: 520 |

| |[pic] |

|6 |Type in Sky Chart Salt Lake City in wolframalpha. Do a print screen. |

| |[pic] |

|7 |How many hours is the flight from Salt Lake City to Beijing China? 11 hours & 5 minutes |

|8 |Search for any earthquakes close to Salt Lake City. Type in “earthquakes near by Salt Lake City, UT” in Wolframalpha. Where was the|

| |latest earthquake and what magnitude was it? (keep trying—this will work) |

| |70 miles ESE, magnitude 4.0 |

|9 |Search in wolframalpha the differences between the University of Utah and Salt Lake Community College. What is the differences in |

| |tuition? |

| |University of Utah: $24,111 per year SLCC: $10,582 per year |

|10 |Go to wolframalpha and type in your name. How common is your name? If your entire name doesn’t come up, type in either your first or|

| |last name. It may not find it with today’s creative spellings. 1 in 588 people are named Justin as of last year. |

|11 |Type in facebook report. What do you get? Nothing shows up. |

|12 |Find a current event that happened on your birthday and list it here. |

| |I couldn’t find any events for October 12th… ☹ |

|13 |Compare oranges to apples. What did you find? |

| |Oranges have 71 calories while apples have 91 caleries |

|14 |How many days until Christmas? 105 |

|15 |Wolfram Alpha can come up with a random password and estimate how long it will take to crack. You can even tweak the rules used to |

| |generate the password. Type in “generate 8 character password”. Give me a password and tell me how long will it take to crack it? |

| |SZpOel1t. It would take 34.62 years to crack. |

|16 |Have you been drinking? Wolfram Alpha can estimate whether you can legally drive home. Ask it if you’re drunk and you’ll get a form |

| |asking for more information. Type in some statistics and see what percentage your blood alcohol level is and if it is safe to drive.|

| |My blood alcohol level is 0.00% but if I were to drink 3 drinks I would still be good to drive! |

|17 |Type body mass index and Wolfram will present you with another form. After you provide your weight and height, Wolfram Alpha will |

| |calculate your BMI and tell you whether you’re within the normal range. Are you in the normal range? (I know that this can be a |

| |sensitive one that you do not need to share with me. I thought that it would be interesting to you so you can just say yes or no or |

| |maybe!) Yes |

|18 |Want to rule at crossword puzzles? Want to find words that begin with a certain letter, end with a certain combination of letters — |

| |or both? Just ask Wolfram Alpha in plain English. Find any words that begin with b and end with ic that are in English. Name one. |

| |Balsamic |

| |This only scratches the surface of what Wolframalpha will do. Whatever you are curious about type in and see what you can find. |

| | |

| |Total 36 pts |


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