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- Angola News

Current news (from African newspapers, PANA, the UN, etc.) Formed from a merger with Africa News of Durham, NC.

Angola. Embassy. Washington, D.C. - News

News from ANGOP, the government press agency. Official government site. Also links to the Embassy newsletter, O Pensador and the Angolan Mission to the UN's newsletter, The Angolan Mission Observer.

Angola Peace Monitor (London)

Monthly newsletter produced by Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA), successor to the British Anti-Apartheid Movement. The back issues from Vol. 1, No. 1, April 3, 1995 and issues following are online at:

Angola Press - Agência Angola Press - ANGOP

In Portuguese, English, French. The national press agency, has news on politics, the economy, society, sports, culture. Basic country information, provincial map, recent history, ANGOP provides news to the Luanda newspaper, Jornal de Angola. [KF]

Angolan Mission Observer (New York)

E version of the print bi-monthly newsletter from the Permanent Mission of Angola to the United Nations (New York). Includes past issues.


In Portuguese. Carries current news. Angonet is a non-profit network for NGOs. It was begun in 1989 with Canadian funding. [KF]


In Portuguese. Current news. Maintained by AngoBusca.

O Apostolado (Luanda)

In Portuguese. Online edition of the print independent newspaper. Includes documents such as - Mensagem Pastoral dos Bispos Católicos de Angola e S. Tomé (texto completo). "a newspaper associated with Rádio Ecclesia" "Excellent source of independent news."

BBC World Service - Africa

Use the Search to locate reports on Angola.


Subscription only. AFP wire stories on Angola and other countries. Usenet newsgroup created November 1995. To access this, your internet service provider must pay for a subscription to the newsgroup. news:clari.world.africa.southern

CNN World News

Use the Search to locate articles on Angola.

Ebonet - Flash de Noticias

In Portuguese. Selected articles from Angolan newspapers. Access can be difficult. From the Angolan internet service provider, Ebonet. Based in Angola.

Expresso Africa

In Portuguese. News on Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe. Part of Expresso Online. News, discussion forum. Based in Portugal. [KF]

Global NewsBank

Subscription service. Some universities subscribe. Use the Edit Search to rearrange the articles with the latest first. Good for researching news from a week ago back to 1985.  For African news includes selected reports from the BBC Monitoring Service (English translations of news), Agence France Presse, IPS, PANA, radio and/or TV stations. [KF]

- Cabinda Digital

In Portuguese. News about Cabinda, cartoons. From nova- in Braga, Portugal.

IRIN News - Angola

Current news from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Jornal de Angola (Luanda)

In Portuguese. Government newspaper, the only daily newspaper in Angola. or


Subscription only; some universities subscribe. Search the Top News section. Has selected Lexis-Nexis databases. Covers the BBC Summary of World Broadcasts, Agence France Presse, New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian (London), Africa News, Associated Press, TV transcripts, and others. 

Notícias Lusófonas

In Portuguese. Online newspaper covering the Lusophone world. News on Angola, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Moçambique, S. Tomé e Príncipe, (also Portugal, Brasil, Timor). "Excellent collection of news from different sources."

O Pensador

E version of the print bi-monthly newsletter of the Embassy of Angola, Washington, D.C. Includes past issues.

Radio Ecclesia

In Portuguese. Web site has closed. [A July 2001 report describes "a decision by independent Catholic-run Rádio Ecclésia to suspend all news reports in favour of religious broadcasts only."] A independent Catholic radio station in Angola which carries news including very brief selections from Angolan newspapers, important documents such as statements from the Catholic Bishops of Angola and Sao Tome, interviews with the political opposition. For those with sound cards and Realplayer, click on the satellite dish icon to listen to the news. This site does not work in Netscape Navigator browsers. [KF]

Semanário Angolense

Online edition of the "leading" independent weekly newspaper. Some older issues available.

United Nations ReliefWeb - Angola News

Very current news. Managed by the UN Dept. of Humanitarian Affairs.

United States. Department of State - Africa News

Use the Search to locate older press releases, articles esp. on Angola.



• BizAssist Online - SME business resources website dedicated to helping small businesses and entrepreneurs solve their problems and attain success.

• - Covers local, African and international business news, events, local and world links and links to more information.

• Kunene Brothers Holdings - Diversified holdings company in South Africa.

• McGregor BFA - Supplier of real-time and historical fundamental information on South African listed companies.

• Sharma Group - Group of companies including Nandi Packaging, Madikwe Cash & Carry, Madikwe Book Shop, Freshbake, A2zstationery, Choyal Investments, Tipdepo, and Sharma properties. Includes brief overview of each company.

• Tradepage - Directory of South African businesses, products and services on the Internet.

Pan-African News Sites

Africa Confidential

London based fortnightly newsletter on politics in Africa.

Africa Interactive

Tries to give a more balanced view of the continent in news, photography, weblogs, music and books on topics such as business, travel, development, sport and culture.

Africa Science News Service (ASNS)

Provides news, views and information on science and technology from around Africa.

Leading provider of African news and information worldwide.

Business in Africa

Major African business and financial magazine.

Channel Africa

Broadcasts African news via shortwave, satellite and internet radio.

East African

Business-oriented regional weekly newspaper from the Nation Group, Nairobi.

East African Business Week

Private regional business publication reaching out to Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. Based in Kampala, Uganda.

Focus On Africa Magazine

Magazine published quarterly by the BBC World Service. Covers the latest political, economic, social, cultural, and sporting developments.

North Africa Journal

Weekly analysis on North Africa's economy, business and politics. Based in Boston, USA. Available for subscribers.

Panafrican News Agency (PANA)

Africa's largest continent-wide news organization based in Dakar.


Site of South African Broadcasting Corporation. Covers African and world events.

United Nations, Africa Renewal Magazine

Provides up-to-date information and analysis of the major economic and development challenges facing Africa today.

UN Integrated Regional Information Networks (OCHA IRIN)

Humanitarian news briefing on relief, development, social, economic and political affairs in sub-Saharan Africa.


