Shelby County Schools

IntroductionIn 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student performance. The District is committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination 2025. By 2025,80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready90% of students will graduate on time100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a post-secondary opportunity. In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high-quality, College and Career Ready standards-aligned instruction. Acknowledging the need to develop competence in literacy and language as the foundations for all learning, Shelby County Schools developed the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan (CLIP). The plan ensures a quality balanced literacy approach to instruction that results in high levels of literacy learning for all students and across content areas. Destination 2025, the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan, and TN State Standards establish common goals and expectations for student learning across schools and are the underpinning for the development of the curriculum maps.Purpose - This curriculum map is meant to help teachers and their support providers (e.g., coaches, leaders) on their path to effective, college and career ready (CCR) aligned instruction and our pursuit of Destination 2025. It is a resource for organizing instruction around the TN State Standards, which define what to teach and what students need to learn at each grade level. The map is designed to reinforce the grade/course-specific standards and content—the major work of the grade (scope)—and provides a suggested sequencing and pacing and time frames, aligned resources—including complex texts, sample questions and tasks, and other planning tools. Our hope is that by curating and organizing a variety of standards-aligned resources, teachers will be able to spend less time wondering what to teach and searching for quality materials (though they may both select from and/or supplement those included here) and have more time to plan, teach, assess, and reflect with colleagues to continuously improve practice and best meet the needs of their students.The map is meant to support effective planning and instruction to rigorous standards; it is not meant to replace teacher planning or prescribe pacing or instructional practice. In fact, our goal is not to merely “cover the curriculum,” but rather to “uncover” it by developing students’ deep understanding of the content and mastery of the standards. Teachers who are knowledgeable about and intentionally align the learning target (standards and objectives), topic, text(s), task, and needs (and assessment) of the learners are best-positioned to make decisions about how to support student learning toward such mastery. Teachers are therefore expected--with the support of their colleagues, coaches, leaders, and other support providers--to exercise their professional judgement aligned to our shared vision of effective instruction, the Teacher Effectiveness Measure (TEM) and related best practices. However, while the framework allows for flexibility and encourages each teacher/teacher team to make it their own, our expectations for student learning are non-negotiable. We must ensure all of our children have access to rigor—high-quality teaching and learning to grade level specific standards, including purposeful support of literacy and language learning across the content areas. A standards-based curriculum, performance-based learning and assessments, and high quality instruction are at the heart of the ELA Curriculum maps. Educators will use this map and the standards as a road map for curriculum and instruction. Carefully crafted curricular sequences and quality instructional resources enable teachers to devote more time and energy in delivering instruction and assessing the effectiveness of instruction for all learners in their classrooms, including those with special learning needs.To support literacy and language learning across the content areas and support deeper knowledge building in the content area, throughout this curriculum map, you will see high-quality texts from both the textbook(s) and external/supplemental texts?to ensure students are reading appropriately complex, worthwhile material. These texts have been evaluated by district staff to ensure that they meet criteria for text complexity--Quantitative, Qualitative, and Reader & Task Factors. ?Lexile Levels are listed on the Curriculum Maps, and additional information is cited, where available.In order to plan effective lessons that allow students to do the majority of the thinking, teachers should employ the CLIP instructional model in their daily lesson planning, including: Whole-Group Instruction (20-25 minutes)-This time is for grade-level instruction. Regardless of a student’s reading level, exposure to complex texts supports language and comprehension development which is necessary for continual reading growth. Small-Group Instruction (45-60 minutes)-This time is for supporting student needs that cannot be met during whole-class instruction. Teachers might provide: 1. instruction for students learning to read based on their specific needs and using texts at their reading level; 2. instruction for different learners using grade-level texts to support whole-class instruction; 3. extension for proficient readers using challenging texts, and 4. practice with and applying skills. Whole-Group Closure (5-10 minutes)-This time is for closure of the day’s lesson and a time for a quick assessment of the students. right30400How to Use the Literacy Curriculum MapsOur collective goal is to ensure our students graduate ready for college and career. This will require a comprehensive, integrated approach to literacy instruction that ensures that students become college and career ready readers, writers, and communicators. To achieve this, students must receive literacy instruction aligned to each of the elements of effective literacy program seen in the figure to the right.This curriculum map is designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what literacy content to teach and how to teach it so that, ultimately, our students can reach Destination 2025. To reach our collective student achievement goals, we know that teachers must change their instructional practice in alignment with the three College and Career Ready shifts in instruction for ELA/Literacy. We should see these three shifts in all SCS literacy classrooms:(1) Regular practice with complex text and its academic language.(2) Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational.(3) Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction.Throughout this curriculum map, you will see high-quality texts that students should be reading, as well as some resources and tasks to support you in ensuring that students are able to reach the demands of the standards in your classroom. In addition to the resources embedded in the map, there are some high-leverage resources around each of the three shifts that teachers should consistently access:The Tennessee State ELA StandardsThe Tennessee State ELA Standards (also known as the College and Career Ready Literacy Standards): can access the Tennessee State Standards, which are featured throughout this curriculum map and represent college and career ready student learning at each respective grade level.Shift 1: Regular Practice with Complex Text and its Academic LanguageStudent Achievement Partners Text Complexity Collection: can learn more about how to select complex texts (using quantitative, qualitative, and reader/task measures) using the resources in this collection. Student Achievement Partners Academic Word Finder: can copy and paste a text into this tool, which then generates the most significant Tier 2 academic vocabulary contained within the text.Shift 2: Reading, Writing and Speaking Grounded in Evidence from the TextStudent Achievement Partners Text-Dependent Questions Resources: can use the resources in this set of resources to craft their own text-dependent questions based on their qualitative and reader/task measures text complexity analysis.Shift 3: Building Knowledge through Content-Rich Non-fictionStudent Achievement Partners Text Set Projects Sequenced: can use this resource to learn about how to sequence texts into “expert packs” to build student knowledge of the world.Read Alouds, Shared Reading, Guiding Reading can use this resource to learn about the components of a Balanced Literacy Program. Literacy Work Stations can learn about why literacy work stations are important for Balanced Literacy, and gain tips for setting up literacy work stations. Using the Curriculum Maps, Grades K-2Begin by examining the selected text(s). Read the text carefully and consider what topic or content students should learn from reading the text. Then, review the aligned essential question and