Directions: Underline the independent clauses; circle the ...

Independent and Dependent Clauses: Practice TestDirections: On a separate sheet of paper, write out all of the clauses in each sentence. Identify each independent clause with the label IC: then label each dependent clause as a noun, adjective, or adverb clause. (Sentences may have more than one or no dependent clauses at all!)Finally, list the sentence type (simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex). 1. Since your assignment is late, you will only be receiving half credit.IC: you will only be receiving half creditEssentials of IC: you (will) (be) receivingcredit (S TV DO)DC: Since your assignment is late—adverb clause—modifies “receiving”Sentence type: complex2. I live with my mom, who is a social worker, in Tempe.IC: I live with my mom in Tempe.Essentials of IC: Ilive(S IV)DC: who is a social worker—adjective clause—modifies “mom”Sentence type: complex 3. That song with the wild beat really rocked the house!IC: entire sentenceEssentials of IC: songrockedhouse(S TV DO)Sentence type: simple (no DC)4. I like pizza with thin crust, but my mom likes the thick, nasty, deep-dish variety.IC #1: I like pizza with thin crustEssentials of IC #1: Ilikepizza(S TV DO)IC #2: my mom likes the thick, nasty, deep-dish varietyEssentials of IC #2: momlikesvariety(S TV DO)Sentence type: compound5. Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go.IC: entire sentence Essentials of IC: wego(S IV)Sentence type: simple (no DC) 6. The team that we played was in first place until we defeated them.IC: The team was in first place.Essentials of IC: teamwasin first place (S LV PA)DC #1: that we played—adjective—modifies “team”DC #2: until we defeated them—adverb—modifies “was”Sentence type: complex 7. Before the sun goes down, let's go to the park and have some fun.IC: let’s go to the park and have some funEssentials of IC: [you]letus [to] go to the park and have some fun(S TV IO DO)DC: before the sun goes down—adverb clause—modifies “let”Sentence type: complex8. Whoever votes for Marsha this election is probably voting for her because she’s popular. IC: Whoever votes for Marsha this election is probably voting for herEssentials of IC: whoever votes for Marsha this election(is) voting (S IV)DC #1: whoever votes for Marsha this election—noun clause—subjectDC #2: because she’s popular—adverb clause—modifies “voting” Sentence type: complex 9. Pete really likes Cynthia, but she doesn't even know he exists.IC #1: Pete really likes CynthiaEssentials of IC #1: PetelikesCynthia(S TV DO) IC #2: she doesn’t even know he existsEssentials of IC #2: she(does) know[that] he exists(S TV DO)DC: [that] he exists—noun clause—DO Sentence type: compound-complex10. Malcolm X claimed that African-Americans had to take their civil rights by whatever means were necessary. IC: entire sentenceEssentials of IC: Malcolm X claimedthat African-Americans … necessary (S TV DO)DC #1: that African-Americans … necessary—noun clause—DO DC #2: whatever means were necessary—noun clause—object of the preposition “by” Sentence type: complex 11. You should start to wind down soon so that you’re not a wreck in the morning.IC: you should start to wind down soonEssentials of IC: you(should) startto wind down soon (S TV DO)DC: so that you’re not a wreck in the morning—adverb clause—modifies “start”Sentence type: complex12. Whose sweatshirt is this, tossed in a heap like a sack of garbage?IC: entire sentenceEssentials of IC: sweatshirt is this(S LV PN)Sentence type: simple (no DC)13. The student whose essay won the first place award used to live next door to us.IC: The student used to live next door to us.Essentials of IC: student usedto live next door to us(S TV DO)DC: whose essay won the first place award—adjective clause—modifies “student”Sentence type: complex14. I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down!IC #1: I’ll huff (S IV) Essentials: I (will) huff(S IV)IC #2: I’ll puff (S IV)Essentials:I(will) puff(S IV)IC #3: I’ll blow your house downEssentials: I (will) blowhouse (S TV DO) Sentence type: compound 15. Sarah argued that Donald Trump had no chance in the general election against the tooth fairy. IC: entire sentenceEssentials of IC: Saraharguedthat … fairy(S TV DO)DC: that … fairy—noun clause—DO Sentence type: complex16. Oh man, the keys that fell into the sewer drain are the only ones that will open Pandora’s Box!IC: Oh man, the keys are the only ones.Essentials of IC: keysareones(S LV PN)DC #1: that fell into the sewer drain—adjective clause—modifies “keys”DC #2: that will open Pandora’s Box—adjective clause—modifies “ones”Sentence type: complex17. Finding the keys to the secrets of the universe stuck between his teeth, the avatar grinned widely at the popping flashbulbs.IC: entire sentenceEssentials of IC: avatargrinned(S IV)Sentence type: simple18. Somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue, and your true love waits there for you.IC #1: somewhere over the rainbow skies are blueEssentials of IC #1: skiesareblue(S LV PA) IC #2: your true love waits there for youEssentials of IC #2: lovewaits(S IV) Sentence type: compound19. Please brush your teeth before you go to the dentist this morning.IC: Please brush your teethEssentials of IC: (you)brushteeth(S TV DO)DC: before you go to the dentist this morning—adverb clause—modifies “brush”Sentence type: complex 20. Which of your mutts left a little present in my shoe this morning?IC: entire sentenceEssentials of IC: Whichleftpresent(S TV DO)Sentence type: simple 21. In 1959, when my wife was born, Supreme Beauty graced the world.IC: In 1959 … Supreme Beauty graced the world. Essentials of IC: Supreme Beautygracedworld(S TV DO)DC: when my wife was born—adverb—modifies “graced” Sentence type: complex 22. Shakespeare died, as you probably know, on his 52nd birthday. IC: Shakespeare died on his 52nd birthday.Essentials of IC: Shakespearedied(S IV) DC: as you probably know—adverb clause—modifies “died”Sentence type: complex ................

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