• American Business News - Newspaper dedicated to trade, business and investment.

• American Cash Flow Journal - Produced on a monthly basis for people in the cash flow industry.

• American City Business Journals - Headlines - News from local city business newspapers in U.S.

• Business Day Newspaper - South African daily newspaper covering economics, commerce and industry.

• The Business Online - UK Europe and world business news.

• The Business Record on the Web - Upstate New York region.

• Business Recorder - Pakistan's national financial daily. Covers business, economy, banking, industry, trade and agriculture with special emphasis on stocks.

• The Economic Times - India's financial newspaper that provides analysis on industry and the economy.

• European Business Report - Publication written and edited for international business leaders that offers an independent view on business trends.

• FT - Financial Times - - international business news, analysis, market data and company information with the global authority of the Financial Times. Free, but registration required.

• Houston Chronicle: Business - Headline news, feature articles, columnists, resources, forums, and special reports.

• India Business News - Indian business issues and trends.

• IN-FORUM Business-Tech - Daily newspaper serving North Dakota focusing on local businesses and people.

• The Journal Record - Oklahoma's leading resource for Oklahoma business news and legal information.

• Los Angeles Business Journal Online - Weekly publication focused on a wide range of issues in the local economy. LABJ offers economic reports, company profiles and a List which ranks the top businesses in any given industry.

• Los Angeles Times: Business and Financial News - Breaking news, feature stories, in-depth analysis, stock quotes, investment information, and columns.

• Monthly Business Review - Business news from around the United States.

• New Jersey Small Business Journal - Print and online publication that covers the small business scene. Topics include: sales, marketing, management, profiles, business strategies and expert interviews.

• New York Times: Business and Financial News - Breaking news, feature articles, columns, blogs, and video reports.

• New Zealand Business News - Information about international business, markets and stockwatch news and current affairs.

• The Observer - Business - News, analysis and comment from the Sunday newspaper.

• Orlando Sentinel - Business news about Orlando and the Central Florida area.

• The Post - Business, economic and political news and advice from Dublin, Ireland.

• San Diego Daily Transcript - Covers business news in San Diego County.

• SFGate: Business and Finance - News, special reports, blogs, and articles from the San Francisco Chronicle.

• Spokane Journal of Business - Featuring Eastern Washington and Northwest Idaho business and marketing news. Resource for identifying key business contacts and researching investment or employment opportunities in the Inland Northwest.

• Standard-Examiner News and Services - Ogden, Utah newspaper.

• The State Journal - West Virginia business news.

• Telegraph - Money - Business and personal finance news includes advice, services, directories and guide books.

• This is Business - Business news for Hampshire and southern England.

• Times Online - Business - Breaking news including market snapshots and quote searches. Includes tools and services, Investor's Centre and background guides. UK.

• The Turkish Herald - Business news from Istanbul.

• Unison - Irish news and information including Irish Shares, market snapshot, mortgage calculator, currency converter, business directory, and company search.

• USA Today - Finanicial news, stock reports, and business articles featured.

• WA Business News - Western Australia's business newspaper.

• Wall Street Journal Europe - Interactive edition available for free trial.

• The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition - Business and financial news, latest managerial trends and politics.

• Washington Post Business Section - News, market quotes, and a glossary of business terms.

   XML Feeds:

• Chicago Tribune News - Business - Business headlines provided by US daily newspaper. [RSS]

• The Globe and Mail: Business News - Headline news from the Canadian newspaper. [RSS]

• Guardian Unlimited Business - The latest business news from Guardian Unlimited. [RSS]

• Houston Chronicle: Business - News and features stories from the Texas newspaper. [RSS]

• International BusinessTimes - Headline news from IBTimes. [RSS]

• International Herald Tribune: Business - Headline news and feature articles [RSS]

• Los Angeles Times: Business - Feed with headline news and feature stories from the US newspaper. [RSS]

• New York Times: Business - Feature articles and breaking news. [RSS]

• New Zealand Herald: Business - Information about international business, markets and stockwatch news and current affairs. [RSS]

• SFGate: Business and Technology - News and articles from the San Francisco Chronicle. [RSS]

• Telegraph Business - Business news from telegraph.co.uk. [RSS]

• Wall Street Journal - Europe - Business-related headline stories. [RSS]

• Wall Street Journal: What's News US - US business and financial news, latest managerial trends, and politics. [RSS]

• BBC News | Business - World business news from the BBC. Also includes broad background of issues under "The Economy" and "Economy Reports" sections.

• Center for Economic and Policy Research - Provides news, analysis, and opinion from many sources, primarily from a U.S. perspective.

• CorpWatch - News, investigations and analysis from watchdog organization critical of corporate power.

• The Economist - Archives - A library of past Economist articles organised by subject. Many articles require a subscription to view.

• The Economy in a Can - An interactive service designed to deliver economic information to business owners, job seekers, economic development professionals and researchers

• Fast Company: FC Now - Short, daily weblog entries from the magazine's staff. Suggest a topic for coverage or leave a comment. Editor-in-chief John A. Byrne aims to "draw every reader into an ongoing debate about people, ideas, organizations, society, and rules".

• - Fortune magazine online.

• Multinational Monitor On-Line - Publication with investigative reporting and commentary critical of corporate economy.

• New York Stock Exchange - News, current data and other information from official website of NYSE

• OECD Observer - News, analysis and commentaries on economic and social issues from Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

• The Sunday Times Enterprise Network - The online version of the popular section of The Sunday Times. A case study of a different middle market business each week, with 5 experts offering knowledge and solutions.

• Times of London Limited - Business and economy news with brief risk assessments and summaries for countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

• Times Online Business - News on business and the economy from Times Newspapers Ltd., London, UK.

• USA Today Money - Financial news, stock reports, and business articles featured.

• The Weekly Report - A weekly newsletter that specializes in telling the entire news story--including background information and future significance.

• World Economy Coverage - News and analysis of economic news and issues from World Socialist Web Site.