culminating task your topic focus for the week. Review the target Reading Foundational Skills resources to internalize the weekly outcomes for students. At this grade band, foundational skills and language comprehension are of equal importance and need to be addressed fully every day.Locate the TDOE Standards in the left column and the aligned evidence statements. Analyze the language of the standards and consider how the text supports the listed reading standards. Note that Reading Anchor Standard 1 and Reading Anchor Standard 10 are not included in the curriculum maps, but should be addressed every week, as students should consistently be reading rigorous grade-level texts and citing evidence when writing or speaking about the text: CCR Reading Anchor Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the R Reading Anchor Standard 10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.Consult your Journeys Teachers’ Edition (TE) and other cited references to map out your week(s) of instruction.Plan your weekly and daily objectives, using the evidence statements and sample objectives as a guide. Be sure to plan your own objectives to meet the needs of your students. As a reminder, while lesson and unit objectives should be aligned to grade-level standards, standards and objectives are not synonymous and standards mastery develops over time (not in a single lesson). Consistent with Teach 1-4 of the TEM, teachers/teams are expected to carefully develop literacy learning objectives that carefully consider the text, target (standard, objective), task, and learner (including assessment of/for learning). Study the suggested performance assessments in the right-hand column, and match them to your objectives. Consider which tasks best target the essential question and content for the week, as well as alignment to standards. When planning for the reading of a text, plan the questions you will ask each day using these three types of questions: those that derive general understanding, those that address craft and structure, and those that elicit an overall meaning of the text. Be sure that the questions you ask will lead students to better understand the text and lead to success on your selected performance assessments. They should also build toward your essential question. Remember at this grade band, complex texts need to be addressed through a read aloud or shared reading, as students have not fully mastered decoding skills well enough to tackle complex text on their own.Examine the other standards and skills you will need to address—writing, language skills, and speaking and listening skills. Review the suggested vocabulary for explicit instruction as listed in the map in addition to the words listed in the TE.Consider how you will support building student knowledge through supplemental reading, content, research, and/or writing around the topic for the week. If a TWAG (Two-Weeks at a Glance) outline is available, review how the two weeks work together to build knowledge.Remember to include differentiated activities for small group instruction and literacy stations.Two-Weeks at a Glance (TWAG) OutlinesBeginning in the 2016-17 school year the SCS curriculum maps will include six or more “TWAG outlines” throughout the year in each grade. These outlines demonstrate how to spend two weeks digging deeply into a high-quality, complex anchor text from the Journeys series in order to build student knowledge around the topic of the story. By studying a high-leverage topic over two weeks, students will have more opportunities to grow their knowledge and vocabulary, while simultaneously building their literacy skills. The curriculum map will align to the TWAG outline, but the full outline will be found in the Appendix to the map. It is important to note that while the map will skip some texts in Journeys to build in time for the TWAG outlines, teachers should continue with the foundational skills strand as outlined in the text and the maps. The foundational skills strand follows a systematic, research based progression, and it is highly recommended that teachers use that progression to guide their instruction. TWAG outlines were developed by SCS teachers and coaches in partnership with Student Achievement Partners and other districts across the country. Using the WIDA MPIsWIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards and example Model Performance Indicator (MPI) strands appear within this document to provide teachers with appropriate scaffolding examples for ELLs and struggling readers. Strands of MPIs related to the domain of Reading are provided and linked to the corresponding set of CCR standards. By referencing the provided MPIs and those MPIs within the given links, teachers can craft "I can" statements that are appropriately leveled for ELLs (and struggling readers) in their classrooms. Additionally, MPIs can be referenced for designing new and/or modifying existing assessments.Key Terms:Fluency: The ability to read a text accurately and quickly. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. They group words quickly to help them gain meaning form what they read. Fluent readers read aloud effortlessly and with expression. Their reading sounds natural, as if they are speaking.Academic Language or Vocabulary: The language of schools and books – language that is used across many domains and topics. Students do not learn academic language in everyday social situations. As students read extensively over time, they develop academic language. This language helps them to read more complex texts.Foundational Skills: The basic skills that need to be taught and developed first. These are the foundations that hold our learning ability together. Foundational Skills include: concentration; visual and auditory processing; short and long term memory; decoding; reasoning; sensory motor integration; fine and gross motor coordination. These skills may not seem important at first, but are often times the reason why some children battle to learn and grasp new concepts.Text Complexity: Is used in evaluating student readiness for college and careers. There are three equally important components of text complexity: qualitative, quantitative, and reader and task.Evidence Statements: Are taken directly from the standards. The standards contain multiple skills. Because the evidence statements usually divide each standard into individual skills, the statements can be used to craft objectives which directly align to TEACH 1 of TEM. TEACH 1 says to “engage students in objective-driven lessons based on content standards.” If teachers design their objectives by using the evidence statements, then TEACH 1 is achieved because the objective comes directly from the standard. It is important to note that although sample objectives are embedded in the map, teachers must still craft their own objectives based on the needs of their individual classes.Essential Questions: Are specific to the text(s) and often summarize the “big understanding” of what students should receive from the text or texts for the lesson. They are open-ended questions that do not have a single, final correct answer, and often call for higher-order thinking and are not answered by recall. Answers to the essential question will require support and justification from the text.Gradual Release of Responsibility Example BehaviorsTeacherStudentI do itModeled Instruction Provides direct instructionEstablishes goals and purposeModels the expectationThink aloud Actively listensTakes notes Asks for clarificationWe do itGuided Instruction / Guided Practice Interactive instruction Works with students Checks, prompts, clues Provides additional modeling Meets with needs-based groups Asks and responds to questions Works with teacher and classmates Completes process alongside othersThey do it togetherCollaborative Practice Provides feedbackMoves among groups Clarifies confusion Provides support Works with classmates, shares outcome Collaborates on authentic task Consolidates learning Completes process in small group Looks to peers for clarificationYou do itIndependentlyIndependent Practice Provides feedback Evaluates progress toward the learning expectation Works alone Relies on notes, activities, classroom learning to complete assignment Takes full responsibility for outcomeTDOE Curriculum StandardsEvidence StatementsContent & TasksWeek 1 Reading SelectionsTeacher selected read aloudsStaggered EntryPerformance Assessments SCS School Readiness Assessment (required)Journeys Emerging Literacy SurveySCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Week 2Reading SelectionsNursery RhymesJack and JillOne, Two, Three, Four, FivePease Porridge HotColorsTo Market, To MarketTeacher selected read aloudsReading Foundational SkillsRF.K.1b-Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.RF.K.1d-Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.RF.K.2a-Recognize and produce rhyming