Chapter 54 Annotations - Middlebury College

[pic]Chapter 54

John D’Agostini


Alabaster bust of Isis



Notre Dame Cathedral

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Poussin A 17th century French painter who is known for the classicism style in Baroque Period. Also painted many paintings for Louis XIII, but spent most of his life in Rome painting pictures of Biblical influence.


Alabaster bust of Isis Isis was the wife of Osirus and mother of Seth and Horus. She is and Egyptian Goddess whose name means throne. She is involved in the creation story of Egypt due to her sons Horus and Seth’s epic battle.


Gargoyle A statue used during medieval architecture that portrays a beast sitting with wings. It is used for water drainage on famous churches such as the Cathedral of Notre Dame and was also used by the Roman Emperor Pompeii.


Andirons Horizontal Iron Bars used to support firewood in open fireplaces. They usually consists of legs and can often have decorations made on fancier fireplaces. They keep the wood from rolling.


Notre Dame Cathedral One of the most famous cathedrals of the Gothic time period. It is located in Paris, France on the eastern end of the Île de la Cité. It was built and designed back in 1160 by the Bishop of France Maurice De Sully on the ruins of a Gallo Roman Temple that was dedicated to the God Jupiter. The Cathedral was almost ruined by Napoleon under his reign but has since been refurnished.


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Parisienne Parisian

Lyonnais A province located in France by Burgandy, Dombes, Bresse, and Dauphiné; on the south by Languedoc. The Rhône, Saône, and Loire rivers make up the bodies of water which flow through the region even though it is located in the Massif Central Mountain Range. In recent years it is an industrialized region of France where many products are manufactured.



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