   XML Feeds:

• BBC News - Business - World Edition - News stories on business, financial, and economic topics. [RSS]

• CNNMoney: Recently Published/Updated - Business news, market analysis, and personal finance items. [RSS]

• OECD Observer - News items from the international economic development organization. [RSS]

• Inmobiliaria Confer - Somos expertos Inmobiliarios, especializados en la compra/venta o alquiler de inmuebles en la zona del Gran Bilbao.

• Media Center - - News, information, research, investment analysis, and financial services devoted to socially responsible investing and mutual funds

• Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy - Articles and analysis of role of corporations in society, by organization of progressive activists.

• Public Citizen - Organization founded by Ralph Nader, public-interest watchdog organization frequently critical of corporations.

• - News, resources, insight and inspiration to accelerate momentum toward a "green economy."

• The U.S. Chamber of Commerce - News, commentary and information from perspective of business as a primary source of progress and social prosperity.

Media Services

• AAP Information Services - Australian independent news provider specialising in real time news to media, corporates, financial markets and private individuals.

• AFP-Direct - Providing real time access to news agencies, this service guarantees subscribers "minute-by-minute information on events, however minor, in the field of politics, economics, sports, diplomacy and social issues".

• Africa Media Online - Sells output from a network of professional freelance journalists, photographers, and cartoonists in African countries.

• AFX News Ltd - Jointly owned by the Financial Times & AFP, provides both European and Asian real-time equities-focused international financial news; specialised domestic local language company news services, including UK, Dutch, German, Swiss and Italian; and real-time and internet feeds for e-commerce.

• ITN - Independent Television News - Based in the UK, and providing news programming for ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5.

• LEXIS-NEXIS - Provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. By subscription only.

• Accounting Update - Content service that monitors U.S business publications and synthesizes key news, rules and trends.

• AP Digital - a division of The Associated Press - A division of the Associated Press, this team provides Web-ready breaking news in real time from 240 AP bureaus, including photos, graphics, audio, video and text in XML format to new media applications. Services offered to outlets in more than 120 countries in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German and Portuguese.

• Associated Press Graphics Bank - Supplying photos, partial and finished graphics for TV news broadcasters and the web.

• Astrowire - Astronomy and space news syndication service that allows free use of its headlines on other web sites.

• AVA-Dateline Productions - Provides advise and training in publicity, documentary film production, journalism, preparation, and research.

• Barometer Surveys - PricewaterhouseCoopers' provides data quarterly on a series of economic and business trends in America. These surveys have garnered significant press coverage as potential guideposts for assessing the economy's well-being. Web site provides present and historical findings, trends and opinions.

• BBA - Story highlights, history and gear list for broadcasters based in Turkey. Can provide news feeds via access to Eutelsat, Intelsat and Turksat through its 2.4-meter fixed teleport at its Istanbul headquarters.

• Bilge Uplink Services - Production broadcast company and an international SNG uplink provider based in Istanbul, Turkey.

• BusinessWire India - Virtual PR agency for corporate news distribution in south Asia. Agency also daily monitors and reports on more than 350 newspapers, magazines and websites.

• Classified Consulting - Offers weekly newspapers information about professional services that aim to improve classified revenue through rate re-structuring, sales training, and analysis of classification content.

• Power Up for Success - Jerry Bellune provides newspaper and business management training. Find details about books, articles, seminars, coaching and advice.

• Publishing Business Systems - Develops software for newspapers, magazines and other types of publications.

• journalists and film makers qualified to provide documentary and cinema film. production.


Major US Newspapers

• Arizona Republic


• Baltimore Sun


• Boston Globe


• Boston Herald


• Chicago Sun-Times


• Chicago Tribune


• Christian Science Monitor


• Cincinnati Post


• Cleveland Plain Dealer


• Columbus Dispatch


• Dallas Morning News


• Denver Post


• Detroit Free Press


• Houston Chronicle


• Indianapolis Star


• Kansas City Star


• Las Vegas Sun


• Los Angeles Times


• Miami Herald


• Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


• Minneapolis Star-Tribune


• New York Daily News


• New York Newsday


• New York Post


• New York Times


• Orlando Sentinel


• Philadelphia Inquirer


• Pittsburgh Post-Gazette


• Portland Oregonian


• Providence Journal-Bulletin


• Sacramento Bee


• Salt Lake City Deseret News


• Salt Lake City Tribune


• San Diego Union-Tribune


• San Francisco Chronicle


• San Francisco Examiner


• San Jose Mercury News


• Seattle Post-Intelligencer


• Seattle Times


• St. Petersburg Times


• Tampa Tribune


• USA Today


• Village Voice


• Wall Street Journal


• Washington Post


• Washington Times

South American News Sites

Business News Americas

Bilingual news service covering original stories in different business sectors throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Center for International Policy

Provides alternative coverage of South America and the CIA.

Hispanic Magazine

Focuses on culture, entertainment, business, career and politics, with informative stories on people and issues of interest to Hispanic Americans.

Latinamerica Press

Journal of information and analysis about events in Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on the human rights of excluded and marginalized sectors of the population within the region.

Latin American Football

News, results, league tables and statistics from all the professional leagues in South America.

Latin Business Chronicle

Miami-based weekly online journal on South American business and technology.

Foremost source of intelligence on political and economic developments in Latin America and the Caribbean. Available by subscription.


Independent news agency operating from Montevideo, Uruguay, and concentrating on Mercosur countries.

Narco News Bulletin

Reports from Latin America on the drug wars and democracy issues.

ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America

Focuses on different themes related to Latin America, Latinos, and the Iberian peninsula.

Washington Report on the Hemisphere (WRH)

Publication that interprets the entire range of current political, diplomatic, economic, and social issues affecting South America and the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada.

Pan-American News Sites

BBC News Americas


News portal covering Caribbean events.

Center for International Policy

Provides alternative coverage of Central America.

Central America Panorama

Online newspaper from Central America in English, German and Spanish. Provides news and comprehensive information on countries.