words.RF.K.2b-Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words.Demonstrates an emerging understanding that spoken words can be written with letters in a certain way. Identifies all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.Demonstrates the ability to hear and say rhyming words.Demonstrates the ability to take words apart and blend them together in many different ways.Sample Objectives (I can):Name letters.Say words that rhyme.Hold a book correctly.Print Concepts, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, FluencyRhyming Words – Teacher’s Edition pp. WTK 4, 8Blend Syllables – Teacher’s Edition pp. WTK 6, 10, 11Letter names: Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, EeModel FluencyEcho ReadingPerformance Assessments Journeys Emerging Literacy SurveyJourneys Reader’s Notebook, Week 1SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Reading Literature and Informational TextRL.K. 4-Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text. RL.K. 5-Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems). Provides a statement or other expression that shows understanding of unknown words in a literary text.Asks questions about unknown words in a literary text. ?Demonstrates the ability to recognize common types of texts.Sample Objectives (I can):Ask questions about words I do not understand.Tell the difference between a poem and story.Use pictures to help me understand a story.Performance Assessments Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Week 1 Journeys Grab-and-Go Assessments, Week 1SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Writing/ResearchW.K.1-Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is…).States an opinion or preference about a topic or book using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing. Includes the topic or name of the book they are writing about when stating an opinion or preference.Sample Objectives (I can):Say the name of the book I am giving an opinion about.Draw my favorite part of a story.Routine WritingJournal writingShared writingWriting TasksPractice writing first name.Draw their favorite part of a story read aloud.Speaking and ListeningSL.K.1a-Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).SL.K.3-Ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify something not understood.SL.K.4-Describe familiar people, places, things, and events/provide details with prompting and support.SL.K.6-Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Demonstrates the ability to participate in a collaborative conversation with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts. Demonstrates the ability to follow rules for discussions.?Demonstrates the ability to continue conversation through multiple exchanges. Demonstrates the ability to ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. Demonstrates the ability to describe familiar people, places, things, and events.Demonstrates the ability to provide additional detail with prompting and support.Demonstrates ability to speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Sample Objectives (I can):Follow rules for discussion. Describe people.Answer questions from my teacher and classmates.Performance Assessments Journeys Emerging Literacy SurveyJourneys Grab-and-Go, Week 1 Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Week 1SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment Book Ongoing Class RoutinesContinuation of classroom rules and proceduresExpectations for classroom activities such as Morning Meeting/Carpet TimeGroup behaviors, classroom routines and procedures, collaborative conversationsLanguageLK.1a-Print many upper- and lowercase letters.LK.5a-Sort common objects into categories to gain a sense of concepts the categories represent. Demonstrates knowledge of upper and lower case letters when writing.Demonstrates the ability to write upper and lower case letters correctly. Shows understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings by sorting common objects into categories (e.g. shapes, foods, people) thereby showing a sense of the concepts the categories represent.Sample Objectives (I can):Write my first name.Print upper and lowercase letters (A, B, C, D, E).Use new words in daily conversations. VocabularyEnvironmental PrintLesson VocabularyRhyme, school, principal, cafeteria, sortLanguage ArtsParticipate in shared writing activities Write upper- and lower-case lettersPerformance Assessments Journeys Emerging Literacy SurveyJourneys Grab-and-Go, Week 1 Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Week 1SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-createdWeek 3Reading SelectionsNursery Rhymes:I Went UpstairsQuack, Quack, QuackMix a PancakeSing a Song of SixpenceLittle Arabella StillerTeacher selected read aloudsReading Foundational SkillsRF.K.1b-Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by specific sequences of letters.RF.K.1d-Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.RF.K.2a-Recognize and produce rhyming words.RF.K.2b-Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words.Demonstrates an emerging understanding that spoken words can be written with letters in a certain way. Identifies all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.Demonstrates the ability to identify rhyming words.Demonstrates the ability to say words that rhyme.Demonstrates the ability to rhyme words. Demonstrates the ability to take words apart and blend them together in many different ways.Sample Objectives (I can):Identify letters.Say words that rhyme.Recognize words that are said can be written.Print Concepts, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, FluencyRhyming Words – Teacher’s Edition pp. WTK 14, 18Blend and Segment Syllables – Teacher’s Edition pp. WTK 16, 20, 22Letter names: Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, JjModel FluencyEcho ReadingPerformance Assessments Journeys Emerging Literacy SurveyJourneys Grab-and-Go, Week 2 Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Week 2SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-createdReading Literature and Informational TextRL.K.4-Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.RL.K.5-Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems). Provides a statement or other expression that shows understanding of unknown words in a literary text.Asks questions about unknown words in a literary text. Answers questions about unknown words in a text. ?Demonstrates the ability to recognize common types of texts.Sample Objectives (I can):Participate in discussions about stories.Tell the difference between a poem and story.Use pictures to help me understand a story.Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go Assessments, Week 2Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Week 2 SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created WIDA Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.Model Performance Indicator for RL.K.4: Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.ReadingLevel 1: EnteringAsk and answer questions about the meaning of content-based words and/or answer questions about high-frequency, unknown words in a leveled text using single words and short phrases. Level 2: EmergingAsk and answer questions about the meaning of content-based words and/or answer questions about key words in a leveled text using pictures, phrases and short sentences.Level 3: DevelopingAsk and answer questions about the meaning of key words in a leveled text using simple, related sentences. Level 4: ExpandingAsk and answer questions about the meaning of key, unknown words in a grade-level text using expanded and some complex sentences.Level 5: BridgingAsk and answer questions about the meaning of unknown words in a grade-level text using multiple, complex sentences. For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see:North Carolina Livebinder Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAsWriting/ResearchW.K.1-Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose opinion pieces in which they tell a reader the topic or the name of the book they are writing about and state an opinion or preference about the topic or book (e.g., My favorite book is…).States an opinion or preference about a topic or book using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing.Includes the topic or name of the book they are writing about when stating an opinion or preference.Sample Objectives (I can):Draw my favorite part of a story.State my favorite part of a story.Routine WritingJournal writingShared writingWriting TasksDraw, dictate or write to state an opinion about a book or nursery rhyme.Practice writing first name.Speaking and ListeningSL.K.1a-Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).SL.K.3-Ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify something not understood.SL.K.4-Describe familiar people, places, things, and events/provide