Pronoun Study Guide

Pronoun Study Guide

Mrs. Cantin

Lanier Middle School

Directions: Use your pronoun packets and your flip book to answer these questions. Then use this study guide to study for the pronouns test.

1. What is a pronoun? A word that replaces a noun

2. What is a personal pronoun? Refers to a specific person or thing

In the sentences below, replace the repeated noun with a personal pronoun:

3. Her name is Gina and Gina is happy. she

4. Kim, Maisie, and Katie sang a song that Kim, Maisie, and Katie really liked. they

Write 2 sentences using personal pronouns.

6. anything that has a personal pronoun in it

7. anything that has a personal pronoun in it

8. What is a possessive pronoun? Shows ownership of something

Follow the example to change the sentences below.

Example: The slimy lizard belongs to you. ( The slimy lizard is yours.

9. That instrument belongs to you. ( That instrument is yours.

10. Those books belong to them. ( Those books are theirs.

Write 2 sentences using possessive pronouns.

12. anything that has a possessive pronoun in it

13. anything that has a possessive pronoun in it

14. What is an interrogative pronoun? Asks a question

15. What are the 3 interrogative pronouns? Who, what, which

Write 2 sentences using interrogative pronouns.

16. anything using who, what, or which

17. anything using who, what, or which

18. What is a demonstrative pronoun? Points out a person, place, thing, or idea

19. What are the 4 demonstrative pronouns? This, that, these, those

Write 2 sentences using demonstrative pronouns.

20. anything using this, that, these, or those

21. anything using this, that, these, or those

22. What is a reflexive pronoun? Ends in –self or -selves

Circle the reflexive pronoun in each sentence.

23. I never pictured myself as a doctor.

24. You should be very proud of yourselves.

Write 2 sentences using reflexive pronouns.



27. What is an indefinite pronoun? doesn’t refer to a specific person, place, thing, or idea

Identify the indefinite pronoun in each sentence.

28. In this class, all the grades are high.

29. Does anybody know where my keys are?

30. What is an antecedent? The noun or pronoun a pronoun renames

31. What does it mean for the pronoun and antecedent to “agree?” they both have to be singular or plural

Identify the pronoun and its antecedent in each of the following sentences.

32. Bob opened his book to the wrong page.

33. Mary took her dogs to the vet.

34. Frank likes the story. He thinks it is funny. (There are 2 in this sentence.)


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