CTE News

Online news source covering Caribbean events, business, travel, culture, and sports.

Washington Report on the Hemisphere (WRH)

Publication that interprets the entire range of current political, diplomatic, economic, and social issues affecting Latin America and the Caribbean, the U.S. and Canada.

Middle East in general:

Al Hayat

Beirut-based pan-Arabian newspaper providing in-depth reporting on the Middle East and the Arab world.

Al Jadid

Quality US based cultural magazine featuring original articles along with many translations of essays and interviews by Arab writers, journalists, scholars, and poets.

Al Jazeera

English language site of Qatar based pan-Arabian TV broadcaster.

UK based Middle East portal providing news reports on a variety of topics.

Ali Abunimah's Bitter Pill

Pro-Palestinian media monitor uncovering "media myths about the Middle East".

AME Info

Middle East business news and stories.

Middle East's leading technology site, offering daily IT and business news.

Alternative media journal focusing on Middle East and international affairs.

MEB Journal

Magazine focused on the Arab media and television industry.

Media Line, The

Offers written pieces as well as audio and video reports produced by The Media Line's staff of seasoned journalists speaking the languages of the region.

Media Monitors Network (MMN)

Seeks to uncover "media bias" regarding Middle East and Islamic world.


Site of Washington based pro-Israel Middle East Media Research Institute providing translations and analysis of Arabic, Farsi and Hebrew media reports.

MER - Mid East Realities

Decent analysis of Middle East news.

Middle East Economic Digest (MEED)

Weekly magazine providing business news, analysis and comment on the North African and Middle East regions. Free registration is required.

Middle East Forum

Neo-conservatives' think tank dedicated to promotion of US interests in the Middle East. Publishes Middle East Quarterly dealing with strategic and internal political developments in the region.

Middle East International

Online version of the respected London based magazine offering selected articles from the current issue.

Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP)

Washington based publisher of the Middle East Report Magazine providing in-depth analysis of events and developments in the region.

Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA)

Published by Israel-based Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and includes several analytical publications and Research Guides - essays on the sources for researching a specific Middle East topic.

Middle East Transparent

Paris-based liberal site covering variety of topics with special focus on human rights.

Mideast Monitor

Bimonthly publication devoted to specialized analysis of political developments, issues, and personalities shaping the Middle East today.

Mideast: On Target

Deals mainly with the Arab-Israeli conflict (from Israeli perspective), as well as general Middle East topics and local Israeli topics.


Focuses on analysis of the most important issues regarding relations between Russia and certain Middle Eastern countries.


Cyber magazine devoted to the world affairs in general and the Middle East in particular. Critical of Israel and US.

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs

Information concerning U.S. relations with Middle Eastern states from magazine with anti-Israeli slant.


Pro-Israeli digest of Western media.

Comprehensive business and finance coverage of the Middle East and North Africa.

Pan-European Newspapers and News Sites

Brussels Journal

Conservative news site, presenting facts and views that are hard to find in the “consensus-media” of Europe.

Weekly online magazine. Find articles, investigative reports and analysis of the news and main issues in the South Caucasus.

Provides news and information on the macroeconomic situation in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Russia and Slovakia.

Deutsche Welle Radio

Germany's international broadcasting station providing daily news and analysis from a European perspective.

DM Europe

Daily news service covering the digital media and internet sectors across Europe.

EU Banking & Finance News Network

Provides the latest information on banking and finance in the European Union.

EU Business

Europe's leading independent online business information service about the European Union.


Features the latest EU related news and special reports on Euro, foreign affairs, enlargement, and defence.


News service, with a guide to all legislation in the pipeline, interviews and a bank of regularly updated public affairs positions from NGOs, trade organisations and corporations.

Eurasia Daily Monitor

Surveys recent developments in Eurasia, placing the developments in a geo-strategic perspective and offering analysis that outlines their implications for the West. Published by the Jamestown Foundation.


European portal featuring news monitoring, policy positions, and discussion forums on EU topics.


News in seven languages from European TV.


Online journal devoted to the discussion of European affairs.Each edition includes a commentary on relevant news stories and a "News Briefing" section, which covers major news stories.


Online newspaper reporting on international development and humanitarian actions of European institutions, Governments and NGOs.

European Voice

Weekly magazine from Brussels dedicated entirely to EU affairs.

European Weekly

Covers aspects like politics, business, culture, local events and write about them from perspectives of Europeans living in the Pacific Northwest. The target audience is Europeans in the Northwest and Americans who are interested in Europe.


Links up over 100 cultural journals from all over Europe and publishes contemporary essays and literary texts in a variety of languages.

Institute for War and Peace Reporting

Independent media group providing news and special reports from the Balkans, Caucasus and Central Asia.

New Europe

Weekly featuring European news and analysis.

Wall Street Journal Europe [pic]

Pan-Asian Newspapers and News Sites

Asia Inc

Asia Times

Online newspaper offering the latest news and analysis regarding events and trends in Asia and links to local press.

Asian Business Strategy

Ezine providing Asian business and marketing intelligence news, columns and research articles.

Auto Asia

Find industry news and forecasts, show reports, featured products.

Bloomberg Asia

Up-to-date Asian markets news.

Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst

Online magazine devoted to analysis of the current issues facing the Central Asia-Caucasus region. From Johns Hopkins University.

Channel NewsAsia

TV news channel providing news and information on global developments with Asian perspectives.

IT publication offering regional news, market availability reports on emerging technologies, real-life application stories, and more.

Central Asia and Caucasus news from the Soros Foundations Network.

Far Eastern Economic Review

Business and political reporting from the publishers of the Wall Street Journal.

Institute for War and Peace Reporting

Independent media group providing quality reports on Central Asia and Middle East.

Money News Asia

Investment news publication that focuses on Asia and Australasia.

Business magazines

• Advertising Age

• AdWeek

• Aegiss Journal of Knowledge Management

• American Demographics

• Asia Inc.