detail.SL.K.6-Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Demonstrates the ability to participate in a collaborative conversation with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts. Demonstrates the ability to follow rules for discussions.?Demonstrates the ability to ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify something that is not understood. Demonstrates the ability to describe familiar people, places, things, and events.Demonstrates the ability to provide additional detail with prompting and support.Demonstrates ability to speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Sample Objectives (I can):Follow class rules.Speak clearly.Answer questions from my teacher and classmates. Participate in group discussions. Performance Assessments Journeys Emerging Literacy SurveyJourneys Grab-and-Go, Week 2 Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Week 2SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookOngoing Class RoutinesContinuation of classroom rules and proceduresExpectations for classroom activities such as Morning Meeting/Carpet TimeGroup behaviors, classroom routines and procedures, collaborative conversationsLanguageLK.1a-Print many upper- and lowercase letters. Demonstrates knowledge of upper and lower case letters when writing.Demonstrates the ability to write upper and lower case letters correctly. Sample Objectives (I can):I can write upper and lower case letters (G, H, I, J).Print my first name.Use new words in conversations. VocabularyEnvironmental PrintLesson VocabularyRhyme, school, principal, cafeteria, library, support class, computerLanguage ArtsWrite upper- and lower-case lettersPerformance Assessments Journeys Emerging Literacy SurveyJourneys Grab-and-Go, Week 2 Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Week 2SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-createdWeeks 4-5-Lesson 1 *See TWAG in AppendixReading SelectionsBig Book: What Makes a Family?Read Aloud: Dear JunoEssential Question: What makes a family special? Reading Foundational SkillsRF.K.1a-Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.RF.K.1d-Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet. RF.K.2a-Recognize and produce rhyming words. RF.K.2d-Isolate and pronounce sounds in three-phoneme words. RF.K.3c-Read common high-frequency words by sight. Demonstrates the ability to track words left to right in a book. Demonstrates the ability to follow words from top to bottom in a book.Identifies all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.Demonstrates the ability to identify rhyming words.Demonstrates the ability to say words that rhyme.Demonstrates the ability to rhyme words. Demonstrates the ability to isolate and pronounce sounds. Demonstrates the ability to recognize and read high frequency words.Sample Objectives (I can):Recognize the word “I.”I can tell what sounds are the same.Point to words in print, tracking left to right. Print Concepts, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, FluencyRead and write letters Kk. Ll, Mm, Nn. OoRhyming WordsHigh Frequency Words: IDecodable ReadersSee What We Can DoWe Can Make It Performance Assessments Journeys Progress MonitoringJourneys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Literacy Station Activities (introduce)Phonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word study station (choose one only): Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 1, alphabet manipulatives, letter matching, match pictures that rhyme, additional optional activities: Literature and Informational TextRI.K.2-With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.RI.K.3-With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.RI.K.4-With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text. RI.K.7- With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear. RI.K.5-Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.RI.K.6-Name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.Related Social Studies StandardK.1 Describe familiar people, places, things and events, with clarifying detail about a student’s home, school, and community.Provides a statement of the main topic of a text. Provides a retelling of key details in a text. Provides a description of the connection between two individuals in a text. Provides a description of the connections between two events in a text. Provides a description of the connections between two ideas or pieces of information in a text. Provides a description of the relationship between the illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g. what person, place, thing, or idea from the text is depicted in an illustration). Provides an identification of the front cover of a book. Provides an identification of the back cover of a book.Provides an identification of the title page of a book. Provides an identification of the author of a text and what the author’s role is in presenting the ideas or information in that text. Provides an identification of the illustrator and what the illustrator’s role is in that text. Sample Objectives (I can):Retell details of a text.Answer questions about key details.Tell what the pictures in a book are about.Identify parts of a book.Name the author and illustrator.Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Text Dependent QuestionsWho are some people that are included in a family? (key details)Are all families the same size? Why or why not? (general understanding)How do the pictures show us what families do together? (author’s craft)What does the word memories mean? (vocabulary)How do we know that families are special? Share things the author tells us from the story. (opinions)*See TWAGWriting/ResearchW.K.2- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the rms or explains using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing, names what they are writing about, and supplies some information about the topic.Demonstrates the ability to tell/explain what they know or understand about a topic, with prompting and support.Sample Objectives (I can): I can create a drawing and write/dictate to explain what it is about.Routine WritingTeacher’s Edition pp. T29, T45, T57, T67, T73Daily/ Weekly WritingDraw, dictate, and labelShared Writing ActivitiesWriting Tasks*See TWAGSpeaking and ListeningSL.K.1a-Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).SL.K.1b-Contiune a conversation through multiple exchanges.SL.K.2-Confirm understanding of a text read aloud, information presented orally, or through other media by asking/answering questions and requesting clarification.SL.K.5-Add drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail. SL.K.6.-Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Demonstrates the ability to participate in a collaborative conversation with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts. Demonstrates the ability to follow rules for discussions.?Demonstrates the ability to continue conversation through multiple exchanges. Demonstrates the ability to confirm understanding of a text read aloud by answering and asking questions about key details.Demonstrates the ability to confirm understanding of information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details. Demonstrates the ability to request clarification if something is not understood. Provides drawings or other visual displays to descriptions to provide additional detail.Demonstrates ability to speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Sample Objectives (I can):Answer questions about key details in a text.Participate in class discussions.Speak clearly and understandably.Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created RoutinesOpening RoutinesTeacher’s Edition pp. T12-13, T30-31, T46-47, T58-59, T68-69Dig Deeper: T52-53Ongoing Class RoutinesContinuation of classroom rules and proceduresExpectations for classroom activities such as Morning Meeting/Carpet TimeGroup behaviors, classroom routines and procedures, collaborative conversationsLanguageL.K.1a-Print many upper- and lowercase lettersL.K.1b-Use frequently occurring nouns and verbsL.K.2a-Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I.L.K.4-Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content. L.K.5a-Sort common objects into categories to gain a sense of concepts the categories represent. L.K.5c-Identify real-life connections between words and their use. Demonstrates knowledge for the ability to print upper and lower case letters when writing.Demonstrates the ability to write upper and lower case letters correctly. Demonstrates command of the conventions of grammar through the frequent use of nouns and verbs.Capitalizes the first word of a sentence.Capitalizes the word “I.”Clarifies the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words.Shows understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings by sorting common objects into categories (e.g. shapes, foods) thereby showing a sense of the concepts the categories represent.Shows understandings of word relationships by identifying the real-life connections between words and their use. Sample Objectives (I can):Print letters (K, L, M, N, O).Recognize nouns for people.Use a capital “I” when I write about myself.Use new words I have learned from conversations and being read to.VocabularyDaily Vocabulary BoostClassify/Categorize: Family WordsNouns for People *See TWAGLesson Vocabulary Week 4: celebrate, family, memories, specialWeek 5: wondered, stamp, envelope, letter, photographAcademic Vocabularyrhyme, noun, author, illustrator, include ArtsGrammar FocusNouns for People Ongoing Grammar FocusParticipate in shared writing and group editing activities Recognize capital letters Name all upper- and lower-case lettersPrint upper and lower-case letters Performance AssessmentsJourneys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 1SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Week 6-Lesson 2Reading Selections Big Book: How Do Dinosaurs Go to School? Read Aloud: Friends at SchoolEssential Question: Why is it important to follow rules at school?Reading Foundational SkillsRF.K.1a-Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.RF.K.1d-Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.RF.K.2d-Isolate and pronounce sounds in three-phoneme words.RF.K.3c-Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., I, like). Demonstrates the ability to track words left to right in a book. Identifies all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.Demonstrates the ability to identify beginning sounds.Demonstrates the ability to recognize and read high frequency words.Sample Objectives (I can):Recognize high frequency words, I and the.Identify letters.Listen to fluent reading.Print Concepts, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, FluencyRead and write letters Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, TtBeginning SoundsPause for PunctuationHigh Frequency Words: I, likeDecodable ReadersWe Go To SchoolI LikeOngoing Class RoutinesFocus on accuracy and purposeEcho reading, choral reading, independent oral readingPractice reading “like talking” (e.g., smooth, expressive)Performance Assessments Journeys Progress MonitoringJourneys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 2SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Literacy Station ActivitiesPhonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 2, alphabet manipulatives, letter matching, match pictures with the same beginning sound, additional optional activities: Literature and Informational TextRL.K.2- With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.RL.K.3-With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.RL.K. 6-With prompting and support, name the author and illustrator and define the role of each.RI.K.5-Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.RI.K.6-Name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text. Related Social Studies StandardK.15 Give examples that show the meaning of the following concepts: authority, fairness, justice, responsibility, and rules.Provides a retelling of a familiar story, including key details.Provides an identification of characters in a story.Provides an identification of setting(s) in a story. ?Provides an identification of major events in a story. ?Provides an identification of the author of a story and what the author’s role is in telling the story. Provides an identification of the illustrator of a story and what the illustrator’s role is in telling the story. ?Provides an identification of the front cover of a book.Provides an identification of the back cover of a book.Provides an identification of the title page of a book.Provides an identification of the author of a text and what the author’s role is in presenting the ideas or information in that text. Provides an identification of the illustrator of a text and the illustrator’s role in that text.Sample Objectives (I can):Tell what an author does.Identify book parts.Understand that characters can be animals or people. Retell what the characters did in a story.Performance Assessments Journeys Progress MonitoringJourneys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 2Teacher-created Text Dependent QuestionsWhat are some ways that the children were showing that they can be friends at school? (key details)What are some of the activities children can do at school? (key details)What does “playing store” mean? (vocabulary)What does it mean to “break a rule?” (vocabulary)Why is it important to follow rules at school? Use reasons from the story? (opinions)WIDA Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.Model Performance Indicator for RLK.3: With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.ReadingLevel 1: EnteringIdentify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using single words, simple phrases. Level 2: EmergingIdentify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using simple phrases and simple sentences with general vocabulary related to the story. Level 3: DevelopingIdentify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using simple sentences with general and some specific vocabulary related to the story. Level 4: ExpandingIdentify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using detailed sentence of varied lengths with specific and some technical vocabulary related to the story.Level 5: BridgingIdentify and describe the main characters and setting of a story using complete, detailed sentences of varied lengths and types, using specialized vocabulary related to the story. For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see:North Carolina Livebinder Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAsWriting/ResearchW.K.2-Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the rms or explains using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing, names what they are writing about, and supplies some information about the topic.Demonstrates the ability to tell/explain what they know or understand about a topic, with prompting and support.Sample Objectives (I can):I can create a drawing and explain what it is about.Routine WritingTeacher’s Edition pp. T123, T139, T151, T161, T167Daily/ Weekly writingDraw, dictate and label Daily JournalShared Writing ActivitiesWriting TasksAfter reading the text, “How Do Dinosaurs go to School?” the students will create a class set of rules to follow at school. Students will write/dictate and illustrate one of the rules the class created, and tell how they will or what they can do to follow it. Speaking and ListeningSL.K.1a-Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).SL.K.1b-Contiune a conversation through multiple exchanges. SL.K. 2-Confirm understanding of a text read aloud, information presented orally, or through other media by asking/answering questions and requesting clarification.SL.K.4-Describe familiar people, places, things, and events/provide detail. Demonstrates the ability to participate in a collaborative conversation with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts. Demonstrates the ability to follow rules for discussions.?Demonstrates the ability to continue conversation through multiple exchanges. Demonstrates the ability to confirm understanding of a text read aloud by answering and asking questions about key details.Demonstrates the ability to confirm understanding of information presented orally or through other media by asking and answering questions about key details. Demonstrates the ability to request clarification if something is not understood.Demonstrates the ability to describe familiar people, places, things, and events. Demonstrates the ability to provide additional detail with prompting and support. Sample Objectives (I can):Describe familiar things.Follow classroom rules and procedures.Ask and answer questions from my teacher and classmates. Participate in conversations about texts.Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created RoutinesOpening RoutinesTeacher’s Edition pp. T106-107, T124-125, 140-141, T152-153, T162-163Dig Deeper: T146-147Ongoing Class RoutinesContinuation of classroom rules and procedures, including procedures for literacy stationsExpectations for Responsive Classroom activities such as Morning MeetingGroup behaviors, classroom routines and procedures, collaborative conversationsLanguageL.K.1b-Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs.L.K.1f -Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.L.K.5b- Demonstrate understanding of verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites.L.K.5c-Identify real-life connections between words and their use. Demonstrates command of the conventions of grammar through the frequent use of nouns and verbs.With guidance and support, link two or more words together in communication.Shows understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings by demonstrating understanding of frequently occurring verbs and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms). ?Shows understandings of word relationships by identifying the real-life connections between words and their use. ?Sample Objectives (I can):Produce a complete sentence.Correctly use a noun.Recognize opposites.Print my first name.Print letters (P, Q, R, S, T).VocabularyDaily Vocabulary BoostAntonymsLesson Vocabulary rules, bullying, tidies, fidget, interruptAcademic Vocabularyantonym, character, infer, predict, opposites ArtsGrammar FocusNouns for Animals and Things Ongoing Grammar FocusParticipate in shared writing and group editing activities Recognize capital letters Name all upper- and lower-case letters Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 2SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Week 7-Lesson 3Reading Selection(s)Big Book: Please Puppy PleaseRead Aloud: I Have a Pet!Essential Question: What are ways that people need to care of their pets? Reading Foundational Skills RF.K.1c-Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. RF.K.1d-Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet. RF.K.2d-Isolate and pronounce sounds in three-phoneme words.RF.K.3c-Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., I, like, the). Shows an understanding that words are separated by spaces.Identifies all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.Demonstrates the ability to identify beginning sounds.Demonstrates the ability to recognize and read high frequency words.Sample Objectives (I can):Identify a space between words.Recognize high frequency words: I, like, the. Identify beginning sounds in words.Point to individual words in print.Listen to fluent reading.Print Concepts, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, FluencyRead and write letters Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, ZzBeginning SoundsWords in Oral SentencesPause for PunctuationReading RateHigh Frequency Words: I, like, theDecodable ReadersBaby Bear’s FamilyThe PartyOngoing Class Routines Focus on accuracy and purposeEcho reading, choral reading, independent oral readingPractice reading “like talking” (e.g., smooth, expressive)Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 3SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-createdLiteracy Station ActivitiesPhonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 3, alphabet manipulatives, letter matching, match pictures with the same beginning sound, additional optional activities: Literature and Informational TextRL.K.2-With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.RL.K.3-With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story. Provides a retelling of a familiar story, including key details Provides an identification of characters in a story. ?Provides an identification of setting(s) in a story.Provides an identification of major events in a story. ?Sample Objectives (I can):Retell a story.Ask and answer questions about key details. Identify characters.Identify events. Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 3Teacher-created Text Dependent QuestionsWhat is a pet? (general understanding)What is a pet show? (general understanding)What does the word “fetch” mean? (vocabulary)What does the word “burrow” mean? (vocabulary)Why is the man holding a clipboard in I Have a Pet? (opinions)In Please Puppy Please, why do you think the children always want the puppy to be theirs? Use the story to support your answer. (inference)Literacy Station (introduce)Comprehension station: Journeys flip chart, Lesson 3, listening station/audio book, illustrate a detail from the story, additional optional activities: Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.Model Performance Indicator for RLK.2: With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details.ReadingLevel 1: EnteringRetell story using single words, simple phrases and/or acting out the parts of the story. Level 2: EmergingRetell story using simple phrases and simple sentences with general vocabulary related to the story.Level 3: Developing Retell story using general and some specific vocabulary related to the story. Oral or written language with some phonological, syntactical or semantic errors is expected. Level 4: ExpandingRetell the story in sequence using detailed sentences with specific and some technical language related to the story. Use sentences of varying lengths. Level 5: BridgingRetell the story in sequence using complex detailed sentences. Make connections and use specialized language related to the story. Use a variety of sentence lengths and types. For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see:North Carolina Livebinder Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAsWriting/ResearchW.K.2-Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the rms or explains using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing, names what they are writing about, and supplies some information about the topic.Demonstrates the ability to tell/explain what they know or understand about a topic, with prompting and support.Sample Objectives (I can):Create a drawing and explain what it is about.Routine WritingTeacher’s Edition pp. T217, T233, T245, T255, T261Daily/ Weekly writingDraw, dictate and label Daily JournalShared Writing ActivitiesWriting TasksIllustrate and write about a pet from the story you would like to have. Use details from the story to explain your choice.Speaking and ListeningSL.K.1b-Contiune a conversation through multiple exchanges. SL.K.4-Describe familiar people, places, things, and events/provide detail. Demonstrates the ability to continue conversation through multiple exchanges. Demonstrates the ability to describe familiar people, places, things, and events. ?Demonstrates the ability to provide additional details with prompting and support. Sample Objectives (I can):Engage in conversations with my classmates.Follow rules and procedures.Add details to a conversation with prompting and support.Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-createdRoutinesOpening RoutinesTeacher’s Edition pp. T200-201, T218-219, T234-235, T246-247, T256-257Dig Deeper: T240-241Ongoing Class RoutinesContinuation of classroom rules and procedures, including procedures for literacy stationsExpectations for Responsive Classroom activities such as Morning MeetingGroup behaviors, classroom routines and procedures, collaborative conversationsLanguageL.K.1b-Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs.L.K.5d-Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs describing the same general action by acting out the meanings.Demonstrates command of the conventions of grammar through the frequent use of nouns and verbs.Shows understandings of word relationships and nuances in word meanings by acting out the meanings of verbs describing the same general action (e.g. walk, march, strut, prance), thereby showing the ability to distinguish shades of meaning. Sample Objectives (I can):Identify nouns as animals and things. Act out meanings of words.Print letters (U, V, W, X, Y, Z).Print first name.Vocabulary Daily Vocabulary Boost SynonymsLesson Vocabulary busy, job, fetch, inside, outsideAcademic Vocabularysynonym, infer, predict, pet ArtsGrammar FocusNouns for Animals and Things Ongoing Grammar FocusParticipate in shared writing and group editing activities Recognize capital letters Name all upper- and lower-case letters Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 3SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-createdWeek 8-Lesson 4Reading Selection(s)Big Book: Everybody WorksRead Aloud: Pizza at Sally’sEssential Question: Why is it important for a community to have many different kinds of jobs?Reading Foundational SkillsRF.K.1c-Understand that words are separated by spaces in print. RF.K.1d-Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet. RF.K.2d-Isolate and pronounce sounds in three-phoneme words.RF.K.3a-Demonstrate knowledge of letter-sound correspondences by producing the most frequent sound of each consonant. RF.K.3c-Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., I, like, the, and). Shows an understanding that words are separated by spaces.Identifies all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.Demonstrates the ability to identify beginning sounds. Identifies letter sounds.Demonstrates the ability to know and apply phonics and word analysis skills when producing words.Demonstrates the ability to recognize and read high frequency words.Sample Objectives (I can):I can name letter sounds.I can identify beginning sounds /m/.Point to words in sentences.I can recognize high frequency words. Listen to fluent reading.Print Concepts, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, FluencyRead and write letter/sound Mm, /m/Beginning soundsWords in oral sentencesPause for punctuationHigh Frequency Words: I, like, the, andDecodable ReadersMmI Like