Spanish Language AP IV Summer Work 2013-2014

All summer work must be turned in to Sra. Martínez in a spiral notebook.

Work from the media

A. Current events from the media

Do the following activities for 5 newspaper or magazine articles that focus on

current events.

1. Print and paste 3 articles from an authentic (real) newspaper or magazine in Spanish into a spiral bound notebook. The articles should be from different dates and they should be at least ½ a page in length of written text.

2. Read each article.

3. Write a list of at least 10 new vocabulary terms found in the article and define them in English.

4. Write a summary of the article in your own words in Spanish in a well-developed paragraph. Summarize the article by discussing the key points. Do not just restate the facts. Use the attached template as a guide for giving the information and answering the questions for each article.

5. Answer: How does this article connect/relate to the AP Spanish Language themes? (See attached)

6. Highlight all the verbs in the article using a different color for each tense/ mood found in the article and make a key for what tense each color represents. The key must include: present, imperfect, preterite, subjunctive, future, conditional and imperfect subjunctive.

You may choose to use the websites listed below. You may also use magazines in Spanish, but do not limit yourself to fashion/ sports/ gossip magazines. You can only use one of these sources for one of your current events.

• espanol





B. Cultural articles from

1. Go to

2. choose one cultural article from the intermediate level (Intermedio) and one article from the advanced level (Avanzado).

3. Follow steps 1-6 from part A (above)

C. Television newscasts

1. Watch 3 hours of Spanish News from a Spanish television network such as Univisión or Telemundo or CNN En Español for at least 30 minutes on different dates.

2. For each 30 minutes you watch write 5 bullet points (a total of 30 bullet points) in Spanish summarizing the news reports

3. Write the Television Network/ Channel, Title of news program, date and time of the newscast

4. Add to your spiral bound notebook.

Do not use Spanish articles or newscasts that focus on gossip ie. TVyNovelas, People en Español, Selecciones, Cosmopolitan, Vanidades, Alarma TV or Al Extremo

Template for Culture Article/ Newscast Summaries

Título de artículo/ programa de noticias: ____________________________________

Fuente de información: __________________________________________________

Nombre del autor: ______________________________________________________

Fecha del artículo/ reportaje (hora): ________________________________________

Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Cuál es el tema central del artículo/ reportaje?


2. ¿Cuándo ocurrió?


3. ¿Dónde?


4. ¿Por qué? O ¿Cómo pasó?


5. ¿Por qué es importante?


6. Escribe un resumen del artículo en tus propias palabras.



7. ¿Qué sabías sobre el tema antes de leer el artículo?


8. ¿Estás de acuerdo con el pensamiento del artículo? Explica, ¿por qué? O ¿Por qué no?


9. ¿Por qué elegiste este artículo? ¿Cómo se relaciona con los temas de AP Spanish Language?





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Use el pretérito de 3ra persona plural, quite el –ron y agregue las terminaciones


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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