• Barron’s

• BrandWeek

• Business to Business Ontario

• Business Week

• Canadian Business

• Career Magazine

• China Business Journal

• Dollars & Sense

• Edge Magazine entrepreneurial

• Entrepreneur Weekly

• Far Eastern Economic Review

• Financial World

• Forbes

• Fortune

• Hard@Work careers

• Home Business Advocate

• Home Business Review

• Ideal Times starting a business (requires Acrobat)

• Ideas Digest marketing

• Income Opportunities

• Korea Economic Weekly

• Leaders

• MediaWeek

• Money

• Mutual Funds Magazine

• National Business Employment Weekly

• Nikkei Business Press Japan

• Smart Money

• Virtual Entrepreneur

• Writer & Client Newsletter

• Working People

General Business Magazines:


Comprehensive resource for local business.

Black Enterprise

African American destination for information regarding minority business issues.

Business 2.0

Quality magazine about insight, tools, and advantage in e-business.

Business Week

Prominent magazine covering global business news.

Dollars & Sense

Publishes economic news and analysis, reports on economic justice activism, primers on economic topics, and critiques of the mainstream media's coverage of the economy.


Offers entrepreneurs the information, services and expert advice to ensure small business success.

Fast Company

Features the latest business news and trends, leading-edge entrepreneurs and the very fastest growing companies.

Financial Times

Leading newspaper of international business, finance, politics, and economics.

Get The Financial Times RISK FREE for 4 weeks. [pic]


Contains articles for CEOs and individual investors alike. Articles include profiles of companies and private investors, as well as helpful statistics.


Columns include features on the marketplace, tech movers and shakers, career trends, U.S. politics, and European business.

Harvard Business Review

Premier forum of the business world written by authorities in business and business education.


Business magazine for senior business executives.

Wall Street Journal

Premier source for the latest global business and financial news.


Asian Business Strategy

Online magazine providing research articles, features, commentary and columns on business & management in Asia.

Business Standards

Focuses on the role that quality and standards play in business. Regular features include interviews with leading business figures with news and views on the latest developments in management systems, registration and standards.

Chief Executive

Magazine written for CEOs and their peers. Provides ideas, strategies and tactics for top executive leaders seeking to build more effective organizations.

Corporate Board Member

Magazine for directors and board members serving on boards of publicly traded companies. Covers executive officer boardroom issues - mergers, acquisitions, corporate governance, shareholders, IPOs, more.

Disaster Recovery Journal

Publication dedicated to the field of disaster recovery and business continuity.


Publication addresses complexity issues in management and integrates multiple perspectives in management theory, research, practice and education.

Government Executive

Government's business news daily and the premier web site for federal managers and executives.

Harvard Business School: Working Knowledge

Provides articles on cutting-edge thinking about business and business management, written for the practitioner.

Management Issues

Focuses on the leadership, management and people issues that are at the heart of the changing workplace.

Management Today

Leading UK magazine in management and business thinking, human resources, leadership, corporate social responsibility, operations, technology, and expert opinions.

Performance Management

Online magazine dedicated to examining, discussing and sharing the numerous and varied applications of PM technology with its readers.


Delivers penetrating insights and practical guidance about management, innovation, public policy, strategy, and more.

Advertising Age

Web site of the 71-year-old flagship magazine of the Ad Age Group, which also publishes sites , and .


Complete source of industry news and information for advertising executives.

Bank Investment Consultant

Offers the sales and marketing strategies, tools and techniques needed for bank executives, bank reps and their managers.


Magazine for business-to-business marketing, featuring news, research and analysis, with an emphasis on Internet and direct marketing.

Brand Packaging

Magazine focused on marketing of packaged products - food, beverage, cosmetic, electronic products and more.

Brand Week

Weekly aimed exclusively at America's top brand-marketing executives.


Magazine serving the loyalty marketing industry.

Creative Magazine

Published in the interest of sales promotion and marketing executives who manage Point-of-Purchase Display, Trade Show Exhibit and Sales Promotion Programs.

DM News

Newspaper providing comprehensive coverage of the convergence of direct, database and online marketing and advertising.

Manage Smarter

Online home of Sales & Marketing Management, Incentive, Potential, Presentations and Training magazines.


Focuses on the content of the media and the advertising dollars that follow it.

Money Maker's Monthly

MLM newspaper for the newest network marketing, direct sales, homebased income opportunities and articles.

Multichannel Merchant

Magazine provides a complete focus on integrating the front end (marketing, prospecting, customer retention, creative) and the back end (customer service, order processing, picking, packing, fulfillment) of catalog, Internet, and multichannel businesses.


Resource for information and tools for effective communication. Find the latest technology, product reviews, tips and guides to help improve presentation and communication skills.

Strategy Magazine

Canadian publication that looks at the people and strategic thinking behind Canada's marketing successes and failures.

Target Marketing

Magazine providing direct marketers, catalogers, corporations, small- and medium-size businesses and non-profit organizations with how-to information on direct marketing, including: database marketing, telemarketing, direct mail creative, online and alternate media, catalogs and business-to-business marketing.

Oil and Gas

World-Newspapers > Business Magazines > Oil & Gas

Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections

Provides an extensive gathering of news on the global gas, oil and energy developments.

American Oil and Gas Reporter

Magazine designed for oil and gas producers and operators, providing online industry digest and statistics.

Energy Intelligence Group

News, data and analysis on international energy markets with a specialization on the geopolitics of petroleum and natural gas.

Intelligence Press

Publishes daily and weekly indices and news on the natural gas industry.


News and information about Russian oil and gas industry.

Oil and Gas International

News, information, and analysis for the upstream petroleum industry, focusing on exploration, development, and production of oil and gas.

Oil News India

Devoted exclusively to Indian growing oil and gas sector.

Aggregated news and directory for the oil and gas industry.


Daily energy and Dow Jones indices and historical graphs as well as energy-related headline news.


Fortnightly market intelligence bulletin on the Indian oil & gas sector.

Platts Global Alert

Energy industry's news service providing breaking news, market analysis and price assessments to industry professionals world-wide.