MmOngoing Class RoutinesFocus on accuracy and purposeEcho reading, choral reading, independent oral readingPractice reading “like talking” (e.g., smooth, expressive)Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 4SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-createdLiteracy Station ActivitiesPhonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 4, alphabet manipulatives, letter matching, match pictures with the same beginning sound /Mm/, additional optional activities: Literature and Informational Text RL.K.5-Recognize common types of texts (e.g., storybooks, poems). RL.K.6-Name the author and illustrator and define the role of each.RI.K.6-Name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in presenting the ideas or information in a text.RI.K.7-With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear.Related Social Studies StandardK.20 Identify roles of authority figures at home, at school, and in government to include parents, school principal, volunteers, police officers, fire and rescue workers, mayor, governor, and president.Demonstrates the ability to recognize common types of texts Provides an identification of the author of a story and what the author’s role is in telling the story. Provides an identification of the illustrator of a story and what the illustrator’s role is in telling the story. Provides an identification of the author of a text and what the author’s role is in presenting the ideas or information in that text.Provides an identification of the illustrator of a text and what the illustrator’s role is in that text. Provides a description of the relationship between the illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g. what person, place, thing, or idea from the text is depicted in an illustration).Sample Objectives (I can):Tell what an illustrator does in a text.Tell what an author does.Describe what an illustration is depicting in a text with prompting and support.Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 4Teacher-createdText Dependent QuestionsWhat are some of the ways that people work? (key details)What are some of the tools Sally uses? (key details)What does creating mean on p. 9? (vocabulary)Where is Sally? How do you know? Use clues from the text to support your answer. (opinions)Describe a job you would like to have as an adult, and explain why, using the text to support your answer. (opinions)Literacy Station ActivitiesComprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 4, listening station/audio book, choose an illustration from the text and write about it, additional optional activities: Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.Model Performance Indicator for RI.K.7: With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g., what person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts).ReadingLevel 1: EnteringDescribe connections between the illustration and text in using single words.Level 2: EmergingDescribe connections between the illustration and text using a phrase and/or short sentences that represent ideas using formulaic sentence patterns and general, content-based vocabularyLevel 3: Developing Describe connections between the illustration and text using simple sentences.Level 4: ExpandingDescribe connections between the illustration and text using expanded and some complex sentences.Level 5: BridgingDescribe connections between the illustration and text using multiple, complex sentences.For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see:North Carolina Livebinder Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAsWriting/ResearchW.K.2- Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.W.K.8-With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a rms or explains using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing, names what they are writing about, and supplies some information about the topic. Demonstrates the ability to tell/explain what they know or understand about a topic, with prompting and support.Recalls information from experiences to answer questions using a combination of drawing, dictation, and/or writing. Gathers information from provided sources to answer a question in a product that includes drawing, dictation, and/or writing.Sample Objectives (I can):Draw/dictate/write about a topic from a text.Collaborate with others during shared writing activities.Routine WritingTeacher Edition pp. T311, T327, T339, T349, T355Daily/ Weekly writingDraw and label Daily JournalShared Writing ActivitiesWriting TasksUsing the pictures and the text, draw or write about three jobs from the story and why they are important in a community?Speaking and ListeningSL.K.1a-Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion).SL.K.6-Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Demonstrates the ability to participate in a collaborative conversation with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts. Demonstrates the ability to follow rules for discussions. Demonstrates ability to speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. Sample Objectives (I can):I can speak clearly in conversations. Follow classroom rules for conversation and discussion.Participate in conversations about a specific topic.Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4 SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created RoutinesOpening Routines Teacher’s Edition pp. T294-295, T312-313, T328-329, T340-341, 350-351Dig Deeper: T334-335Ongoing Class RoutinesContinuation of classroom rules and proceduresExpectations for Responsive Classroom activities such as Morning Meeting Group behaviors, classroom routines and procedures, collaborative conversationsLanguageL.K.1a-Print many upper- and lowercase letters.L.K.1b-Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs. L.K.1f-Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.L.K.4b-Use frequently occurring inflections and affixes as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.Demonstrates knowledge of upper and lower case letters when writing.Demonstrates the ability to write upper and lower case letters correctly. Demonstrates command of the conventions of grammar through the frequent use of nouns and verbs.Link two or more words together in communication.Demonstrates the ability to determine the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes as clues to the meaning of those words. Sample Objectives (I can):I can figure out the meaning of a word that ends with -ed or -ing.Use verbs in the present tense.Print first name. Print upper and lower-case letters. VocabularyDaily Vocabulary BoostWords for JobsWords with –ed and -ingLesson Vocabulary job, crew, vet, hobby, protectingAcademic Vocabularywork, create, care, describe, pound ArtsGrammar FocusAction Verbs in the Present Narrative Writing Ongoing Grammar FocusParticipate in shared writing and group editing activities Recognize capital letters Label my drawings using inventive spellingRecognize punctuation marks Name all upper- and lower-case letters Begin to use invented spelling when writingPerformance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 4SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Week 9-Lesson 5Reading SelectionsBig Book: The Handiest Things in the WorldRead Aloud: The Little Red HenEssential Question: How do people use tools to accomplish a task?Reading Foundational SkillsRF.K.1d-Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet. RF.K.2d-Isolate and pronounce sounds in three-phoneme words. RF.K.3a-Demonstrate knowledge of letter-sound correspondences by producing the most frequent sound of each constant. RF.K.3c-Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., I, like, the, and,). Identifies all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.Demonstrates the ability to identify beginning sounds.Identifies letter sounds.Demonstrates the ability to know and apply phonics and word analysis skills when producing words.Demonstrates the ability to recognize and read high frequency words.Sample Objectives (I can):Identify letters.Identify beginning sounds /s/.Recognize spaces between words.Recognize high frequency words.Listen to fluent reading. Print Concepts, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, FluencyRead and write letter/sound Ss, /s/Beginning soundsWords in oral sentencesPause for punctuationHigh Frequency Words: I, like, the, andDecodable ReadersSsI Like SsOngoing Class RoutinesFocus on accuracy and purposeEcho reading, choral reading, independent oral readingPractice reading “like talking” (e.g., smooth, expressive)Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 5SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created Literacy Station ActivitiesPhonemic Awareness/Phonics/Word study station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 5, alphabet manipulatives, letter matching, match pictures with the same beginning sound /Ss/, additional optional activities: Literature and Informational TextRL.K.4-Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.RL.K. 9-With prompting and support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories. R.L.K.7-With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the text in which they appear.Asks questions about unknown words in a literary text. Answers questions about unknown words in a text.Provides a comparison and contrast of the adventures and experiences of characters in familiar stories. Provides a description of the relationship between the illustrations and the text in which they appear (e.g. what person, place, thing, or idea from the text is depicted in an illustration).Sample Objectives (I can):Ask questions about words I do not know in a pare and contrast characters and their actions.Describe how pictures help me understand what the story is saying. Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 5Teacher-createdText Dependent QuestionsHow can hands be used as tools? (general understanding)What does the word “enormously” mean on p. 23? (vocabulary)Look at the pictures on p. 8. How can you tell that the hen is working hard? (author’s purpose)Why do you think the animals do not want to help the hen? Use the pictures from the story as clues to support your answer. (opinions) In The Little Red Hen, the author says “working together makes working fun.” What does she mean by that statement? (inference)Literacy Station ActivitiesComprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 5, listening station/audio book, retelling cards, illustrate a story using details, additional optional activities: a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.W.K.8-With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.Narrates a single event using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing. Narrates several loosely linked events using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing. Tells about events in the order in which they occurred when narrating a single event or several loosely linked events, using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing. Provides a reaction to what happened during the event(s) when narrating a single event or several loosely linked events, using a combination of drawing, dictating, and/or writing. Recalls information from experiences to answer questions using a combination of drawing, dictation, and/or writing. Gathers information from provided sources to answer a question in a product that includes drawing, dictation, and/or writing. Sample Objectives (I can):Write about an event by drawing/dictating/writing. Gather information from books, pictures and objects.Collaborate with others during shared writing activities. Routine Writing Teacher Edition pp. T405, T423, T435, T445, T451Daily/ Weekly writingLetter formation Draw and label Daily JournalShared Writing ActivitiesWriting TasksDraw and write about a tool you could use to complete a task from The Handiest Things in the World. Speaking and ListeningSL.K.3-Ask and answer questions to seek help, get information, or clarify something not understood. Demonstrates the ability to ask and answer questions to seek help or get information. Demonstrates the ability to ask or answer questions to clarify something that is not understood.Sample Objectives (I can):Ask questions to get help about something I do not understand. Speak clearly and understandably. Performance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created RoutinesOpening RoutinesTeacher’s Edition pp. T388-389, T406-407, T424-425, T436-437, T446-447Ongoing Class RoutinesContinuation of classroom rules and proceduresExpectations for Responsive Classroom activities such as Morning MeetingGroup behaviors, classroom routines and procedures, collaborative conversationsLanguageL.K.1b-Use frequently occurring nouns and verbs.L.K.1d-Understand and use question words.L.K.2a-Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I.L.K.2b-Recognize and name end punctuation.L.K.5d-Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs by acting out the meanings.Demonstrates command of the conventions of grammar through the frequent use of nouns and verbs.Identifies answers to simple questions (e.g., who, what) from an array of choices. Understands how to capitalize the first word of a sentence.Capitalizes the word “I.”Demonstrates an understanding of punctuation when writing.Shows understandings of word relationships and nuances in word meanings by acting out the meanings of verbs describing the same general action (e.g. walk, march, strut, prance), thereby showing the ability to distinguish shades of meaning. Sample Objectives (I can):Explain why the pronoun “I” is capitalized. Answer questions that begin with who, what, why.Use verbs in the present tense.Recognize verbs that have similar meanings.Print first name.Understand ending punctuation (. and ?) for sentences.Vocabulary Daily Vocabulary Boost SynonymsLesson Vocabulary appears, future, handy, busy, containerAcademic Vocabulary Details, synonyms, tools, cause, effect, action Station Activities (introduce)Vocabulary Station: illustrate/label a tool, match words/illustrate, illustrate nouns, act out tool usage with a partner.Language ArtsGrammar FocusAction Verbs in the Present TenseNarrative Writing Ongoing Grammar FocusParticipate in shared writing and group editing activities Recognize capital letters Label my drawings using inventive spellingRecognize punctuation marks Name all upper- and lower-case letters Begin to use invented spelling when writingPerformance Assessments Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 5SCS Kindergarten Report Card Assessment BookTeacher-created APPENDIX – TWO WEEK AT A GLANCE OUTLINESWeeks 4-5: What Makes a Family (Unit 1, Lesson 1)Week 4Essential Question: What makes a family special?Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Read AloudText based comprehensionText based discussionMain SelectionText based comprehensionText based discussion(Whole and Small Group)Big Book: What Makes a Family?Respond to text questions orally from ‘Think Through the Text’ section questions 3, 8, and 9‘Oral Retelling Cards’ Building KnowledgeRead AloudLeveled readersPaired Text (Read Together)Supplemental Materials(Whole and Small Group)VocabularyDrawn from the textscelebrate, family, memories, include, specialFoundational SkillsPhonemic Awareness Concepts of PrintFluencyWord Work (Phonics and high frequency words)Decoding/EncodingFollow the daily Phonics and Fluency sequence of activitiesWeek 4 ContinuedEssential Question: What makes a family special?Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Language/ SyntaxSpelling and GrammarFollow the daily Grammar sequence of activitiesWritingResponse to textCulminating task Aligned with the EQ and topic The Readers’ Notebook (independent reading and written response to text)Choose one of the following based on the type of writing to be highlighted:Using the pictures and the text, describe what makes a family.a. Chose one family from the text. Explain what makes that family special by using the pictures and evidence in the text.b. (Optional) Think about your family. What makes your family special?StandardsReading: Informational TextRI.K.1 RI.K.2, RI.K.3, RI.K.7, RI.K.5, RI.K.6, RI.K.10LanguageL.K.1a, L.K.2aReading: Foundational SkillsRF.K.1bWeek 5Essential Question: What makes a family special?Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Read AloudText based comprehensionText based discussionRead Aloud Project – Dear Juno HYPERLINK "" Main SelectionText based comprehensionText based discussionBuilding KnowledgeRead AloudLeveled readersPaired Text (Read Together)Supplemental Materials(Whole/Small Group, Independent work)All students experience all texts and resources regardless of levelFrom the Leveled Readers:Visiting Grandma and GrandpaMy Family PicturesWhen I Was LittleFrom the Vocabulary Readers:Sisters and Brothers Other Resources:“Caden’s Day” - reading passage, vocabulary and comprehension questions - “Kindergarten Read Aloud - What Makes a Family?” – video “Sesame Street – Family Song” – video from the textsVocabulary from Read Aloud Project lesson:wondered, stamp, envelope, letter, photographWeek 5 ContinuedEssential Question: What makes a family special?Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Foundational SkillsPhonemic Awareness Concepts of PrintFluencyWord Work (Phonics and high frequency words)Decoding/EncodingFollow the daily Phonics and Fluency sequence of activitiesLanguage/ SyntaxSpelling and GrammarFollow the daily Grammar sequence of activitiesWritingResponse to textCulminating taskAligned with the EQ and topic Culminating Task -“What makes Juno’s family special?”StandardsReading: LiteratureRL.K.1, RL.K.3, RL.K.4, RL.K.7WritingW.K.2Speaking and ListeningSL.K.1, SL.K.2, SL.K.5, SL.K.6LanguageL.K.1, L.K.4 ................

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