Refining Online

Web-based information service for the petroleum refining industry.


Daily analyses of oil, gas and power issues in the former USSR.

World Oil

Magazine featuring news, technology and industry statistics of the oil and gas drilling, exploration and production industries.

World-Newspapers > South America > Brazil

Agencia Brasil

Service provided by Radiobras, an organ linked to the Secretariat of Communications of the Presidency of the Brazilian Republic. Features Brazil news, country briefings, travel info, and special reports.


Educational and informative portal on Brazil.


General interest magazine published in USA.

Economist, The - Brazil

Includes news, comments, country profile, currency converter and Brazil links.

Gazeta Mercantil

Business and financial newspaper.

Guide to Sao Paulo and Brazil, with general news items and articles on culture, entertainment and travel. Includes discussion forum and classified ads section.

Independent analysis and opinion on Brazilian current affairs, updated weekly.

Brazil Business Magazines

| Amanhã |

| AméricaEconomía |

| Carta Capital |

| Consumidor Moderno |

| Consumidor S.A. |

| Dinheiro |

| Empreendedor |

| Exame |

| Executivos Financieros |

| Expressão |

| Imprensa |

| Janela na Web |

| PEGN |

| Primeiramão |

| Revista Amanhã |

| Revista Condomínio & Mercado |

|Imobiliário |

| Sinal Extensivo |

| Suma Econômica |

| Você S.A. |

Portugal Business Magazines

| Forum Empresarial |

| o Consumidor |

| Prisma |

| Pro Teste |

| Semanário Económico |

| Valor |

| Vida Económica |

 Exectutive Digest

Portugal Newspapers

• A Bola on-line

• A União

• A Voz de Felgueiras (Felgueiras)

• A Voz da Figueira (Figueira)

• A Voz de Trás-os-Montes (Vila Real)

• Açoriano Oriental (Azores)

• Acção Socialista

• Alter Media

• Alvor de Sintra (Sintra)

• Avante! (National)

• Caminha2000 (Caminha)

• Cidade de Tomar (Ribatejo / Tomar)

• Comunicação Social / Jornais

• Correio da Manhã (National)

• Correio de Azemeis (Oliveira de Azemeis)

• Correio do Minho (Braga)

• Destak

• Diário As Beiras

• Diário de Aveiro

• Diário de Coimbra

• Diário de Leiria

• Diário de Notícias

• Diário de Notícias (Madeira)

• Diário de Trás-os-Montes (Trás-os-Montes)

• Diário Digital

• Diário do Alentejo

• Diário do Norte

• Diário dos Açores (Azores)

• Diário Económico

• Diário Insular (Azores)

• Diário Regional Viseu

• Expresso

• Expresso das Nove (Azores)

• Expresso de Castanheira (Castanheira de Pera)

• Forum Cabeceirense (Terras de Basto)

• Gazeta das Caldas (Caldas da Rainha)

• Gazeta do Interior (Castelo Branco)

• Guimarães Digital (Guimarães)

• Correio da Horta (Azores)

• Jornal 1X2 (Almada)

• Jornal da Madeira (Madeira)

• Jornal da Praia (Azores)

• Jornal Diario (Azores)

• Jornal das Caldas (Caldas da Rainha)

• Jornal de Bairrada

• Jornal de Coimbra

• Jornal de Noticias

• Jornal de Negócios

• Jornal do Fundão

• Jornal O Povo de Guimarães Online (Minho/Guimarães)

• Jornal o Setubalense (Setúbal)

• Jornal Record (Sport)

• Jornal Torrejano (Torres Novas)

• Vida Ribatejana (Ribatejo)

• Linhas de Elvas (Elvas)

• The Madeira Times (Madeira) [In English]

• Maia Hoje (Maia / Oporto)

• Maisfutebol

• The News [In English]

• Notícias da Amadora (Amadora)

• Notícias de Vizela (Vizela)

• Nova Guarda (Guarda)

• O Almeirinense

• O Dia

• O Figueirense (Figueira da Foz)

• O Independente

• O Interior (Guarda)

• O Jogo Online (National)

• O Jornal de Estarreja (Estarreja)

• O Mirante (Ribatejo)

• Opinião Pública (Vila Nova de Famalicão)

• O Portomosense (Porto de Mos)

• O Primeiro de Janeiro (Oporto)

• O Regional

• O Templário (Ribatejo / Tomar)

• Planetapesca

• Portugal Diário

• Póvoa Semanário (Póvoa de Varzim)

• Público

• Reconquista (Castelo Branco)

• Região de Leiria

• Região de Rio Maior

• Região Sul (Algarve)

• The Resident (Algarve) [In English]

• Semanário

• Semanário de Felgueiras (Felgueiras)

• Semanário Económico

• Semanário Transmontano (Trás-os-Montes)

• Terras da Beira (Guarda)

• Resistir

• Terras Noticias

• Tribuna da Madeira (Madeira)

• Vida Ribatejana (Ribatejo)

• Visão


|Africa (Regional) |Canada |

|Africa's Stock Exchanges - |Alberta Securities Commission - |

|Argentina |Alberta Stock Exchange Market Quotes - |

|Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires - |British Columbia Securities Commission - |

|Bolsa de Comercio de Santa Fe - |Canada Savings Bonds On-line - |

|Bolsa y Mercados - |Canadian Dealing Network - |

|Latinvestor - Argentina -  |Canadian Stock Market Reports - |

|National Securities Commission News - |Commission Des Valeurs Mobilières Du Québec - |

|Buenos Aires Stock Exchange - |Montreal Exchange - |

|Buenos Aires Cereal Exchange -  |Ontario Securities Commission - |

|Buenos Aires Futures Exchange - |The Toronto Stock Exchange - |

|Córdoba Stock Exchange - |The Vancouver Stock Exchange - |

|Mercado Abierto Electronico - |Winnipeg Commodity Exchange - Market Quotes - |

|Rosario Futures Exchange -  |Winnipeg Stock Exchange - |

|Rosario Stock Exchange - |Cayman Islands |

|Armenia |Cayman Stock Exchange - |

|Yerevan Stock Exchange - Offline  |Channel Islands |

|Australia |Channel Islands Stock Exchange - |

|Australian Stock Exchange - |Guernsey Financial Services Commission - |

|Sydney Futures Exchange - |Jersey Financial Services Department - |

|Australian Derivatives Exchange - |Chile |

|Australian Securities & Investments Commission - |Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago - |

|Australian Financial Markets Association - |Bolsa Electronica de Chile - |

|Austria |China |

|Austrian Federal Government Bonds -  |China Securities Regulatory Commission - |

|Austrian Securities Authority - |Dalian Commodity Exchange - |

|Wien Stock Exchange - |Hong Kong Futures Exchange, China - |

|Azerbaijan |Shanghai Futures Exchange - |

|Baku Interbank Currency Exchange - |Shanghai Stock Exchange - |

|Bahamas |Shanghai Stock Market Data -  |

|Bahamas International Securities Exchange - |Shenzhen Stock Exchange - |

|Bahrain  |Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, China - |

|Bahrain Stock Exchange - |Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange - |

|Baltic (Regional) |Colombia |

|Baltic Exchange -  |Bolsa de Bogotá - |

|Bangladesh |Bolsa De Medellin - |

|Chittagong Stock Exchange - |Bolsa De Occidente S.A. - |

|Dhaka Stock Exchange -  |Medellin Stock Exchange - |

|Securities and Exchange Commission - |Superintendencia de Valores - |

|Barbados |Costa Rica |

|Central Bank of Barbados - |National Stock Exchange of Costa Rica - |

|Securities Exchange of Barbados - |Croatia |

|Belgium |Zagreb Stock Exchange - |

|Brussels Exchanges - |Cuba |

|Brussels Exchanges (BXS) - |Bolsa de Cuba - |

|Commission Bancaire et Finance - |Cyprus |

|Euro.nm- |Cyprus Stock Exchange - |

|Bermuda |Central Bank of Cyprus - |

|Bermuda Stock Exchange - |Czech Republic |

|Bermuda Monetary Authority - |Prague Stock Exchange - |

|Bolivia |Prague Stock Exchange - |

|Bolsa Boliviana de Valores - |Denmark |

|Bolivian Stock Exchange - |Copenhagen Stock Exchange - |

|Botswana |Danish Government Bonds Outline - |

|Botswana Stock Exchange - |Finanstilsynet - |

|Botswana Market listing - |Ecuador |

|Brazil |Bolsa de Valores de Guayaquil - mirror - |

|Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange - |Bolsa de Valores de Quito - Ecuador - mirror - |

|Cámara Americana de Comércio - |Egypt |

|Mercado de Commodities - |Cairo Stock Exchange - |

|São Paulo Stock Exchange - |Egyptian Stock Exchanges - |

|Bolsa de Valores - |El Salvador |

|Commodities and Futures Exchange - |El Salvador Stock Exchange - |

|Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas Stock Exchange - |La Bolsa de El Salvador - |

|Paraná Stock Exchange - |Estonia |

|Comissão de Valores Mobiliários - |Tallinn Stock Exchange - English Version -  |

|Bulgaria |The Baltic List - |

|Bulgarian Stock Exchange - |Europe (Regional) |

|  |EASDAQ - mirror - |

|  |Eurex (euroexchange) - |

| |Europe Market News - |


Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires

Daily Bond Prices and Yields in Argentina


Australian Stock Exchange


Austrian Federal Government Bonds

Wien Stock Exchange


Belgian Government Bonds


Bermuda Stock Exchange


Daily Bond Prices and Yields in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange

São Paulo Stock Exchange


Alberta Stock Exchange Market Quotes

Canadian Stock Market Reporter

Canada Savings Bonds On-line

Montreal Exchange

Templeton Canadian Bond Fund

Templeton Canadian Stock Fund

Toronto Stock Exchange Market Quotes

The Vancouver Stock Exchange

Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Market Quotes


Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago


Morgan Stanley Capital International: Colombia Index

Bolsa de Bogotá


Zagreb Stock Exchange

Czech Republic

Prague Stock Exchange


Danish Government Bonds Outline


Daily Bond Prices and Yields in Ecuador


EASDAQ Stock Market

EASDAQ is a highly-regulated stock market that has been created to assist growing companies with international aspirations to raise capital to help fund their growth.


Finnish Government Bonds Outline

Helsinki Stock Exchange


French Government Bonds

Paris Stock Exchange


German Federal Government Bonds Outline

German Federal Government Notes Outline

German Special Federal Notes Outline


Athens Stock Exchange

Hong Kong

Barclays Asian Selection Funds Ltd.

Hong Kong Stock and Forex Information

Hong Kong Stock Reports


Budapest Stock Exchange


National Stock Exchange of India


Indonesia Stock Closings


Irish Government Bonds Outline


Tel Aviv Stock Exchange


Italian Government Bonds Outline

Italian Stock Exchange


Jamaica Stock Exchange


Daiwa Bond Index Monthly Report

Daiwa CB Index (D-CBI) Monthly Report

Daiwa Warrant Index (DWI) Monthly Report

Japanese Economic Update

Monthly Economic Newsletter focusing on Japan

Nagoya Stock Exchange

Nikko Bond Performance Index

Nikko Convertible Bond Performance Index

Nikko Stock Performance Index

Nomura Research Institute Market Indices

Tokyo Stock Exchange


Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange

Malaysia Stock Closings


Bolsa Mexicana de Valores

Daily Bond Prices and Yields in Mexico


The Amsterdam Stock Exchange

New Zealand

New Zealand Stock Exchange


Oslo Stock Exchange


Pakistan Stock Closings


Daily Bond Prices and Yields in Panama


Lima Stock Exchange


Daily Bond Prices & Yields in The Phillipines

Philippine Stocks


Daily Bond Prices and Yields in Poland

Gielda w Warszawie


Lisbon Stock Exchange


AK&M Analytical Information Agency - Russian Securities Market

The Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange


Stock Exchange of Singapore


Ljubljana Stock Exchange

South Africa

The Johannesburg Stock Exchange

The South African Futures Exchange

South Korea

Seoul Stock Exchange

Korea Stock Exchange


Barcelona Stock Exchange

Bolsa de Madrid

MEFF Renta Fija

Sri Lanka

Colombo Stock Exchange


Stockholm Stock Exchange


Swiss Exchange


Taiwan Stock Exchange


Stock Exchange of Thailand


Istanbul Stock Exchange

United Kingdom

AIM Information Service

Electronic Share Information Limited

London Stock Exchange

United Kingdom Government Bonds Outline

United States

American Stock Exchange

The Arizona Stock Exchange

Chicago Mercantile Exchange

Chicago Stock Exchange

Minneapolis Grain Exchange

Nasdaq Stock Market

New York Mercantile Exchange

New York Stock Exchange

Philadelphia Stock Exchange

Securities and Exchange Commission

StockMaster Stock Charts


Caracas Stock Exchange

Daily Bond Prices and Yields in Venezuela

African Stock Exchanges

• GhanaStock Exchange, Ghana

• Johannesburg Stock Exchange, South Africa

• The South African Futures Exchange(SAFEX), South Africa

Asian Stock Exchanges

• Sydney Futures Exchange, Australia

• Australian Stock Exchanges, Australia

• Shenzhen Stock Exchange, China

• Stock Exchange of Hong Kong,Hong Kong

• Hong Kong Futures Exchange,Hong Kong

• National Stock Exchange of India,India

• Bombay Stock Exchange, India

• Jakarta Stock Exchange, Indonesia

• Indonesia NET Exchange,Indonesia

• Nagoya Stock Exchange,Japan

• Osaka Securities Exchange, Japan

• Tokyo Grain Exchange, Japan

• Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange (TIFFE), Japan

• Tokyo Stock Exchange, Japan

• Korea Stock Exchange, Korea

• Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange, Malaysia

• New Zealand Stock Exchange, New Zealand

• Karachi Stock Exchange, Pakistan

• Lahore Stock Exchange, Pakistan

• Stock Exchange of Singapore (SES), Singapore

• Singapore International Monetary Exchange Ltd. (SIMEX), Singapore

• Colombo Stock Exchange, Sri Lanka

• Sri Lanka Stock Closings, Sri Lanka

• Taiwan Stock Exchange, Taiwan

• The Stock Exchange of Thailand, Thailand

European Stock Exchanges

• Vienna Stock Exchange, Austria

• EASDAQ, Belgium

• Zagreb Stock Exchange, Croatia

• Prague Stock Exchange, Czech Republic

• Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Denmark

• Helsinki Stock Exchange, Finland

• Paris Stock Exchange, France

• LesEchos: 30-minute delayed prices, France

• NouveauMarche, France

• MATIF, France

• Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Germany

• Athens Stock Exchange, Greece

• Budapest Stock Exchange, Hungary

• Italian Stock Exchange, Italy

• National Stock Exchange of Lithuania,Lithuania

• Macedonian Stock Exchange, Macedonia

• Amsterdam Stock Exchange, The Netherlands

• Oslo Stock Exchange, Norway

• Warsaw Stock-Exchange, Poland

• Lisbon Stock Exchange, Portugal

• Bucharest Stock Exchange, Romania

• Russian Securities Market News, Russia

• Ljubljana Stock Exchange,Inc., Slovenia

• Barcelona Stock Exchange, Spain

• Madrid Stock Exchange, Spain

• MEFF: (Spanish Financial Futures & Options Exchange), Spain

• Stockholm Stock Exchange, Sweden

• Swiss Exchange, Switzerland

• Istanbul Stock Exhange, Turkey

• FTSE International (London Stock Exchange), United Kingdom

• London Stock Exchange: Daily Price Summary, United Kingdom

• Electronic Share Information, UnitedKingdom

• London Metal Exchange,United Kingdom

• London InternationalFinancial Futures and Options Exchange, United Kingdom

Middle Eastern Stock Exchanges

• Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Israel

• Amman Financial Market, Jordan

• Beirut Stock Exchange, Lebanon

• Palestine Securities Exchange, Palestine

• Istanbul Stock Exhange, Turkey

North American Stock Exchanges

• Alberta Stock Exchange, Canada

• Montreal Stock Exchange, Canada

• Toronto Stock Exchange, Canada

• Vancouver Stock Exchange, Canada

• Winnipeg Stock Exchange, Canada

• Canadian Stock Market Reports, Canada

• Canada Stockwatch, Canada

• Mexican Stock Exchange, Mexico

• AMEX, United States

• New York Stock Exchange (NYSE),United States

• NASDAQ, United States

• The Arizona Stock Exchange, United States

• Chicago Stock Exchange, United States

• Chicago Board Options Exchange, United States

• Chicago Board of Trade, United States

• Chicago Mercantile Exchange, United States

• Kansas City Board of Trade, United States

• Minneapolis Grain Exchange, United States

• Pacific Stock Exchange, United States

• Philadelphia Stock Exchange, United States

South American Stock Exchanges

• Bermuda Stock Exchange, Bermuda

• Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange, Brazil

• Sao Paulo Stock Exchange, Brazil

• Cayman Islands Stock Exchange, Cayman Islands

• Chile Electronic Stock Exchange, Chile

• Santiago Stock Exchange, Chile

• Bogota stock exchange, Colombia

• Occidente Stock exchange, Colombia

• Guayaquil Stock Exchange, Ecuador

• Jamaica Stock Exchange, Jamaica

• Nicaraguan Stock Exchange, Nicaragua

• Lima Stock Exchange, Peru

• Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange, Trinidad and Tobago

• Caracas Stock Exchange, Venezuela

• Venezuela Electronic Stock Exchange, Venezuela

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